Research Article
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Determination of the concentrations and elemental compositions of particulate matter in photocopy centers

Year 2017, , 178 - 189, 01.04.2017


In this study,
particulate matter sampling was carried out in order to determine the indoor
air particle pollution arising from photocopying. For that purpose, 9 different
photocopy centers were selected in Kocaeli. The samples were collected with
using a 5-stage Sioutas Cascade Impactor and the elemental compositions were
analysed with ICP-MS analysis technique. Mass concentrations and elemental
compositions of particulate matter collected was determined for 5 different
size fractions (PM>2.5, PM2.5-1.0, PM1.0-0.5,
PM0.5-0.25 ve PM<0.25) and the results of this study
were evaluated within this context.


  • [1] R. Hetes, M. Moore, C. Northeim, “Office Equipment: Design, Indoor Air Emissions, and Pollution Prevention Opportunities”. U.S.EPA, EPA/600/SR-95/045, 1995.
  • [2] S.K. Brown, “Assessment of Pollutant Emissions from Dry-Process Photocopiers”. Indoor Air, vol. 9, pp. 259-267, 1999.
  • [3] J.H. Byeon, J.-W. Kim, “Particle Emission From Laser Printers With Different Printing Speeds”. Atmos. Environ., vol. 54, pp. 272-276, 2012.
  • [4] H. Jiang, L. Lu, “Measurement of the surface charge of ultrafine particles from laser printers and analysis of their electrostatic force”. Atmos. Environ., vol. 44, pp. 3347-3351, 2010.
  • [5] K.W. Leovic, L.S Sheldon, D.A. Whitaker, R.G. Hetes, J.A. Calcagni, J.N. Baskir, “Measurement of Indoor Air Emissions from Dry-Process Photocopy Machines,” J Air Waste Manage, vol. 46:9, pp. 821-829, 1996.
  • [6] D. Saraga, S. Pateraki, A. Papadopoulos, C. Vasilakos, T. Maggos, “Studying The Indoor Air Quality in Three Non-Residential Environments of Different Use: A Museum, a Printery İndustry and an Office,” Build Environ, vol. 46, pp. 2333-2341, 2011.
  • [7] C.-W. Lee, D.-J. Hsu, “Measurements of fine and ultrafine particles formation in photocopy centers in Taiwan,” Atmos Environ, vol. 41, pp. 6598–6609, 2007.
  • [8] L. Morawska, C. He, G. Johnson, R. Jayaratne, T. Salthammer, H. Wang, E. Uhde, T. Bostrom, R. Modini, G. Ayoko, P. Mcgarry, M. Wensing, “An Investigation into the Characteristics and Formation Mechanisms of Particles Originating from the Operation of Laser Printers,” Environ Sci Technol, vol. 43, pp.1015–1022, 2009.
  • [9] G. Sangiorgi, L. Ferrero, B.S. Ferrini, C.L. Porto, M.G. Perrone, R. Zangrando, A. Gambaro, Z. Lazzati, E Bolzacc, “Indoor airborne particle sources and semi-volatile partitioning effect of outdoorfine PM in offices,” Atmos Environ, vol. 65, pp 205-214, 2013.
  • [10] M. Khatri, D. Bello, A.K. Pal, S. Woskie, T.H. Gasset, P. Demokritou, P. Gaines, “Toxicological effects of PM0.25–2.0 particles collected from a photocopycenter in three human cell lines,” Inhal Toxicol, vol. 25(11), pp. 621–632, 2013.
  • [11] O. Hanninen, I. Brüske-Hohlfeld, M. Loh, T. Stoeger, W. Kreyling, O. Schmid, A. Peters, “Occupational and Consumer Risk Estimates for Nanoparticles Emitted by Laser Printers,” J Nanopart Res, vol. 12, pp. 91–99, 2010.
  • [12] R. Gminski, K. Decker, C. Heinz, A. Seidel, M. Könczöl, E. Goldenberg, B. Grobety, W. Ebner, R. Giere, V. Mersch-Sundermann, “Genotoxic Effects of Three Selected Black TonerPowders and Their Dimethyl Sulfoxide Extracts in Cultured Human Epithelial A549 Lung Cells In Vitro,” Environ Mol Mutagen, vol. 52, pp. 296-309, 2011.
  • [13] The University of Edinburgh, Health and Safety Department (2010, April). Photocopiers and Laser Printers Health Hazard. [Online]. Available:
  • [14] U. Ewers, D. Nowak, “Health hazards caused by emissions of laser printers and copiers?,” Gefahrstoffe– Reinhaltung der Luft, vol. 66, pp. 203–210, 2006.
  • [15] P. Wolkoff, “Photocopiers and indoor air pollution,” Atmos Environ, vol. 33, pp. 2129-2130, 1999.
  • [16] D. Bello, J. Martin, C. Santeufemio, Q. Sun, K.L. Bunker, M. Shafer, P. Demokritou, “Physicochemical and Morphological Characterisation of Nanoparticles from Photocopiers: İmplications for Environmental Health,” Nanotoxicology, vol. 7(5), pp. 989–1003, 2013.
  • [17] Z.-M. Wang, J. Wagner, S. Wall, “Characterization of Laser Printer Nanoparticle and VOC Emissions, Formation Mechanisms, and Strategies to Reduce Airborne Exposures,” Aerosol Sci Tech, vol. 45, pp. 1060–1068, 2011.
