Year 2024,
, 209 - 213, 30.10.2024
Gönül Şeyda Seydel
Inayet Gunturk
Cevat Yazıcı
Füsun Erdoğan
Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the association between gustatory and olfactory dysfunctions and ghrelin, IL-6, and IL-10 levels in patients with COVID-19.
Materials and Methods: A total of 80 COVID-19 patients were enrolled in the study: 57 patients with gustatory and/or olfactory dysfunctions and 23 patients without gustatory or olfactory dysfunctions. The plasma ghrelin, IL-6, and IL-10 levels of all patients were determined using the ELISA method.
Results: COVID-19 patients with gustatory and/or olfactory dysfunctions had higher IL-6 and lower ghrelin and IL-10 levels compared with COVID19 patients without gustatory or olfactory dysfunctions (p<0.001).
Conclusions: These results demonstrate that an inflammatory process mediated by ghrelin, IL-6, and IL-10 contributes to the development of gustatory and olfactory dysfunctions in COVID-19 patients.
- 1. Zhou M, Zhang X, Qu J. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a clinical update. Front Med 2020;14(2):126-35. google scholar
- 2. Huang C, Wang Y, Li X, Ren L, Zhao J, Hu Y, et al. Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China. Lancet 2020;395(10223):497-506. google scholar
- 3. Lechien JR, Chiesa-Estomba CM, De Siati DR, Horoi M, Le Bon SD, Rodriguez A, et al. Olfactory and gustatory dysfunctions as a clinical presentation of mild-to-moderate forms of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19): a multicenter European study. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2020;277(8):2251-61. google scholar
- 4. Borsetto D, Hopkins C, Philips V, Obholzer R, Tirelli G, Polesel J, et al. Self-reported alteration of sense of smell or taste in patients with COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis on 3563 patients. Rhinology 2020;58(5):430-6. google scholar
- 5. Eshraghi AA, Mirsaeidi M, Davies C, Telischi FF, Chaudhari N, Mittal R. Potential mechanisms for COVID-19 induced anosmia and dysgeusia. Front Physiol 2020;11:1039. google scholar
- 6. Khani E, Khiali S, Beheshtirouy S, Entezari-Maleki T. Potential pharmacologic treatments for COVID-19 smell and taste loss: A comprehensive review. Eur J Pharmacol 2021;912:174582. google scholar
- 7. Jafari A, Sadeghpour S, Ghasemnejad-Berenji H, Pashapour S, Ghasemnejad-Berenji M. Potential antioxidative, anti-inflammatory and Immunomodulatory effects of ghrelin, an endogenous peptide from the stomach in SARS-CoV2 infection. Int J Pept Res Ther 2021;27(3):1875-83. google scholar
- 8. Russo C, Morello G, Mannino G, Russo A, Malaguarnera L. Immunoregulation of Ghrelin in neurocognitive sequelae associated with COVID-19: an in silico investigation. Gene 2022;834:146647. google scholar
- 9. Ataie-Kachoie P, Pourgholami MH, Richardson DR, Morris DL. Gene of the month: Interleukin 6 (IL-6). J Clin Pathol 2014;67(11):932-7. google scholar
- 10. Herold T, Jurinovic V, Arnreich C, Lipworth BJ, Hellmuth JC, von Bergwelt-Baildon M, et al. Elevated levels of IL-6 and CRP predict the need for mechanical ventilation in COVID-19. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2020;146(1):128-36. google scholar
- 11. Vaira LA, De Vito A, Deiana G, Pes C, Giovanditto F, Fiore V, et al. Correlations between IL-6 serum level and olfactory dysfunction severity in COVID-19 patients: a preliminary study. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2022;279(2):811-6. google scholar
- 12. Coomes EA, Haghbayan H. Interleukin-6 in Covid-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Rev Med Virol 2020 ;30(6):1-9. google scholar
- 13. Islam H, Chamberlain TC, Mui AL, Little JP. Elevated interleukin-10 levels in COVID-19: Potentiation of pro-Inflammatory responses or impaired anti-Inflammatory Action? Front Immunol 2021;12:677008. google scholar
- 14. Zhao Y, Qin L, Zhang P, Li K, Liang L, Sun J, et al. Longitudinal COVID-19 profiling associates IL-1RA and IL-10 with disease severity and RANTES with mild disease. JCI Insight 2020;5(13):e139834. google scholar
