Research Article
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Year 2024, , 93 - 98, 04.06.2024


Objective: This study evaluated chromosome polymorphisms (1qh+, 9qh+, inv9, 13ps+, 14ps+, 15ps+, 16qh+, 21 ps+, 22 ps+ and Yqh+) in a case group (n=1688) with two or more recurrent pregnancy losses (RPL) and a control group (n=80).

Materials and Methods: The control group was selected from 40 married couples who had no known hereditary disease, were not relatives, had healthy children, and had no history of miscarriage and/or stillbirth. Phytohemagglutinin-induced peripheral blood lymphocytes were cultured for 72 h. The Giemsa–Trypsin–Leischman (GTL) banding technique was applied to the obtained metaphase plates; thirty metaphase plates were examined at the 450-550 band level in each individual.

Results: A total of 488 individuals in the case group and 13 in the control group carried polymorphic chromosome variants.9qh+ chromosome polymorphisms were more prevalent in the case group than in the control group (p=0.028). Other variants were also increasingly observed in the case group (p=0.014).

Conclusion: Our findings reveal a potential relationship between RPL and chromosome polymorphisms. Karyotype analysis and appropriate genetic counseling increase the chance of having healthy children in individuals with RPL.

Project Number

BAP 17.SAĞ.BİL.32.