  • [18] H. Destaillat, R.L. Maddalena, B.C. Singera, A.T. Hodgsona, T.E. Mckona, “Indoor Pollutants Emitted by Office Equipment: A Review of Reported Data and Information Needs,” Atmos Environ, vol. 42, pp. 1371–1388, 2008.
  • [19] M. Könczöl, A. Weißa, R. Gminski, I. Merfort, V. Mersch-Sundermann, “Oxidative Stress and Inflammatory Response to Printer Toner Particles in Human Epithelial A549 Lung Cells,” Toxicol Lett, vol. 216, pp. 171– 180, 2013.
  • [20] E. Uhde, C. He, M. Wensing, “Characterization of Ultra-fine Particle Emissions from a Laser Printer”. Proceedings of Healthy Buildings, pp. 479-482, 2006.
  • [21] H. Jiang, L. Lu. “Measurement of the Surface Charge of Ultrafine Particles from Laser Printers and Analysis of Their Electrostatic Force,” Atmos Environ, vol. 44, pp. 3347-33517, 2010.
  • [22] Occupational Safety and Health Council (OSHC), “A Simple Guide to Health Risk Assessment; Photocopying”. Office Environment Series, OE 3/2005; 5/2005-3-OHB52: 2005.
  • [23] M. Barthel, V. Pedan, O. Hahn, M. Rothhardt, H. Bresch, O. Jann, S. Seeger, “XRF-Analysis of Fine and Ultrafine Particles Emitted from Laser Printing Devices,” Environ Sci Technol, vol. 45, pp. 7819–7825, 2011.
  • [24] S. Yenisoy-Karakaş, E.O. Gaga, O. Cankur, D. Karakaş, “Uncertainty of high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry based aerosol measurements”. Talanta, vol. 79, pp. 1298-1305, 2009.
  • [25] S. Taner, B. Pekey, H. Pekey. “Fine particulate matter in the indoor air of barbeque restaurants: Elemental compositions, sources and health risks,” Sci Total Environ, vol. 454–455, pp. 79–87, 2013.
  • [26] N. Elango, V. Kasi, B. Vembhu, J.G. Poornima, “Chronic exposure to emissions from photocopiers in copy shops causes oxidative stress and systematic inflammation among photocopier operators in India,” Environ Health, vol. 12, pp. 1-12, 2013.
  • [27] M. Wensing, T. Schripp, E. Uhde, T. Salthammer, “Ultra-fine particles release from hardcopy devices: Sources, real-room measurements and efficiency of filter accessories,” Sci Total Environ, vol. 407(1), pp. 418-427, 2008.
  • [28] D.E. Saraga, L. Volanis, T. Maggos, C. Vasilakos, K. Bairachtari, C.G. Helmis, “Workplace personal exposure to respirable PM fraction: a study in sixteen indoor environments,”Atmos Pol Res, vol. 5, pp. 431-437, 2014.
  • [29] Y.-Z. Tian, J.-H. Wu, G.-L. Shi, J.-Y. Wu, Y.-F. Zhang, L.-D. Zhou, Y.-C. Feng. “Long-term Variation Of The Levels, Compositions And Sources Of Size-Resolved Particulate Matter in a Megacity in China,” Sci Total Environ, vol. 463–464, pp. 462–468, 2013.
  • [30] R. Zhang, J. Cao, Y. Tang, R. Arimoto, Z. Shen, F. Wu, Y. Han, G. Wang, J. Zhang, G. Li, “Elemental Profiles And Signatures Of Fugitive Dusts From Chinese Deserts,” Sci Total Environ, vol. 472, pp. 1121–1129, 2014.
  • [31] L. Xu, Y. Yu, J. Yu, J. Chen, Z. Niu, L. Yin, F. Zhang, X. Liao, Y. Chen Y, “Spatial distribution and sources identification of elements in PM2.5 among the coastal city group in the Western Taiwan Strait region, China,” Sci Total Environ, vol. 442, pp. 77–85, 2013.
  • [32] X. Wang, X. Bi, G. Sheng, J. Fu, “Hospital indoor PM10/PM2.5 and associated trace elements in Guangzhou, China,” Sci Total Environ, vol. 366, pp. 124– 135, 2006.
  • [33] N. Daher, N.A. Saliba, A.L. Shihadeh, M. Jaafar, R. Baalbaki, M.M. Shafer, J.J. Schauer, C. Sioutas, “Oxidative potential and chemical speciation of size-resolved particulate matter (PM) at near-freeway and urban background sites in the greater Beirut area,” Sci Total Environ, vol. 470–471, pp. 417–426, 2014.
  • [34] S. Castillo, J.D. de la Rosa, A.M. Sanchez de la Campa, Y. Gonzalez-Castanedo, J.C. Fernandez-Caliani, I. Gonzalez, A. Romero, “Contribution of mine wastes to atmospheric metal deposition in the surrounding area of an abandoned heavily polluted mining district (Rio Tinto mines, Spain),” Sci Total Environ, vol. 449, pp. 363–372, 2013.
  • [35] M. Rozic, M. Rozmaric Macefat, V. Orescanin, “Elemental Analysis of Ashes of Office Papers by EDXRF Spectrometry”, Nucl Instrum Meth B, vol. 229, pp. 117–122, 2005.
  • [36] R. Betha, V. Selvam, D.R. Blake, R. Balasubramanian, “Emission Characteristics of Ultrafine Particles and Volatile Organic Compounds in a Commercial Printing Center,” J Air Waste Manage, vol. 61, pp. 1093–1101, 2011.