- 15. Tan M, Liu Y, Zhou R, Deng X, Li F, Liang K, Shi Y. Immunopathological characteristics of coronavirus disease 2019 cases in Guangzhou, China. Immunology 2020;160(3):261-8. google scholar
- 16. Han H, Ma Q, Li C, Liu R, Zhao L, Wang W, et al. Profiling serum cytokines in COVID-19 patients reveals IL-6 and IL-10 are disease severity predictors. Emerg Microbes Infect 2020;9(1):1123-30. google scholar
- 17. Baj J, Karakuta-Juchnowicz H, Teresinski G, Buszewicz G, Ciesielka M, Sitarz R, et al. COVID-19: Specific and Non-Specific Clinical Manifestations and Symptoms: The Current State of Knowledge. J Clin Med 2020;9(6):1753. google scholar
- 18. Akalu Y, Molla MD, Dessie G, Ayelign B. Physiological effect of ghrelin on body systems. Int J Endocrinol 2020;2020:1385138. google scholar
- 19. Azizzadeh F, Mahmoodi J, Sadigh-Eteghad S, Farajdokht F, Mohaddes G. Ghrelin exerts analgesic effects
through modulation of IL-10 and TGF-0 levels in a rat model of inflammatory pain. Iran Biomed J 2017;21(2):114-9. google scholar
- 20. Kuliczkowska-Ptaksej J, Jawiarczyk-Przybytowska A, Zembska A, Kolackov K, Syrycka J, Katuzny M, et al. Ghrelin and leptin concentrations in patients after SARS-CoV2 infection. J Clin Med 2023;12(10):3551. google scholar
- 21. Hakami NY, Alhazmi WA, Taibah EO, Sindi M, Alotaibi OF, Al-Otaibi HM, et al. The effect of COVID-19 infection on human blood ghrelin hormone: A pilot study. J Pharm Res Int 2021;33(7):33-8. google scholar
- 22. Tong J, Mannea E, Aime P, Pfluger PT, Yi CX, Castaneda TR, et al. Ghrelin enhances olfactory sensitivity and exploratory sniffing in rodents and humans. J Neurosci 2011;31(15):5841-6. google scholar
- 23. Müller TD, Nogueiras R, Andermann ML, Andrews ZB, Anker SD, Argente J, et al. Ghrelin. Mol Metab 2015;4(6):437-60. google scholar
- 24. Shanyoor SJ, Ali Naji ZM. Association of leptin and ghrelin serum levels with anosmia and ageusia in Iraqi COVID-19 infected patients. PJMHS 2022;16(5):832-5. google scholar
- 25. Henkin RI, Schmidt L, Velicu I. Interleukin 6 in hyposmia. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2013;139(7):728-34. google scholar
- 26. Cazzolla AP, Lovero R, Lo Muzio L, Testa NF, Schirinzi A, Palmieri G, et al. Taste and smell disorders in COVID-19 patients: role of interleukin-6. ACS Chem Neurosci 2020;11(17):2774-81. google scholar
- 27. Liang Y, Mao X, Kuang M, Zhi J, Zhang Z, Bo M, et al. Interleukin-6 affects the severity of olfactory disorder: a cross-sectional survey of 148 patients who recovered from Omicron infection using the Sniffin’ Sticks test in Tianjin, China. Int J Infect Dis 2022;123:17-24. google scholar
- 28. Sanli DET, Altundag A, Kandemirli SG, Yildirim D, Sanli AN, Saatci O, et al. Relationship between disease severity and serum IL-6 levels in COVID-19 anosmia. Am J Otolaryngol 2021;42(1):102796. google scholar
- 29. Chang K, Kallogjeri D, Piccirillo J, House SL, Turner J, Schneider J, et al. Nasal inflammatory profile in patients with COVID-19 olfactory dysfunction. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol 2022;12(7):952-4. google scholar
- 30. de Melo GD, Lazarini F, Levallois S, Hautefort C, Michel V, Larrous F, et al. COVID-19-related anosmia is associated with viral persistence and inflammation in human olfactory epithelium and brain infection in hamsters. Sci Transl Med 2021;13(596):eabf8396. google scholar
- 31. Locatello LG, Bruno C, Maggiore G, Cilona M, Orlando P, Fancello G, et al. The prognostic role of IL-10 in non-severe COVID-19 with chemosensory dysfunction. Cytokine 2021;141:155456. google scholar
Year 2024,
, 209 - 213, 30.10.2024
Gönül Şeyda Seydel
Inayet Gunturk
Cevat Yazıcı
Füsun Erdoğan
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, COVID-19’lu hastalarda tat ve koku alma bozuklukları ile ghrelin, IL-6 ve IL-10 düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemekti.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmaya tat ve/veya koku alma bozukluğu olan 57 hasta ve tat ve ya koku alma bozukluğu olmayan 23 hasta olmak üzere toplam 80 COVID-19 hasta dahil edildi. Tüm hastaların plazma ghrelin, IL-6 ve IL-10 düzeyleri ELISA yöntemi kullanılarak belirlendi.
