Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 13 Issue: 2, 792 - 809, 30.08.2021


Gelişmiş çok sayıdaki batı ülkelerinde, özellikle 1960 - 1980 yılları arasında, kurumsal ve değersel yapıları sorgulayan otorite ve hiyerarşi karşıtı toplumsal hareketlerin giderek toplumda güç kazandığı ve etkili olduğu bir dönem olmuştur. Bu yıllar arasında suç oranlarında da ciddi artışlar yaşanmıştır. 1990’lı yılların başında ABD’de, ortalarından sonra da bazı Batı Avrupa ülkelerinde suç oranlarında ciddi düşüşlerin gerçekleştiği gözlemlenmiştir. Aynı şekilde, suç oranlarında düşüşlerin gerçekleştiği bu dönemde genel olarak yerleşik değer ve kurumsal yapı karşıtı gelişmeler, yerini daha uyumcu bir yapıya ve gelişmelere bırakmıştır. Bu çalışmada, gelişmiş batı ülkelerinde 1960’lı yıllardan itibaren artmaya başlayan ve 1990’lı yıllardan sonra da düşmeye başlayan suç oranlarının artma ve düşme nedenleri, sosyal kontrol kuramı ve uygarlık süreci argümanı çerçevesinde açıklanmaya çalışılacaktır. Araştırma, esas aldığı yaklaşımlar çerçevesinde suç oranlarının artması ve azalması üzerinde sosyo-kültürel değerlerin, kurumsal meşruiyet ve bağlılığın, iç ve dışsal denetimin, sosyal sermayenin ve sosyal destek olgusunun etkili olduğunu ileri sürmektedir.

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  • Adler, Freda - Mueller, Gerhard O.W. - Laufer, William S. Criminology. USA: McGraw-Hill, 1995.
  • Barlow, Hugh. Introduction to Criminology, USA: Harper Collins, 1993.
  • Blumstein, Alfred. - Wallman, Joel. The Crime Drop in America, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
  • Blumstein, Alfred. “The Crime Drop in America: An Exploration of Some Recent Crime Trends”, Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 7/1 (2006), 17-35
  • Bohm, Robert M. A Perimer on Crime and Delinquency, USA: Wadsworth Pub.,1997.
  • Cullen, Francis T. “Social Support and Crime”. Criminological Theory: Past to Present: Essential Readings. ed. Francis T. Cullen - Robert Agnew. Los Angeles CA: Roxbury Publishing Company, 2003.
  • Dolu Osman, Suç Teorileri: Teori, Araştırma ve Uygulamada Kriminoloji, Ankara: Seçkin Yay., 2010.
  • Eisner, Manuel. “Modernization, Self- Control and Lethal Violence. The Long-Term Dynamics of European Homicide Rates in Theoretical Perspective”, British Journal of Criminology. 41/4 (2001), 618-638
  • Elias, Norbert. Uygarlık Süreci. Cilt 1, çev. Ender Atışman, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2002.
  • Elias, Norbert. Uygarlık Süreci. Cilt 2, çev. Erol Özbek, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2004.
  • Gottfredson, Michael R. - Hirschi, Travis. “Criminality and Low Self-Control”, New Perspectives in Criminology. ed. John E. Conklin, USA: Allyn and Bacon, 1996.
  • Farrell, Graham. “Five Tests for a Theory of the Crime Drop.” Crime Science. 2/5, (2013), 1–8
  • Finkelhor, David - Jones, Lisa M. Why Have Child Maltreatment and Child Victimization Declined? Journal of Social Issues, 62, (2006), 685–716
  • Fukuyama, Francis. Büyük Çözülme: İnsanın Doğası Ve Toplumsal Düzenin Yeniden Oluşması, çev. Zeynep Avcı - Aslı T. Aydemir. İstanbul: Sabah Kitapları Yay, 1999.
  • Hagan, Frank E. John, Introduction to Criminology, Chicago: Nelson- Hall, 1991.