Fotokopi merkezlerinde partikül madde konsantrasyonlarının ve element kompozisyonlarının belirlenmesi

Year 2017, , 178 - 189, 01.04.2017


 Bu çalışmada,
Kocaeli’nde seçilen 9 farklı fotokopi merkezinde, fotokopi kullanımından
kaynaklı iç ortam partikül madde kirliliğinin belirlenmesi amacıyla partikül
madde örneklemeleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Örnekler, 5 aşamalı Sioutas sıralı
örnekleyici kullanılarak toplanmış ve element içerikleri ICP-MS analiz tekniği
kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Toplanan partikül maddelerin kütle konsantrasyonları
ve element kompozisyonları, 5 farklı boyut aralığı (PM
>2.5, PM2.5-1.0,
1.0-0.5, PM0.5-0.25 ve PM<0.25) için
belirlenmiş ve çalışmanın sonuçları bu kapsamda değerlendirilmiştir.


  • [1] R. Hetes, M. Moore, C. Northeim, “Office Equipment: Design, Indoor Air Emissions, and Pollution Prevention Opportunities”. U.S.EPA, EPA/600/SR-95/045, 1995.
  • [2] S.K. Brown, “Assessment of Pollutant Emissions from Dry-Process Photocopiers”. Indoor Air, vol. 9, pp. 259-267, 1999.
  • [3] J.H. Byeon, J.-W. Kim, “Particle Emission From Laser Printers With Different Printing Speeds”. Atmos. Environ., vol. 54, pp. 272-276, 2012.
  • [4] H. Jiang, L. Lu, “Measurement of the surface charge of ultrafine particles from laser printers and analysis of their electrostatic force”. Atmos. Environ., vol. 44, pp. 3347-3351, 2010.
  • [5] K.W. Leovic, L.S Sheldon, D.A. Whitaker, R.G. Hetes, J.A. Calcagni, J.N. Baskir, “Measurement of Indoor Air Emissions from Dry-Process Photocopy Machines,” J Air Waste Manage, vol. 46:9, pp. 821-829, 1996.
  • [6] D. Saraga, S. Pateraki, A. Papadopoulos, C. Vasilakos, T. Maggos, “Studying The Indoor Air Quality in Three Non-Residential Environments of Different Use: A Museum, a Printery İndustry and an Office,” Build Environ, vol. 46, pp. 2333-2341, 2011.
  • [7] C.-W. Lee, D.-J. Hsu, “Measurements of fine and ultrafine particles formation in photocopy centers in Taiwan,” Atmos Environ, vol. 41, pp. 6598–6609, 2007.
  • [8] L. Morawska, C. He, G. Johnson, R. Jayaratne, T. Salthammer, H. Wang, E. Uhde, T. Bostrom, R. Modini, G. Ayoko, P. Mcgarry, M. Wensing, “An Investigation into the Characteristics and Formation Mechanisms of Particles Originating from the Operation of Laser Printers,” Environ Sci Technol, vol. 43, pp.1015–1022, 2009.
  • [9] G. Sangiorgi, L. Ferrero, B.S. Ferrini, C.L. Porto, M.G. Perrone, R. Zangrando, A. Gambaro, Z. Lazzati, E Bolzacc, “Indoor airborne particle sources and semi-volatile partitioning effect of outdoorfine PM in offices,” Atmos Environ, vol. 65, pp 205-214, 2013.
  • [10] M. Khatri, D. Bello, A.K. Pal, S. Woskie, T.H. Gasset, P. Demokritou, P. Gaines, “Toxicological effects of PM0.25–2.0 particles collected from a photocopycenter in three human cell lines,” Inhal Toxicol, vol. 25(11), pp. 621–632, 2013.