Bulgular: Tat ve/veya koku alma bozukluğu olan COVID-19 hastaları, tat ve koku alma bozukluğu olmayan COVID-19 hastalarına kıyasla daha yüksek IL-6 ve daha düşük ghrelin ve IL-10 düzeylerine sahipti (p<0.001).
Sonuçlar: Bu sonuçlar, ghrelin, IL-6 ve IL-10’un aracılık ettiği inflamatuar bir sürecin, COVID-19 hastalarında tat ve koku alma bozukluklarının gelişimine katkıda bulunduğunu göstermektedir.
- 1. Zhou M, Zhang X, Qu J. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a clinical update. Front Med 2020;14(2):126-35. google scholar
- 2. Huang C, Wang Y, Li X, Ren L, Zhao J, Hu Y, et al. Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China. Lancet 2020;395(10223):497-506. google scholar
- 3. Lechien JR, Chiesa-Estomba CM, De Siati DR, Horoi M, Le Bon SD, Rodriguez A, et al. Olfactory and gustatory dysfunctions as a clinical presentation of mild-to-moderate forms of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19): a multicenter European study. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2020;277(8):2251-61. google scholar
- 4. Borsetto D, Hopkins C, Philips V, Obholzer R, Tirelli G, Polesel J, et al. Self-reported alteration of sense of smell or taste in patients with COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis on 3563 patients. Rhinology 2020;58(5):430-6. google scholar
- 5. Eshraghi AA, Mirsaeidi M, Davies C, Telischi FF, Chaudhari N, Mittal R. Potential mechanisms for COVID-19 induced anosmia and dysgeusia. Front Physiol 2020;11:1039. google scholar
- 6. Khani E, Khiali S, Beheshtirouy S, Entezari-Maleki T. Potential pharmacologic treatments for COVID-19 smell and taste loss: A comprehensive review. Eur J Pharmacol 2021;912:174582. google scholar
- 7. Jafari A, Sadeghpour S, Ghasemnejad-Berenji H, Pashapour S, Ghasemnejad-Berenji M. Potential antioxidative, anti-inflammatory and Immunomodulatory effects of ghrelin, an endogenous peptide from the stomach in SARS-CoV2 infection. Int J Pept Res Ther 2021;27(3):1875-83. google scholar
- 8. Russo C, Morello G, Mannino G, Russo A, Malaguarnera L. Immunoregulation of Ghrelin in neurocognitive sequelae associated with COVID-19: an in silico investigation. Gene 2022;834:146647. google scholar
- 9. Ataie-Kachoie P, Pourgholami MH, Richardson DR, Morris DL. Gene of the month: Interleukin 6 (IL-6). J Clin Pathol 2014;67(11):932-7. google scholar
- 10. Herold T, Jurinovic V, Arnreich C, Lipworth BJ, Hellmuth JC, von Bergwelt-Baildon M, et al. Elevated levels of IL-6 and CRP predict the need for mechanical ventilation in COVID-19. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2020;146(1):128-36. google scholar
- 11. Vaira LA, De Vito A, Deiana G, Pes C, Giovanditto F, Fiore V, et al. Correlations between IL-6 serum level and olfactory dysfunction severity in COVID-19 patients: a preliminary study. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2022;279(2):811-6. google scholar
- 12. Coomes EA, Haghbayan H. Interleukin-6 in Covid-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Rev Med Virol 2020 ;30(6):1-9. google scholar
- 13. Islam H, Chamberlain TC, Mui AL, Little JP. Elevated interleukin-10 levels in COVID-19: Potentiation of pro-Inflammatory responses or impaired anti-Inflammatory Action? Front Immunol 2021;12:677008. google scholar
- 14. Zhao Y, Qin L, Zhang P, Li K, Liang L, Sun J, et al. Longitudinal COVID-19 profiling associates IL-1RA and IL-10 with disease severity and RANTES with mild disease. JCI Insight 2020;5(13):e139834. google scholar
