Research Article
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Year 2024, , 150 - 159, 30.10.2024


Objective: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multifaceted autoim mune condition characterised by irregular immune reactions and genetic susceptibility. The aim of this in silico study was to investigate immune response genes during SLE pathogenesis, focusing on genetic and epige netic regulation.

Materials and Methods: This study involving 1255 patients with SLE and 453 control subjects aimed to identify genes associated with the immune response and examine their expression and DNA methylation levels in both patients with SLE and controls. The study design utilized the ADEX open-access database.

Results: The study identified 10 differentially expressed immune respon se-related genes (FAM117B, ZNF395, PGAP3, PIK3IP1, HLA-DMB, HLA DPA1, HLA-DRB3, HLA-DQA1, HLA-DPB1, and CCL5) in SLE pathogenesis, with 78 corresponding methylation sites. Upregulation of HLA-DQA1, HLA-DMB, and CCL5 was observed in patients with SLE, whereas the rema ining genes exhibited decreased expression. HLA-DPA1, HLA-DPB1, HLA DMB, HLA-DQA1, CCL5, and ZNF395 were found to be the most hyper methylated genes in SLE. Methylation of the CpG islands of HLA-DPB1, CCL5, FAM117B, and ZNF395 is correlated with their expression levels in SLE.

Conclusion: Our findings shed light on the genetic and epigenetic mecha nisms underlying SLE and underscore the importance of these genes in immune dysregulation and disease progression. Further research on the functional significance of these genes could provide valuable insights into the pathogenesis of SLE and potential therapeutic targets.


