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Year 2015, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 412 - 429, 06.11.2015



  • Appiah-Adu, K., & Singh S. (1998). Customer orientation and performance: A study of SMEs. Management Decision, 36(6), 385–394.
  • Atuahene-Gima, K. (2005). Resolving the capability-rigidity paradox in new product innovation. Journal of Marketing, 69(4), 61-83.
  • Atuahene-Gima, K., & Ko, A. (2001). An empirical investigation of the effect of market orientation and entrepreneurship orientation alignment on product innovation. Organization Science, 12(1), 54-74.
  • Belderbos, R., Carree, M., & Lokshin, B. (2004). Cooperative R&D and firm performance. Research Policy, 33(10), 1477–92.
  • Bessant, J., & Tidd, J. (2007). Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Chichester, UK: Wiley.
  • Calantone, R. J., Chan, K., & Cui, A. S. (2006). Decomposing product innovativeness and its effects on new product success. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 23(5), 408-421.
  • Capon, N., Farley, J. U., Lehmann, D. R., & Hulbert, J. M. (1992). Profiles of product innovators among large US manufacturers. Management Science, 38(2), 157–69.
  • Cerulli, G. (2014). The impact of technological capabilities on invention: an investigation based on country responsiveness scores. World Development, 59,147–165.
  • Chin, W. W. (1998). The Partial Least Squares Approach for Structural Equation Modeling. In G.A. Marcoulides
  • (ed.), Modern Methods for Business Research (pp. 295-336). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Chung, S., & Kim, G. M. (2003). Performance effects of partnership between manufacturers and suppliers for new product development: the supplier’s standpoint. Research Policy, 32(4), 587–603.
  • Damanpour, F. (1991). Organizational innovation: A meta-analysis of effects of determinants and moderators.
  • Academy ofManagement Journal, 34(3), 555–590. Dankbaar, B. (2003). Innovation management in the knowledge economy series on technology management.
  • London: Imperial College Press. De Brentani, U., & Kleinschmidt, E. J. (2004). Corporate culture and commitment: impact on performance of international new product development programs. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 21(5), 309–333.
  • Deshpande, R., Farley, J. U., & Webster, F. E. (1993). Corporate culture, customer orientation, and innovativeness in Japanese firms: A quadrad analysis. Journal of Marketing, 57(1), 23–27.
  • Donaldson, L. (2001). The contingency theory of organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Donate, M., & Guadamillas, F. (2010). The effect of organizational culture on knowledge management practices and innovation. Knowledge and Process Management, 17(2), 82–94.
  • Duysters, G., & Hagedoorn, J. (2002). External appropriation of innovation capabilities: The choice between strategic partnering and mergers and acquisitions. Journal of Management Studies, 39, 167–188.
  • Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50.
  • Freeman, C. (1982). The economics of ındustrial ınnovation, London, UK: Frances Pinter.
  • Gupta, A. K., & Wilemon, D. L. (1986). Improving R&D/marketing relations: R&D’s perspective. R&D Management, 20(4), 277-90.
  • Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2011). PLS-SEM: Indeed a silver bullet. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 19(2), 139–151.
  • Han, J. K, Kim, N., & Srivastava, R. K. (1998). Market orientation and organizational performance: Is ınnovation a missing link? Journal of Marketing, 62(4), 30-45.
  • He, Z., & Wong, P. (2004). Exploration and exploitation: An empirical test of the ambidexterity hypothesis.
  • Organization Science, 15(4), 481-494. Henseler, J., Ringle, C. M., & Sinkovics, R. R. (2009). The use of partial least squares path modeling in ınternational marketing. Advances in ınternational marketing, 20, 277–319.
  • Holland, D., & Kumar, S. (1995). Getting past the obstacles to successful reengineering. Business Horizons, 8(3), 79–
  • Hynes, N. (2009). Corporate culture, strategic orientation, and business performance: new approaches to modeling complex relationships. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 76(5), 644–651.
  • Igartua, J. I., Garrigos, J. A., & Hervas-Oliver, J. L. (2010). How innovation management techniques support an open innovation strategy. Research Technology Management, 53(3), 41-52.
