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Zât ve Sıfât İlişkisi Problemi

Year 2017, Volume: 19 Issue: 36, 199 - 217, 20.12.2017



  • Michel Allard, Le probleme des attributs divins dans la doctrine d'al-As'ari et de ses premiers grands disciples, Beyrouth: Institut de Lettres Ori-entales de Beyrouth, 1965.
  • Ibn Sina, The metaphysica of Avicenna, çev. Parviz Morewedge, New York: Columbia University, 1973, s. 43.
  • Buhâri, Kitabu Câmi’i’s-sahih, (Muhammed Esed tarafından The early years of Islam adıyla İngilizceye yapılan kısmî tercümesi), Gibraltar: Dar Al-Andalus, 1981.
  • Josef van Ess, Die Erkenntnislehre des Adudaddin al-Ici, Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1966.
  • Josef van Ess, The flowering of Muslim theology, çev. Jane Marie Todd, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2006.
  • Ebu Hâmid Gazzâlî, The Incoherence of the Philosophers (Tehâfütü’l-felâsife), çev. Michael E. Marmura, Provo UT: Brigham University Press, 1997.
  • Daniel Gimaret, La doctrine d’al-Ash‘arî, Paris: Les Editions du Cerf, 1990.
  • William A. Graham, ‘‘Qur’an as Spoken Word’’, Approaches to Islam in Religious Studies, ed. Richard C. Martin. (Tucson: The University of Arizo-na, 1985).
  • Henri Laoust, Le pre´cis de droit d’Ibn Qudama, Damascus: y.y., 1950.
  • Henri Laoust, La profession de foi d’Ibn Batta, Dımaşk: Institut Français de Damas, 1958.
  • Robert Wisnovsky, ‘‘One aspect of the Avicennian turn in Sunni theo-logy’’, Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 14 (2004), s. 65–100.


Year 2017, Volume: 19 Issue: 36, 199 - 217, 20.12.2017


Bu makale, The Cambridge Companion to
Classical Islamic Theology
(Cambridge: Camridge University Press, 2008, s.
121-141.) adlı kitapta “God: essence and attributes” başlığıyla yayınlanmıştır.


  • Michel Allard, Le probleme des attributs divins dans la doctrine d'al-As'ari et de ses premiers grands disciples, Beyrouth: Institut de Lettres Ori-entales de Beyrouth, 1965.
  • Ibn Sina, The metaphysica of Avicenna, çev. Parviz Morewedge, New York: Columbia University, 1973, s. 43.
  • Buhâri, Kitabu Câmi’i’s-sahih, (Muhammed Esed tarafından The early years of Islam adıyla İngilizceye yapılan kısmî tercümesi), Gibraltar: Dar Al-Andalus, 1981.
  • Josef van Ess, Die Erkenntnislehre des Adudaddin al-Ici, Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1966.
  • Josef van Ess, The flowering of Muslim theology, çev. Jane Marie Todd, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2006.
  • Ebu Hâmid Gazzâlî, The Incoherence of the Philosophers (Tehâfütü’l-felâsife), çev. Michael E. Marmura, Provo UT: Brigham University Press, 1997.
  • Daniel Gimaret, La doctrine d’al-Ash‘arî, Paris: Les Editions du Cerf, 1990.
  • William A. Graham, ‘‘Qur’an as Spoken Word’’, Approaches to Islam in Religious Studies, ed. Richard C. Martin. (Tucson: The University of Arizo-na, 1985).
  • Henri Laoust, Le pre´cis de droit d’Ibn Qudama, Damascus: y.y., 1950.
  • Henri Laoust, La profession de foi d’Ibn Batta, Dımaşk: Institut Français de Damas, 1958.
  • Robert Wisnovsky, ‘‘One aspect of the Avicennian turn in Sunni theo-logy’’, Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 14 (2004), s. 65–100.
There are 11 citations in total.


Journal Section Translated Works

Ziya Erdinç

Publication Date December 20, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 19 Issue: 36


ISNAD Erdinç, Ziya. “ZÂT VE SIFÂT İLİŞKİSİ PROBLEMİ”. Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 19/36 (December 2017), 199-217.


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