Research Article
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A theoretical overview of heavy metal treatment with agricultural wastes

Year 2020, Volume: 24 Issue: 1, 98 - 103, 01.02.2020


Tomato plant between Pb 2+,Cd
2+  with tomato waste having
amino and the other functional groups waste contain cellulose
materials(lignin), polysaccarides having functional groups having the ability
of binding heavy metals as sorbents is commonly cultivated plant for its
fruits. Aim of this study to determine the best alternative way to search the
binding capacity of agriculturel waste as theoretical to remove heavy metals
with tomato plant from waste waters as economically by comparing
experimental  results respectively. The
capacities of adsorbtion for heavy metals (Pb(II), Cu(II) and Cd(II)) of the
tomato plant residue were 19.06, 33.87 and 26.76 mg/g sorbent. As
theoretical, HF (Hartree-fock), lanl2dz methods were used for moleculer
calculation. The theoretical calculations were carried out by means of the
lanl2dz functional base. The chemical activities were calculated by using
this method. The removal of Pb 2+ and Cd 2+  found lower than Cu 2+  because of the strong complex formation as
experimental and theoretical calculations supported this issue. Theoretical
calculations important to prevent loss of time and cost.


  • [1] Chifari R, Piano SL, Matsumoto S. Tasaki T. “Does recyclable separation reduce the cost of municipal waste management in Japan?” Waste Management., 2017.[2] Balestrinia R, Sacchib E,Tidilia D, Delcontea CA, Buffagnia A. “Factors affecting agricultural nitrogen removal in riparian strips: Examples from groundwater-dependent ecosystems of the Po Valley (Northern Italy) Agriculture”, Ecosystems and Environment, 221, 132–144, 2016.[3] Soylak M, Elci L, Dogan M. “Flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination of cadmium, cobalt, lead and nickel in chemical grade potassium salts after an enrichment and separation procedure” Journal Trace Microprobe Technology 17,149–156, 1999. [4] Kazi TG, N. Jalbani, N. Kazi, MB. Arain, MK. Jamali HI. Afridi GA. Kandhro, RA. Sarfraz, AQ. Shah, R. Ansari. “Estimation of toxic metals in scalp hair samples of chronic kidney patients,” Biological Trace Element Research 127,16–27, 2009.[5] Afridi HI. TG. Kazi, NG. Kazi, MB. Arain, N. Jalbani, RA. Sarfraz, AQ. Shah, JA. “Evaluation of arsenic, cobalt, copper and manganese in biological samples of steel mill workers by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry” Baig, Toxicology and Industrial Health 25, 59–69, 2009.[6] Arain MB, TG. Kazi, MK. Jamali, N. Jalbani, HI. Afridi, Shah, A. “Total dissolved and bioavailable elements in water and sediment samples and their accumulation Oreochromis mossambicus of polluted Manchar Lake”, Chemosphere 70, 1845–1856, 2008.[7] Gupta VK. A. Rastogi, Nayak, A. “Biosorption of nickel onto treated alga (Oedogonium hatei): Application of isotherm and kinetic models” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science342,533–539, 2010.[8] Zhu C , Z. Luan, Y. Wang, Shan, X. “Kinetic and isothermal studies of lead ion adsorption onto bentonite”, Separation and Purification Technology. 57, 161–169, 2007.[9] King P, N Rakesh, S. Beenalahari, Y.P. Kumar, Prasad, VSRK. “Removal of lead from aqueous solution using Syzygium cumini L.: equilibrium and kinetic studies”, Journal of Hazardous Materials. 142,340–347, 2007.[10] Huang YH, CL. Hsueh, HP. Cheng, LC. Su, Chen CY. “Thermodynamics and kinetics of adsorption of Cu(II) onto waste iron oxide”, Journal of Hazardous Materials. 144,406–411, 2007.[11] Al-Asheh S, N. Abdel-Jasou Barat, F. “Packed bed sorption of copper using spent animal bones: factorial experimental design, desorption and column regeneration”, Advances in Environmental Research. 6, 221–227, 2002.[12] Naushad M. “Surfactant assisted nano-composite cation exchanger: Development, characterization and applications for the removal of toxic Pb 2+ from aqueous medium”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 235, 100–108, 2014.