Research Article
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Year 2019, , 1 - 8, 30.03.2019


Purpose - This study aims to examine the effect of organizational justice on organizational dissent.

Methodology- A quantitative research is conducted on white and blue color employees of large scale and medium sized firms operating in automotive industry in Bursa-Turkey. 105 employees, thorough face-to-face survey administration, filled out questionnaire forms. Convenience sampling method is used. Data obtained from those 105 questionnaires were analyzed through the SPSS statistical packet program.

Findings - Research findings revealed the positive effects of procedural and distributive justice on upward organizational dissent, whilst the non-significant relation between interactional justice and upward organizational dissent. Analyses results also indicated the non-significant relations of procedural, distributive and interactional justice to latent organizational dissent.

Conclusion - The finding of positive effect of procedural justice and distributive justice on dissent behavior, is consistent with the literature, which indicates that justice perceptions of managerial employees increased upward dissent behaviors. However, the finding of this research implying a non-significant effect of interactional justice on organizational justice is inconsistent with the literature, which indicates employees getting better relationship with their managers are more prone to upward dissent. In scope of this survey, employees’ dissent behaviors are influenced by fairness of formal rules and procedures, and acquisitions rather than the fairness of managerial relationships. This distinctive result of this survey may stem from employees’ distrust in relationship with their managers and their prioritization of formal procedures and concrete acquisitions rather than abstract relationships while evaluating the possible retaliations and results of their dissent.


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  • Cohen-Charash, Y., Spector, P. E. (2001). The role of justice in organizations: a meta-analysis. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 86, s. 278–321.
  • Colquitt, J. A. (2001). On the dimensionality of organizational justice: a construct validation of a measure. Journal of Applied Psychology .86(3).pp.386-400
  • Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., Piccolo, R. F., Zapata, C. P., Rich, B. L. (2012). Explaining the justice–performance relationship: trust as exchange deepener or trust as uncertainty reducer?. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97: s. 1-15.
  • Cropanzano, R., Prehar, C. A., Chen, P. Y. (2002). Using social exchange theory to distinguish procedural from interactional justice. Group & Organization Management, 27, s. 324 –351.
  • Dağlı, A. (2015). Örgütsel muhalefet ölçeğinin Türkçe’ye uyarlanması: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 14(53). ss.198-218.
  • Fox, S., Spector, P. E., Miles, D. (2001). Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB) in response to job stressors and organizational justice: some mediator and moderator tests for autonomy and emotions. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 59, p. 1–19.
  • Graham, J. W. (1986). Principled organizational dissent: A theoretical essay. Research in Organizational Behavior, 8, 1-52.
  • Greenberg, J. (1990a). Employee theft as a reaction to underpayment inequity: the hidden cost of paycuts. Journal of Applied Psychology, 75, p. 561–568.
  • Greenberg, J. (1990a). Organizational justice: yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Journal of Management, 16, 399-432.
  • Greenberg, J. (1993). The social side of fairness: interpersonal and informational classes of organizational justice. (içinde), Russell CROPANZANO; Justice in the Workplace: Approaching Fairness in Human Resource Management, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, New Jersey.
  • Goodboy, A. K., Chory, R. M., Dunleavy, K. N. (2008). Organizational dissent as a function of organizational justice. Communication Research Reports, 25, 255-265.
  • Kassing, J. W. (1997). Articulating, antagonizing, and displacing: A model of employee dissent. Communication Studies, 48, 311-332.
  • Kassing, W. (1998). Development and validation of the organizational dissent scale. Management Communication Quarterly, Vol. 12, pp. 183-229
  • Kassing, J. W. (2000). Investigating the relationship between superior-subordinate relationship quality and employee dissent. Communication Research Reports, 17, 58–70.
  • Kassing, J. W. (2011). Dissent in organizations. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Polity Press.
  • Kassing, J. W., Armstrong, T. A. (2002). Someone ‘s going to hear about this: examining the association between dissent –Triggering events and employee’s dissent expressions. Management Communication Quarterly .16(39),pp.39-65
  • Kassing, J. W., McDowell, Z. (2008). Talk about fairness: Exploring the relationship between procedural justice and employee dissent. Communication Research Reports, 25, 1-10.
  • Konovsky, M. A., Pugh, S. D. (1994). Citizenship behavior and social exchange. Academy of Management Journal, 37, p. 656–669.
  • Lavelle, J. J., Brockner, J., Konovsky, M. A., Price, K. H., Henley, A. B., Taneja, A., Vinekar, V. (2009). Commitment, procedural fairness, and organizational citizenship behavior: a Multifoci analysis. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 30, p. 337–357.
  • Masterson, S. S., Lewis, K., Goldman, B. M., Taylor, M. S. (2000). Integrating justice and social exchange: the differing effects of fair procedures and treatment on work relationships. Academy of Management Journal, 43, p. 738–748.
  • Miceli, M. P., Near, J. P., Rehg, M. T., Van Scotter, J. R. (2012). Predicting employee reactions to perceived organizational wrongdoing: demoralization, justice, proactive personality and whistleblowing. Human Relations, 65, p. 923–954.
  • Moorman, R. H. (1991). Relationship between organizational fairness and organizational citizenship behaviors: do fairness perceptions influence employee citizenship?. Journal of Applied Psychology, 76, p. 845–855.
  • Pinder, C. C., Harlos, H. P. (2001). Employee silence: quiescence and acquiescence as responses to perceived injustice. Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management, 20, 331-69.
  • Rupp, D. E., Cropanzano, R. (2002). The mediating effects of social exchange relationships in predicting workplace outcomes from Multifoci organizational justice. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 89, p. 925-946.
  • Seifert, D. L., Sweeney, J. T., Joireman, J., Thornton, J. M. (2010). The influence of organizational justice on accountant whistleblowing. Accounting, Organizations and Society 35, p. 707−717.
  • Skarlicki, D. P., Folger, R. (1997). Retaliation in the workplace: the roles of distributive, procedural, and interactional justice. Journal of Applied Psychology, 82, p. 434–443.
  • Tangirala, S., Ramanujam, R. (2008). Employee silence on critical work issues: The cross level effects of procedural justice climate. Personal Psychology, 61, pp. 37–68.
  • Yürür, S. (2008). Örgütsel adalet ile iş tatmini ve çalişanlarin bireysel özellikleri arasindaki ilişkilerin analizine yönelik bir araştirma. SDÜ İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt 13, Sayı 2, s. 295-312.
  • Yürür, S. (2015). Türkiye’de örgütsel adalet konusunda yapilan çalişmalara ilişkin bir derleme. (içinde) Edt. Kutanis, Türkiye’de Örgütsel Davranış Çalışmaları-I, Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • Zapata - Phelan, C. P., Colquitt, J. A., Scott, B. A., Livingston, B. (2009). Procedural justice, interactional justice, and task performance: the mediating role of intrinsic motivation. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 108, p. 93–105.
Year 2019, , 1 - 8, 30.03.2019