  • Ermiş Tekkuş K. Tekrarlayan düşükleri olan çiftlerde sitogenetik değerlendirme (uzmanlık tezi). İstanbul: İstanbul Üniv. 2016. google scholar
  • Nybo Andersen AM, Wohlfahrt J, Christens P, Olsen J, Melbye M. Maternal age and fetal loss: population based register linkage study. Br Med J 2000;320(7251):1708-12. google scholar
  • Ford HB, Schust DJ. Recurrent pregnancy loss: etiology, diagnosis, and therapy. Rev Obstet Gynecol 2000;2(2):76-83. google scholar
  • Hong Y, Zhou YW, Tao J, Wang SX, Zhaoet XM. Do polymorphic variants of chromosomes affect the outcome of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer treatment? Hum Reprod 2011;26(4):933-40. google scholar
  • Başaran N. Tıbbi Genetik. 6. Baskı. Eskişehir: Bilim Teknik Yayınevi; 1996. google scholar
  • Şaylı BS. Biyokimyasal Genetik. 2. Baskı. Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi; 1977. google scholar
  • Wyandt HE, Tonk VS, Wilson GN, editors. Human chromosome variation: heteromorphism and polymorphism, 1rd ed. Dordrecht: Springer; 2012.p.7-32 google scholar
  • Christiansen OB, Malthiesen O, Lauritsen JG, Grunnet N. Idiopathic recurrent spontaneous abortion. Evidence of a familial predisposition. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1990;69(7-8):597-601. google scholar
  • Christiansen OB. Epidemiological, immunogenetic and immunotherapeutic aspects of unexplained recurrent miscarriage. Dan Med Bull 1997;44(4):396-424. google scholar
  • Stephenson MD, Dreher K, Houlihan E, Wu V. Prevention of unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion using intravenous immunglobulin: a prospective, randomised, double blinded, placebo controlled trial. Am J Reprod Immunol 1998;39(2):82-8. google scholar
  • Carrington B, Sacks G, Regan L. Recurrent miscarriage: pathophysiology and outcome. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 2005;17(6):591-7. google scholar
  • Stephenson MD, Sierra S. Reproductive outcomes in recurrent pregnancy loss associated with a parental carrier of a structural chromosome rearrangement. Hum Reprod 2006;21(4):1076-82. google scholar
  • Silver RM, Eller AG, Branch DW, Nelson L, Porter TF. Vascular endothelial growth factor-A gene polymorphisms in women with recurrent pregnancy loss. J Reprod Immunol 2011;88(1):48-52 google scholar
  • Keten HS, Gencoglan S, Dalgaci AF, Avci F, Satan Y, Olmez S, et al. Evaluation of acute stress disorder following pregnancy losses. Cukurova Med J 2015;40(2):226-32. google scholar
  • Fritz B, Hallermann C, Olert, J, Fuchs B, Bruns M, Aslan M, et al. Cytogenetic analyses of culture failures by comparative genomic hybridisation (CGH)-Re-evaluation of chromosome aberration rates in early spontaneous abortions. Eur J Hum Genet 2001;9(7):539-47. google scholar
  • Akbas H, Isi H, Oral D, Turkyilmaz A, Kalkanli Tas S, Simsek S, et al. Chromosome heteromorphisms are more frequent in couples with recurrent abortions. Genet Mol Res 2012;11(4):3847-51. google scholar
  • Philipp T, Philipp K, Reiner A, Beer F, Kalousek DK. Embryoscopic and cytogenetic analysis of 233 missed abortions: factors involved in the pathogenesis of developmental defects of early failed pregnancies. Hum Reprod 2003;18(8):1724-32. google scholar
  • De La Fuente Cortes BE, Cerda Flores RM, Davila Rodriguez MI, Garcia Vielma C, De la Rosa Alvarado RM, Cortes-Gutierrez EI. Chromosomal abnormalities and polymorphic variants in couples with repeated miscarriage in Mexico. Reprod Biomed Online 2009;18(4):543-8. google scholar
  • Sipek A Jr, Mihalova R, Panczak A, Hrckova L, Janashia M, Kasprikova N, et al. Heterochromatin variants in human karyotypes: a possible association with reproductive failure. Reprod Biomed Online 2014;29(2):245-50. google scholar
  • Mierla D, Stoian V. Chromosomal polymorphisms involved in reproductive failure in the Romanian population. Balk J Med Genet 2012;15(2):23-8. google scholar
  • Sheth FJ, Liehr T, Kumari P, Akinde R, Sheth HJ, Sheth JJ. Chromosomal abnormalities in couples with repeated fetal loss: An Indian retrospective study. Indian J Hum Genet 2013;19(4):415. google scholar
  • Yuce H, Tekedereli I, Elyas H. Cytogenetic results of recurrent spontaneous abortions in Turkey. Med Sci Monit 2007;13(6):286-9. google scholar
  • Sahin FI, Yilmaz Z, Yuregir O, Bulakbasi T, Ozer O, Zeyneloglu HB. Chromosome heteromorphisms: an impact on infertility. J Assist Reprod Genet 2008;25(5):191-5. google scholar
  • Karaca Y, Pariltay E, Mardan L, Karaca E, Durmaz A, Durmaz B, et al. Co-occurrences of polymorphic heterochromatin regions of chromosomes and effect on reproductive failure. Reprod Biol 2020;20(1):42-7. google scholar
  • Hemming L, Burns C. Heterochromatic polymorphism in spontaneous abortions. J Med Genet 1979;16(5):358-62. google scholar
  • Blumberg BD, Shulkin JD, Rotter JI, Mohandas T, Kaback MM. Minor chromosomal variants and major chromosomal anomalies in couples with recurrent abortion. Am J Hum Genet 1982;34(6):948-60. google scholar
  • Nie H, Lu G. Long Y chromosome is not a fetal loss risk. J Assist Reprod Genet 2011;28(2):151-6. google scholar
  • Chatzimeletiou K, Taylor J, Marks K, Grudzinskas JG, Handyside AH. Paternal inheritance of a 16qh- polymorphism in a patient with repeated IVF failure. Reprod BioMed Online 2006;13(6):864-7. google scholar
  • Madon PF, Athalye AS, Parikh FR. Polymorphic variants on chromosomes probably play a significant role in infertility. Reprod Biomed Online 2005;1(6):726-32. google scholar
  • Makino T, Hara T, Oka C, Toyoshima K, Sugi T, Iwasaki K, et al. Survey of 1120 Japanese women with a history of recurrent spontaneous abortions. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 1992;44(2):123-30. google scholar
  • Duzcan F, Atmaca M, Cetin GO, Bagci H. Cytogenetic studies in patients with reproductive failure. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2003;82(1):53-6. google scholar
  • Caglayan AO, Ozyazgan I, Demiryilmaz F, Dündar M. Cytogenetic results of patients with infertility in Middle Anatolia, Turkey: do heterochromatin polymorphisms affect fertility? J Reprod Infertil 2010;11(3):179-81. google scholar
  • Berkay EG, Basaran S. New Approaches to explaining the etiology in recurrent pregnancy losses. J Ist Faculty Med 2021;84(1):135-44. google scholar
  • Kolte AM, Nielsen HS, Moltke I, Degn B, Pedersen B, Sunde L,et al. A genome-wide scan in affected sibling pairs with idiopathic recurrent miscarriage suggest genetic linkage. Mol Hum Reprod. 2011;17(6): 379-85. google scholar


Year 2024, , 93 - 98, 04.06.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışmada, iki veya daha fazla tekrarlayan gebelik kaybı (TGK) olan vaka grubu (n=1688) ve kontrol grubu (n=80) kromozom polimorfizmleri (1qh+, 9qh+, inv9, 13ps+, 14ps+, 15ps+, 16qh+, 21 ps+, 22 ps+ ve Yqh+) açısından değerlendirildi.

