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Hidrotermal sentez ve sol-jel yöntemleri ile farklı morfolojilerde CdS partikül üretimi ve atık su uygulamalarında kullanımları

Year 2018, , 888 - 897, 01.06.2018


çalışmada, iki farklı metot kullanılarak CdS nanopartikülleri farklı boyutlarda
ve morfolojilerde sentezlenmiştir. İlk olarak, hidrotermal sentez yöntemi ile
hem karnabahar tipi CdS mikrokürelerin hem de CdS nanoçiçek türü mikroyapıların
sentezleri teflon hazneli çelik reaktörlerde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Karnabahar
tipi CdS mikrokürelerin sentezinde polietilen glikol ve tiyoasetamid
kullanılırken, nanoçiçek CdS mikroyapıların sentezlerinde sülfür kaynağı olarak
tiyoüre kullanılmıştır. Diğer bir yöntem olan sol-jel metodu ile de çapları
yaklaşık 200 nm olan küresel CdS ve Ag/CdS nanopartiküller hazırlanmıştır. Bu
metotta, polietilen glikol su içerisindeki çözünürlüğü ve yüksek viskozitesi
sayesinde nanokristallerin büyümelerinin kontrollerini sağlayarak stabilizör
olarak kullanılmıştır. Her iki metot ile de başarılı bir şekilde farklı
boyutlarda ve şekillerde CdS mikro- ve nanoyapılar hazırlanmıştır. Bu
partiküller, metil oranj (MO) boyasının fotodegradasyonunda kullanılmıştır.
Ortaya çıkan sonuçlar, sentezlenen CdS partiküllerinin MO boyasının
fotodegradasyona uğratarak atık su uygulamalarında potansiyel kullanımları
olabileceğini göstermektedir. Floresans spektroskopi ölçümleri ile CdS yapılarının
enerji band aralıkları belirlenmiştir. X-ışını kırınım yöntemi (XRD), geçirimli
elektron mikroskobu (TEM) ve taramalı elektron mikroskobu (SEM) cihazları
yapıların karakterizasyonunda kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca MO boyasının atık sulardan
giderim çalışmalarında UV-vis spektrofotometresi kullanılmış olup, CdS
partiküllerinin boya degradasyon yüzdesi ve adsorpsiyon kapasitesi (qe)
değerleri hesaplanmıştır. 