  • Kelly, D., & Amburgey, T. L. (1991). Organizational inertia and momentum: A dynamic model of strategic change.
  • Academy of Management Journal, 34(3), 591– 612. Khan, A. M., & Manopichetwattana, V. (1989). Models for distinguishing innovative and noninnovative small firms. Journal of Business Venturing, 4(3), 187–196.
  • Khazanchi, S., Lewis, M. W., & Boyer, K. (2007). Innovation-supportive culture: The impact of organizational values on process innovation. Journal of Operations Management, 25(4), 871–884.
  • Kim, Y., Song, K., & Lee, J. (1993). Determinants of technological innovation in the small firms of Korea. R&D Management, 23(3), 215–226.
  • Koberg, C. S., & Chusmir, L. H. (1987). Organizational culture relationships with creativity and other job-related variables. Journal of Business Research, 15(5), 397–409.
  • Kuczmarski, T. (1998). The ten traits of an innovation mindset. Journal for Quality and Participation, 21(6), 44–46.
  • Lendel, V., & Varmus, M. (2011). Creation and implementation of the ınnovation strategy in the enterprise.
  • Economics and Management, 16, 819-826. Li, T., & Calantone, R. J. (1998). The impact of market knowledge competence on new product advantage:
  • Conceptualization and empirical examination. Journal of Marketing, 62(4), 13-29. Lopez-Nicolas, C., & Merono-Cerdan, A. L. (2011). Strategic knowledge management, innovation and performance. International Journal of Information Management, 31(6), 502–509.
  • March, J. G. (1991). Exploration and exploitation in organizational learning. Organization Science, 2(1), 71-87.
  • Martin-de Castro, G., Delgado-Verde, M., Navas-Lopez, J. E., & Cruz-Gonzale, J. (2013). The moderating role of innovation culture in the relationship between knowledge assets and product innovation. Technological
  • Forecasting and Social Change, 80(2), 351-363. Matsuno, K., Mentzer, J. T., & Ozsomer, A. (2002). The effects of entrepreneurial proclivity and market orientation on business performance. Journal of Marketing, 66(3), 18-32.
  • Miller, D. (1987). Strategy Making and Structure: Analysis and implications for performance. Academy of
  • Management Journal, 30(1), 7-32. Miller, D., Droge, C., & Toulouse, J. M. (1988). Strategic process and content as mediators between organizational context and structure. Academy of Management Journal, 31(3), 544-69.
  • Moorman, C., & Slotegraaf, R. J. (1999). The contingency value of complementary capabilities in product development. Journal of Marketing Research, 36(2), 239–257.
  • Nooteboom, B. (1999). Innovation and inter-firm linkages: New implications for policy. Research Policy, 28(8), 793–805.
  • O’Regan, N., Ghobadian, A., & Gallear, G. (2005). In search of the drivers of high growth in manufacturing SMEs. Technovation, 26(1), 30–41.
  • Oke, A., Walumbwa, F. O., & Myers, A. (2012). Innovation strategy, human resource policy, and firms’ revenue growth: The roles of environmental uncertainty and innovation performance. Decision Sciences, 43(2), 273-302.
  • Olson, E. M., Walker, O. C. J., & Ruekert, R. W. (1995). Organizing for effective new product development: The moderating role of product innovativeness. Journal of Marketing, 59(1), 48-62.
  • Ortega, M. J. R. (2010). Competitive strategies and firm performance: Technological capabilities' moderating roles. Journal of Business Research, 63(12), 1273–1281.
  • Podsakoff, P. M., & Organ, D. W. (1986). Self-reports in organizational research: Problems and prospects. Journal of Management, 12(4), 531–544.
  • Porter, M. E. (1996). What is strategy? Harvard Business Review, (November-December), 61-78.
  • Powell, T. C. (1992). Organizational alignment as competitive advantage. Strategic Management Journal, 13(2), 119–134.
  • Saleh, S. D., & Wang, C. K. (1993). The management of innovation: Strategy, structure, and organizational climate. Engineering Management, 40(1), 14–21.