  • [11] O. Hanninen, I. Brüske-Hohlfeld, M. Loh, T. Stoeger, W. Kreyling, O. Schmid, A. Peters, “Occupational and Consumer Risk Estimates for Nanoparticles Emitted by Laser Printers,” J Nanopart Res, vol. 12, pp. 91–99, 2010.
  • [12] R. Gminski, K. Decker, C. Heinz, A. Seidel, M. Könczöl, E. Goldenberg, B. Grobety, W. Ebner, R. Giere, V. Mersch-Sundermann, “Genotoxic Effects of Three Selected Black TonerPowders and Their Dimethyl Sulfoxide Extracts in Cultured Human Epithelial A549 Lung Cells In Vitro,” Environ Mol Mutagen, vol. 52, pp. 296-309, 2011.
  • [13] The University of Edinburgh, Health and Safety Department (2010, April). Photocopiers and Laser Printers Health Hazard. [Online]. Available:
  • [14] U. Ewers, D. Nowak, “Health hazards caused by emissions of laser printers and copiers?,” Gefahrstoffe– Reinhaltung der Luft, vol. 66, pp. 203–210, 2006.
  • [15] P. Wolkoff, “Photocopiers and indoor air pollution,” Atmos Environ, vol. 33, pp. 2129-2130, 1999.
  • [16] D. Bello, J. Martin, C. Santeufemio, Q. Sun, K.L. Bunker, M. Shafer, P. Demokritou, “Physicochemical and Morphological Characterisation of Nanoparticles from Photocopiers: İmplications for Environmental Health,” Nanotoxicology, vol. 7(5), pp. 989–1003, 2013.
  • [17] Z.-M. Wang, J. Wagner, S. Wall, “Characterization of Laser Printer Nanoparticle and VOC Emissions, Formation Mechanisms, and Strategies to Reduce Airborne Exposures,” Aerosol Sci Tech, vol. 45, pp. 1060–1068, 2011.
  • [18] H. Destaillat, R.L. Maddalena, B.C. Singera, A.T. Hodgsona, T.E. Mckona, “Indoor Pollutants Emitted by Office Equipment: A Review of Reported Data and Information Needs,” Atmos Environ, vol. 42, pp. 1371–1388, 2008.
  • [19] M. Könczöl, A. Weißa, R. Gminski, I. Merfort, V. Mersch-Sundermann, “Oxidative Stress and Inflammatory Response to Printer Toner Particles in Human Epithelial A549 Lung Cells,” Toxicol Lett, vol. 216, pp. 171– 180, 2013.
  • [20] E. Uhde, C. He, M. Wensing, “Characterization of Ultra-fine Particle Emissions from a Laser Printer”. Proceedings of Healthy Buildings, pp. 479-482, 2006.
  • [21] H. Jiang, L. Lu. “Measurement of the Surface Charge of Ultrafine Particles from Laser Printers and Analysis of Their Electrostatic Force,” Atmos Environ, vol. 44, pp. 3347-33517, 2010.
  • [22] Occupational Safety and Health Council (OSHC), “A Simple Guide to Health Risk Assessment; Photocopying”. Office Environment Series, OE 3/2005; 5/2005-3-OHB52: 2005.
  • [23] M. Barthel, V. Pedan, O. Hahn, M. Rothhardt, H. Bresch, O. Jann, S. Seeger, “XRF-Analysis of Fine and Ultrafine Particles Emitted from Laser Printing Devices,” Environ Sci Technol, vol. 45, pp. 7819–7825, 2011.
  • [24] S. Yenisoy-Karakaş, E.O. Gaga, O. Cankur, D. Karakaş, “Uncertainty of high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry based aerosol measurements”. Talanta, vol. 79, pp. 1298-1305, 2009.
