Research Article
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Year 2020, , 389 - 405, 01.04.2020



  • [1] Derbez, M., Berthineau, B., Crochet, V., Pignon, C., Ribéron, J., Wyatt, G., Mandin, C., Kirchner, S., 2014. A 3-year follow-up of indoor air quality and comfort in two energy-efficient houses. Building and Environment, 82, 288-299.
  • [2] Altug, H., Gaga, E.O., Döğeroğlu, T., Brunekreef, B., Hoek, G., Doorn, W.V. 2014. Effects of ambient air pollution on respiratory tract complaints and airway inflammation in primary school children. Science of the Total Environment, 479–480, 201-209.
  • [3] Hasheminassab, S., Daher, N., Shafer, M.M., Schauer, J.J., Delfino, R.J., Sioutas, C. 2014. Chemical characterization and source apportionment of indoor and outdoor fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in retirement communities of the Los Angeles Basin. Science of the Total Environment, 490, 528–537.
  • [4] EL Dib, G. 2011. Impacts of atmospheric pollution on climate change – laboratory studies. Energy Procedia. 6, 600-609.
  • [5] Oreskes, N. 2004. The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change, Science. 306(5702), 1686
  • [6] Karaca, M., Tayanç, M., Toros, H. 1995. Effects of urbanization on climate of İstanbul and Ankara. Atmospheric Environment, 29(23), 3411-3421.
  • [7] Schauer, J.J., Rogge, W.F., Hildemann, L.M., Mazurek, M.A., Cass, G.R., Simoneit, B.R.T. 1996. Source apportionment of airborne particulate matter using organic compounds as tracers. Atmospheric Environment, 30(22), 3837-3855.
  • [8] Saral, A., Demir, S., Yıldız, Ş. 2009. Assessment of odorous VOCs released from a main MSW landfill site in Istanbul-Turkey via a modelling approach. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 168(1), 338-345.
  • [9] Im, U., Daskalakis, N., Markakis, K., Vrekoussis, M., Hjorth, J., Myriokefalitakis, S., Gerasopoulos, E., Kouvarakis, G., Richter, A., Burrows, J., Pozzoli, L., Unal, A., Kindap, T., Kanakidou, M. 2014. Simulated air quality and pollutant budgets over Europe in 2008. Science of the Total Environment, 470–471, 270-281.
  • [10] Bhagavatula, L., Garzillo, C., Simpson, R. 2013. Bridging the gap between science and practice: An ICLEI perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 50, 205-211.
  • [11] Şen, Z., 1998. An application of a regional air pollution estimation model over Istanbul urban area Atmospheric Environment, 32(20), 3425-3433.
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  • [14] Kindap, T., Unal, A., Chen, S.-H., Hu, Y., Odman, M.T., Karaca, M., 2006. Long-range aerosol transport from Europe to Istanbul, Turkey. Atmospheric Environment, 40(19), 3536–3547.
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  • [20] Sahin, Ü.A., Ucan, O. N., Bayat, C., Tolluoglu, O. 2011. A New Approach to Prediction of SO2 and PM10 Concentrations in Istanbul, Turkey: Cellular Neural Network (CNN). Environmental Forensics, 12(3), 253-269.
  • [21] Unal, Y.S., Toros, H., Deniz, A., Incecik, S. 2011. Influence of meteorological factors and emission sources on spatial and temporal variations of PM10 concentrations in Istanbul metropolitan area. Atmospheric Environment, 45(31), 5504-5513.
  • [22] Im, U., Incecik, S., Guler, M., Tek, A., Topcu, S., Unal, Y.S., Yenigun, O., Kindap, T., Odman, M.T., Tayanc, M. 2013. Analysis of surface ozone and nitrogen oxides at urban, semi-rural and rural sites in Istanbul, Turkey. Science of the Total Environment, 443, 920–931.
  • [23] Elbir, T., Mangir, N., Kara, M., Simsir, S., Eren, T., Ozdemir, S. 2010. Development of a GIS-based decision support system for urban air quality management in the city of Istanbul. Atmospheric Environment, 44(4), 441-454.