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  • [8] S. Sonawane, et al., “Ultrasound-Assisted Preparation of Semiconductor/Polymer Photoanodes and Their Photoelectrochemical Properties,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 114, no. 11, pp. 5148-5153,2010.
  • [9] Y. Y. Huang, et al., “Photochemical preparation of CdS hollow microspheres at room temperature and their use in visible-light photocatalysis,” Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 184, no. 3, pp. 644-648, 2011.
  • [10] M. Zubair, et al., “Fabrication of CdSe/ZnS quantum dots thin film by electrohydrodynamics atomization technique for solution based flexible hybrid OLED applicatio,” Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 253, pp. 325-331, 2014.
  • [11] S. H. Mousavi, et al., “Formation and properties of cadmium sulfide buffer layer for CIGS solar cells grown using hot plate bath deposition,” Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 2786-2794, 2014.
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  • [13] C. M. Yan, et al., “Synthesis of Aqueous CdTe/CdS/ZnS Core/shell/shell Quantum Dots by a Chemical Aerosol Flow Method,” Nanoscale Research Letters, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 189-194, 2010.
  • [14] Y. J. Chang, et al., “Growth, characterization and application of CdS thin films deposited by chemical bath deposition,” Surface and Interface Analysis, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 398-405, 2005.
  • [15] A. Ingale, and K.C. Rustagi, “Raman spectra of semiconductor nanoparticles: Disorder-activated phonons,” Physical Review B, vol. 58, no. 11, pp. 7197-7204, 1998.
  • [16] E. Repo, et al., “Photocatalytic degradation of dyes by CdS microspheres under near UV and blue LED radiation,” Separation and Purification Technology, vol. 120, pp. 206-214, 2013.
  • [17] S. Rengaraj, et al., “Cauliflower-like CdS Microspheres Composed of Nanocrystals and Their Physicochemical Properties,” Langmuir, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 352-358, 2011.
  • [18] S. Singh, and N. Khare, “Reduced graphene oxide coupled CdS/CoFe2O4 ternary nanohybrid with enhanced photocatalytic activity and stability: a potential role of reduced graphene oxide as a visible light responsive photosensitizer,” Rsc Advances, vol. 5, no. 117, pp. 96562-96572, 2015.
  • [19] L. F. F. F. Goncalves, et al., “Synthesis and characterization of organic-inorganic hybrid materials prepared by sol-gel and containing CdS nanoparticles prepared by a colloidal method using poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone),” Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 69-78, 2014.
  • [20] M. Sharma, and S.K. Tripathi, “Optical and electrical properties of polyvinyl alcohol doped CdS nanoparticles prepared by sol-gel method,” Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 2760-2768, 2015.
  • [21] L. F. F. F. Goncalves, et al., “One-pot synthesis of CdS nanoparticles exhibiting quantum size effect prepared within a sol-gel derived ureasilicate matrix,” Optical Materials, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 186-190, 2013.
  • [22] M. K. Son, et al., “Improved performance of CdS and dye co-sensitized solar cell using a TiO2 sol-gel solution,” Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, vol. 211, no. 8, pp. 1726-1731, 2014.
  • [23] Munirah, et al., “Spectroscopic studies of sol-gel grown CdS nanocrystalline thin films for optoelectronic devices,” Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 1894-1898, 2013.
  • [24] M. Thambidurai, et al., “Development of Mathematical Model for Prediction and Optimization of Particle Size in Nanocrystalline CdS Thin Films Prepared by Sol-Gel Spin-Coating Method,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B-Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 1338-1345, 2010.
  • [25] L. M. L. Ruhana, et al., “Studies on Optical Properties of CdS/ZnO Quantum Dots Prepared by Sol-Gel Method, in Nanomaterials: Synthesis and Characterization,” Advanced Materials Research, vol. 5, pp. 129-133, 2012.
  • [26] N. V. Bondar, et al., “Exciton photoluminescence of ZnSe and CdS quantum dots in borosilicate glasses prepared by the sol-gel method,” Optics and Spectroscopy, vol. 97, no. 4, pp. 572-579, 2004.
  • [27] N. V. Hullavarad, and S.S. Hullavarad, “Synthesis and characterization of monodispersed CdS nanoparticles in SiO2 fibers by sol-gel method,” Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 156-163, 2007.
  • [28] T. Fujii, et al., “Influence of the naphthalene derivative on the luminescence properties of CdS particles prepared by the sol-gel method,” Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, vol. 73, no. 4, pp. 809-813, 2000.
  • [29] T. Morita, “Piezoelectric Materials Synthesized by the Hydrothermal Method and Their Applications,” Materials, vol. 3, no. 12, pp. 5236-5245, 2010.
  • [30] M. A. Farrukh, H.B. Teck, and R. Adnan, “Surfactant-controlled aqueous synthesis of SnO2 nanoparticles via the hydrothermal and conventional heating methods,” Turkish Journal of Chemistry, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 537-550, 2010.
  • [31] T. Morita, et al., “Single process to deposit lead zirconate titanate (PZT) thin film by a hydrothermal method,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers, vol. 36, no. 5b, pp. 2998-2999, 1997.
  • [32] A. T. Chien, J. S. Speck, and F. F. Lange, “Hydrothermal synthesis of heteroepitaxial Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3 thin films at 90-150 degrees C,” Journal of Materials Research, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 1176-1178, 1997.
  • [33] K. Kajiyoshi, Y. Sakabe, and M. Yoshimura, “Electrical properties of BaTiO3 thin film grown by the hydrothermal-electrochemical method,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers, vol. 36, no. 3a, pp. 1209-1215, 1997.
  • [34] X. Yan, et al., “Hydrothermal synthesis of CdS/CoWO4 heterojunctions with enhanced visible light properties toward organic pollutants degradation,” Ceramics International, vol. 43, no. 7, pp. 5388-5395, 2017.
  • [35] H. L. Hu, et al., “Preparation of p-CoFe2O4/n-CdS by Hydrothermal Method and Its Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production Activity,” Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 590-601, 2017.
  • [36] N. E. Fard, and R. Fazaeli, “A Novel Kinetic Approach for Photocatalytic Degradation of Azo Dye with CdS and Ag/CdS Nanoparticles Fixed on a Cement Bed in a Continuous-Flow Photoreactor,” International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, vol. 48, no. 11, pp. 691-701, 2016.
  • [37] M. A., Behnajady, et al., “Photocatalytic degradation of an azo dye in a tubular continuous-flow photoreactor with immobilized TiO2 on glass plates,” Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 127, no. 1–3, pp. 167-176, 2007.
  • [38] C. Yu, et al., “Design and fabrication of microsphere photocatalysts for environmental purification and energy conversion,” Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 287, pp. 117-129, 2016.
  • [39] S. Sharma, S. Singh, and N. Khare, “Synthesis of polyaniline/CdS (nanoflowers and nanorods) nanocomposites: a comparative study towards enhanced photocatalytic activity for degradation of organic dye,” Colloid and Polymer Science, vol. 294, no. 5, pp. 917-926, 2016.
  • [40] N. E. Fard, R. Fazaeli, and R. Ghiasi, “Band Gap Energies and Photocatalytic Properties of CdS and Ag/CdS Nanoparticles for Azo Dye Degradation,” Chemical Engineering & Technology, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 149-157, 2016.