  • Bies, R. J., Moag, J. F. (1986). Interactional justice: communication criteria of fairness. In R. J. Lewicki, B. H. Sheppard, & M. H. Bazerman (Eds.), Research on Negotiations in Organizations (Vol. 1, pp. 43-55). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
  • Cohen-Charash, Y., Spector, P. E. (2001). The role of justice in organizations: a meta-analysis. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 86, s. 278–321.
  • Colquitt, J. A. (2001). On the dimensionality of organizational justice: a construct validation of a measure. Journal of Applied Psychology .86(3).pp.386-400
  • Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., Piccolo, R. F., Zapata, C. P., Rich, B. L. (2012). Explaining the justice–performance relationship: trust as exchange deepener or trust as uncertainty reducer?. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97: s. 1-15.
  • Cropanzano, R., Prehar, C. A., Chen, P. Y. (2002). Using social exchange theory to distinguish procedural from interactional justice. Group & Organization Management, 27, s. 324 –351.
  • Dağlı, A. (2015). Örgütsel muhalefet ölçeğinin Türkçe’ye uyarlanması: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 14(53). ss.198-218.
  • Fox, S., Spector, P. E., Miles, D. (2001). Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB) in response to job stressors and organizational justice: some mediator and moderator tests for autonomy and emotions. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 59, p. 1–19.
  • Graham, J. W. (1986). Principled organizational dissent: A theoretical essay. Research in Organizational Behavior, 8, 1-52.
  • Greenberg, J. (1990a). Employee theft as a reaction to underpayment inequity: the hidden cost of paycuts. Journal of Applied Psychology, 75, p. 561–568.
  • Greenberg, J. (1990a). Organizational justice: yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Journal of Management, 16, 399-432.
  • Greenberg, J. (1993). The social side of fairness: interpersonal and informational classes of organizational justice. (içinde), Russell CROPANZANO; Justice in the Workplace: Approaching Fairness in Human Resource Management, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, New Jersey.
  • Goodboy, A. K., Chory, R. M., Dunleavy, K. N. (2008). Organizational dissent as a function of organizational justice. Communication Research Reports, 25, 255-265.
  • Kassing, J. W. (1997). Articulating, antagonizing, and displacing: A model of employee dissent. Communication Studies, 48, 311-332.
  • Kassing, W. (1998). Development and validation of the organizational dissent scale. Management Communication Quarterly, Vol. 12, pp. 183-229
  • Kassing, J. W. (2000). Investigating the relationship between superior-subordinate relationship quality and employee dissent. Communication Research Reports, 17, 58–70.
  • Kassing, J. W. (2011). Dissent in organizations. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Polity Press.
  • Kassing, J. W., Armstrong, T. A. (2002). Someone ‘s going to hear about this: examining the association between dissent –Triggering events and employee’s dissent expressions. Management Communication Quarterly .16(39),pp.39-65
  • Kassing, J. W., McDowell, Z. (2008). Talk about fairness: Exploring the relationship between procedural justice and employee dissent. Communication Research Reports, 25, 1-10.
  • Konovsky, M. A., Pugh, S. D. (1994). Citizenship behavior and social exchange. Academy of Management Journal, 37, p. 656–669.
  • Lavelle, J. J., Brockner, J., Konovsky, M. A., Price, K. H., Henley, A. B., Taneja, A., Vinekar, V. (2009). Commitment, procedural fairness, and organizational citizenship behavior: a Multifoci analysis. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 30, p. 337–357.
  • Masterson, S. S., Lewis, K., Goldman, B. M., Taylor, M. S. (2000). Integrating justice and social exchange: the differing effects of fair procedures and treatment on work relationships. Academy of Management Journal, 43, p. 738–748.
  • Miceli, M. P., Near, J. P., Rehg, M. T., Van Scotter, J. R. (2012). Predicting employee reactions to perceived organizational wrongdoing: demoralization, justice, proactive personality and whistleblowing. Human Relations, 65, p. 923–954.
  • Moorman, R. H. (1991). Relationship between organizational fairness and organizational citizenship behaviors: do fairness perceptions influence employee citizenship?. Journal of Applied Psychology, 76, p. 845–855.
  • Pinder, C. C., Harlos, H. P. (2001). Employee silence: quiescence and acquiescence as responses to perceived injustice. Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management, 20, 331-69.
  • Rupp, D. E., Cropanzano, R. (2002). The mediating effects of social exchange relationships in predicting workplace outcomes from Multifoci organizational justice. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 89, p. 925-946.
  • Seifert, D. L., Sweeney, J. T., Joireman, J., Thornton, J. M. (2010). The influence of organizational justice on accountant whistleblowing. Accounting, Organizations and Society 35, p. 707−717.
  • Skarlicki, D. P., Folger, R. (1997). Retaliation in the workplace: the roles of distributive, procedural, and interactional justice. Journal of Applied Psychology, 82, p. 434–443.
  • Tangirala, S., Ramanujam, R. (2008). Employee silence on critical work issues: The cross level effects of procedural justice climate. Personal Psychology, 61, pp. 37–68.
  • Yürür, S. (2008). Örgütsel adalet ile iş tatmini ve çalişanlarin bireysel özellikleri arasindaki ilişkilerin analizine yönelik bir araştirma. SDÜ İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt 13, Sayı 2, s. 295-312.
  • Yürür, S. (2015). Türkiye’de örgütsel adalet konusunda yapilan çalişmalara ilişkin bir derleme. (içinde) Edt. Kutanis, Türkiye’de Örgütsel Davranış Çalışmaları-I, Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • Zapata - Phelan, C. P., Colquitt, J. A., Scott, B. A., Livingston, B. (2009). Procedural justice, interactional justice, and task performance: the mediating role of intrinsic motivation. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 108, p. 93–105.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Library and Information Studies, Other Fields of Education, Labor Economics, Ethics, Behaviour-Personality Assessment in Psychology, Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Mehtap Ozsahin This is me 0000-0003-2527-4166

