Research Article
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Year 2024, , 1 - 7, 01.06.2024



  • Amin, Z., Mansoor, A., Hussain, S. R., & Hashmat, F. (2016). Impact of social media of student ’ s academic performance. International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 5(4), 22–29.
  • Alam, M. S., & Aktar, H. (2021). The effect of social media on student academic performance: A case study at the Islamic University of Bangladesh. International Journal on Transformations of Media, Journalism & Mass Communication, 6(1), 26-44.
  • Alwagait, E., Shahzad, B., & Alim, S. (2015). Impact of social media usage on students’ academic performance in Saudi Arabia. Computers in Human Behavior, 51(2015), 1092-1097.
  • Azizi, S.M., Soroush, A., Khatony, A., 2019. The relationship between social networking addiction and academic performance in Iranian students of medical sciences: a cross-sectional study. BMC Psychol, 7(1), 1–8.
  • Bakeer, A. M. (2018). Effects of information and communication technology and social media in developing students’ writing skill: A case of Al-Quds Open University. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 8(5), 45-53.
  • Celestine, A. U., & Nonyelum, O. F. (2018). Impact of Social media on students ’ academic performance. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 9(3), 1454–1462.
  • Chukwu, C. L., Aroh, P. N., Ozor, T. O., Amanda, U., & Ezema, L. C. (2022). Influence of social media usage on time management of social science education students ın Nigerian Tertiary Institutions. Webology, 19(3), 1077–1095.
  • Fasae, J. K., & Adegbilero-Iwari, I. (2016). Use of social media by science students in public universities in Southwest Nigeria. The Electronic Library, 34 (2), 213 –222.
  • Gerbner., Goerge., Gross., Larry., Morgan, M., & Signorielli., Nancy. (2002). Growing up with Televison: The Cultivation Perspective. Against the Mainstream. Ed. Michael Morgan. Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., New York, 193-213.
  • Ghareb, M.I., & Sharif, H.O. (2015). Facebook effect on academic performance and social life for undergraduate students of university of human developments. International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research, 3(4), 811-820.
  • Habes, M.M., Alighizzawi, M., Khalaf, R., & Sudoum, S.A. (2018). The relationship between social media and academic performance: Facebook Perspectives. International Journal of Information, 2(1), 12-18.
  • Hanaysha, J. (2016). Testing the effects of employee engagement, work environment, and organizational learning on organizational commitment. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 229(1), 289–297.
  • Jagannathan, A., & Vezhaventhan, D. (2022). Exploring the ımpact of social media in academic performance of high-school students in India exploring the ımpact of social media ın academic performance of high- school students ın India. Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers,13(3), 33–39.
  • Kiplagat, P., & Ombiro, R. M. (2015). Social media usage and academic performance in secondary schools, Kenya. International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, 3(6), 220–225.
  • Kolhar, M., Nazir, R., Kazi, A., & Alameen, A. (2021). Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences Effect of social media use on learning, social interactions, and sleep duration among university students. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 28(4), 2216–2222.
  • Larson, A. G. (2015). Use of social media and its ımpact on academic performance of tertiary ınstitution students: a study of students of Koforidua Polytechnic , Ghana. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(6), 94–102.
  • Mangden, J. S. (2023). DigitalCommons @ University of Nebraska - Lincoln Effects of Social Media on Students’ Academic Performance in Nigerian Universities : A Case Study of University of Jos, Library Philosophy and Practice, 7651, 3-9.
  • Mansour, A. E., Almutairi, H. M. M., Alwehaibi, S., Alshowaiman, A. N. S., Alsaif, A. M., & Almutairi, E. G. A. (2020). The impact of using social media on the academic performance of Qassim University students, Unaizah, Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries, 4(1), 2085–2093.
  • Meena, A., & Vidyapeeth, J. (2020). Positive & negative effect of social media on education. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(12), 4773–4780.
