Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 238 - 250, 30.09.2018


Purpose- Many forms of brands’ posts such as cointaining web links, images,
photos and videos can be used for marketing research. The aim of this study is to
present an approach to gather and analyze social media data and shows how
marketers can derive useful outcomes from these data.

Methodology- The impacts of media types (link, text, video,
photo), length, time (day-of-week and time-of-day) of brands' posts on customers’
engagement are investigated. For this purpose, we propose a conceptual
framework and mathematical model.

Findings- According to the conceptual framework and mathematical model given
in this research, it is recommended to determine the effects of the content of
the brands’ posts on social media users.

Conclusion- Brands may determine the most effective content
of the social media posts by applying the proposed mathematical model in this


  • Akçay, M. A. (2013). Dünya değerler anket verilerinin veri madenciliği yöntemiyle incelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı, İstanbul, Türkiye, 23-25.
  • Alpaydın, E. (2000). Zeki veri madenciliği: ham veriden altin bilgiye ulaşma Yöntemleri. Bilişim 2000 Eğitim Semineri, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • Bagozzi, R. P., Dholakia, U. M. (2006). Antecedents and purchase consequences of customer participation in small group brand communities. International Journal of research in Marketing, 23(1), 45-61.
  • Barnaghi, P., Ghaffari, P., Breslin, J. G. (2016). Opinion mining and sentiment polarity on twitter and correlation between events and sentiment. In Big Data Computing Service and Applications (BigDataService), 2016 IEEE Second International Conference on (pp. 52-57). IEEE.
  • Berger, J., Sorensen, A. T., Rasmussen, S. J. (2010). Positive effects of negative publicity: when negative reviews increase sales. Marketing Science, 29(5), 815-827.
  • Bayo-Moriones, A., Lera-López, F. (2007). A firm-level analysis of determinants of ICT adoption in Spain. Technovation, 27(6-7), 352-366.
  • Berthon, P. R., Pitt, L. F., Plangger, K., Shapiro, D. (2012). Marketing meets Web 2.0, social media, and creative consumers: implications for international marketing strategy. Business horizons, 55(3), 261-271.
  • Blossom, J. (2009). Content nation-surviving and thriving as social media changes our work, our lives and our future. India: Wiley Publishing Inc, 1. Baskı.
  • Borgatti, S., Foster, P. (2003). The network paradigm in organizational research: a review and typology. Journal of Management, 29(6), 991-1013.
  • Brookes, E. J. (2010). The anatomy of a Facebook post: study on post performance by type, day of the week, and time of day. Vitrue Inc.
  • Brunner, R., Emery, S., Hall, R. (2008). Do you matter?: how great design will make people love your company. FT Press.
  • Budden, C. B., Anthony, J. F., Budden, M. C., Jones, M. A. (2011). Managing the evolution of a revolution: marketing implications of internet media usage among college students. College Teaching Methods and Styles Journal, 3 (3), 5-10.
  • Büyükuysal, M. Ç., Öz, İ. İ. (2016). Çoklu doğrusal bağinti varliğinda en küçük karelere alternatif yaklaşim: Ridge Regresyon. Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(2), 110-114.
  • Chevalier, J. A., Mayzlin, D. (2006). The effect of word of mouth on sales: online book reviews. Journal of marketing research, 43(3), 345-354.
  • De Vries, L., Gensler, S., Leeflang, P. S. (2012). Popularity of brand posts on brand fan pages: an investigation of the effects of social media marketing. Journal of interactive marketing, 26(2), 83-91.
  • Dellarocas, C., Wood, C. A. (2008). The sound of silence in online feedback: estimating trading risks in the presence of reporting bias. Management science, 54(3), 460-476.
  • Dholakia, U. M., Bagozzi, R. P., Pearo, L. K. (2004). A social influence model of consumer participation in network-and small-group-based virtual communities. International journal of research in marketing, 21(3), 241-263.
  • Dholakia, U. M., Durham, E. (2010). One café chain’s Facebook experiment. Harvard Business Review, 88(3), 26.