  • 1. Tian J, Zhang D, Yao X, Huang Y, Lu Q. Global epidemiology of systemic lupus erythematosus: a comprehensive systematic analysis and modelling study. Ann Rheum Dis 2023;82(3):351-6. google scholar
  • 2. Ameer MA, Chaudhry H, Mushtaq J, Khan OS, Babar M, Hashim T, et al. An Overview of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Pathogenesis, Classification, and Management. Cureus 2022;14(10):e30330. google scholar
  • 3. Ha E, Bae SC, Kim K. Recent advances in understanding the genetic basis of systemic lupus erythematosus. Semin Immunopathol 2022;44(1):29-46. google scholar
  • 4. Ashraf Antar E, Sun C, Looger LL, Hirose M, Salama M, Khalil NM, et al. Genome-wide association study for systemic lupus erythematosus in an egyptian population. Front Genet 2022;13:948505. google scholar
  • 5. Zharkova O, Celhar T, Cravens PD, Satterthwaite AB, Fairhurst AM, Davis LS. Pathways leading to an immunological disease: systemic lupus erythematosus. Rheumatology 2017;56(suppl_1):i55-66. google scholar
  • 6. Davies EJ, Hutchings CJ, Hillarby MC, Donn RP, Cooper RG, Hay EM, et al. HLA-DP does not contribute towards susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematosus. Ann Rheum Dis 1994;53(3):188-90. google scholar
  • 7. Pan L, Lu MP, Wang JH, Xu M, Yang SR. Immunological pathogenesis and treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus. World J Pediatr 2019;16(1):19-30. google scholar
  • 8. McHugh J. New evidence for the “cusp theory” to explain HLA associations in SLE. Nat Rev Rheumatol 2022;18(10):552. google scholar
  • 9. Richter P, Macovei LA, Mihai IR, Cardoneanu A, Burlui MA, Rezus E. Cytokines in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus-Focus on TNF-a and IL-17. Int J Mol Sci 2023;24(19):14413. google scholar
  • 10. Farivar S, Shaabanpour AF. Effects of Major Epigenetic Factors on Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Iran Biomed J 2018;22(5):294-302. google scholar
  • 11. Tiffin N, Adeyemo A, Okpechi I. A diverse array of genetic factors contribute to the pathogenesis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2013;8:2. google scholar
  • 12. Hedrich CM. Epigenetics in SLE. Curr Rheumatol Rep 2017;19(9):58. google scholar
  • 13. Araki Y, Mimura T. Epigenetic Dysregulation in the Pathogenesis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Int J Mol Sci 2024;25(2):1019. google scholar
  • 14. Pan L, Lu MP, Wang JH, Xu M, Yang SR. Immunological pathogenesis and treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus. World J Pediatr 2019;16(1):19-30. google scholar
  • 15. Barrett T, Wilhite SE, Ledoux P, Carlos Evangelista, Irene F Kim, Maxim Tomashevsky, et al. NCBI GEO: archive for functional genomics data sets--update. Nucleic Acids Res 2013;41(Database issue):D991-5 . google scholar
  • 16. Li S, Rouphael N, Duraisingham S, Romero-Steiner S, Presnell S, Davis C, et al. Molecular signatures of antibody responses derived from a systems biology study of five human vaccines. Nat Immunol 2014;15(2):195-204 google scholar
  • 17. Martorell-Marugân J, Löpez-Dommguez R, Garaa-Moreno A, Toro-Dommguez D, Villatoro-Garda JA, Barturen G, et al. A comprehensive database for integrated analysis of omics data in autoimmune diseases. BMC Bioinformatics 2021;22(1):343. google scholar
  • 18. Love MI, Huber W, Anders S. Moderated estimation of fold change and dispersion for RNA-seq data with DESeq2. Genome Biol 2014;15:550. google scholar
  • 19. R Core Team. R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing [Internet]. Vienna, Austria; 2016. Available from: google scholar
  • 20. Hedrich CM, Mabert K, Rauen T, Tsokos GC. DNA methylation in systemic lupus erythematosus. Epigenomics 2017;9(4):505-25. google scholar
  • 21. Oaks Z, Perl A. Metabolic control of the epigenome in systemic Lupus erythematosus. Autoimmunity 2014;47(4):256-64. google scholar
  • 22. Yen JH, Chen CJ, Tsai WC, Tsai JJ, Ou TT, Liu HW. HLA-DMA and HLA-DMB genotyping in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. J Rheumatol 1999;26(9):1930-3. google scholar
  • 23. Kwon Y-C, Chun S, Kim K, Mak A. Update on the Genetics of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Genome-Wide Association Studies and Beyond. Cells 2019;8(10):1180. google scholar
  • 24. Horton R, Wilming L, Rand V, Lovering RC, Bruford EA, Khodiyar VK, et al. Gene map of the extended human MHC. Nat Rev Genet 2004;5(12):889-99. google scholar
  • 25. Rasouli SA, Tahamoli RA, Behzad M, Hajilooi M, Solgi G. Clinical Relevance of HLA-DRB1 and -DQB1 Alleles in Iranian Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients. Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol 2021;20(1):67-75. google scholar
  • 26. Richter P, Macovei LA, Mihai IR, Cardoneanu A, Burlui MA, Rezus E. Cytokines in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus-Focus on TNF-a and IL-17. Int J Mol Sci 2023;24(19):14413. google scholar
  • 27. Shirakawa F, Yamashita U, Suzuki H. Decrease in HLA-DR-positive monocytes in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). J Immunol 1985;134(6):3560-2. google scholar
  • 28. Tokano Y, Hishikawa T, Hirose T, Sekigawa I, Hashimoto H, Okumura K, et al. HLA-DP-Positive T Cells in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Autoimmunity 1990;5(3):179-83. google scholar
  • 29. Rupasree Y, Naushad SM, Rajasekhar L, Kutala VK. Epigenetic modulation of RFC1, MHC2TA and HLA-DR in systemic lupus erythematosus: association with serological markers and six functional polymorphisms of one-carbon metabolic pathway. Gene 2014;536(1):45-52. google scholar
  • 30. Liao X, Pirapakaran T, Luo XM. Chemokines and Chemokine Receptors in the Development of Lupus Nephritis. Mediators Inflamm 2016;2016:6012715. google scholar
  • 31. Schroeder L, Herwartz C, Jordanovski D, Steger G. ZNF395 Is an Activator of a Subset of IFN-Stimulated Genes. Mediators Inflamm 2017;2017:1248201. google scholar
  • 32. Caldiran, FY, Berkel, C, Deveci, K, Cacan, E. In silico analysis of expression and DNA methylation profiles of NLRP13 inflammasome in tumor cells. Human Gene 2022;33:201067. google scholar
  • 33. Caldiran F, Deveci K, Cacan E. Epigenetic insights into Familial Mediterranean Fever: Increased RGS10 expression and histone modifications accompanies inflammation in familial Mediterranean fever disease. Gene 2024;906:148222. google scholar
  • 34. Hedrich CM, Mabert K, Rauen T, Tsokos GC. DNA methylation in systemic lupus erythematosus. Epigenomics 2017;9(4):505-25. google scholar


Year 2024, , 150 - 159, 30.10.2024


Amaç: Sistemik lupus eritematozus (SLE), düzensiz bağışıklık tepkileri ve genetik yatkınlık ile karakterize edilen çok yönlü otoimmün bir durumdur. Bu in siliko çalışmanın amacı, SLE patogenezinde bağışıklık yanıtı genlerini incelemek ve genetik ile epigenetik düzenlemelere odaklanmaktır.

Gereç ve Yöntemler: 1255 SLE hastası ve 453 kontrol grubunu içeren bu çalışma, bağışıklık yanıtı ile ilişkilendirilen genleri belirlemeyi ve hem SLE hastalarında hem de kontrol grubunda bunların ekspresyon ve DNA meti lasyon düzeylerini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmada, açık erişimli bir veri tabanı olan ADEX veritabanını kullanmıştır.