  • Mehmood, S., & Taswir, T. (2013). The effects of social networking sites on the academic performance of students in college of applied sciences, Nizwa, Oman. International Journal of Arts and Commerce, 2(1), 111-125.
  • Mensah, S. O., & Nizam, I. (2016). The ımpact of social media on students’ academic performance - a case of Malaysia Tertiary Institution. International Journal of Education, Learning and Training,1(1),14-21.
  • Oberiri, D. (2016). The ınfluence of social media on academic performance of undergraduate students of Taraba State University, Jalingo, Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(19), 63–72.
  • Ochonogor, D. I., & Amah, E. (2021). Managerial resourcefulness and quality service delivery: the place of ınformation sharing in public sector organizations. Business, Management and Economics Research, 7(3),101–107.
  • Oguguo, B. C. E., Ajuonuma, J. O., Azubuike, R., Ene, C. U., Atta, F. O., & Oko, C. J. (2020). Influence of social media on students’ academic achievement. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 9(4), 1000–1009.
  • Owusu-Acheaw, M., & Larson, A. G. (2015). Use of social media and ıts ımpact on academic performance of tertiary ınstitution students: a study of students of Koforidua Polytechnic, Ghana. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(6), 94-101.
  • Raut, V., & Patil, P. (2016) Use of social media in education: positive and negative impact on the students. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(1), 281-285.
  • Rithika, M., & Selvaraj, S. (2012). Impact of social media on student's academic perfomance. International Journal of Logistics & Supply Chain Management Perspectives, 2(4), 636–640.
  • Samita, M. (2022). International journal of research publication and reviews ımpact of social media on academic achievement among secondary school students. International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, 3(8), 2226–2230.
  • Samuel, A. (2022). An Albatross on the neck: social media use and ıts effects on students’ academic performance in Ghana comparative study. International Journal of Library and Information Science Studies, 8(2), 35–52.
  • Singh, K.P., & Gill, M.S. (2015). Role and users’ approach to social networking sites (SNSs): a study of universities of North India. The Electronic Library, 33(1), 19–34.
  • Sivakumar, R. (2016). WhatsApp in education. Glokalde e-Journal of Udeewana, 2(2), 18-22.
  • Sivakumar, R. (2015). Skype in education. Journal of Educational and Psychological Research, 5(1), 5-10.
  • Stainbank, L., &Gurr, K. (2016). The use of social media platforms in a first-year accounting course: an exploratory study. Meditari Accountancy Research, 24(3), 318 – 340.
  • Tamayo, J. D., & dela Cruz, G. S. G. (2014). The Relationship of social media with the academic performance of bachelor of science in ınformation technology students of Centro Escolar University- Malolos. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 4(5), 1-10.
  • Zahid, A., Ahmad, M., Syed, R. H. & Faisal, H. (2016). Impact of social media of student’s academic performance. International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 5(4), 22-29.


Year 2024, , 1 - 7, 01.06.2024


Purpose- This study aimed to analyze the influence of social media on Tanzanian higher learning students’ performance. It specifically examined the influence of social media on students' academic performance.
Methodology- The multiple regression analysis was used to analyze data collected from the Institute of Social Work where 94 questionnaires were involved in the field.
Findings- Three hypotheses were tested and results demonstrated that the Benefit of Using Social Media and Academic Performance (BUSM) and the Effect of Using Social Media and Academic Performance (EUSM) have a positive influence on both dimensions of academic performance while Awareness of Time Wastage on Social Media (ATWSM) reviled that there is no relationship with students’ academic performance.
Conclusion- Therefore, this article concludes that despite the significant influence of social media, students should make proper use of social media to improve academic performance.


  • Amin, Z., Mansoor, A., Hussain, S. R., & Hashmat, F. (2016). Impact of social media of student ’ s academic performance. International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 5(4), 22–29.
  • Alam, M. S., & Aktar, H. (2021). The effect of social media on student academic performance: A case study at the Islamic University of Bangladesh. International Journal on Transformations of Media, Journalism & Mass Communication, 6(1), 26-44.
