Year 2024,
, 180 - 184, 30.10.2024
Burak Karacan
Özden Boral
Gülay İmadoğlu Yetkin
Asli Cifcibasi Ormeci
Ozan Özkaya
Murat Sütçü
Muradiye Acar
Bülent Ediz
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, hem gastrointestinal şikâyeti olan hastalarda bağırsak patojeni protozoonların prevalansını tespit ederek sürveyans verilerine katkı sağlamak hem de mikroskopi ve multipleks real-time PCR yöntemlerinin performanslarını karşılaştırmalı olarak değerlendirmektir.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya, en az bir gastrointestinal şikâyeti olan 40 yetişkin (18 yaş ve üzerinde) ve 40 çocuk (5-12 yaş arasında) gönüllü hasta dâhil edildi. Her hastadan günaşırı olarak 3 kez alınan gaita örnekleri; Nativ-Lugol, modifiye formol-eter çöktürme, Wheatley’in trikrom boyama ve modifiye Ziehl-Neelsen boyama teknikleri uygulandıktan sonra ışık mikroskobunda incelendi. Ayrıca, yalnızca ilk olarak alınan gaita örnekleri; DNA ekstraksiyonundan sonra, Allplex™ GI Parasite Assay paneli kullanılarak multipleks real-time PCR yöntemiyle test edildi. Yöntemlerin duyarlılıkları ve özgüllükleri arasındaki farklılıklar, Fisher’in kesin testi ile analiz edildi. p değerinin <0,05 olması, istatistiksel olarak anlamlı kabul edildi.
Bulgular: Bağırsak patojeni protozoonların prevalansının yetişkin grubunda %25, çocuk grubunda ise %35 olduğu tespit edildi. Yöntemlerin duyarlılıkları ve özgüllükleri arasındaki farklılıklar, istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmadı (p=0,999).
Sonuç: Allplex™ GI Parasite Assay paneli kullanılarak gerçekleştirilen multipleks real-time PCR yönteminin yalnızca ilk örnek test edildiğinde bile etkili olması; bu yöntemin, bağırsak patojeni protozoonların rutin tanısında kullanılabileceğini düşündürmektedir.
- 1. Axelrad JE, Freedberg DE, Whittier S, Greendyke W, Lebwohl B, Green DA. Impact of Gastrointestinal Panel Implementation on Health Care Utilization and Outcomes. J Clin Microbiol 2019;57(3):e01775-18. google scholar
- 2. Faria CP, Zanini GM, Dias GS, da Silva S, de Freitas MB, Almendra R, et al. Geospatial distribution of intestinal parasitic infections in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and its association with social determinants. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2017;11(3):e0005445. google scholar
- 3. Short EE, Caminade C, Thomas BN. Climate Change Contribution to the Emergence or Re-Emergence of Parasitic Diseases. Infect Dis (Auckl) 2017;10:1178633617732296. google scholar
- 4. McHardy IH, Wu M, Shimizu-Cohen R, Couturier MR, Humphries RM. Detection of intestinal protozoa in the clinical laboratory. J Clin Microbiol 2014;52(3):712-20. google scholar
- 5. Autier B, Gangneux JP, Robert-Gangneux F. Evaluation of the AllplexTM Gastrointestinal Panel-Parasite Assay for protozoa detection in stool samples: A retrospective and prospective study. Microorganisms 2020;8(4):569. google scholar
- 6. Ghoshal U, Tejan N. Rationale of using multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) panels for etiological diagnosis of infective diarrhea in the tropics. Indian J Gastroenterol 2018;37(5):381-4. google scholar
- 7. Goldenberg SD, Bacelar M, Brazier P, Bisnauthsing K, Edgeworth JD. A cost benefit analysis of the Luminex xTAG Gastrointestinal Pathogen Panel for detection of infectious gastroenteritis in hospitalised patients. J Infect 2015;70(5):504-11. google scholar
- 8. Beal SG, Tremblay EE, Toffel S, Velez L, Rand KH. A Gastrointestinal PCR Panel Improves Clinical Management and Lowers Health Care Costs. J Clin Microbiol 2017;56(1):e01457-17. google scholar
