Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 234 - 238, 24.10.2023


Objective: Posterior malleolar fractures (PMF) are common among ankle fractures and their proper management is crucial to maintaining ankle stability. The purpose of this study was to compare the clinical and radiological effects of screw versus support plate fixation in the surgical treatment of PMF.
Material and Methods: Between December 2016 and February 2018, 82 patients who underwent surgical treatment for PMF were analyzed retrospectively. Patients were divided into two groups based on the type of fixation material used: screws and buttress plates. Using the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) ankle-hindfoot score, range of motion measurements, and radiographic evaluations, clinical evaluations were conducted.
Results: A total of 60 patients were included in the study, 33 of whom were treated with plate osteosynthesis and 27 with screw osteosynthesis. The demographic and clinical characteristics were similar between the groups. The AOFAS scores, range of motion measurements, and complication rates were comparable between the screw and plate fixation groups. The radiological evaluation showed no significant difference in posttraumatic arthritis levels between the two groups.
Conclusion: The screw fixation alone provides similar clinical andmradiological results compared to buttress plate fixation in the surgicaln treatment of PMF. These results are in advance of the growing evidence supporting screw-only osteosynthesis for Haraguchi type 1 and 2 posterior malleolus fractures.


  • Irvin TA, Lien J, Kadakia AR. Posterior malleolus fracture. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2013;21(1):32-40. google scholar
  • Hong CC, Nashi N, Roy SP, Tan KJ. Impact of trimalleolar ankle fractures: How do patients fare post-operatively? Foot Ankle Surg 2014;20(1):48-51. google scholar
  • Lui TH, Ip K, Chow HT. Comparison of radiologic and arthroscopic diagnoses of distal tibiofibular syndesmosis disruption in acute ankle fracture. Arthroscopy 2005;21(11):1370-74. google scholar
  • Jaskulka RA, Ittner G, Schedl R. Fractures of the posterior tibial margin: their role in the prognosis of malleolar fractures. J Trauma 1989;29(11):1565-70. google scholar
  • Koval KJ, Lurie J, Zhou W, Sparks MB, Cantu RV, Sporer SM, Weinstein J. Ankle fractures in the elderly: what you get depends on where you live and who you see. J Orthop Trauma 2005;19(9):635-9. google scholar
  • Bartoníček J, Rammelt S, Kostlivý K, Vaněček V, Klika D, Trešl I.Anatomy and classification of the posterior tibial fragment in ankle fractures. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 2015;135(4):505-16. google scholar
  • Alexandropoulos C, Tsourvakas S, Papachristos J, Tselios A, Soukouli P. Ankle fracture classification: An evaluation of three classification systems: Lauge-Hansen, AO, Broos-Bisschop. Acta Orthop Belg 2010;76(4):521-5. google scholar
  • Haraguchi N, Haruyama H, Toga H, Kato F. Pathoanatomy of posterior malleolar fractures of the ankle. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2006;88(5):1085-92. google scholar
  • Behery OA, Narayanan R, Konda SR, Tejwani NC, Kenneth AE. Posterior malleolar fixation reduces the incidence of transsyndesmotic fixation in rotational ankle fracture repair. Iowa Orthop J 2021;41(1):121-5. google scholar
  • Pogliocomi F, De Filippo M, Casalini D, Longhi A, Tacci F, Perotta R, et al. Acute syndesmotic injuries in ankle fractures: from diagnosis to treatment and current concepts. World J Orthop 2021;12(5):270-91. google scholar
  • Odak S, Ahluwalia R, Unnikrishnan P, Hennessy M, Platt S. Management of Posterior Malleolar Fractures: a systematic review. J Foot Ankle Surg. 2016;55(1):140-5. google scholar
  • Barbosa P, Bonnaire F, Kojima K. AO foundation. Available from URL : 2013. google scholar
  • Hartford JM, Gorczyca JT, McNamara JL, Mayor MB. Tibiotalar contact area. Contribution of posterior malleolus and deltoid ligament. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1995;(320):182-7. google scholar
  • Langenhuijsen JF, Heetveld MJ, Ultee JM, Steller EP, Butzelaar RM. Results of ankle fractures with involvement of the posterior tibial margin. J Trauma 2002;53(1):55-60. google scholar
  • Broos PL, Bisschop AP. Operative treatment of ankle fractures in adults: correlation between types of fracture and final results. Injury 1991;22(5):403-6. google scholar
  • Bargon G. Röntgenmorphologische Gradeinteilung der posttraumatischen Arthrose im oberen Sprunggelenk. HefteUnfallheilkd 1978;133:28-34. google scholar
  • Miller AN, Carroll EA, Parker RJ. Posterior malleolar stabilization of syndesmoticinjuries is equivalent to screw fixation. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2010;468(4):1129-35. google scholar
  • Fu S, Zou ZY, Mei G. Advances and disputes of posterior malleolus fracture. Chin Med J (Engl) 2013;126(20):3972-77. google scholar


Year 2023, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 234 - 238, 24.10.2023