  • Alwagait, E., Shahzad, B., & Alim, S. (2015). Impact of social media usage on students’ academic performance in Saudi Arabia. Computers in Human Behavior, 51(2015), 1092-1097.
  • Azizi, S.M., Soroush, A., Khatony, A., 2019. The relationship between social networking addiction and academic performance in Iranian students of medical sciences: a cross-sectional study. BMC Psychol, 7(1), 1–8.
  • Bakeer, A. M. (2018). Effects of information and communication technology and social media in developing students’ writing skill: A case of Al-Quds Open University. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 8(5), 45-53.
  • Celestine, A. U., & Nonyelum, O. F. (2018). Impact of Social media on students ’ academic performance. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 9(3), 1454–1462.
  • Chukwu, C. L., Aroh, P. N., Ozor, T. O., Amanda, U., & Ezema, L. C. (2022). Influence of social media usage on time management of social science education students ın Nigerian Tertiary Institutions. Webology, 19(3), 1077–1095.
  • Fasae, J. K., & Adegbilero-Iwari, I. (2016). Use of social media by science students in public universities in Southwest Nigeria. The Electronic Library, 34 (2), 213 –222.
  • Gerbner., Goerge., Gross., Larry., Morgan, M., & Signorielli., Nancy. (2002). Growing up with Televison: The Cultivation Perspective. Against the Mainstream. Ed. Michael Morgan. Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., New York, 193-213.
  • Ghareb, M.I., & Sharif, H.O. (2015). Facebook effect on academic performance and social life for undergraduate students of university of human developments. International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research, 3(4), 811-820.
  • Habes, M.M., Alighizzawi, M., Khalaf, R., & Sudoum, S.A. (2018). The relationship between social media and academic performance: Facebook Perspectives. International Journal of Information, 2(1), 12-18.
  • Hanaysha, J. (2016). Testing the effects of employee engagement, work environment, and organizational learning on organizational commitment. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 229(1), 289–297.
  • Jagannathan, A., & Vezhaventhan, D. (2022). Exploring the ımpact of social media in academic performance of high-school students in India exploring the ımpact of social media ın academic performance of high- school students ın India. Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers,13(3), 33–39.
  • Kiplagat, P., & Ombiro, R. M. (2015). Social media usage and academic performance in secondary schools, Kenya. International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, 3(6), 220–225.
  • Kolhar, M., Nazir, R., Kazi, A., & Alameen, A. (2021). Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences Effect of social media use on learning, social interactions, and sleep duration among university students. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 28(4), 2216–2222.
  • Larson, A. G. (2015). Use of social media and its ımpact on academic performance of tertiary ınstitution students: a study of students of Koforidua Polytechnic , Ghana. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(6), 94–102.
  • Mangden, J. S. (2023). DigitalCommons @ University of Nebraska - Lincoln Effects of Social Media on Students’ Academic Performance in Nigerian Universities : A Case Study of University of Jos, Library Philosophy and Practice, 7651, 3-9.
  • Mansour, A. E., Almutairi, H. M. M., Alwehaibi, S., Alshowaiman, A. N. S., Alsaif, A. M., & Almutairi, E. G. A. (2020). The impact of using social media on the academic performance of Qassim University students, Unaizah, Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries, 4(1), 2085–2093.
  • Meena, A., & Vidyapeeth, J. (2020). Positive & negative effect of social media on education. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(12), 4773–4780.
  • Mehmood, S., & Taswir, T. (2013). The effects of social networking sites on the academic performance of students in college of applied sciences, Nizwa, Oman. International Journal of Arts and Commerce, 2(1), 111-125.
  • Mensah, S. O., & Nizam, I. (2016). The ımpact of social media on students’ academic performance - a case of Malaysia Tertiary Institution. International Journal of Education, Learning and Training,1(1),14-21.
