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Adenovirüs ve Rotavirüs Gastroenterit Sıklığının Araştırılması

Year 2021, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 43 - 51, 01.04.2021


Amaç: Akut gastroenteritler, özellikle
çocukluk çağında görülmekle beraber her yaş grubundan insanı etkilemekte ve tüm
dünyada yaygın olarak görülen enfeksiyon hastalıkları arasında yer almaktadır.
Bu çalışmada, beş yıllık süreçte hastanemizde akut gastroenterit tanısı almış
çocuk ve yetişkin hastalarda adenovirüs ve rotavirüs sıklığının retrospektif
olarak incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır.


Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışmada, 1 Ocak 2014-31
Aralık 2018 tarihlerinde Tıbbi Mikrobiyoloji Laboratuvarına gönderilen dışkı
örneklerinde combo test kullanılarak rotavirüs ve adenovirüs pozitifliği
retrospektif olarak değerlendirilmiştir.


Bulgular: Bu çalışmaya dahil edilen toplam
18938 dışkı örneğinin
2615 (%13,8)’inde viral antijenler
saptanmıştır. Pozitif örneklerin 1686 (%64,5)’sı rotavirüs, 479 (%18,3)’u
adenovirüs, 450 (%17,2)’si hem adenovirüs hem de rotavirüs açısından pozitif
olarak tespit edilmiştir.


Sonuçlar: Sonuç olarak, yaptığımız
çalışmada akut viral gastroenterit etkenleri arasında en sık rotavirüs
antijenleri saptanmıştır. Viral antijenlerin yarısından fazlası 3 yaş altı
çocuklarda saptansada, ileri yaştaki insanlarda da pozitiflik tespit
edilmiştir. Akut gastroenteritli hastalardan viral antijenleri hızlı bir
şekilde saptanması ampirik antibiyotik tedavisi kullanılmasının önüne


  • [1] Offit, P.A., Clark, H.F. (2005). Rotavirus. In Mandell, GL., Bennett, J.E., Dollin, R. (Eds.), Mandell, Bennett and Dollin’s Principles and Practices of Infectious Diseases (pp 1695-703). USA, Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone.
  • [2] Grabow, W.O.K. (2007). Overview of health‐related water virology. In Bosch, A. (Eds.), Bosch’s Human Viruses in Water (pp 1-25). Netherlands, Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • [3] Walker, C.L.F., Rudan. I., Liu. L., Nair H., Theodoratou. E., Bhutta, Z.A., et al. (2013). Global burden of childhood pneumonia and diarrhea. Lancet, 381(9875), 1405‐16.
  • [4] Lee, J.I., Lee, G.C., Chung, J.Y., Han, T.H., Lee, Y.K., Kim, M.S., et al. (2012). Detection and molecular characterization of adenoviruses in Korean children hospitalized with acute gastroenteritis. Microbiol Immunol, 56(8), 523‐8.
  • [5] Fletcher, S.M., McLaws, M.L., Ellis, J.T. (2013). Prevalence of gastrointestinal pathogens in developed and developing countries: systematic review and meta‐analysis. J Public Health Res, 2(1), 42‐53.
  • [6] Ramsay, M., Brown, D. (2000). Epidemiology of group A rotaviruses. In Gray, J., Desselberger, U., (Eds.), Gray and Desselberger’s Rotaviruses: Methods and Protocols (pp 217-36). USA, New Jersey: Humana Press Inc.
  • [7] Türk, Dağı, H., Fındık, D. (2014). Investigation of rotavirus and adenovirus antigens in patients with acute gastroenteritis. JCEI, 5(2), 256-60.
  • [8] Atalay, M.A., Kandemir, İ., Gökahmetoğlu, S. (2013). Frequency of Rotavirus infection in children with gastroenteritis in a tertiary hospital. Dicle Tıp Derg,40(2), 212-5.
  • [9] Bayraktar, B., Toksoy, B., Bulut, E. (2010). Detection of Rotavirus and Adenovirus in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis. Klimik Derg, 23(1), 15-7. [10] Yüksel, P., Çelik, D.G., Güngördü, Z., et al. (2011). Evaluation of Rotavirus Antigen Positivity in Childhood Gastroenteritis. Klimik Derg, 24(1), 48-51.
  • [11] Cruz, J.R., Cáceres, P., Cano, F., et al. (1990). Adenovirus types 40 and 41 and rotaviruses associated with diarrhea in children from Guatemala. J Clin Microbiol, 28(8), 1780-4.
  • [12] Sánchez-Fauquier, A., Montero, V., Moreno, S., et al. (2006). Human rotavirus G9 and G3 as major cause of diarrhea in hospitalized children, Spain. Emerg Infect Dis, 12(10), 1536-41.
  • [13] Román, E., Wilhelmi, I., Colomina, J., et al. (2003). Acute viral gastroenteritis: proportion and clinical relevance of multiple infections in Spanish children. J Med Microbiol, 52(5), 435-40. [14] Temu, A., Kamugisha, E., Mwizamholya, D.L., et al. (2012). Prevalence and factors associated with Group A rotavirus infection among children with acute diarrhea in Mwanza, Tanzania. J Infect Dev Ctries, 6(6), 508-15.
  • [15] Tayeb, H.T., Balkhy, H.H., Aljuhani, S.M., Elbanyan, E. (2011). Increased prevalence of rotavirus among children associated gastroenteritis in Riyadh Saudi Arabia. Virology Journal, 8, 548.
  • [16] Akan, H., İzbırak, G., Gürol, Y., et al. (2009). Rotavirus and adenovirus frequency among patients with acute gastroenteritis and their relationship to clinical parameters: a retrospective study in Turkey. Asia Pacific Family Medicine, 8 (1), 8.
  • [17] Altındiş, M., Beştepe, G., Çeri, A., ve ark. (2008). Frequency Of Rotavirüs And Enteric Adenovirüs Infection in Children With Acute Gastroenteritis. SDÜ Tıp Fak Derg, 15(2), 17-20.
  • [18] Tekin, A. (2010). The frequency of rotavirus and enteric adenovirus in children with acute gastroenteritis in Mardin. J Clin Exp Invest, 1(1), 41-5.
  • [19] Özdemir, S., Delialioğlu, N., Emekdaş, G. (2010). Investigatıon of Rotavirus, Adenovirus and Astrovirus Frequencies in Children With Acute Gastroenteritis and Evaluatıon of Epidemiological Features. Mikrobiyol Bul. 44(4), 571-8.
  • [20] Yousefi, Rad, A., Gözalan, A. (2010). Detection of rotavirus and enteric adenovirus antigens in outpatients with gastroenteritis. Türkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci, 30(1), 174-9.
  • [21] Nazik, S., Sezer, A., Duran, İ. (2016). Rotavirus and Adenovirus Incidences in Diarrheas Existing in the Early Childhood. Flora, 21(1), 10-4.
  • [22] Çaycı, Tanrıverdi, Y., Yılmaz, G., Birinci, A. (2017). Investigation of the frequency of rotavirus and adenovirus in acute gastroenteritis cases. Pam Tıp Derg, 1,61-5.
  • [23] Çalgın, M.K., Çetinkol, Y., Altunçekiç, Yıldırım, A., Erdil, A., Dağlı, A. (2015). Investigation of Rotavirus and Enteric Adenovirus Frequency Among Children with Acute Gastroenteritis in Ordu. ANKEM Derg, 29(2), 59-65.