  • [24] Theodosi, C., Im, U., Bougiatioti, A., Zarmpas, P., Yenigun, O., Mihalopoulos, N., 2010. Aerosol chemical composition over Istanbul. Science of the Total Environment, 408, 2482–2491.
  • [25] Toros H., Erdun H., Çapraz Ö., Özer B., Daylan E.B., Öztürk A.İ. 2013. Air Pollution and Quality Level in Metropolitan Turkey for Sustainable Life. European Journal of Science and Technology, 1(2), 12-18.
  • [26] Yurtseven, E., Vehid, S., Bosat, M., Köksal, S., Yurtseven, C.N. 2018. Assessment of Ambient Air Pollution in Istanbul during 2003-2013. Iranian Journal of Public Health, 47(8), 1137-1144.
  • [27] Sevimoglu, O. 2015. Assessment of Limiting Factors for Potential Energy Production in Waste to Energy Projects, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 24(7), 2362 – 2373.
  • [28] Fu, P., Kawamura, K., Kobayashi, M., Simoneit, B.R.T. 2012. Seasonal variations of sugars in atmospheric particulate matter from Gosan, Jeju Island: Significant contributions of airborne pollen and Asian dust in spring. Atmospheric Environment, 55, 234-239.
  • [29] Viana, M., Hammingh, P., Colette, A., Querol, X., Degraeuwe, B., Vlieger, I., Aardenne, J. 2014. Impact of maritime transport emissions on coastal air quality in Europe. Atmospheric Environment, 90, 96-105.
  • [30] Rogge, W.F., Hildemann, L.M., Mazurek, M.A., Cass, G.R., Simoneit, B.R.T. 1991. Sources of fine organic aerosol. 1. Charbroilers and meat cooking operations. Environmental Science Technology, 25(6), 1112–1125.
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Assessment of Major Air Pollution Sources in Efforts of Long Term Air Quality Improvement in İstanbul

Year 2020, , 389 - 405, 01.04.2020


Air pollution affected quality of life and public health due to high concentration levels of air pollutants in Istanbul, especially in 1990s. Major air pollution sources in Istanbul caused elevation of the air pollutants in ambient air of the megacity. To protect human health, the levels of PM10 and SO2 were reduced by taking effective actions such as the reduction of utilization of coal, fuel oil, wood combustion for residential heating, expending natural gas network and improving the quality of diesel and gasoline. Intelligent Traffic Systems (ITS) were applied to reduce the air pollutant emission from transportation by reducing travelling time. Overall, this study evaluates air pollution sources in Istanbul based on previous source apportionment studies that guide the emission reduction strategies. The improvement on PM10 and SO2 demonstrated as 50% and 98% reduction respectively since 1990s to 2014.


  • [1] Derbez, M., Berthineau, B., Crochet, V., Pignon, C., Ribéron, J., Wyatt, G., Mandin, C., Kirchner, S., 2014. A 3-year follow-up of indoor air quality and comfort in two energy-efficient houses. Building and Environment, 82, 288-299.
  • [2] Altug, H., Gaga, E.O., Döğeroğlu, T., Brunekreef, B., Hoek, G., Doorn, W.V. 2014. Effects of ambient air pollution on respiratory tract complaints and airway inflammation in primary school children. Science of the Total Environment, 479–480, 201-209.
  • [3] Hasheminassab, S., Daher, N., Shafer, M.M., Schauer, J.J., Delfino, R.J., Sioutas, C. 2014. Chemical characterization and source apportionment of indoor and outdoor fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in retirement communities of the Los Angeles Basin. Science of the Total Environment, 490, 528–537.
  • [4] EL Dib, G. 2011. Impacts of atmospheric pollution on climate change – laboratory studies. Energy Procedia. 6, 600-609.
  • [5] Oreskes, N. 2004. The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change, Science. 306(5702), 1686
  • [6] Karaca, M., Tayanç, M., Toros, H. 1995. Effects of urbanization on climate of İstanbul and Ankara. Atmospheric Environment, 29(23), 3411-3421.
  • [7] Schauer, J.J., Rogge, W.F., Hildemann, L.M., Mazurek, M.A., Cass, G.R., Simoneit, B.R.T. 1996. Source apportionment of airborne particulate matter using organic compounds as tracers. Atmospheric Environment, 30(22), 3837-3855.