Hydrothermal synthesis and sol-gel methods for CdS particle production in different morphologies and their use in wastewater applications

Year 2018, , 888 - 897, 01.06.2018


In this study, CdS
nanoparticles were synthesized in different sizes and morphologies using two
different methods. First, the synthesis of both cauliflower-type CdS microspheres
and CdS nanoflower-type microstructures by hydrothermal synthesis was carried
out in a steel reactors with teflon chamber. While polyethylene glycol and
thioacetamide were used in the synthesis of cauliflower-type CdS microspheres,
thiourea was used as a sulfur source in the synthesis of nanoflower CdS microstructures.
Spherical CdS and Ag/CdS nanoparticles having a diameter of about 200 nm were
prepared by the sol-gel method. In this method, polyethylene glycol is used as
a stabilizer by providing the control of the growth of nanocrystals due to its
high solubility in water and high viscosity. Using both methods, CdS micro- and
nanostructures were successfully prepared in different sizes and shapes. These
particles were used for photodegradation of methyl orange (MO) dye. The results
show that the CdS particles synthesized may have potential uses in waste water
applications by photodegrading the MO dye. Energy band gaps of CdS structures
were determined by fluorescence spectroscopy measurements. X-ray diffraction
(XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) devices have been used to characterize structures. In addition, UV-vis
spectrophotometer was used for removal of MO dye from waste water and the
percentage of dye degradation and adsorption capacity (qe) of CdS particles
were calculated.