Investgation of Gastroenteritis Frequency Caused by Adenovirus And Rotavirus

Year 2021, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 43 - 51, 01.04.2021


Aim: Acute gastroenteritis appears
mostly during childhood but can effect people of all ages and it is one of the
most common infectious diseases worldwide. The aim of this study was to
evaluate the incidence of adenovirus and rotavirus in children and adults with
acute gastroenteritis in our hospital for five years period.


Materials and Methods: In this study, between 1 January
2014-31 December 2018 stool samples sent to Medical Microbiology Laboratory
were evaluated  retrospectively according
to  adenovirus and rotavirus positivity by
using combo test.


Results: Totally 18938 stool samples
included to this study and
2615 (%13.8) of the samples were
identified positive for viral antigens. 1686 (%64.5%) of the samples were
positive for rotavirus, 479 (18.3%) of the samples were positive for
adenovirus, 450 (17.2%) of the samples were positive both for adenovirus and


Conclusions: As a result, in our study
rotavirus antigens were detected the most common cause of acute viral
gastroenteritis. Although more than half of the viral antigens were detected in
children aged under 3 years, but positivity was also found in elderly people.
Rapid detection of viral antigens from patients with acute gastroenteritis will
prevent the use of empirical antibiotic therapy.


  • [1] Offit, P.A., Clark, H.F. (2005). Rotavirus. In Mandell, GL., Bennett, J.E., Dollin, R. (Eds.), Mandell, Bennett and Dollin’s Principles and Practices of Infectious Diseases (pp 1695-703). USA, Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone.
  • [2] Grabow, W.O.K. (2007). Overview of health‐related water virology. In Bosch, A. (Eds.), Bosch’s Human Viruses in Water (pp 1-25). Netherlands, Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • [3] Walker, C.L.F., Rudan. I., Liu. L., Nair H., Theodoratou. E., Bhutta, Z.A., et al. (2013). Global burden of childhood pneumonia and diarrhea. Lancet, 381(9875), 1405‐16.
  • [4] Lee, J.I., Lee, G.C., Chung, J.Y., Han, T.H., Lee, Y.K., Kim, M.S., et al. (2012). Detection and molecular characterization of adenoviruses in Korean children hospitalized with acute gastroenteritis. Microbiol Immunol, 56(8), 523‐8.
  • [5] Fletcher, S.M., McLaws, M.L., Ellis, J.T. (2013). Prevalence of gastrointestinal pathogens in developed and developing countries: systematic review and meta‐analysis. J Public Health Res, 2(1), 42‐53.
  • [6] Ramsay, M., Brown, D. (2000). Epidemiology of group A rotaviruses. In Gray, J., Desselberger, U., (Eds.), Gray and Desselberger’s Rotaviruses: Methods and Protocols (pp 217-36). USA, New Jersey: Humana Press Inc.
  • [7] Türk, Dağı, H., Fındık, D. (2014). Investigation of rotavirus and adenovirus antigens in patients with acute gastroenteritis. JCEI, 5(2), 256-60.
  • [8] Atalay, M.A., Kandemir, İ., Gökahmetoğlu, S. (2013). Frequency of Rotavirus infection in children with gastroenteritis in a tertiary hospital. Dicle Tıp Derg,40(2), 212-5.
  • [9] Bayraktar, B., Toksoy, B., Bulut, E. (2010). Detection of Rotavirus and Adenovirus in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis. Klimik Derg, 23(1), 15-7. [10] Yüksel, P., Çelik, D.G., Güngördü, Z., et al. (2011). Evaluation of Rotavirus Antigen Positivity in Childhood Gastroenteritis. Klimik Derg, 24(1), 48-51.