  • [8] Saral, A., Demir, S., Yıldız, Ş. 2009. Assessment of odorous VOCs released from a main MSW landfill site in Istanbul-Turkey via a modelling approach. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 168(1), 338-345.
  • [9] Im, U., Daskalakis, N., Markakis, K., Vrekoussis, M., Hjorth, J., Myriokefalitakis, S., Gerasopoulos, E., Kouvarakis, G., Richter, A., Burrows, J., Pozzoli, L., Unal, A., Kindap, T., Kanakidou, M. 2014. Simulated air quality and pollutant budgets over Europe in 2008. Science of the Total Environment, 470–471, 270-281.
  • [10] Bhagavatula, L., Garzillo, C., Simpson, R. 2013. Bridging the gap between science and practice: An ICLEI perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 50, 205-211.
  • [11] Şen, Z., 1998. An application of a regional air pollution estimation model over Istanbul urban area Atmospheric Environment, 32(20), 3425-3433.
  • [12] Kumar, S., Gaikwad, S.A., Shekdar, A.V., Kshirsagar, P.S., Singh, R.N. 2004. Estimation method for national methane emission from solid waste landfills, Atmospheric Environment, 38(21), 3481–3487.
  • [13] Tayanc, M. 2000. An assessment of spatial and temporal variation of sulfur dioxide levels over Istanbul, Turkey. Environmental Pollution, 107(1), 61-69.
  • [14] Kindap, T., Unal, A., Chen, S.-H., Hu, Y., Odman, M.T., Karaca, M., 2006. Long-range aerosol transport from Europe to Istanbul, Turkey. Atmospheric Environment, 40(19), 3536–3547.
  • [15] Koçak, M., Theodosi, C., Zarmpas, P., Im, U., Bougiatioti, A., Yenigun, O., Mihalopoulos, N. 2011. Particulate matter (PM10) in Istanbul: Origin, source areas and potential impact on surrounding regions. Atmospheric Environment, 45(38), 6891-6900.
  • [16] Incecik, S. 1996. Investigation of Atmospheric Conditions in Istanbul Leading to Air Pollution Episodes. Atmospheric Environment, 30(15), 2739-2749.
  • [17] Unal, Y.S., Incecik, S., Borhan, Y., Mentes, S. 2000. Factors Influencing the Variability of SO2 Concentrations in Istanbul, Journal of Air Waste Management Association, 50(1), 75-84.
  • [18] Onkal-Engin, G., Demir, I., Hiz, H. 2004. Assessment of urban air quality in Istanbul using fuzzy synthetic evaluation. Atmospheric Environment, 38(23), 3809–3815.
  • [19] Ozcan, H. K. 2012. Long Term Variations of the Atmospheric Air Pollutants in Istanbul City. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 9(3), 781-790.
  • [20] Sahin, Ü.A., Ucan, O. N., Bayat, C., Tolluoglu, O. 2011. A New Approach to Prediction of SO2 and PM10 Concentrations in Istanbul, Turkey: Cellular Neural Network (CNN). Environmental Forensics, 12(3), 253-269.
  • [21] Unal, Y.S., Toros, H., Deniz, A., Incecik, S. 2011. Influence of meteorological factors and emission sources on spatial and temporal variations of PM10 concentrations in Istanbul metropolitan area. Atmospheric Environment, 45(31), 5504-5513.
  • [22] Im, U., Incecik, S., Guler, M., Tek, A., Topcu, S., Unal, Y.S., Yenigun, O., Kindap, T., Odman, M.T., Tayanc, M. 2013. Analysis of surface ozone and nitrogen oxides at urban, semi-rural and rural sites in Istanbul, Turkey. Science of the Total Environment, 443, 920–931.
  • [23] Elbir, T., Mangir, N., Kara, M., Simsir, S., Eren, T., Ozdemir, S. 2010. Development of a GIS-based decision support system for urban air quality management in the city of Istanbul. Atmospheric Environment, 44(4), 441-454.
  • [24] Theodosi, C., Im, U., Bougiatioti, A., Zarmpas, P., Yenigun, O., Mihalopoulos, N., 2010. Aerosol chemical composition over Istanbul. Science of the Total Environment, 408, 2482–2491.