  • Sanchez, A., Lago, A., Ferras, X., & Ribera, J. (2011). Innovation management practices, strategic adaptation, and business results: Evidence from the electronics industry. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 6(2), 14
  • Schultz, C., Salomo, S., de Brentani, U., & Kleinschmidt, E. J. (2013). How formal control influences decision- making clarity and innovation performance. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 30(3), 430-447.
  • Sobanke, V., Ilori, M., & Adegbite, S. (2012). Technological capability in metal fabricating firms in southwestern
  • Nigeria. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 2(4), 176-183. Song, X. M., & Montoya-Weiss, M. M. (1998). Critical development activities for really new versus ıncremental products. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 15(2), 124-35.
  • Sosik, J. J., Kahai, S. S., & Piovoso, M. J. (2009). Silver bullet or voodoo statistics? A primer for using the partial least squares data analytic technique in group and organization research. Group & Organization Management, 34(1), 5–36.
  • Spender, J. C. (2007). Data, meaning and practice: How the knowledge-based view can clarify technology’s relationship with organizations. International Journal of Technology Management, 38(1/2), 178–96.
  • Su, Z., Peng, J., Shen, H., & Xiao, T. (2013). Technological capability, marketing capability, and firm performance in turbulent conditions. Management and Organization Review, 9(1), 115–137.
  • Tang, H. K. (1998). An integrative model of innovation in organizations. Technovation, 18(5), 297-309.
  • Terece, D. J., Pisano, G., & Shuen, A. (1997). Dynamic capabilities and strategic management. Strategic
  • Management Journal, 18(7), 509–533. Terziovski, M. (2010). Innovation practice and its performance implications in small and medıum enterprises
  • (SMEs) in the manufacturing sector: A resource-based view. Strategic Management Journal, 31, 892 – 902. Vega-Jurado, J., Gutierrez-Gracia, A., Fernandez-de-Lucio, I., & Manjarres-Henriquez, L. (2008). The effect of external and internal factors on firm's product innovation. Research Policy, 37(4), 616–632.
  • Verhees, F. J. H. M., & Meulenberg, M. T. G. (2004). Market orientation, innovativeness, product innovation, and performance in small firms. Journal of Small Business Management, 42(2), 134–154.
  • Von Hippel, E. (2005). Democratizing innovation. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Wu, S. I., & Lin, C. L. (2011). The influence of innovation strategy and organizational innovation on innovation quality and performance. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 3(4), 45-81.
  • Zhou, K. Z., & Wu, F. (2010). Technological capability, strategic flexibility, and product innovation. Strategic
  • Management Journal, 31(5), 547–561. APPENDIX: Scales Standardized loadings of items are given in parentheses. AVE: Average variance extracted; CR: composite reliability. *Dropped item because the standardized item loading was smaller than the minimum acceptable level of 0.70 (Chin, 1998).
  • Innovation Strategy (Terziovski, 2010)


Year 2015, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 412 - 429, 06.11.2015


In a highly competitive environment, innovation is the essential key to a firm obtaining a dominant position and gaining higher profits. Therefore, the understanding of which strategic innovation management practices lead to success is very important. The purpose of the study is to investigate the impact of innovation strategy, organizational structure, innovation culture, technological capability and customer and supplier relationships, which appear in the literature as strategic innovation management practices in business enterprises, on firm innovation performance. In this context, data collected from 132 managers at 66 firms operating in the manufacturing sector in the TRB2 zone of Turkey were analyzed. The partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) method was used to test hypotheses of study. The analyses revealed that innovation strategy, organizational structure and innovation culture significantly increased firm innovation performance. However, no significant impacts of technological capability and customer and supplier relationships on firm innovation performance were determined.


  • Appiah-Adu, K., & Singh S. (1998). Customer orientation and performance: A study of SMEs. Management Decision, 36(6), 385–394.
  • Atuahene-Gima, K. (2005). Resolving the capability-rigidity paradox in new product innovation. Journal of Marketing, 69(4), 61-83.
  • Atuahene-Gima, K., & Ko, A. (2001). An empirical investigation of the effect of market orientation and entrepreneurship orientation alignment on product innovation. Organization Science, 12(1), 54-74.