  • Dick, A. S., Basu, K. (1994). Customer loyalty: toward an integrated conceptual framework. Journal of the academy of marketing science, 22(2), 99-113.
  • Dunbar, R. I. M. (1992). Neocortex size as a constraint on group size in primates. Journal of Human Evolution, 22(6), 469-493.
  • Eley, B., Tilley, S. (2009). The art & science of online marketing. Australia, SitePoint.
  • Engeström, J. (2005). Why some social network services work and others don’t –— Or: the case for object-centered sociality. Erişim http://www.
  • Frawley, W. J., Piatetsky-Shapiro, G., Matheus, C. J. (1992). Knowledge discovery in databases: an overview. AI magazine, 13(3), 57.
  • Gillin, P. (2010). The new conversation: taking social media from talk to action. Harvard Business Review, 1-24.
  • Goldenberg, J., Libai, B., Moldovan, S., Muller, E. (2007). The NPV of bad news. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 24(3), 186-200.
  • Gommans, M., Krishman, K. S., Scheffold, K. B. (2001). From brand loyalty to e-loyalty: a conceptual framework. Journal of Economic & Social Research, 3(1).
  • Grau, J. (2009). US retail e-commerce: slower but still steady growth. Emarketer, Retrieved April, 5.
  • He, W., Zha, S., Li, L. (2013). Social media competitive analysis and text mining: a case study in the pizza industry. International Journal of Information Management, 33(3), 464-472.
  • Hennig‐Thurau, T., Gwinner, K. P., Walsh, G., Gremler, D. D. (2004). Electronic word‐of‐mouth via consumer‐opinion platforms: what motivates consumers to articulate themselves on the Internet?. Journal of interactive marketing, 18(1), 38-52.
  • Ho-Dac, N. N., Carson, S. J., Moore, W. L. (2013). The effects of positive and negative online customer reviews: do brand strength and category maturity matter?. Journal of Marketing, 77(6), 37-53.
  • Huberman, B. A., Romero, D. M., Wu, F. (2008). Social networks that matter: Twitter under the microscope. arXiv preprint arXiv:0812.1045.
  • Ibrahim, N. F., Wang, X., Bourne, H. (2017). Exploring the effect of user engagement in online brand communities: evidence from Twitter. Computers in Human Behavior, 72, 321-338.
  • Kaplan, A. M., Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media. Business Horizons, 53 (1), 59–68.
  • Keath, J., Kistner, J., Mirman, E., Levey, J. (2011). Facebook page marketing. HubSpot Retrived, 24-2.
  • Kierzkowski, A., Mcquade, S., Waitman, R., Zeisser, M. (1996). Current research: marketing to the digital consumer. The mckinsey quarterly, (2), 180-183.
  • Kietzmann, J. H., Hermkens, K., McCarthy, I. P., Silvestre, B. S. (2011). Social media? Get serious! Understanding the functional building blocks of social media. Business Horizons, 54(3), 241–250.
  • Kim, E., Sung, Y., Kang, H. (2014). Brand followers’ retweeting behavior on Twitter: how brand relationships influence brand electronic word-of-mouth. Computers in Human Behavior, 37, 18-25.
  • Kiygi-Calli, M., Weverbergh, M., Franses, P. H. (2012). The effectiveness of high-frequency direct-response commercials. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 29(1), 98-109.
  • Kotler, P., Armstrong, G. (2012). Principles of marketing. Pearson education.
  • Kozinets, R. V. (1999). E-tribalized marketing?: the strategic implications of virtual communities of consumption. European Management Journal, 17(3), 252-264.
  • Kozinets, R. V., De Valck, K., Wojnicki, A. C., Wilner, S. J. (2010). Networked narratives: understanding word-of-mouth marketing in online communities. Journal of marketing, 74(2), 71-89.
  • Kumar R., Novak J., Tomkins A. (2010). Structure and evolution of online social networks. Link mining: Models, algorithms, and applications, Springer, New York, 337-357.
  • Kwak, H., Lee, C., Park, H., Moon, S. (2010, April). What is Twitter, a social network or a news media?. In Proceedings of the 19th international conference on World wide web (pp. 591-600). AcM.
  • Little, J. D. (1979). Aggregate advertising models: the state of the art. Operations research, 27(4), 629-667.
  • Lockwood, T., Walton, T. (2008). Building design strategy. Using Design to Achieve Key Business.
  • Mangold, W. G., Faulds D. J. (2009). Social media: the new hybrid element of the promotion mixed. Bussines Horizons. 52, 357-365.