  • [25] S. Taner, B. Pekey, H. Pekey. “Fine particulate matter in the indoor air of barbeque restaurants: Elemental compositions, sources and health risks,” Sci Total Environ, vol. 454–455, pp. 79–87, 2013.
  • [26] N. Elango, V. Kasi, B. Vembhu, J.G. Poornima, “Chronic exposure to emissions from photocopiers in copy shops causes oxidative stress and systematic inflammation among photocopier operators in India,” Environ Health, vol. 12, pp. 1-12, 2013.
  • [27] M. Wensing, T. Schripp, E. Uhde, T. Salthammer, “Ultra-fine particles release from hardcopy devices: Sources, real-room measurements and efficiency of filter accessories,” Sci Total Environ, vol. 407(1), pp. 418-427, 2008.
  • [28] D.E. Saraga, L. Volanis, T. Maggos, C. Vasilakos, K. Bairachtari, C.G. Helmis, “Workplace personal exposure to respirable PM fraction: a study in sixteen indoor environments,”Atmos Pol Res, vol. 5, pp. 431-437, 2014.
  • [29] Y.-Z. Tian, J.-H. Wu, G.-L. Shi, J.-Y. Wu, Y.-F. Zhang, L.-D. Zhou, Y.-C. Feng. “Long-term Variation Of The Levels, Compositions And Sources Of Size-Resolved Particulate Matter in a Megacity in China,” Sci Total Environ, vol. 463–464, pp. 462–468, 2013.
  • [30] R. Zhang, J. Cao, Y. Tang, R. Arimoto, Z. Shen, F. Wu, Y. Han, G. Wang, J. Zhang, G. Li, “Elemental Profiles And Signatures Of Fugitive Dusts From Chinese Deserts,” Sci Total Environ, vol. 472, pp. 1121–1129, 2014.
  • [31] L. Xu, Y. Yu, J. Yu, J. Chen, Z. Niu, L. Yin, F. Zhang, X. Liao, Y. Chen Y, “Spatial distribution and sources identification of elements in PM2.5 among the coastal city group in the Western Taiwan Strait region, China,” Sci Total Environ, vol. 442, pp. 77–85, 2013.
  • [32] X. Wang, X. Bi, G. Sheng, J. Fu, “Hospital indoor PM10/PM2.5 and associated trace elements in Guangzhou, China,” Sci Total Environ, vol. 366, pp. 124– 135, 2006.
  • [33] N. Daher, N.A. Saliba, A.L. Shihadeh, M. Jaafar, R. Baalbaki, M.M. Shafer, J.J. Schauer, C. Sioutas, “Oxidative potential and chemical speciation of size-resolved particulate matter (PM) at near-freeway and urban background sites in the greater Beirut area,” Sci Total Environ, vol. 470–471, pp. 417–426, 2014.
  • [34] S. Castillo, J.D. de la Rosa, A.M. Sanchez de la Campa, Y. Gonzalez-Castanedo, J.C. Fernandez-Caliani, I. Gonzalez, A. Romero, “Contribution of mine wastes to atmospheric metal deposition in the surrounding area of an abandoned heavily polluted mining district (Rio Tinto mines, Spain),” Sci Total Environ, vol. 449, pp. 363–372, 2013.
  • [35] M. Rozic, M. Rozmaric Macefat, V. Orescanin, “Elemental Analysis of Ashes of Office Papers by EDXRF Spectrometry”, Nucl Instrum Meth B, vol. 229, pp. 117–122, 2005.
  • [36] R. Betha, V. Selvam, D.R. Blake, R. Balasubramanian, “Emission Characteristics of Ultrafine Particles and Volatile Organic Compounds in a Commercial Printing Center,” J Air Waste Manage, vol. 61, pp. 1093–1101, 2011.
There are 36 citations in total.