  • Belderbos, R., Carree, M., & Lokshin, B. (2004). Cooperative R&D and firm performance. Research Policy, 33(10), 1477–92.
  • Bessant, J., & Tidd, J. (2007). Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Chichester, UK: Wiley.
  • Calantone, R. J., Chan, K., & Cui, A. S. (2006). Decomposing product innovativeness and its effects on new product success. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 23(5), 408-421.
  • Capon, N., Farley, J. U., Lehmann, D. R., & Hulbert, J. M. (1992). Profiles of product innovators among large US manufacturers. Management Science, 38(2), 157–69.
  • Cerulli, G. (2014). The impact of technological capabilities on invention: an investigation based on country responsiveness scores. World Development, 59,147–165.
  • Chin, W. W. (1998). The Partial Least Squares Approach for Structural Equation Modeling. In G.A. Marcoulides
  • (ed.), Modern Methods for Business Research (pp. 295-336). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Chung, S., & Kim, G. M. (2003). Performance effects of partnership between manufacturers and suppliers for new product development: the supplier’s standpoint. Research Policy, 32(4), 587–603.
  • Damanpour, F. (1991). Organizational innovation: A meta-analysis of effects of determinants and moderators.
  • Academy ofManagement Journal, 34(3), 555–590. Dankbaar, B. (2003). Innovation management in the knowledge economy series on technology management.
  • London: Imperial College Press. De Brentani, U., & Kleinschmidt, E. J. (2004). Corporate culture and commitment: impact on performance of international new product development programs. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 21(5), 309–333.
  • Deshpande, R., Farley, J. U., & Webster, F. E. (1993). Corporate culture, customer orientation, and innovativeness in Japanese firms: A quadrad analysis. Journal of Marketing, 57(1), 23–27.
  • Donaldson, L. (2001). The contingency theory of organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Donate, M., & Guadamillas, F. (2010). The effect of organizational culture on knowledge management practices and innovation. Knowledge and Process Management, 17(2), 82–94.
  • Duysters, G., & Hagedoorn, J. (2002). External appropriation of innovation capabilities: The choice between strategic partnering and mergers and acquisitions. Journal of Management Studies, 39, 167–188.
  • Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50.
  • Freeman, C. (1982). The economics of ındustrial ınnovation, London, UK: Frances Pinter.
  • Gupta, A. K., & Wilemon, D. L. (1986). Improving R&D/marketing relations: R&D’s perspective. R&D Management, 20(4), 277-90.
  • Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2011). PLS-SEM: Indeed a silver bullet. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 19(2), 139–151.
  • Han, J. K, Kim, N., & Srivastava, R. K. (1998). Market orientation and organizational performance: Is ınnovation a missing link? Journal of Marketing, 62(4), 30-45.
  • He, Z., & Wong, P. (2004). Exploration and exploitation: An empirical test of the ambidexterity hypothesis.
  • Organization Science, 15(4), 481-494. Henseler, J., Ringle, C. M., & Sinkovics, R. R. (2009). The use of partial least squares path modeling in ınternational marketing. Advances in ınternational marketing, 20, 277–319.
  • Holland, D., & Kumar, S. (1995). Getting past the obstacles to successful reengineering. Business Horizons, 8(3), 79–
  • Hynes, N. (2009). Corporate culture, strategic orientation, and business performance: new approaches to modeling complex relationships. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 76(5), 644–651.
  • Igartua, J. I., Garrigos, J. A., & Hervas-Oliver, J. L. (2010). How innovation management techniques support an open innovation strategy. Research Technology Management, 53(3), 41-52.
  • Kelly, D., & Amburgey, T. L. (1991). Organizational inertia and momentum: A dynamic model of strategic change.
  • Academy of Management Journal, 34(3), 591– 612. Khan, A. M., & Manopichetwattana, V. (1989). Models for distinguishing innovative and noninnovative small firms. Journal of Business Venturing, 4(3), 187–196.
  • Khazanchi, S., Lewis, M. W., & Boyer, K. (2007). Innovation-supportive culture: The impact of organizational values on process innovation. Journal of Operations Management, 25(4), 871–884.