  • Heialand, Hans-Günther - Sheley, Louise. Crime and Control in Comparative Perspectives, Ed. Hans-Günther Heiland - Louise I. Shelly ve Hisao Katoh. Berlin: De Greytur, 1991.
  • Hirschi, Travis. Causes of Delinquency. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969.
  • Knepper, Paul. “An International Crime Decline: Lessons for Socia lWelfare Crime Policy?” Social Policy &Administration, 46/4, (2012), 359–376
  • Kızmaz, Zahir. Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Suç: Suç Oranlarının Artışı Üzerine Sosyolojik Bir Çözümleme, Mukaddime, 5, (2012) 51-74
  • Kızmaz, Zahir, “Modernleşme ve Suç: Kuramsal Açıdan Bir Bakış” Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 23/1, (2013), 229-240
  • LaFree, Gary - Drass, Kriss A. “Counting Crime Booms Among Nations: Evidence for Homicide Victimization Rates, 1956 to 1998”. Criminology 40 (2002), 769-99.
  • Lafree, Gary D. - Tseloni, Andromachi. “Democracy and Crime: A Multilevel Analysis of Homicide Trends in Forty-Four Countries 1950-2000”. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. (2006), 605,25-49
  • Levitt, Steven D. (2004). “Understanding Why Crime Fell in The 1990s: Four Factors That Explain the Decline and Six That Do Not”. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 18/1 (2004), 163–190.
  • Lind, Dara - Lopez, German. “16 Theories for Why Crime Plummeted in the US”, (15.01.2021),
  • Liska, Allen E. Perspectives on Deviance, USA: Prentice-Hall,1987.
  • Marowitz, Leonard A. “Why Did the Crime Rate Decrease Through 1999? (And Why Might It Decrease or Increase in 2000 and Beyond)”? Criminal Justice Statistics Center: California Department of Justice,2000.
  • Mishra, Sandeep - Lalumière, Martin. “Is the Crime Drop of the 1990s in Canada and the USA Associated with a General Decline in Risky and Health-Related Behaviour?” Social Science and Medicine, 68 (2009), 39–48.
  • Pinker, Steven. Doğamızın İyilik Melekleri-Şiddet Neden Azaldı, (çev: İlkay Alptekin Demir), İstanbul: Alfa yayıncılık, 2019.
  • Reckless Walter C. (2003), “Containtment Theory”, Criminological Theory: Past to Present: Essential Readings. ed. Francis T. Cullen – Robert Agnew, Los Angeles: Roxbury Publishing Company, (2003).
  • Rosenfeld, Richard ve Messner, Seteven F. (2009). The Crime Drop in Comparative Perspective: The Impact of the Economy and Imprisonment On American and European Burglary Rates. The British Journal of Sociology, 60 /3 (2009), 445–471.
  • Roeder, Oliver- Eisen, Lauren Broke – Bowling, Julia. What Caused the Crime Decline? Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law, 2015.
  • Siegel, Larry J. Criminology, St. Paul: West Pub. Company, 1989.
  • Siegel, Larry J. Criminology: Theories, Patterns, and Typologies. Belmont: Wadsworth Thomson Learning, 2001.
  • Tonry, Michael. “Why Crime Rates Are Falling Throughout the Western World” Crime & Justice. 1 (2014),1-63
  • van Dijk, Jan, - Tseloni, Andromachi. “Global Overview: InternationalTrends in Victimization and Recorded Crime.” The International Crime Drop: New Directions in Research, ed. Jan van Dijk - Andromachi Tseloni - Graham Farrell. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012
  • Williams, Frank P. - McShane, Marilyn D. Criminological Theory. Upper Saddle River: PrenticeHall, 1999.
  • Zimring, Franklin E. The Great American Crime Decline, Oxford University Press, Oxford: 2006.