- 9. Machiels JD, Cremers AJH, van Bergen-Verkuyten MCGT, Paardekoper-Strijbosch SJM, Frijns KCJ, Wertheim HFL, et al. Impact of the BioFire FilmArray gastrointestinal panel on patient care and infection control. PLoS One 2020;15(2):e0228596. google scholar
- 10. (Access date: January 2, 2021). google scholar
- 11. precautions.html, (Access date: January 2, 2021). google scholar
- 12. Buss SN, Leber A, Chapin K, Fey PD, Bankowski MJ, Jones MK, et al. Multicenter evaluation of the BioFire FilmArray gastrointestinal panel for etiologic diagnosis of infectious gastroenteritis. J Clin Microbiol 2015;53(3):915-25. google scholar
- 13. Binnicker MJ. Multiplex molecular panels for diagnosis of gastrointestinal infection: performance, result interpretation, and cost-effectiveness. J Clin Microbiol 2015;53:3723-8. google scholar
- 14. Garcia LS. Dientamoeba fragilis, One of the Neglected Intestinal Protozoa. J Clin Microbiol 2016;54(9):2243-50. google scholar
- 15. uncay S, Inceboz T, Over L, Yalçin G, Usluca S, Şahin S, et al. Dışkıda Entamoeba histolytica’nın saptanmasında kullanılan yöntemlerin birlikte değerlendirilmesi. Turkiye Parazitol Derg 2007;31(3):188-93. google scholar
- 16. Acikgoz Y, Ozkaya O, Bek K, Genc G, Sensoy SG, Hokelek M. Cryptosporidiosis: a rare and severe infection in a pediatric renal transplant recipient. Pediatr Transplant 2012;16(4):E115-9. google scholar
- 17. Büyükbaba-Boral Ö, Çelik DG, İliaz R, Akgül A, İşsever H, Akyüz F. İnflamatuar Barsak Hastalığı Olan Hastalarda Blastocystis spp.’nin Farklı Tanı Yöntemleri ile Araştırılması. İst Tıp Fak Derg 2017;80(1):38-44. google scholar
- 18. Argy N, Nourrisson C, Aboubacar A, Poirier P, Valot S, Laude A, et al. Selecting a multiplex PCR panel for accurate molecular diagnosis of intestinal protists: a comparative study of Allplex® (Seegene®), G-DiaParaTrio (Diagenode®), and RIDA®GENE (R-Biopharm®) assays and microscopic examination. Parasite 2022;29:5. google scholar
Year 2024,
, 180 - 184, 30.10.2024
Burak Karacan
Özden Boral
Gülay İmadoğlu Yetkin
Asli Cifcibasi Ormeci
Ozan Özkaya
Murat Sütçü
Muradiye Acar
Bülent Ediz
Objective: This study aimed to contribute to surveillance data by determining the prevalence of pathogenic intestinal protozoans in patients with gastrointestinal complaints and to comparatively evaluate the performance of microscopy and multiplex real-time PCR methods.
Materials and Methods: Forty adults (18 years or older) and 40 children (aged 5 to 12 years) who volunteered patients with at least one gastrointestinal complaint were included in the study. Stool samples collected three times every other day from each patient were examined under a light microscope using Native-Lugol, modified formol-ether concentration, Wheatley’s modified trichrome staining, and Modified Ziehl-Neelsen staining techniques. In addition, the first stool samples were tested using multiplex real-time PCR with the Allplex™ GI Parasite Assay panel after DNA extraction. Differences between the sensitivities and specificities between the methods were analysed using Fisher’s exact test. A p-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: The prevalence of pathogenic intestinal protozoans was 25% in adults and 35% in children. Differences in the sensitivities and specificities of the methods were not found to be statistically significant (p=0.999).
Conclusion: Multiplex real-time PCR method performed using the Allplex™ GI Parasite Assay panel was effective even when only the first sample tested, suggesting that this method would be used for the routine diagnosis of pathogenic intestinal protozoans.