  • Kim, Y., Song, K., & Lee, J. (1993). Determinants of technological innovation in the small firms of Korea. R&D Management, 23(3), 215–226.
  • Koberg, C. S., & Chusmir, L. H. (1987). Organizational culture relationships with creativity and other job-related variables. Journal of Business Research, 15(5), 397–409.
  • Kuczmarski, T. (1998). The ten traits of an innovation mindset. Journal for Quality and Participation, 21(6), 44–46.
  • Lendel, V., & Varmus, M. (2011). Creation and implementation of the ınnovation strategy in the enterprise.
  • Economics and Management, 16, 819-826. Li, T., & Calantone, R. J. (1998). The impact of market knowledge competence on new product advantage:
  • Conceptualization and empirical examination. Journal of Marketing, 62(4), 13-29. Lopez-Nicolas, C., & Merono-Cerdan, A. L. (2011). Strategic knowledge management, innovation and performance. International Journal of Information Management, 31(6), 502–509.
  • March, J. G. (1991). Exploration and exploitation in organizational learning. Organization Science, 2(1), 71-87.
  • Martin-de Castro, G., Delgado-Verde, M., Navas-Lopez, J. E., & Cruz-Gonzale, J. (2013). The moderating role of innovation culture in the relationship between knowledge assets and product innovation. Technological
  • Forecasting and Social Change, 80(2), 351-363. Matsuno, K., Mentzer, J. T., & Ozsomer, A. (2002). The effects of entrepreneurial proclivity and market orientation on business performance. Journal of Marketing, 66(3), 18-32.
  • Miller, D. (1987). Strategy Making and Structure: Analysis and implications for performance. Academy of
  • Management Journal, 30(1), 7-32. Miller, D., Droge, C., & Toulouse, J. M. (1988). Strategic process and content as mediators between organizational context and structure. Academy of Management Journal, 31(3), 544-69.
  • Moorman, C., & Slotegraaf, R. J. (1999). The contingency value of complementary capabilities in product development. Journal of Marketing Research, 36(2), 239–257.
  • Nooteboom, B. (1999). Innovation and inter-firm linkages: New implications for policy. Research Policy, 28(8), 793–805.
  • O’Regan, N., Ghobadian, A., & Gallear, G. (2005). In search of the drivers of high growth in manufacturing SMEs. Technovation, 26(1), 30–41.
  • Oke, A., Walumbwa, F. O., & Myers, A. (2012). Innovation strategy, human resource policy, and firms’ revenue growth: The roles of environmental uncertainty and innovation performance. Decision Sciences, 43(2), 273-302.
  • Olson, E. M., Walker, O. C. J., & Ruekert, R. W. (1995). Organizing for effective new product development: The moderating role of product innovativeness. Journal of Marketing, 59(1), 48-62.
  • Ortega, M. J. R. (2010). Competitive strategies and firm performance: Technological capabilities' moderating roles. Journal of Business Research, 63(12), 1273–1281.
  • Podsakoff, P. M., & Organ, D. W. (1986). Self-reports in organizational research: Problems and prospects. Journal of Management, 12(4), 531–544.
  • Porter, M. E. (1996). What is strategy? Harvard Business Review, (November-December), 61-78.
  • Powell, T. C. (1992). Organizational alignment as competitive advantage. Strategic Management Journal, 13(2), 119–134.
  • Saleh, S. D., & Wang, C. K. (1993). The management of innovation: Strategy, structure, and organizational climate. Engineering Management, 40(1), 14–21.
  • Sanchez, A., Lago, A., Ferras, X., & Ribera, J. (2011). Innovation management practices, strategic adaptation, and business results: Evidence from the electronics industry. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 6(2), 14
  • Schultz, C., Salomo, S., de Brentani, U., & Kleinschmidt, E. J. (2013). How formal control influences decision- making clarity and innovation performance. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 30(3), 430-447.
  • Sobanke, V., Ilori, M., & Adegbite, S. (2012). Technological capability in metal fabricating firms in southwestern
  • Nigeria. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 2(4), 176-183. Song, X. M., & Montoya-Weiss, M. M. (1998). Critical development activities for really new versus ıncremental products. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 15(2), 124-35.