Gereç ve Yöntem: Kontrol grubu bilinen bir kalıtsal hastalığı olmayan, akraba olmayan, sağlıklı çocuğu olan, düşük ve/veya ölü doğum öyküsü olmayan 40 evli çiftten seçildi. Fitohemaglutinin ile indüklenmiş periferik kan lenfositlerinin 72 saatlik kültürü yapıldı. Elde edilen metafaz plaklarına Giemsa-Trypsin-Leischman (GTL) bantlama tekniği uygulandı. Her birey için yapılan kromozom analizinde 450-550 bant seviyesinde 30 metafaz plağı incelendi.

Bulgular: Polimorfik kromozom varyantı taşıyan bireylerin sayısı vaka grubunda 488 ve kontrol grubunda ise 13 olarak belirlendi. 9qh+ kromozom polimorfizminin kontrole göre vaka grubunda daha yüksek oranda olduğu belirlendi (p=0,028). Bununla birlikte, diğer bazı varyantların da vaka grubunda artış eğilimi gösterdiği gözlendi (p=0,014).

Sonuç: Bulgularımız TGK ile kromozom polimorfizmleri arasında bir ilişki olabileceğini kanıtladı. TGK olan bireylerde karyotip analizi ve uygun genetik danışma sağlıklı çocuk sahibi olma şansını artırmaktadır

Project Number

BAP 17.SAĞ.BİL.32.