  • [11] Cruz, J.R., Cáceres, P., Cano, F., et al. (1990). Adenovirus types 40 and 41 and rotaviruses associated with diarrhea in children from Guatemala. J Clin Microbiol, 28(8), 1780-4.
  • [12] Sánchez-Fauquier, A., Montero, V., Moreno, S., et al. (2006). Human rotavirus G9 and G3 as major cause of diarrhea in hospitalized children, Spain. Emerg Infect Dis, 12(10), 1536-41.
  • [13] Román, E., Wilhelmi, I., Colomina, J., et al. (2003). Acute viral gastroenteritis: proportion and clinical relevance of multiple infections in Spanish children. J Med Microbiol, 52(5), 435-40. [14] Temu, A., Kamugisha, E., Mwizamholya, D.L., et al. (2012). Prevalence and factors associated with Group A rotavirus infection among children with acute diarrhea in Mwanza, Tanzania. J Infect Dev Ctries, 6(6), 508-15.
  • [15] Tayeb, H.T., Balkhy, H.H., Aljuhani, S.M., Elbanyan, E. (2011). Increased prevalence of rotavirus among children associated gastroenteritis in Riyadh Saudi Arabia. Virology Journal, 8, 548.
  • [16] Akan, H., İzbırak, G., Gürol, Y., et al. (2009). Rotavirus and adenovirus frequency among patients with acute gastroenteritis and their relationship to clinical parameters: a retrospective study in Turkey. Asia Pacific Family Medicine, 8 (1), 8.
  • [17] Altındiş, M., Beştepe, G., Çeri, A., ve ark. (2008). Frequency Of Rotavirüs And Enteric Adenovirüs Infection in Children With Acute Gastroenteritis. SDÜ Tıp Fak Derg, 15(2), 17-20.
  • [18] Tekin, A. (2010). The frequency of rotavirus and enteric adenovirus in children with acute gastroenteritis in Mardin. J Clin Exp Invest, 1(1), 41-5.
  • [19] Özdemir, S., Delialioğlu, N., Emekdaş, G. (2010). Investigatıon of Rotavirus, Adenovirus and Astrovirus Frequencies in Children With Acute Gastroenteritis and Evaluatıon of Epidemiological Features. Mikrobiyol Bul. 44(4), 571-8.
  • [20] Yousefi, Rad, A., Gözalan, A. (2010). Detection of rotavirus and enteric adenovirus antigens in outpatients with gastroenteritis. Türkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci, 30(1), 174-9.
  • [21] Nazik, S., Sezer, A., Duran, İ. (2016). Rotavirus and Adenovirus Incidences in Diarrheas Existing in the Early Childhood. Flora, 21(1), 10-4.
  • [22] Çaycı, Tanrıverdi, Y., Yılmaz, G., Birinci, A. (2017). Investigation of the frequency of rotavirus and adenovirus in acute gastroenteritis cases. Pam Tıp Derg, 1,61-5.
  • [23] Çalgın, M.K., Çetinkol, Y., Altunçekiç, Yıldırım, A., Erdil, A., Dağlı, A. (2015). Investigation of Rotavirus and Enteric Adenovirus Frequency Among Children with Acute Gastroenteritis in Ordu. ANKEM Derg, 29(2), 59-65.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Medical Microbiology
Journal Section Original research articles

Nurullah Çiftçi 0000-0002-8934-0575

Salih Maçin 0000-0002-1871-3629

Publication Date April 1, 2021
Submission Date November 7, 2019
Acceptance Date April 2, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


APA Çiftçi, N., & Maçin, S. (2021). Adenovirüs ve Rotavirüs Gastroenterit Sıklığının Araştırılması. Health Academy Kastamonu, 6(1), 43-51.

Health Academy Kastamonu is included in the class of 1-b journals (journals scanned in international indexes other than SCI, SSCI, SCI-expanded, ESCI) according to UAK associate professorship criteria. HEALTH ACADEMY KASTAMONU Journal cover is registered by the Turkish Patent Institute.