Amaç: Posterior malleol kırıkları (PMF) ayak bileği kırıkları arasında yaygındır ve uygun tedavileri ayak bileği stabilitesini korumak için çok önemlidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, PMF’nin cerrahi tedavisinde vida ile destek plağı tespitinin klinik ve radyolojik etkilerini karşılaştırmaktır.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Aralık 2016 ile Şubat 2018 tarihleri arasında PMF nedeniyle cerrahi tedavi uygulanan 82 hasta retrospektif olarak analiz edildi. Hastalar kullanılan fiksasyon materyalinin türüne göre iki gruba ayrıldı: vidalar ve destek plakları. Amerikan Ortopedik Ayak ve Ayak Bileği Derneği (AOFAS) ayak bileği-arka ayak skoru, hareket açıklığı ölçümleri ve radyografik değerlendirmeler kullanılarak klinik değerlendirmeler yapıldı.
Bulgular: Çalışmaya 33’ü plak osteosentezi ve 27’si vida osteosentezi ile tedavi edilen toplam 60 hasta dâhil edildi. Demografik ve klinik özellikler gruplar arasında benzerdi. AOFAS skorları, hareket açıklığı ölçümleri ve komplikasyon oranları vida ve plak fiksasyon grupları arasında karşılaştırılabilirdi. Radyolojik değerlendirmede iki grup arasında posttravmatik artrit düzeyleri açısından anlamlı bir fark saptanmadı.
Sonuç: PMF’nin cerrahi tedavisinde tek başına vida tespiti, butress plak tespiti ile karşılaştırıldığında benzer klinik ve radyolojik sonuçlar sağlamaktadır. Bu sonuçlar, Haraguchi tip 1 ve 2 posterior malleol kırıkları için sadece vida osteosentezini destekleyen artan kanıtların ilerisindedir.


  • Irvin TA, Lien J, Kadakia AR. Posterior malleolus fracture. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2013;21(1):32-40. google scholar
  • Hong CC, Nashi N, Roy SP, Tan KJ. Impact of trimalleolar ankle fractures: How do patients fare post-operatively? Foot Ankle Surg 2014;20(1):48-51. google scholar
  • Lui TH, Ip K, Chow HT. Comparison of radiologic and arthroscopic diagnoses of distal tibiofibular syndesmosis disruption in acute ankle fracture. Arthroscopy 2005;21(11):1370-74. google scholar
  • Jaskulka RA, Ittner G, Schedl R. Fractures of the posterior tibial margin: their role in the prognosis of malleolar fractures. J Trauma 1989;29(11):1565-70. google scholar
  • Koval KJ, Lurie J, Zhou W, Sparks MB, Cantu RV, Sporer SM, Weinstein J. Ankle fractures in the elderly: what you get depends on where you live and who you see. J Orthop Trauma 2005;19(9):635-9. google scholar
  • Bartoníček J, Rammelt S, Kostlivý K, Vaněček V, Klika D, Trešl I.Anatomy and classification of the posterior tibial fragment in ankle fractures. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 2015;135(4):505-16. google scholar
  • Alexandropoulos C, Tsourvakas S, Papachristos J, Tselios A, Soukouli P. Ankle fracture classification: An evaluation of three classification systems: Lauge-Hansen, AO, Broos-Bisschop. Acta Orthop Belg 2010;76(4):521-5. google scholar
  • Haraguchi N, Haruyama H, Toga H, Kato F. Pathoanatomy of posterior malleolar fractures of the ankle. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2006;88(5):1085-92. google scholar
  • Behery OA, Narayanan R, Konda SR, Tejwani NC, Kenneth AE. Posterior malleolar fixation reduces the incidence of transsyndesmotic fixation in rotational ankle fracture repair. Iowa Orthop J 2021;41(1):121-5. google scholar
  • Pogliocomi F, De Filippo M, Casalini D, Longhi A, Tacci F, Perotta R, et al. Acute syndesmotic injuries in ankle fractures: from diagnosis to treatment and current concepts. World J Orthop 2021;12(5):270-91. google scholar
  • Odak S, Ahluwalia R, Unnikrishnan P, Hennessy M, Platt S. Management of Posterior Malleolar Fractures: a systematic review. J Foot Ankle Surg. 2016;55(1):140-5. google scholar
  • Barbosa P, Bonnaire F, Kojima K. AO foundation. Available from URL : 2013. google scholar
  • Hartford JM, Gorczyca JT, McNamara JL, Mayor MB. Tibiotalar contact area. Contribution of posterior malleolus and deltoid ligament. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1995;(320):182-7. google scholar
  • Langenhuijsen JF, Heetveld MJ, Ultee JM, Steller EP, Butzelaar RM. Results of ankle fractures with involvement of the posterior tibial margin. J Trauma 2002;53(1):55-60. google scholar
  • Broos PL, Bisschop AP. Operative treatment of ankle fractures in adults: correlation between types of fracture and final results. Injury 1991;22(5):403-6. google scholar
  • Bargon G. Röntgenmorphologische Gradeinteilung der posttraumatischen Arthrose im oberen Sprunggelenk. HefteUnfallheilkd 1978;133:28-34. google scholar
  • Miller AN, Carroll EA, Parker RJ. Posterior malleolar stabilization of syndesmoticinjuries is equivalent to screw fixation. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2010;468(4):1129-35. google scholar
  • Fu S, Zou ZY, Mei G. Advances and disputes of posterior malleolus fracture. Chin Med J (Engl) 2013;126(20):3972-77. google scholar
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

İbrahim Sungur 0000-0001-5950-1713

Kadri Encu 0009-0009-5992-4930

Mahmud Aydın 0000-0002-2235-1480

Serkan Sürücü 0000-0003-1551-4525

Sercan Çapkın 0000-0001-6957-5927

Publication Date October 24, 2023
Submission Date June 28, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 6 Issue: 3


MLA Sungur, İbrahim et al. “THE EFFECT OF SCREW FIXATION AND BUTTRESS PLATE FIXATION ON CLINICAL AND RADIOLOGICAL RESULTS IN THE SURGICAL TREATMENT OF POSTERIOR MALLEOLAR FRACTURES”. Journal of Advanced Research in Health Sciences, vol. 6, no. 3, 2023, pp. 234-8, doi:10.26650/JARHS2023-1320786.