  • Marchand, A., Hennig-Thurau, T., Wiertz, C. (2017). Not all digital word of mouth is created equal: understanding the respective impact of consumer reviews and microblogs on new product success. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34(2), 336-354.
  • McAlexander, J. H., Schouten, J. W., Koenig, H. F. (2002). Building brand community. Journal of marketing, 66(1), 38-54.
  • Misner, I. R., Devine, V. (1999). The world's best-known marketing secret: building your business with word-of-mouth marketing. Austin, TX: Bard Press.
  • Moralıoğlu, D. (2014). Ben marka olsam. Epsilon Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Muñiz, A. M., O'guinn, T. C. (2001). Brand community. Journal of consumer research, 27(4), 412-432.
  • Nail, J. (2005). What’s the buzz on word-of-mouth marketing? Social computing and consumer control put momentum into viral marketing. Forrester Research.
  • Nam, H., Joshi, Y. V., Kannan, P. K. (2017). Harvesting brand information from social tags. Journal of Marketing, 81(4), 88-108.
  • Nielsen. (2016). Connected Commerce Is Creating Buyers Without Borders, Nielsen Global,
  • Özkan, Y. (2008). Veri madenciliği yöntemleri. Papatya Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • Pauwels, K., Aksehirli, Z., Lackman, A. (2016). Like the ad or the brand? Marketing stimulates different electronic word-of-mouth content to drive online and offline performance. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33(3), 639-655.
  • Roshanaei, M., Mishra, S. (2015). Studying the attributes of users in Twitter considering their emotional states. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 5(1), 34.
  • Ryan, D., Jones, C. (2009). Understanding digital marketing. Philadelphia, PA: Kogan Page Limited.
  • Ryan, K. S., Zabin, J. (2010). Gleansight: social media marketing. Gleanster LCC, 1-21.
  • Safko, L. (2010). The social media bible: tactics, tools, and strategies for business success. John Wiley & Sons. New Jersey, 3. Baskı, 3.
  • Shankar, V., Batra, R. (2009). The growing influence of online marketing communications.
  • Sharp, B., Sharp, A. (1997). Loyalty programs and their impact on repeat-purchase loyalty patterns. International journal of Research in Marketing, 14(5), 473-486.
  • Simon, M. (2008). Student 'Twitters' his way out of Egyptian jail. Erişim:
  • Silva, J. M., Mahfujur Rahman, A. S. M., El Saddik, A. (2008, October). Web 3.0: a vision for bridging the gap between real and virtual. In Proceedings of the 1st ACM international workshop on Communicability design and evaluation in cultural and ecological multimedia system (pp. 9-14). ACM.
  • Smith, A. N., Fischer, E., Yongjian, C. (2012). How does brand-related user-generated content differ across YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter?. Journal of interactive marketing, 26(2), 102-113.
  • Statistica. (2018). Nokia's net sales from 1999 to 2017 (in billion euros). Erişim:
  • Tiago, M. T. P. M. B., Veríssimo, J. M. C. (2014). Digital marketing and social media: why bother?. Business Horizons, 57(6), 703-708.
  • Truong, Y., Klink, R. R., Simmons, G., Grinstein, A., Palmer, M. (2017). Branding strategies for high-technology products: the effects of consumer and product innovativeness. Journal of Business Research, 70, 85-91.
  • Trusov, M., Bucklin, R. E., Pauwels, K. (2009). Effects of word-of-mouth versus traditional marketing: findings from an internet social networking site. Journal of marketing, 73(5), 90-102.
  • We Are Social. (2018). Global Digital Report 2018. Erişim:
  • Webber, T. (2010). Why companies watch your every Facebook, YouTube, Twitter move. Erişim:
  • Wilson, A. E., Giebelhausen, M. D., Brady, M. K. (2017). Negative word of mouth can be a positive for consumers connected to the brand. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(4), 534-547.
  • Zhou, W., Duan, W. (2015). An empirical study of how third-party websites influence the feedback mechanism between online word-of-mouth and retail sales. Decision Support Systems, 76, 14-23.
Year 2018, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 238 - 250, 30.09.2018