Bulgular: Çalışma, SLE patogenezinde on farklı şekilde ekspresyon göste ren bağışıklık yanıtı ile ilişkilendirilen genleri (FAM117B, ZNF395, PGAP3, PIK3IP1, HLA-DMB, HLA-DPA1, HLA-DRB3, HLA-DQA1, HLA-DPB1 ve CCL5) ve bunlara karşılık gelen 78 metilasyon sitesini belirlemiştir. SLE hastaların da HLA-DQA1, HLA-DMB ve CCL5’in aşırı ekspresyonu gözlenirken, diğer genlerin ekspresyonunda azalma görülmüştür. HLA-DPA1, HLA-DPB1, HLA DMB, HLA-DQA1, CCL5 ve ZNF395’in SLE’de en fazla hipermetile edilen genler olduğu bulunmuştur. HLA-DPB1, CCL5, FAM117B ve ZNF395’in CpG adalarındaki metilasyonları, bunların SLE’deki ekspresyon düzeyleri ile ilişkili bulunmuştur.

Sonuç: Bu bulgular, SLE’nin genetik ve epigenetik mekanizmalarına ışık tutmakta ve bu genlerin bağışıklık düzensizliği ve hastalık ilerlemesi üze rindeki önemini vurgulamaktadır. Bu genlerin fonksiyonel önemine ilişkin daha fazla araştırma, SLE patogenezine ve potansiyel terapötik hedeflere yönelik değerli bilgiler sağlayabilir.