  • Sosik, J. J., Kahai, S. S., & Piovoso, M. J. (2009). Silver bullet or voodoo statistics? A primer for using the partial least squares data analytic technique in group and organization research. Group & Organization Management, 34(1), 5–36.
  • Spender, J. C. (2007). Data, meaning and practice: How the knowledge-based view can clarify technology’s relationship with organizations. International Journal of Technology Management, 38(1/2), 178–96.
  • Su, Z., Peng, J., Shen, H., & Xiao, T. (2013). Technological capability, marketing capability, and firm performance in turbulent conditions. Management and Organization Review, 9(1), 115–137.
  • Tang, H. K. (1998). An integrative model of innovation in organizations. Technovation, 18(5), 297-309.
  • Terece, D. J., Pisano, G., & Shuen, A. (1997). Dynamic capabilities and strategic management. Strategic
  • Management Journal, 18(7), 509–533. Terziovski, M. (2010). Innovation practice and its performance implications in small and medıum enterprises
  • (SMEs) in the manufacturing sector: A resource-based view. Strategic Management Journal, 31, 892 – 902. Vega-Jurado, J., Gutierrez-Gracia, A., Fernandez-de-Lucio, I., & Manjarres-Henriquez, L. (2008). The effect of external and internal factors on firm's product innovation. Research Policy, 37(4), 616–632.
  • Verhees, F. J. H. M., & Meulenberg, M. T. G. (2004). Market orientation, innovativeness, product innovation, and performance in small firms. Journal of Small Business Management, 42(2), 134–154.
  • Von Hippel, E. (2005). Democratizing innovation. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Wu, S. I., & Lin, C. L. (2011). The influence of innovation strategy and organizational innovation on innovation quality and performance. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 3(4), 45-81.
  • Zhou, K. Z., & Wu, F. (2010). Technological capability, strategic flexibility, and product innovation. Strategic
  • Management Journal, 31(5), 547–561. APPENDIX: Scales Standardized loadings of items are given in parentheses. AVE: Average variance extracted; CR: composite reliability. *Dropped item because the standardized item loading was smaller than the minimum acceptable level of 0.70 (Chin, 1998).
  • Innovation Strategy (Terziovski, 2010)
There are 68 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Faruk Kalay

Gary Lynn This is me

Publication Date November 6, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 2 Issue: 3


APA Kalay, F., & Lynn, G. (2015). THE IMPACT OF STRATEGIC INNOVATION MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ON FIRM INNOVATION PERFORMANCE. Research Journal of Business and Management, 2(3), 412-429.
AMA Kalay F, Lynn G. THE IMPACT OF STRATEGIC INNOVATION MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ON FIRM INNOVATION PERFORMANCE. RJBM. November 2015;2(3):412-429. doi:10.17261/Pressacademia.2015312989
Chicago Kalay, Faruk, and Gary Lynn. “THE IMPACT OF STRATEGIC INNOVATION MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ON FIRM INNOVATION PERFORMANCE”. Research Journal of Business and Management 2, no. 3 (November 2015): 412-29.
EndNote Kalay F, Lynn G (November 1, 2015) THE IMPACT OF STRATEGIC INNOVATION MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ON FIRM INNOVATION PERFORMANCE. Research Journal of Business and Management 2 3 412–429.
IEEE F. Kalay and G. Lynn, “THE IMPACT OF STRATEGIC INNOVATION MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ON FIRM INNOVATION PERFORMANCE”, RJBM, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 412–429, 2015, doi: 10.17261/Pressacademia.2015312989.
ISNAD Kalay, Faruk - Lynn, Gary. “THE IMPACT OF STRATEGIC INNOVATION MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ON FIRM INNOVATION PERFORMANCE”. Research Journal of Business and Management 2/3 (November 2015), 412-429.
MLA Kalay, Faruk and Gary Lynn. “THE IMPACT OF STRATEGIC INNOVATION MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ON FIRM INNOVATION PERFORMANCE”. Research Journal of Business and Management, vol. 2, no. 3, 2015, pp. 412-29, doi:10.17261/Pressacademia.2015312989.

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