  • [1] G. Schmid, “Nanoparticles: From Theory to Application,” Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Wiley-VCH, 2004.
  • [2] J. D. Olson, G. P. Gray, and S. A. Carter, “Optimizing hybrid photovoltaics through annealing and ligand choice,” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol. 93, no. 4, pp. 519-523, 2009.
  • [3] J. K. Jaiswal, et al., “Use of quantum dots for live cell imaging,” Nat Meth, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 73-78, 2004.
  • [4] W. K. Bae, et al., “Deep blue light-emitting diodes based on Cd1-xZnxS@ZnS quantum dots,” Nanotechnology, vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 1-4 2009.
  • [5] M. Achermann, et al., “Energy-transfer pumping of semiconductor nanocrystals using an epitaxial quantum well,” Nature, vol. 429, no. 6992, pp. 642-646, 2004.
  • [6] I. Gur, et al., “Air-Stable All-Inorganic Nanocrystal Solar Cells Processed from Solution,” Science, vol. 310, no. 5747, pp. 462-465, 2005.
  • [7] B. Rostirolla, et al., “Influence of TiO2 nanoparticles on the optical and structural properties of PPV thin films converted at low temperatures,” Express Polymer Letters, vol. 7, no. 8, pp. 716-721, 2013.
  • [8] S. Sonawane, et al., “Ultrasound-Assisted Preparation of Semiconductor/Polymer Photoanodes and Their Photoelectrochemical Properties,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 114, no. 11, pp. 5148-5153,2010.
  • [9] Y. Y. Huang, et al., “Photochemical preparation of CdS hollow microspheres at room temperature and their use in visible-light photocatalysis,” Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 184, no. 3, pp. 644-648, 2011.
  • [10] M. Zubair, et al., “Fabrication of CdSe/ZnS quantum dots thin film by electrohydrodynamics atomization technique for solution based flexible hybrid OLED applicatio,” Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 253, pp. 325-331, 2014.
  • [11] S. H. Mousavi, et al., “Formation and properties of cadmium sulfide buffer layer for CIGS solar cells grown using hot plate bath deposition,” Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 2786-2794, 2014.
  • [12] G. Shen, et al., “Synthesis of Single-Crystal CdS Microbelts Using a Modified Thermal Evaporation Method and Their Photoluminescence,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 109, no. 19, pp. 9294-9298, 2005.
  • [13] C. M. Yan, et al., “Synthesis of Aqueous CdTe/CdS/ZnS Core/shell/shell Quantum Dots by a Chemical Aerosol Flow Method,” Nanoscale Research Letters, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 189-194, 2010.
  • [14] Y. J. Chang, et al., “Growth, characterization and application of CdS thin films deposited by chemical bath deposition,” Surface and Interface Analysis, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 398-405, 2005.
  • [15] A. Ingale, and K.C. Rustagi, “Raman spectra of semiconductor nanoparticles: Disorder-activated phonons,” Physical Review B, vol. 58, no. 11, pp. 7197-7204, 1998.
  • [16] E. Repo, et al., “Photocatalytic degradation of dyes by CdS microspheres under near UV and blue LED radiation,” Separation and Purification Technology, vol. 120, pp. 206-214, 2013.
  • [17] S. Rengaraj, et al., “Cauliflower-like CdS Microspheres Composed of Nanocrystals and Their Physicochemical Properties,” Langmuir, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 352-358, 2011.
  • [18] S. Singh, and N. Khare, “Reduced graphene oxide coupled CdS/CoFe2O4 ternary nanohybrid with enhanced photocatalytic activity and stability: a potential role of reduced graphene oxide as a visible light responsive photosensitizer,” Rsc Advances, vol. 5, no. 117, pp. 96562-96572, 2015.
  • [19] L. F. F. F. Goncalves, et al., “Synthesis and characterization of organic-inorganic hybrid materials prepared by sol-gel and containing CdS nanoparticles prepared by a colloidal method using poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone),” Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 69-78, 2014.
  • [20] M. Sharma, and S.K. Tripathi, “Optical and electrical properties of polyvinyl alcohol doped CdS nanoparticles prepared by sol-gel method,” Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 2760-2768, 2015.
  • [21] L. F. F. F. Goncalves, et al., “One-pot synthesis of CdS nanoparticles exhibiting quantum size effect prepared within a sol-gel derived ureasilicate matrix,” Optical Materials, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 186-190, 2013.
  • [22] M. K. Son, et al., “Improved performance of CdS and dye co-sensitized solar cell using a TiO2 sol-gel solution,” Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, vol. 211, no. 8, pp. 1726-1731, 2014.
  • [23] Munirah, et al., “Spectroscopic studies of sol-gel grown CdS nanocrystalline thin films for optoelectronic devices,” Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 1894-1898, 2013.
  • [24] M. Thambidurai, et al., “Development of Mathematical Model for Prediction and Optimization of Particle Size in Nanocrystalline CdS Thin Films Prepared by Sol-Gel Spin-Coating Method,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B-Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 1338-1345, 2010.
  • [25] L. M. L. Ruhana, et al., “Studies on Optical Properties of CdS/ZnO Quantum Dots Prepared by Sol-Gel Method, in Nanomaterials: Synthesis and Characterization,” Advanced Materials Research, vol. 5, pp. 129-133, 2012.
  • [26] N. V. Bondar, et al., “Exciton photoluminescence of ZnSe and CdS quantum dots in borosilicate glasses prepared by the sol-gel method,” Optics and Spectroscopy, vol. 97, no. 4, pp. 572-579, 2004.
  • [27] N. V. Hullavarad, and S.S. Hullavarad, “Synthesis and characterization of monodispersed CdS nanoparticles in SiO2 fibers by sol-gel method,” Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 156-163, 2007.
  • [28] T. Fujii, et al., “Influence of the naphthalene derivative on the luminescence properties of CdS particles prepared by the sol-gel method,” Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, vol. 73, no. 4, pp. 809-813, 2000.
  • [29] T. Morita, “Piezoelectric Materials Synthesized by the Hydrothermal Method and Their Applications,” Materials, vol. 3, no. 12, pp. 5236-5245, 2010.
  • [30] M. A. Farrukh, H.B. Teck, and R. Adnan, “Surfactant-controlled aqueous synthesis of SnO2 nanoparticles via the hydrothermal and conventional heating methods,” Turkish Journal of Chemistry, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 537-550, 2010.
  • [31] T. Morita, et al., “Single process to deposit lead zirconate titanate (PZT) thin film by a hydrothermal method,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers, vol. 36, no. 5b, pp. 2998-2999, 1997.
  • [32] A. T. Chien, J. S. Speck, and F. F. Lange, “Hydrothermal synthesis of heteroepitaxial Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3 thin films at 90-150 degrees C,” Journal of Materials Research, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 1176-1178, 1997.
  • [33] K. Kajiyoshi, Y. Sakabe, and M. Yoshimura, “Electrical properties of BaTiO3 thin film grown by the hydrothermal-electrochemical method,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers, vol. 36, no. 3a, pp. 1209-1215, 1997.
  • [34] X. Yan, et al., “Hydrothermal synthesis of CdS/CoWO4 heterojunctions with enhanced visible light properties toward organic pollutants degradation,” Ceramics International, vol. 43, no. 7, pp. 5388-5395, 2017.
  • [35] H. L. Hu, et al., “Preparation of p-CoFe2O4/n-CdS by Hydrothermal Method and Its Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production Activity,” Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 590-601, 2017.
  • [36] N. E. Fard, and R. Fazaeli, “A Novel Kinetic Approach for Photocatalytic Degradation of Azo Dye with CdS and Ag/CdS Nanoparticles Fixed on a Cement Bed in a Continuous-Flow Photoreactor,” International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, vol. 48, no. 11, pp. 691-701, 2016.
  • [37] M. A., Behnajady, et al., “Photocatalytic degradation of an azo dye in a tubular continuous-flow photoreactor with immobilized TiO2 on glass plates,” Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 127, no. 1–3, pp. 167-176, 2007.
  • [38] C. Yu, et al., “Design and fabrication of microsphere photocatalysts for environmental purification and energy conversion,” Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 287, pp. 117-129, 2016.
  • [39] S. Sharma, S. Singh, and N. Khare, “Synthesis of polyaniline/CdS (nanoflowers and nanorods) nanocomposites: a comparative study towards enhanced photocatalytic activity for degradation of organic dye,” Colloid and Polymer Science, vol. 294, no. 5, pp. 917-926, 2016.
  • [40] N. E. Fard, R. Fazaeli, and R. Ghiasi, “Band Gap Energies and Photocatalytic Properties of CdS and Ag/CdS Nanoparticles for Azo Dye Degradation,” Chemical Engineering & Technology, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 149-157, 2016.
There are 40 citations in total.