  • 1. Tian J, Zhang D, Yao X, Huang Y, Lu Q. Global epidemiology of systemic lupus erythematosus: a comprehensive systematic analysis and modelling study. Ann Rheum Dis 2023;82(3):351-6. google scholar
  • 2. Ameer MA, Chaudhry H, Mushtaq J, Khan OS, Babar M, Hashim T, et al. An Overview of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Pathogenesis, Classification, and Management. Cureus 2022;14(10):e30330. google scholar
  • 3. Ha E, Bae SC, Kim K. Recent advances in understanding the genetic basis of systemic lupus erythematosus. Semin Immunopathol 2022;44(1):29-46. google scholar
  • 4. Ashraf Antar E, Sun C, Looger LL, Hirose M, Salama M, Khalil NM, et al. Genome-wide association study for systemic lupus erythematosus in an egyptian population. Front Genet 2022;13:948505. google scholar
  • 5. Zharkova O, Celhar T, Cravens PD, Satterthwaite AB, Fairhurst AM, Davis LS. Pathways leading to an immunological disease: systemic lupus erythematosus. Rheumatology 2017;56(suppl_1):i55-66. google scholar
  • 6. Davies EJ, Hutchings CJ, Hillarby MC, Donn RP, Cooper RG, Hay EM, et al. HLA-DP does not contribute towards susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematosus. Ann Rheum Dis 1994;53(3):188-90. google scholar
  • 7. Pan L, Lu MP, Wang JH, Xu M, Yang SR. Immunological pathogenesis and treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus. World J Pediatr 2019;16(1):19-30. google scholar
  • 8. McHugh J. New evidence for the “cusp theory” to explain HLA associations in SLE. Nat Rev Rheumatol 2022;18(10):552. google scholar
  • 9. Richter P, Macovei LA, Mihai IR, Cardoneanu A, Burlui MA, Rezus E. Cytokines in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus-Focus on TNF-a and IL-17. Int J Mol Sci 2023;24(19):14413. google scholar
  • 10. Farivar S, Shaabanpour AF. Effects of Major Epigenetic Factors on Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Iran Biomed J 2018;22(5):294-302. google scholar
  • 11. Tiffin N, Adeyemo A, Okpechi I. A diverse array of genetic factors contribute to the pathogenesis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2013;8:2. google scholar
  • 12. Hedrich CM. Epigenetics in SLE. Curr Rheumatol Rep 2017;19(9):58. google scholar
  • 13. Araki Y, Mimura T. Epigenetic Dysregulation in the Pathogenesis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Int J Mol Sci 2024;25(2):1019. google scholar
  • 14. Pan L, Lu MP, Wang JH, Xu M, Yang SR. Immunological pathogenesis and treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus. World J Pediatr 2019;16(1):19-30. google scholar
  • 15. Barrett T, Wilhite SE, Ledoux P, Carlos Evangelista, Irene F Kim, Maxim Tomashevsky, et al. NCBI GEO: archive for functional genomics data sets--update. Nucleic Acids Res 2013;41(Database issue):D991-5 . google scholar
  • 16. Li S, Rouphael N, Duraisingham S, Romero-Steiner S, Presnell S, Davis C, et al. Molecular signatures of antibody responses derived from a systems biology study of five human vaccines. Nat Immunol 2014;15(2):195-204 google scholar
  • 17. Martorell-Marugân J, Löpez-Dommguez R, Garaa-Moreno A, Toro-Dommguez D, Villatoro-Garda JA, Barturen G, et al. A comprehensive database for integrated analysis of omics data in autoimmune diseases. BMC Bioinformatics 2021;22(1):343. google scholar
  • 18. Love MI, Huber W, Anders S. Moderated estimation of fold change and dispersion for RNA-seq data with DESeq2. Genome Biol 2014;15:550. google scholar
  • 19. R Core Team. R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing [Internet]. Vienna, Austria; 2016. Available from: google scholar
  • 20. Hedrich CM, Mabert K, Rauen T, Tsokos GC. DNA methylation in systemic lupus erythematosus. Epigenomics 2017;9(4):505-25. google scholar
  • 21. Oaks Z, Perl A. Metabolic control of the epigenome in systemic Lupus erythematosus. Autoimmunity 2014;47(4):256-64. google scholar
  • 22. Yen JH, Chen CJ, Tsai WC, Tsai JJ, Ou TT, Liu HW. HLA-DMA and HLA-DMB genotyping in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. J Rheumatol 1999;26(9):1930-3. google scholar
  • 23. Kwon Y-C, Chun S, Kim K, Mak A. Update on the Genetics of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Genome-Wide Association Studies and Beyond. Cells 2019;8(10):1180. google scholar
  • 24. Horton R, Wilming L, Rand V, Lovering RC, Bruford EA, Khodiyar VK, et al. Gene map of the extended human MHC. Nat Rev Genet 2004;5(12):889-99. google scholar
  • 25. Rasouli SA, Tahamoli RA, Behzad M, Hajilooi M, Solgi G. Clinical Relevance of HLA-DRB1 and -DQB1 Alleles in Iranian Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients. Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol 2021;20(1):67-75. google scholar
  • 26. Richter P, Macovei LA, Mihai IR, Cardoneanu A, Burlui MA, Rezus E. Cytokines in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus-Focus on TNF-a and IL-17. Int J Mol Sci 2023;24(19):14413. google scholar
  • 27. Shirakawa F, Yamashita U, Suzuki H. Decrease in HLA-DR-positive monocytes in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). J Immunol 1985;134(6):3560-2. google scholar
  • 28. Tokano Y, Hishikawa T, Hirose T, Sekigawa I, Hashimoto H, Okumura K, et al. HLA-DP-Positive T Cells in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Autoimmunity 1990;5(3):179-83. google scholar
  • 29. Rupasree Y, Naushad SM, Rajasekhar L, Kutala VK. Epigenetic modulation of RFC1, MHC2TA and HLA-DR in systemic lupus erythematosus: association with serological markers and six functional polymorphisms of one-carbon metabolic pathway. Gene 2014;536(1):45-52. google scholar
  • 30. Liao X, Pirapakaran T, Luo XM. Chemokines and Chemokine Receptors in the Development of Lupus Nephritis. Mediators Inflamm 2016;2016:6012715. google scholar
  • 31. Schroeder L, Herwartz C, Jordanovski D, Steger G. ZNF395 Is an Activator of a Subset of IFN-Stimulated Genes. Mediators Inflamm 2017;2017:1248201. google scholar
  • 32. Caldiran, FY, Berkel, C, Deveci, K, Cacan, E. In silico analysis of expression and DNA methylation profiles of NLRP13 inflammasome in tumor cells. Human Gene 2022;33:201067. google scholar
  • 33. Caldiran F, Deveci K, Cacan E. Epigenetic insights into Familial Mediterranean Fever: Increased RGS10 expression and histone modifications accompanies inflammation in familial Mediterranean fever disease. Gene 2024;906:148222. google scholar
  • 34. Hedrich CM, Mabert K, Rauen T, Tsokos GC. DNA methylation in systemic lupus erythematosus. Epigenomics 2017;9(4):505-25. google scholar
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Rheumatology and Arthritis, Medical Genetics (Excl. Cancer Genetics)
Journal Section Research Articles

Feyzanur Yıldırımtepe Çaldıran 0000-0001-7778-194X

Publication Date October 30, 2024
Submission Date February 28, 2024
Acceptance Date July 1, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


MLA Yıldırımtepe Çaldıran, Feyzanur. “IN SILICO APPROACH TO GENETICS AND EPIGENETIC MECHANISMS IN SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS: FOCUS ON IMMUNE RESPONSE GENES”. Journal of Advanced Research in Health Sciences, vol. 7, no. 3, 2024, pp. 150-9, doi:10.26650/JARHS2024-1444347.