[13] NaushadM, Z.A. A.,Othman Islam M. “Adsorption of Cd 2+ ion using a new composite cation-exchanger polyaniline Sn(IV) silicate: Adsorption kinetics and thermodynamic studies”, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology,10,567–578, 2013.[14] Bhattacharyya KG. . Gupta, SS. “Adsorption of a few heavy metals on natural and modified kaolinite and montmorillonite: A review”, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 140, 114–131, 2008.[15] Puanngam M, Unob F. “Preparation and use of chemically modified MCM-41 and silica gel as selective adsorbents for Hg(II) ions,” Journal of Hazardous Materials. 154, 578–587, 2008.[16] Jiang MQ, XY. Jin XQ. Lu Chen ZL. “Adsorption of Pb(II), Cd(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) onto natural kaolinite clay,”Desalination 252, 33–39, 2010.[17] Kadiverlu K, K Thamaraiselvi, Namasivayam C. “Removal of heavy metals from industrial wastewaters by adsorption onto activated carbon prepared from an agricultural solid waste”, Bioresource Technology 76-1, 63-65, 2001.[18] Sandau E, Sandau P, Pulz O. “Heavy metal sorption by microalgae.” Acta Biotechnology 16, 227–235, 1996.[19] Yang D, J. Debing G. Huili Z. Lianbi Xiaosong, Y. “Biosorption of aquatic cadmium(II) by unmodified rice straw”, Bioresource Technology. 114, 20–25, 2012.[20] Davis TA, Volesky B, Vieira RHSF. “Sargassum seaweed as biosorbent for heavy metals” Water Research 34-17, 4270-4278, 2000. [21] Demir A, Arisoy M. “Biological and chemical removal of Cr(VI) from waste water: cost and benefit analysis”, Journal of Hazardous Materials 147, 275-280, 2007.[22] Esposito A, Pagnanelli F, Lodi A, Solisio C Vegliö F. “Biosorption of heavy metals by Sphaerotilus natans: an equilibrium study at different pH and tobacco dust biomass concentrations”. Hydrometallurgy, 60, 129-141, 2001.[23] Ajmal M, RAK. Rao JA. Anwar Ahmad R. “Adsorption studies on rice husk: removal and recovery of Cd(II) from wastewater”Bioresource Technology 86, 147–149, 2003 .[24] Al-Asheh S, Duvnjak, Z.“Binary metal sorption by pine bark: study of equilibria and mechanisms”, Separation Science and Technology 33 (9), 1303–1329, 1998.[25] Reddy DHK , DKV. Ramana K. Seshaiah Reddy, AVR. “Biosorption of Ni(II) from aqueous phase by Moringa oleifera bark, a low cost biosorbent”, Desalination 268, 150–157, 2011.[26] Bulut Y, Tez Z. “Removal of heavy metal from aqueous solution by sawdust adsorption”, Journal of Environmental Sciences 19 (2), 160–166, 2007.[27] Kumar PS, S. Ramalingam S.D. Kirupha A. Murugesan T. Vidhyadevi Sivanesan S. “Adsorption behavior of nickel(II) onto cashew nut shell: Equilibrium, thermodynamics, kinetics, mechanism and process design”, Chemical Engineering Journal 167, 122–131, 2011.[28] Chubar N, JR. Carvalho Correia MJN., “Cork biomass as a biosorbent for Cu(II), Zn(II) and Ni(II),” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 230, 57–65, , 2004.[29] Thevannan A, R. Mungroo, Niu CH. “Biosorption of nickel with barley straw”, Bioresource Technology. 101, 1180–1776, 2010.[30] Srivastava S, A. Singh Sharma A. “Studies on the uptake lead and zinc by lignin obtained from black licor—a paper industry waste material“Environmental Technology 15, 353–361, 1994.[31] World Health Organization (WHO), Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality, World Health Organization, Geneva,..595, . 2006.[32] Gutha Y, VS. Munagapati M. Naushad & Abburi K. “Removal of Ni(II) from aqueous solution by Lycopersicum esculentum (Tomato) leaf powder as a low-cost biosorbent” Desalination and Water Treatment 54, 200–2081, 2015. [33] Babel S, Kurniawan TA. “Low-cost adsorbents for heavy metalsuptake from contaminated water: a review” Journal of Hazardous Materials, B-97, 219-243, 2002.[34] Brown PA, Gül SA, Ailen SJ. “Metal removal from wastewaterusing peat.” Water Research 34-16, 3907-3916, 2000.