- 15. Tan M, Liu Y, Zhou R, Deng X, Li F, Liang K, Shi Y. Immunopathological characteristics of coronavirus disease 2019 cases in Guangzhou, China. Immunology 2020;160(3):261-8. google scholar
- 16. Han H, Ma Q, Li C, Liu R, Zhao L, Wang W, et al. Profiling serum cytokines in COVID-19 patients reveals IL-6 and IL-10 are disease severity predictors. Emerg Microbes Infect 2020;9(1):1123-30. google scholar
- 17. Baj J, Karakuta-Juchnowicz H, Teresinski G, Buszewicz G, Ciesielka M, Sitarz R, et al. COVID-19: Specific and Non-Specific Clinical Manifestations and Symptoms: The Current State of Knowledge. J Clin Med 2020;9(6):1753. google scholar
- 18. Akalu Y, Molla MD, Dessie G, Ayelign B. Physiological effect of ghrelin on body systems. Int J Endocrinol 2020;2020:1385138. google scholar
- 19. Azizzadeh F, Mahmoodi J, Sadigh-Eteghad S, Farajdokht F, Mohaddes G. Ghrelin exerts analgesic effects
through modulation of IL-10 and TGF-0 levels in a rat model of inflammatory pain. Iran Biomed J 2017;21(2):114-9. google scholar
- 20. Kuliczkowska-Ptaksej J, Jawiarczyk-Przybytowska A, Zembska A, Kolackov K, Syrycka J, Katuzny M, et al. Ghrelin and leptin concentrations in patients after SARS-CoV2 infection. J Clin Med 2023;12(10):3551. google scholar
- 21. Hakami NY, Alhazmi WA, Taibah EO, Sindi M, Alotaibi OF, Al-Otaibi HM, et al. The effect of COVID-19 infection on human blood ghrelin hormone: A pilot study. J Pharm Res Int 2021;33(7):33-8. google scholar
- 22. Tong J, Mannea E, Aime P, Pfluger PT, Yi CX, Castaneda TR, et al. Ghrelin enhances olfactory sensitivity and exploratory sniffing in rodents and humans. J Neurosci 2011;31(15):5841-6. google scholar
- 23. Müller TD, Nogueiras R, Andermann ML, Andrews ZB, Anker SD, Argente J, et al. Ghrelin. Mol Metab 2015;4(6):437-60. google scholar
- 24. Shanyoor SJ, Ali Naji ZM. Association of leptin and ghrelin serum levels with anosmia and ageusia in Iraqi COVID-19 infected patients. PJMHS 2022;16(5):832-5. google scholar
- 25. Henkin RI, Schmidt L, Velicu I. Interleukin 6 in hyposmia. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2013;139(7):728-34. google scholar
- 26. Cazzolla AP, Lovero R, Lo Muzio L, Testa NF, Schirinzi A, Palmieri G, et al. Taste and smell disorders in COVID-19 patients: role of interleukin-6. ACS Chem Neurosci 2020;11(17):2774-81. google scholar
- 27. Liang Y, Mao X, Kuang M, Zhi J, Zhang Z, Bo M, et al. Interleukin-6 affects the severity of olfactory disorder: a cross-sectional survey of 148 patients who recovered from Omicron infection using the Sniffin’ Sticks test in Tianjin, China. Int J Infect Dis 2022;123:17-24. google scholar
- 28. Sanli DET, Altundag A, Kandemirli SG, Yildirim D, Sanli AN, Saatci O, et al. Relationship between disease severity and serum IL-6 levels in COVID-19 anosmia. Am J Otolaryngol 2021;42(1):102796. google scholar
- 29. Chang K, Kallogjeri D, Piccirillo J, House SL, Turner J, Schneider J, et al. Nasal inflammatory profile in patients with COVID-19 olfactory dysfunction. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol 2022;12(7):952-4. google scholar
- 30. de Melo GD, Lazarini F, Levallois S, Hautefort C, Michel V, Larrous F, et al. COVID-19-related anosmia is associated with viral persistence and inflammation in human olfactory epithelium and brain infection in hamsters. Sci Transl Med 2021;13(596):eabf8396. google scholar
- 31. Locatello LG, Bruno C, Maggiore G, Cilona M, Orlando P, Fancello G, et al. The prognostic role of IL-10 in non-severe COVID-19 with chemosensory dysfunction. Cytokine 2021;141:155456. google scholar