  • [25] Toros H., Erdun H., Çapraz Ö., Özer B., Daylan E.B., Öztürk A.İ. 2013. Air Pollution and Quality Level in Metropolitan Turkey for Sustainable Life. European Journal of Science and Technology, 1(2), 12-18.
  • [26] Yurtseven, E., Vehid, S., Bosat, M., Köksal, S., Yurtseven, C.N. 2018. Assessment of Ambient Air Pollution in Istanbul during 2003-2013. Iranian Journal of Public Health, 47(8), 1137-1144.
  • [27] Sevimoglu, O. 2015. Assessment of Limiting Factors for Potential Energy Production in Waste to Energy Projects, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 24(7), 2362 – 2373.
  • [28] Fu, P., Kawamura, K., Kobayashi, M., Simoneit, B.R.T. 2012. Seasonal variations of sugars in atmospheric particulate matter from Gosan, Jeju Island: Significant contributions of airborne pollen and Asian dust in spring. Atmospheric Environment, 55, 234-239.
  • [29] Viana, M., Hammingh, P., Colette, A., Querol, X., Degraeuwe, B., Vlieger, I., Aardenne, J. 2014. Impact of maritime transport emissions on coastal air quality in Europe. Atmospheric Environment, 90, 96-105.
  • [30] Rogge, W.F., Hildemann, L.M., Mazurek, M.A., Cass, G.R., Simoneit, B.R.T. 1991. Sources of fine organic aerosol. 1. Charbroilers and meat cooking operations. Environmental Science Technology, 25(6), 1112–1125.
  • [31] Hildemann, L.M.; Markowski, G.R.; Cass, G.R. 1991. Chemical composition of emissions from urban sources of fine organic aerosol. Environmental Science Technology, 25(4), 744-759.
  • [32] Turkey Statistical Institute (TSI), Turkey's Statistical Yearbook, 2013
  • [33] Shrivastava, M.K., Subramanian, R., Rogge, W.F., Robinsona, A.L. 2007. Sources of organic aerosol: Positive matrix factorization of molecular marker data and comparison of results from different source apportionment models. Atmospheric Environment, 41(40), 9353–9369.
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There are 80 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Environmental Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Orhan Sevimoğlu 0000-0003-4861-5154

Publication Date April 1, 2020
Submission Date July 4, 2019
Acceptance Date February 17, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Sevimoğlu, O. (2020). Assessment of Major Air Pollution Sources in Efforts of Long Term Air Quality Improvement in İstanbul. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 24(2), 389-405.
AMA Sevimoğlu O. Assessment of Major Air Pollution Sources in Efforts of Long Term Air Quality Improvement in İstanbul. SAUJS. April 2020;24(2):389-405. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.586655
Chicago Sevimoğlu, Orhan. “Assessment of Major Air Pollution Sources in Efforts of Long Term Air Quality Improvement in İstanbul”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 24, no. 2 (April 2020): 389-405.
EndNote Sevimoğlu O (April 1, 2020) Assessment of Major Air Pollution Sources in Efforts of Long Term Air Quality Improvement in İstanbul. Sakarya University Journal of Science 24 2 389–405.
IEEE O. Sevimoğlu, “Assessment of Major Air Pollution Sources in Efforts of Long Term Air Quality Improvement in İstanbul”, SAUJS, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 389–405, 2020, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.586655.
ISNAD Sevimoğlu, Orhan. “Assessment of Major Air Pollution Sources in Efforts of Long Term Air Quality Improvement in İstanbul”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 24/2 (April 2020), 389-405.
JAMA Sevimoğlu O. Assessment of Major Air Pollution Sources in Efforts of Long Term Air Quality Improvement in İstanbul. SAUJS. 2020;24:389–405.
MLA Sevimoğlu, Orhan. “Assessment of Major Air Pollution Sources in Efforts of Long Term Air Quality Improvement in İstanbul”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 24, no. 2, 2020, pp. 389-05, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.586655.
Vancouver Sevimoğlu O. Assessment of Major Air Pollution Sources in Efforts of Long Term Air Quality Improvement in İstanbul. SAUJS. 2020;24(2):389-405.

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