  • Akçay, M. A. (2013). Dünya değerler anket verilerinin veri madenciliği yöntemiyle incelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı, İstanbul, Türkiye, 23-25.
  • Alpaydın, E. (2000). Zeki veri madenciliği: ham veriden altin bilgiye ulaşma Yöntemleri. Bilişim 2000 Eğitim Semineri, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • Bagozzi, R. P., Dholakia, U. M. (2006). Antecedents and purchase consequences of customer participation in small group brand communities. International Journal of research in Marketing, 23(1), 45-61.
  • Barnaghi, P., Ghaffari, P., Breslin, J. G. (2016). Opinion mining and sentiment polarity on twitter and correlation between events and sentiment. In Big Data Computing Service and Applications (BigDataService), 2016 IEEE Second International Conference on (pp. 52-57). IEEE.
  • Berger, J., Sorensen, A. T., Rasmussen, S. J. (2010). Positive effects of negative publicity: when negative reviews increase sales. Marketing Science, 29(5), 815-827.
  • Bayo-Moriones, A., Lera-López, F. (2007). A firm-level analysis of determinants of ICT adoption in Spain. Technovation, 27(6-7), 352-366.
  • Berthon, P. R., Pitt, L. F., Plangger, K., Shapiro, D. (2012). Marketing meets Web 2.0, social media, and creative consumers: implications for international marketing strategy. Business horizons, 55(3), 261-271.
  • Blossom, J. (2009). Content nation-surviving and thriving as social media changes our work, our lives and our future. India: Wiley Publishing Inc, 1. Baskı.
  • Borgatti, S., Foster, P. (2003). The network paradigm in organizational research: a review and typology. Journal of Management, 29(6), 991-1013.
  • Brookes, E. J. (2010). The anatomy of a Facebook post: study on post performance by type, day of the week, and time of day. Vitrue Inc.
  • Brunner, R., Emery, S., Hall, R. (2008). Do you matter?: how great design will make people love your company. FT Press.
  • Budden, C. B., Anthony, J. F., Budden, M. C., Jones, M. A. (2011). Managing the evolution of a revolution: marketing implications of internet media usage among college students. College Teaching Methods and Styles Journal, 3 (3), 5-10.
  • Büyükuysal, M. Ç., Öz, İ. İ. (2016). Çoklu doğrusal bağinti varliğinda en küçük karelere alternatif yaklaşim: Ridge Regresyon. Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(2), 110-114.
  • Chevalier, J. A., Mayzlin, D. (2006). The effect of word of mouth on sales: online book reviews. Journal of marketing research, 43(3), 345-354.
  • De Vries, L., Gensler, S., Leeflang, P. S. (2012). Popularity of brand posts on brand fan pages: an investigation of the effects of social media marketing. Journal of interactive marketing, 26(2), 83-91.
  • Dellarocas, C., Wood, C. A. (2008). The sound of silence in online feedback: estimating trading risks in the presence of reporting bias. Management science, 54(3), 460-476.
  • Dholakia, U. M., Bagozzi, R. P., Pearo, L. K. (2004). A social influence model of consumer participation in network-and small-group-based virtual communities. International journal of research in marketing, 21(3), 241-263.
  • Dholakia, U. M., Durham, E. (2010). One café chain’s Facebook experiment. Harvard Business Review, 88(3), 26.
  • Dick, A. S., Basu, K. (1994). Customer loyalty: toward an integrated conceptual framework. Journal of the academy of marketing science, 22(2), 99-113.
  • Dunbar, R. I. M. (1992). Neocortex size as a constraint on group size in primates. Journal of Human Evolution, 22(6), 469-493.
  • Eley, B., Tilley, S. (2009). The art & science of online marketing. Australia, SitePoint.
  • Engeström, J. (2005). Why some social network services work and others don’t –— Or: the case for object-centered sociality. Erişim http://www.
  • Frawley, W. J., Piatetsky-Shapiro, G., Matheus, C. J. (1992). Knowledge discovery in databases: an overview. AI magazine, 13(3), 57.
  • Gillin, P. (2010). The new conversation: taking social media from talk to action. Harvard Business Review, 1-24.
  • Goldenberg, J., Libai, B., Moldovan, S., Muller, E. (2007). The NPV of bad news. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 24(3), 186-200.
  • Gommans, M., Krishman, K. S., Scheffold, K. B. (2001). From brand loyalty to e-loyalty: a conceptual framework. Journal of Economic & Social Research, 3(1).
  • Grau, J. (2009). US retail e-commerce: slower but still steady growth. Emarketer, Retrieved April, 5.
  • He, W., Zha, S., Li, L. (2013). Social media competitive analysis and text mining: a case study in the pizza industry. International Journal of Information Management, 33(3), 464-472.
  • Hennig‐Thurau, T., Gwinner, K. P., Walsh, G., Gremler, D. D. (2004). Electronic word‐of‐mouth via consumer‐opinion platforms: what motivates consumers to articulate themselves on the Internet?. Journal of interactive marketing, 18(1), 38-52.
  • Ho-Dac, N. N., Carson, S. J., Moore, W. L. (2013). The effects of positive and negative online customer reviews: do brand strength and category maturity matter?. Journal of Marketing, 77(6), 37-53.
  • Huberman, B. A., Romero, D. M., Wu, F. (2008). Social networks that matter: Twitter under the microscope. arXiv preprint arXiv:0812.1045.
  • Ibrahim, N. F., Wang, X., Bourne, H. (2017). Exploring the effect of user engagement in online brand communities: evidence from Twitter. Computers in Human Behavior, 72, 321-338.
  • Kaplan, A. M., Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media. Business Horizons, 53 (1), 59–68.
  • Keath, J., Kistner, J., Mirman, E., Levey, J. (2011). Facebook page marketing. HubSpot Retrived, 24-2.
  • Kierzkowski, A., Mcquade, S., Waitman, R., Zeisser, M. (1996). Current research: marketing to the digital consumer. The mckinsey quarterly, (2), 180-183.