  • Ermiş Tekkuş K. Tekrarlayan düşükleri olan çiftlerde sitogenetik değerlendirme (uzmanlık tezi). İstanbul: İstanbul Üniv. 2016. google scholar
  • Nybo Andersen AM, Wohlfahrt J, Christens P, Olsen J, Melbye M. Maternal age and fetal loss: population based register linkage study. Br Med J 2000;320(7251):1708-12. google scholar
  • Ford HB, Schust DJ. Recurrent pregnancy loss: etiology, diagnosis, and therapy. Rev Obstet Gynecol 2000;2(2):76-83. google scholar
  • Hong Y, Zhou YW, Tao J, Wang SX, Zhaoet XM. Do polymorphic variants of chromosomes affect the outcome of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer treatment? Hum Reprod 2011;26(4):933-40. google scholar
  • Başaran N. Tıbbi Genetik. 6. Baskı. Eskişehir: Bilim Teknik Yayınevi; 1996. google scholar
  • Şaylı BS. Biyokimyasal Genetik. 2. Baskı. Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi; 1977. google scholar
  • Wyandt HE, Tonk VS, Wilson GN, editors. Human chromosome variation: heteromorphism and polymorphism, 1rd ed. Dordrecht: Springer; 2012.p.7-32 google scholar
  • Christiansen OB, Malthiesen O, Lauritsen JG, Grunnet N. Idiopathic recurrent spontaneous abortion. Evidence of a familial predisposition. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1990;69(7-8):597-601. google scholar
  • Christiansen OB. Epidemiological, immunogenetic and immunotherapeutic aspects of unexplained recurrent miscarriage. Dan Med Bull 1997;44(4):396-424. google scholar
  • Stephenson MD, Dreher K, Houlihan E, Wu V. Prevention of unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion using intravenous immunglobulin: a prospective, randomised, double blinded, placebo controlled trial. Am J Reprod Immunol 1998;39(2):82-8. google scholar
  • Carrington B, Sacks G, Regan L. Recurrent miscarriage: pathophysiology and outcome. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 2005;17(6):591-7. google scholar
  • Stephenson MD, Sierra S. Reproductive outcomes in recurrent pregnancy loss associated with a parental carrier of a structural chromosome rearrangement. Hum Reprod 2006;21(4):1076-82. google scholar
  • Silver RM, Eller AG, Branch DW, Nelson L, Porter TF. Vascular endothelial growth factor-A gene polymorphisms in women with recurrent pregnancy loss. J Reprod Immunol 2011;88(1):48-52 google scholar
  • Keten HS, Gencoglan S, Dalgaci AF, Avci F, Satan Y, Olmez S, et al. Evaluation of acute stress disorder following pregnancy losses. Cukurova Med J 2015;40(2):226-32. google scholar
  • Fritz B, Hallermann C, Olert, J, Fuchs B, Bruns M, Aslan M, et al. Cytogenetic analyses of culture failures by comparative genomic hybridisation (CGH)-Re-evaluation of chromosome aberration rates in early spontaneous abortions. Eur J Hum Genet 2001;9(7):539-47. google scholar
  • Akbas H, Isi H, Oral D, Turkyilmaz A, Kalkanli Tas S, Simsek S, et al. Chromosome heteromorphisms are more frequent in couples with recurrent abortions. Genet Mol Res 2012;11(4):3847-51. google scholar
  • Philipp T, Philipp K, Reiner A, Beer F, Kalousek DK. Embryoscopic and cytogenetic analysis of 233 missed abortions: factors involved in the pathogenesis of developmental defects of early failed pregnancies. Hum Reprod 2003;18(8):1724-32. google scholar
  • De La Fuente Cortes BE, Cerda Flores RM, Davila Rodriguez MI, Garcia Vielma C, De la Rosa Alvarado RM, Cortes-Gutierrez EI. Chromosomal abnormalities and polymorphic variants in couples with repeated miscarriage in Mexico. Reprod Biomed Online 2009;18(4):543-8. google scholar
  • Sipek A Jr, Mihalova R, Panczak A, Hrckova L, Janashia M, Kasprikova N, et al. Heterochromatin variants in human karyotypes: a possible association with reproductive failure. Reprod Biomed Online 2014;29(2):245-50. google scholar
  • Mierla D, Stoian V. Chromosomal polymorphisms involved in reproductive failure in the Romanian population. Balk J Med Genet 2012;15(2):23-8. google scholar
  • Sheth FJ, Liehr T, Kumari P, Akinde R, Sheth HJ, Sheth JJ. Chromosomal abnormalities in couples with repeated fetal loss: An Indian retrospective study. Indian J Hum Genet 2013;19(4):415. google scholar
  • Yuce H, Tekedereli I, Elyas H. Cytogenetic results of recurrent spontaneous abortions in Turkey. Med Sci Monit 2007;13(6):286-9. google scholar
  • Sahin FI, Yilmaz Z, Yuregir O, Bulakbasi T, Ozer O, Zeyneloglu HB. Chromosome heteromorphisms: an impact on infertility. J Assist Reprod Genet 2008;25(5):191-5. google scholar
  • Karaca Y, Pariltay E, Mardan L, Karaca E, Durmaz A, Durmaz B, et al. Co-occurrences of polymorphic heterochromatin regions of chromosomes and effect on reproductive failure. Reprod Biol 2020;20(1):42-7. google scholar
  • Hemming L, Burns C. Heterochromatic polymorphism in spontaneous abortions. J Med Genet 1979;16(5):358-62. google scholar
  • Blumberg BD, Shulkin JD, Rotter JI, Mohandas T, Kaback MM. Minor chromosomal variants and major chromosomal anomalies in couples with recurrent abortion. Am J Hum Genet 1982;34(6):948-60. google scholar
  • Nie H, Lu G. Long Y chromosome is not a fetal loss risk. J Assist Reprod Genet 2011;28(2):151-6. google scholar
  • Chatzimeletiou K, Taylor J, Marks K, Grudzinskas JG, Handyside AH. Paternal inheritance of a 16qh- polymorphism in a patient with repeated IVF failure. Reprod BioMed Online 2006;13(6):864-7. google scholar
  • Madon PF, Athalye AS, Parikh FR. Polymorphic variants on chromosomes probably play a significant role in infertility. Reprod Biomed Online 2005;1(6):726-32. google scholar
  • Makino T, Hara T, Oka C, Toyoshima K, Sugi T, Iwasaki K, et al. Survey of 1120 Japanese women with a history of recurrent spontaneous abortions. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 1992;44(2):123-30. google scholar
  • Duzcan F, Atmaca M, Cetin GO, Bagci H. Cytogenetic studies in patients with reproductive failure. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2003;82(1):53-6. google scholar
  • Caglayan AO, Ozyazgan I, Demiryilmaz F, Dündar M. Cytogenetic results of patients with infertility in Middle Anatolia, Turkey: do heterochromatin polymorphisms affect fertility? J Reprod Infertil 2010;11(3):179-81. google scholar
  • Berkay EG, Basaran S. New Approaches to explaining the etiology in recurrent pregnancy losses. J Ist Faculty Med 2021;84(1):135-44. google scholar
  • Kolte AM, Nielsen HS, Moltke I, Degn B, Pedersen B, Sunde L,et al. A genome-wide scan in affected sibling pairs with idiopathic recurrent miscarriage suggest genetic linkage. Mol Hum Reprod. 2011;17(6): 379-85. google scholar
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Medical Genetics (Excl. Cancer Genetics)
Journal Section Research Articles

Nermin Akçalı 0000-0001-6816-9687

Saliha Handan Yıldız 0000-0003-3727-3662

Müjgan Özdemir Erdoğan 0000-0002-3434-8545

Mustafa Solak 0000-0001-5348-9645

Mine Kanat Pektaş 0000-0001-5445-6159

Project Number BAP 17.SAĞ.BİL.32.
Publication Date June 4, 2024
Submission Date December 4, 2023
Acceptance Date February 12, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


MLA Akçalı, Nermin et al. “ANALYSIS OF POLYMORPHIC CHROMOSOME VARIANTS IN COUPLES WITH RECURRENT PREGNANCY LOSS”. Journal of Advanced Research in Health Sciences, vol. 7, no. 2, 2024, pp. 93-98, doi:10.26650/JARHS2024-1399963.