Subjects Environmental Sciences
Journal Section Research Articles

Simge Çankaya This is me

Beyhan Pekey

Publication Date April 1, 2017
Submission Date April 28, 2016
Acceptance Date November 28, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Çankaya, S., & Pekey, B. (2017). Determination of the concentrations and elemental compositions of particulate matter in photocopy centers. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 21(2), 178-189.
AMA Çankaya S, Pekey B. Determination of the concentrations and elemental compositions of particulate matter in photocopy centers. SAUJS. April 2017;21(2):178-189. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.297003
Chicago Çankaya, Simge, and Beyhan Pekey. “Determination of the Concentrations and Elemental Compositions of Particulate Matter in Photocopy Centers”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 21, no. 2 (April 2017): 178-89.
EndNote Çankaya S, Pekey B (April 1, 2017) Determination of the concentrations and elemental compositions of particulate matter in photocopy centers. Sakarya University Journal of Science 21 2 178–189.
IEEE S. Çankaya and B. Pekey, “Determination of the concentrations and elemental compositions of particulate matter in photocopy centers”, SAUJS, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 178–189, 2017, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.297003.
ISNAD Çankaya, Simge - Pekey, Beyhan. “Determination of the Concentrations and Elemental Compositions of Particulate Matter in Photocopy Centers”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 21/2 (April 2017), 178-189.
JAMA Çankaya S, Pekey B. Determination of the concentrations and elemental compositions of particulate matter in photocopy centers. SAUJS. 2017;21:178–189.
MLA Çankaya, Simge and Beyhan Pekey. “Determination of the Concentrations and Elemental Compositions of Particulate Matter in Photocopy Centers”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 21, no. 2, 2017, pp. 178-89, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.297003.
Vancouver Çankaya S, Pekey B. Determination of the concentrations and elemental compositions of particulate matter in photocopy centers. SAUJS. 2017;21(2):178-89.

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