  • Kietzmann, J. H., Hermkens, K., McCarthy, I. P., Silvestre, B. S. (2011). Social media? Get serious! Understanding the functional building blocks of social media. Business Horizons, 54(3), 241–250.
  • Kim, E., Sung, Y., Kang, H. (2014). Brand followers’ retweeting behavior on Twitter: how brand relationships influence brand electronic word-of-mouth. Computers in Human Behavior, 37, 18-25.
  • Kiygi-Calli, M., Weverbergh, M., Franses, P. H. (2012). The effectiveness of high-frequency direct-response commercials. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 29(1), 98-109.
  • Kotler, P., Armstrong, G. (2012). Principles of marketing. Pearson education.
  • Kozinets, R. V. (1999). E-tribalized marketing?: the strategic implications of virtual communities of consumption. European Management Journal, 17(3), 252-264.
  • Kozinets, R. V., De Valck, K., Wojnicki, A. C., Wilner, S. J. (2010). Networked narratives: understanding word-of-mouth marketing in online communities. Journal of marketing, 74(2), 71-89.
  • Kumar R., Novak J., Tomkins A. (2010). Structure and evolution of online social networks. Link mining: Models, algorithms, and applications, Springer, New York, 337-357.
  • Kwak, H., Lee, C., Park, H., Moon, S. (2010, April). What is Twitter, a social network or a news media?. In Proceedings of the 19th international conference on World wide web (pp. 591-600). AcM.
  • Little, J. D. (1979). Aggregate advertising models: the state of the art. Operations research, 27(4), 629-667.
  • Lockwood, T., Walton, T. (2008). Building design strategy. Using Design to Achieve Key Business.
  • Mangold, W. G., Faulds D. J. (2009). Social media: the new hybrid element of the promotion mixed. Bussines Horizons. 52, 357-365.
  • Marchand, A., Hennig-Thurau, T., Wiertz, C. (2017). Not all digital word of mouth is created equal: understanding the respective impact of consumer reviews and microblogs on new product success. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34(2), 336-354.
  • McAlexander, J. H., Schouten, J. W., Koenig, H. F. (2002). Building brand community. Journal of marketing, 66(1), 38-54.
  • Misner, I. R., Devine, V. (1999). The world's best-known marketing secret: building your business with word-of-mouth marketing. Austin, TX: Bard Press.
  • Moralıoğlu, D. (2014). Ben marka olsam. Epsilon Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Muñiz, A. M., O'guinn, T. C. (2001). Brand community. Journal of consumer research, 27(4), 412-432.
  • Nail, J. (2005). What’s the buzz on word-of-mouth marketing? Social computing and consumer control put momentum into viral marketing. Forrester Research.
  • Nam, H., Joshi, Y. V., Kannan, P. K. (2017). Harvesting brand information from social tags. Journal of Marketing, 81(4), 88-108.
  • Nielsen. (2016). Connected Commerce Is Creating Buyers Without Borders, Nielsen Global,
  • Özkan, Y. (2008). Veri madenciliği yöntemleri. Papatya Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • Pauwels, K., Aksehirli, Z., Lackman, A. (2016). Like the ad or the brand? Marketing stimulates different electronic word-of-mouth content to drive online and offline performance. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33(3), 639-655.
  • Roshanaei, M., Mishra, S. (2015). Studying the attributes of users in Twitter considering their emotional states. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 5(1), 34.
  • Ryan, D., Jones, C. (2009). Understanding digital marketing. Philadelphia, PA: Kogan Page Limited.
  • Ryan, K. S., Zabin, J. (2010). Gleansight: social media marketing. Gleanster LCC, 1-21.
  • Safko, L. (2010). The social media bible: tactics, tools, and strategies for business success. John Wiley & Sons. New Jersey, 3. Baskı, 3.
  • Shankar, V., Batra, R. (2009). The growing influence of online marketing communications.
  • Sharp, B., Sharp, A. (1997). Loyalty programs and their impact on repeat-purchase loyalty patterns. International journal of Research in Marketing, 14(5), 473-486.
  • Simon, M. (2008). Student 'Twitters' his way out of Egyptian jail. Erişim:
  • Silva, J. M., Mahfujur Rahman, A. S. M., El Saddik, A. (2008, October). Web 3.0: a vision for bridging the gap between real and virtual. In Proceedings of the 1st ACM international workshop on Communicability design and evaluation in cultural and ecological multimedia system (pp. 9-14). ACM.
  • Smith, A. N., Fischer, E., Yongjian, C. (2012). How does brand-related user-generated content differ across YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter?. Journal of interactive marketing, 26(2), 102-113.
  • Statistica. (2018). Nokia's net sales from 1999 to 2017 (in billion euros). Erişim:
  • Tiago, M. T. P. M. B., Veríssimo, J. M. C. (2014). Digital marketing and social media: why bother?. Business Horizons, 57(6), 703-708.
  • Truong, Y., Klink, R. R., Simmons, G., Grinstein, A., Palmer, M. (2017). Branding strategies for high-technology products: the effects of consumer and product innovativeness. Journal of Business Research, 70, 85-91.
  • Trusov, M., Bucklin, R. E., Pauwels, K. (2009). Effects of word-of-mouth versus traditional marketing: findings from an internet social networking site. Journal of marketing, 73(5), 90-102.
  • We Are Social. (2018). Global Digital Report 2018. Erişim:
  • Webber, T. (2010). Why companies watch your every Facebook, YouTube, Twitter move. Erişim:
  • Wilson, A. E., Giebelhausen, M. D., Brady, M. K. (2017). Negative word of mouth can be a positive for consumers connected to the brand. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(4), 534-547.
  • Zhou, W., Duan, W. (2015). An empirical study of how third-party websites influence the feedback mechanism between online word-of-mouth and retail sales. Decision Support Systems, 76, 14-23.
There are 73 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Abdullah Onden 0000-0003-3769-8193