Year 2021, Volume: 13 Issue: 2, 792 - 809, 30.08.2021


In many developed western countries, especially between the years of 1960 and 1990, it has been a period when social movements against authority and hierarchy, which questioned the institutional and value structures, gradually gained power and were effective in society. There has also been a significant increase in crime rates between these years. At the beginning of 1990, there were serious decreases in crime rates in the USA and after the mid-90s in some western European countries. In the same way, in this period when crime rates decreased, developments against established values and institutional structures in general left their place to a more adaptive structure. In this study, it will be tried to explain the reasons for the increase and decrease in crime rates, which started to increase since the 1960s and started to decrease after the 1990s, within the framework of social control theory and civilizational process argument. This article argues that socio-cultural values, institutional legitimacy and commitment, internal and external control, social capital and social support are influential on the increase and decrease in crime rates within the framework of the approaches it is based on.

Project Number



  • Adler, Freda - Mueller, Gerhard O.W. - Laufer, William S. Criminology. USA: McGraw-Hill, 1995.
  • Barlow, Hugh. Introduction to Criminology, USA: Harper Collins, 1993.
  • Blumstein, Alfred. - Wallman, Joel. The Crime Drop in America, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
  • Blumstein, Alfred. “The Crime Drop in America: An Exploration of Some Recent Crime Trends”, Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 7/1 (2006), 17-35
  • Bohm, Robert M. A Perimer on Crime and Delinquency, USA: Wadsworth Pub.,1997.
  • Cullen, Francis T. “Social Support and Crime”. Criminological Theory: Past to Present: Essential Readings. ed. Francis T. Cullen - Robert Agnew. Los Angeles CA: Roxbury Publishing Company, 2003.
  • Dolu Osman, Suç Teorileri: Teori, Araştırma ve Uygulamada Kriminoloji, Ankara: Seçkin Yay., 2010.
  • Eisner, Manuel. “Modernization, Self- Control and Lethal Violence. The Long-Term Dynamics of European Homicide Rates in Theoretical Perspective”, British Journal of Criminology. 41/4 (2001), 618-638
  • Elias, Norbert. Uygarlık Süreci. Cilt 1, çev. Ender Atışman, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2002.
  • Elias, Norbert. Uygarlık Süreci. Cilt 2, çev. Erol Özbek, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2004.
  • Gottfredson, Michael R. - Hirschi, Travis. “Criminality and Low Self-Control”, New Perspectives in Criminology. ed. John E. Conklin, USA: Allyn and Bacon, 1996.
  • Farrell, Graham. “Five Tests for a Theory of the Crime Drop.” Crime Science. 2/5, (2013), 1–8
  • Finkelhor, David - Jones, Lisa M. Why Have Child Maltreatment and Child Victimization Declined? Journal of Social Issues, 62, (2006), 685–716
  • Fukuyama, Francis. Büyük Çözülme: İnsanın Doğası Ve Toplumsal Düzenin Yeniden Oluşması, çev. Zeynep Avcı - Aslı T. Aydemir. İstanbul: Sabah Kitapları Yay, 1999.
  • Hagan, Frank E. John, Introduction to Criminology, Chicago: Nelson- Hall, 1991.
  • Heialand, Hans-Günther - Sheley, Louise. Crime and Control in Comparative Perspectives, Ed. Hans-Günther Heiland - Louise I. Shelly ve Hisao Katoh. Berlin: De Greytur, 1991.
  • Hirschi, Travis. Causes of Delinquency. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969.
  • Knepper, Paul. “An International Crime Decline: Lessons for Socia lWelfare Crime Policy?” Social Policy &Administration, 46/4, (2012), 359–376
  • Kızmaz, Zahir. Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Suç: Suç Oranlarının Artışı Üzerine Sosyolojik Bir Çözümleme, Mukaddime, 5, (2012) 51-74
  • Kızmaz, Zahir, “Modernleşme ve Suç: Kuramsal Açıdan Bir Bakış” Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 23/1, (2013), 229-240
  • LaFree, Gary - Drass, Kriss A. “Counting Crime Booms Among Nations: Evidence for Homicide Victimization Rates, 1956 to 1998”. Criminology 40 (2002), 769-99.
  • Lafree, Gary D. - Tseloni, Andromachi. “Democracy and Crime: A Multilevel Analysis of Homicide Trends in Forty-Four Countries 1950-2000”. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. (2006), 605,25-49
  • Levitt, Steven D. (2004). “Understanding Why Crime Fell in The 1990s: Four Factors That Explain the Decline and Six That Do Not”. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 18/1 (2004), 163–190.
  • Lind, Dara - Lopez, German. “16 Theories for Why Crime Plummeted in the US”, (15.01.2021),
  • Liska, Allen E. Perspectives on Deviance, USA: Prentice-Hall,1987.
  • Marowitz, Leonard A. “Why Did the Crime Rate Decrease Through 1999? (And Why Might It Decrease or Increase in 2000 and Beyond)”? Criminal Justice Statistics Center: California Department of Justice,2000.
  • Mishra, Sandeep - Lalumière, Martin. “Is the Crime Drop of the 1990s in Canada and the USA Associated with a General Decline in Risky and Health-Related Behaviour?” Social Science and Medicine, 68 (2009), 39–48.
  • Pinker, Steven. Doğamızın İyilik Melekleri-Şiddet Neden Azaldı, (çev: İlkay Alptekin Demir), İstanbul: Alfa yayıncılık, 2019.
  • Reckless Walter C. (2003), “Containtment Theory”, Criminological Theory: Past to Present: Essential Readings. ed. Francis T. Cullen – Robert Agnew, Los Angeles: Roxbury Publishing Company, (2003).
  • Rosenfeld, Richard ve Messner, Seteven F. (2009). The Crime Drop in Comparative Perspective: The Impact of the Economy and Imprisonment On American and European Burglary Rates. The British Journal of Sociology, 60 /3 (2009), 445–471.
  • Roeder, Oliver- Eisen, Lauren Broke – Bowling, Julia. What Caused the Crime Decline? Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law, 2015.
  • Siegel, Larry J. Criminology, St. Paul: West Pub. Company, 1989.
  • Siegel, Larry J. Criminology: Theories, Patterns, and Typologies. Belmont: Wadsworth Thomson Learning, 2001.
  • Tonry, Michael. “Why Crime Rates Are Falling Throughout the Western World” Crime & Justice. 1 (2014),1-63
  • van Dijk, Jan, - Tseloni, Andromachi. “Global Overview: InternationalTrends in Victimization and Recorded Crime.” The International Crime Drop: New Directions in Research, ed. Jan van Dijk - Andromachi Tseloni - Graham Farrell. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012
  • Williams, Frank P. - McShane, Marilyn D. Criminological Theory. Upper Saddle River: PrenticeHall, 1999.
  • Zimring, Franklin E. The Great American Crime Decline, Oxford University Press, Oxford: 2006.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Zahir Kızmaz 0000-0001-7686-4751

Project Number YOK
Publication Date August 30, 2021
Acceptance Date September 3, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 13 Issue: 2



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