- 1. Axelrad JE, Freedberg DE, Whittier S, Greendyke W, Lebwohl B, Green DA. Impact of Gastrointestinal Panel Implementation on Health Care Utilization and Outcomes. J Clin Microbiol 2019;57(3):e01775-18. google scholar
- 2. Faria CP, Zanini GM, Dias GS, da Silva S, de Freitas MB, Almendra R, et al. Geospatial distribution of intestinal parasitic infections in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and its association with social determinants. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2017;11(3):e0005445. google scholar
- 3. Short EE, Caminade C, Thomas BN. Climate Change Contribution to the Emergence or Re-Emergence of Parasitic Diseases. Infect Dis (Auckl) 2017;10:1178633617732296. google scholar
- 4. McHardy IH, Wu M, Shimizu-Cohen R, Couturier MR, Humphries RM. Detection of intestinal protozoa in the clinical laboratory. J Clin Microbiol 2014;52(3):712-20. google scholar
- 5. Autier B, Gangneux JP, Robert-Gangneux F. Evaluation of the AllplexTM Gastrointestinal Panel-Parasite Assay for protozoa detection in stool samples: A retrospective and prospective study. Microorganisms 2020;8(4):569. google scholar
- 6. Ghoshal U, Tejan N. Rationale of using multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) panels for etiological diagnosis of infective diarrhea in the tropics. Indian J Gastroenterol 2018;37(5):381-4. google scholar
- 7. Goldenberg SD, Bacelar M, Brazier P, Bisnauthsing K, Edgeworth JD. A cost benefit analysis of the Luminex xTAG Gastrointestinal Pathogen Panel for detection of infectious gastroenteritis in hospitalised patients. J Infect 2015;70(5):504-11. google scholar
- 8. Beal SG, Tremblay EE, Toffel S, Velez L, Rand KH. A Gastrointestinal PCR Panel Improves Clinical Management and Lowers Health Care Costs. J Clin Microbiol 2017;56(1):e01457-17. google scholar
- 9. Machiels JD, Cremers AJH, van Bergen-Verkuyten MCGT, Paardekoper-Strijbosch SJM, Frijns KCJ, Wertheim HFL, et al. Impact of the BioFire FilmArray gastrointestinal panel on patient care and infection control. PLoS One 2020;15(2):e0228596. google scholar
- 10. (Access date: January 2, 2021). google scholar
- 11. precautions.html, (Access date: January 2, 2021). google scholar
- 12. Buss SN, Leber A, Chapin K, Fey PD, Bankowski MJ, Jones MK, et al. Multicenter evaluation of the BioFire FilmArray gastrointestinal panel for etiologic diagnosis of infectious gastroenteritis. J Clin Microbiol 2015;53(3):915-25. google scholar
- 13. Binnicker MJ. Multiplex molecular panels for diagnosis of gastrointestinal infection: performance, result interpretation, and cost-effectiveness. J Clin Microbiol 2015;53:3723-8. google scholar
- 14. Garcia LS. Dientamoeba fragilis, One of the Neglected Intestinal Protozoa. J Clin Microbiol 2016;54(9):2243-50. google scholar
- 15. uncay S, Inceboz T, Over L, Yalçin G, Usluca S, Şahin S, et al. Dışkıda Entamoeba histolytica’nın saptanmasında kullanılan yöntemlerin birlikte değerlendirilmesi. Turkiye Parazitol Derg 2007;31(3):188-93. google scholar
- 16. Acikgoz Y, Ozkaya O, Bek K, Genc G, Sensoy SG, Hokelek M. Cryptosporidiosis: a rare and severe infection in a pediatric renal transplant recipient. Pediatr Transplant 2012;16(4):E115-9. google scholar
- 17. Büyükbaba-Boral Ö, Çelik DG, İliaz R, Akgül A, İşsever H, Akyüz F. İnflamatuar Barsak Hastalığı Olan Hastalarda Blastocystis spp.’nin Farklı Tanı Yöntemleri ile Araştırılması. İst Tıp Fak Derg 2017;80(1):38-44. google scholar
- 18. Argy N, Nourrisson C, Aboubacar A, Poirier P, Valot S, Laude A, et al. Selecting a multiplex PCR panel for accurate molecular diagnosis of intestinal protists: a comparative study of Allplex® (Seegene®), G-DiaParaTrio (Diagenode®), and RIDA®GENE (R-Biopharm®) assays and microscopic examination. Parasite 2022;29:5. google scholar