Senay Yurur This is me 0000-0002-3859-9827

Publication Date March 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Ozsahin, M., & Yurur, S. (2019). DOES ORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICE INCREASE OR DECREASE ORGANIZATIONAL DISSENT?. Research Journal of Business and Management, 6(1), 1-8.
AMA Ozsahin M, Yurur S. DOES ORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICE INCREASE OR DECREASE ORGANIZATIONAL DISSENT?. RJBM. March 2019;6(1):1-8. doi:10.17261/Pressacademia.2019.1017
Chicago Ozsahin, Mehtap, and Senay Yurur. “DOES ORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICE INCREASE OR DECREASE ORGANIZATIONAL DISSENT?”. Research Journal of Business and Management 6, no. 1 (March 2019): 1-8.
EndNote Ozsahin M, Yurur S (March 1, 2019) DOES ORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICE INCREASE OR DECREASE ORGANIZATIONAL DISSENT?. Research Journal of Business and Management 6 1 1–8.
IEEE M. Ozsahin and S. Yurur, “DOES ORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICE INCREASE OR DECREASE ORGANIZATIONAL DISSENT?”, RJBM, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 1–8, 2019, doi: 10.17261/Pressacademia.2019.1017.
ISNAD Ozsahin, Mehtap - Yurur, Senay. “DOES ORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICE INCREASE OR DECREASE ORGANIZATIONAL DISSENT?”. Research Journal of Business and Management 6/1 (March 2019), 1-8.
MLA Ozsahin, Mehtap and Senay Yurur. “DOES ORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICE INCREASE OR DECREASE ORGANIZATIONAL DISSENT?”. Research Journal of Business and Management, vol. 6, no. 1, 2019, pp. 1-8, doi:10.17261/Pressacademia.2019.1017.

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