  • Oberiri, D. (2016). The ınfluence of social media on academic performance of undergraduate students of Taraba State University, Jalingo, Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(19), 63–72.
  • Ochonogor, D. I., & Amah, E. (2021). Managerial resourcefulness and quality service delivery: the place of ınformation sharing in public sector organizations. Business, Management and Economics Research, 7(3),101–107.
  • Oguguo, B. C. E., Ajuonuma, J. O., Azubuike, R., Ene, C. U., Atta, F. O., & Oko, C. J. (2020). Influence of social media on students’ academic achievement. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 9(4), 1000–1009.
  • Owusu-Acheaw, M., & Larson, A. G. (2015). Use of social media and ıts ımpact on academic performance of tertiary ınstitution students: a study of students of Koforidua Polytechnic, Ghana. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(6), 94-101.
  • Raut, V., & Patil, P. (2016) Use of social media in education: positive and negative impact on the students. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(1), 281-285.
  • Rithika, M., & Selvaraj, S. (2012). Impact of social media on student's academic perfomance. International Journal of Logistics & Supply Chain Management Perspectives, 2(4), 636–640.
  • Samita, M. (2022). International journal of research publication and reviews ımpact of social media on academic achievement among secondary school students. International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, 3(8), 2226–2230.
  • Samuel, A. (2022). An Albatross on the neck: social media use and ıts effects on students’ academic performance in Ghana comparative study. International Journal of Library and Information Science Studies, 8(2), 35–52.
  • Singh, K.P., & Gill, M.S. (2015). Role and users’ approach to social networking sites (SNSs): a study of universities of North India. The Electronic Library, 33(1), 19–34.
  • Sivakumar, R. (2016). WhatsApp in education. Glokalde e-Journal of Udeewana, 2(2), 18-22.
  • Sivakumar, R. (2015). Skype in education. Journal of Educational and Psychological Research, 5(1), 5-10.
  • Stainbank, L., &Gurr, K. (2016). The use of social media platforms in a first-year accounting course: an exploratory study. Meditari Accountancy Research, 24(3), 318 – 340.
  • Tamayo, J. D., & dela Cruz, G. S. G. (2014). The Relationship of social media with the academic performance of bachelor of science in ınformation technology students of Centro Escolar University- Malolos. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 4(5), 1-10.
  • Zahid, A., Ahmad, M., Syed, R. H. & Faisal, H. (2016). Impact of social media of student’s academic performance. International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 5(4), 22-29.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Dominic Nkolimwa 0009-0005-7600-0992

Publication Date June 1, 2024
Submission Date January 5, 2024
Acceptance Date May 22, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Nkolimwa, D. (2024). THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON TANZANIAN HIGHER LEARNING STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE. Research Journal of Business and Management, 11(1), 1-7.
AMA Nkolimwa D. THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON TANZANIAN HIGHER LEARNING STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE. RJBM. June 2024;11(1):1-7. doi:10.17261/Pressacademia.2024.1885
Chicago Nkolimwa, Dominic. “THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON TANZANIAN HIGHER LEARNING STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE”. Research Journal of Business and Management 11, no. 1 (June 2024): 1-7.
EndNote Nkolimwa D (June 1, 2024) THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON TANZANIAN HIGHER LEARNING STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE. Research Journal of Business and Management 11 1 1–7.
IEEE D. Nkolimwa, “THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON TANZANIAN HIGHER LEARNING STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE”, RJBM, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 1–7, 2024, doi: 10.17261/Pressacademia.2024.1885.
ISNAD Nkolimwa, Dominic. “THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON TANZANIAN HIGHER LEARNING STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE”. Research Journal of Business and Management 11/1 (June 2024), 1-7.
MLA Nkolimwa, Dominic. “THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON TANZANIAN HIGHER LEARNING STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE”. Research Journal of Business and Management, vol. 11, no. 1, 2024, pp. 1-7, doi:10.17261/Pressacademia.2024.1885.

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