Meltem Kiygi-calli This is me 0000-0002-2979-9309

Publication Date September 30, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 5 Issue: 3


APA Onden, A., & Kiygi-calli, M. (2018). THE EFFECTS OF BRANDS’ POSTS ON SOCIAL MEDIA: CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK AND APPLICATION METHOD. Research Journal of Business and Management, 5(3), 238-250.
Chicago Onden, Abdullah, and Meltem Kiygi-calli. “THE EFFECTS OF BRANDS’ POSTS ON SOCIAL MEDIA: CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK AND APPLICATION METHOD”. Research Journal of Business and Management 5, no. 3 (September 2018): 238-50.
EndNote Onden A, Kiygi-calli M (September 1, 2018) THE EFFECTS OF BRANDS’ POSTS ON SOCIAL MEDIA: CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK AND APPLICATION METHOD. Research Journal of Business and Management 5 3 238–250.
ISNAD Onden, Abdullah - Kiygi-calli, Meltem. “THE EFFECTS OF BRANDS’ POSTS ON SOCIAL MEDIA: CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK AND APPLICATION METHOD”. Research Journal of Business and Management 5/3 (September 2018), 238-250.
MLA Onden, Abdullah and Meltem Kiygi-calli. “THE EFFECTS OF BRANDS’ POSTS ON SOCIAL MEDIA: CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK AND APPLICATION METHOD”. Research Journal of Business and Management, vol. 5, no. 3, 2018, pp. 238-50.

Research Journal of Business and Management (RJBM) is a scientific, academic, double blind peer-reviewed, semi-annually and open-access online journal. The journal publishes 2 issues a year. The issuing months are June and December. The publication language of the Journal is English. RJBM aims to provide a research source for all practitioners, policy makers, professionals and researchers working in all related areas of business, management and organizations. The editor in chief of RJBM invites all manuscripts that cover theoretical and/or applied researches on topics related to the interest areas of the Journal. RJBM publishes academic research studies only. RJBM charges no submission or publication fee.

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Open Access - All research articles published in PressAcademia Journals are fully open access; immediately freely available to read, download and share. Articles are published under the terms of a Creative Commons license which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Open access is a property of individual works, not necessarily journals or publishers. Community standards, rather than copyright law, will continue to provide the mechanism for enforcement of proper attribution and responsible use of the published work, as they do now.