Subjects Chemical Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Cansel Tuncer

Publication Date June 1, 2018
Submission Date June 14, 2017
Acceptance Date November 13, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Tuncer, C. (2018). Hydrothermal synthesis and sol-gel methods for CdS particle production in different morphologies and their use in wastewater applications. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 22(3), 888-897.
AMA Tuncer C. Hydrothermal synthesis and sol-gel methods for CdS particle production in different morphologies and their use in wastewater applications. SAUJS. June 2018;22(3):888-897. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.321585
Chicago Tuncer, Cansel. “Hydrothermal Synthesis and Sol-Gel Methods for CdS Particle Production in Different Morphologies and Their Use in Wastewater Applications”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 22, no. 3 (June 2018): 888-97.
EndNote Tuncer C (June 1, 2018) Hydrothermal synthesis and sol-gel methods for CdS particle production in different morphologies and their use in wastewater applications. Sakarya University Journal of Science 22 3 888–897.
IEEE C. Tuncer, “Hydrothermal synthesis and sol-gel methods for CdS particle production in different morphologies and their use in wastewater applications”, SAUJS, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 888–897, 2018, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.321585.
ISNAD Tuncer, Cansel. “Hydrothermal Synthesis and Sol-Gel Methods for CdS Particle Production in Different Morphologies and Their Use in Wastewater Applications”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 22/3 (June 2018), 888-897.
JAMA Tuncer C. Hydrothermal synthesis and sol-gel methods for CdS particle production in different morphologies and their use in wastewater applications. SAUJS. 2018;22:888–897.
MLA Tuncer, Cansel. “Hydrothermal Synthesis and Sol-Gel Methods for CdS Particle Production in Different Morphologies and Their Use in Wastewater Applications”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 22, no. 3, 2018, pp. 888-97, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.321585.
Vancouver Tuncer C. Hydrothermal synthesis and sol-gel methods for CdS particle production in different morphologies and their use in wastewater applications. SAUJS. 2018;22(3):888-97.

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