[35] Pagnanelli F, Trifoni M, Beolchini F, Esposito A, Toro L, VeglioF. “Equilibrium biosorption studies in single and multi-metal systems,” Process Biochemistry, 37, 115–124, 2001.[36] Sheth KN, Soni V., “Comparative study of removal of Cr (VI) with PAC, GAC and adsorbent prepared from tobacco stems”, Journal of Industrial Pollution Control 20, 45–52, 2004.[37] Pehlivan E, BH Yanik G. Ahmetli Pehlivan M. “Equilibrium isotherm studies for the uptake of cadmium and lead ions onto sugar beet pulp”, Bioresource Technology 99, 3520–3527, 2008.[38] Areco MM, Hanela S, Duran J, Afonso M.S. “Biosorption of Cu(II), Zn(II), Cd(II) and Pb(II) by dead biomasses of green alga Ulva lactuca and the development of a sustainable matrix for adsorption implementation”, Journal of Hazardous Materials 213– 214, 123– 132, 2012.[39] Gökalp F. “A Study on Piperine, Active Compound of Black Pepper”, APJES IV-III, 29-32, 2016.[40] GökalpF. “A study on the chemical properties of eugenol and eugenol acetate, clove essential oils,” Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences 34 (3 407-414, . ), 2016.[41] Matis KA, Zouboulis AI, Grigoriadou AA. Lazaridis, NK. Ekateriniadou L.V. “Metalsorption-flotation. Application to cadmium removal” Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 45, 569- 573, 1996.[42] WuT, Wang G, Dong FZQ, Ren Q. Wang J, Qiu J. “Surface-treated carbon electrodes with modified potential of zero charge for capacitive deionization”,Water Research 93, 30-37, 2016.[43] Cheng Y, Yang C, He H, Zeng G, Zhao K, Yan Z. “Biosorption of Pb(II) Ions from Aqueous Solutions by Waste Biomass from Biotrickling Filters: Kinetics, Isotherms, and Thermodynamics,” Journal of Environmental Engineering, Eng142(9) 1—1, 2016.[44] Setyono DS. “Functionalized paper—A readily accessible adsorbent for removal ofdissolved heavy metal salts and nanoparticles from water, Valiyaveettil,” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 302; 120–128, 2016.[45] Li W, L. Zhang J. Peng N. Li S. Zhang, Guo S. “Tobacco stems as a low cost adsorbent for the removal of Pb(II) from wastewater: Equilibrium and kinetic studies” Industrial Crops and Products 28, 294–302, 2008.
Year 2020, Volume: 24 Issue: 1, 98 - 103, 01.02.2020



  • [1] Chifari R, Piano SL, Matsumoto S. Tasaki T. “Does recyclable separation reduce the cost of municipal waste management in Japan?” Waste Management., 2017.[2] Balestrinia R, Sacchib E,Tidilia D, Delcontea CA, Buffagnia A. “Factors affecting agricultural nitrogen removal in riparian strips: Examples from groundwater-dependent ecosystems of the Po Valley (Northern Italy) Agriculture”, Ecosystems and Environment, 221, 132–144, 2016.[3] Soylak M, Elci L, Dogan M. “Flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination of cadmium, cobalt, lead and nickel in chemical grade potassium salts after an enrichment and separation procedure” Journal Trace Microprobe Technology 17,149–156, 1999. [4] Kazi TG, N. Jalbani, N. Kazi, MB. Arain, MK. Jamali HI. Afridi GA. Kandhro, RA. Sarfraz, AQ. Shah, R. Ansari. “Estimation of toxic metals in scalp hair samples of chronic kidney patients,” Biological Trace Element Research 127,16–27, 2009.[5] Afridi HI. TG. Kazi, NG. Kazi, MB. Arain, N. Jalbani, RA. Sarfraz, AQ. Shah, JA. “Evaluation of arsenic, cobalt, copper and manganese in biological samples of steel mill workers by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry” Baig, Toxicology and Industrial Health 25, 59–69, 2009.[6] Arain MB, TG. Kazi, MK. Jamali, N. Jalbani, HI. Afridi, Shah, A. “Total dissolved and bioavailable elements in water and sediment samples and their accumulation Oreochromis mossambicus of polluted Manchar Lake”, Chemosphere 70, 1845–1856, 2008.[7] Gupta VK. A. Rastogi, Nayak, A. “Biosorption of nickel onto treated alga (Oedogonium hatei): Application of isotherm and kinetic models” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science342,533–539, 2010.[8] Zhu C , Z. Luan, Y. Wang, Shan, X. “Kinetic and isothermal studies of lead ion adsorption onto bentonite”, Separation and Purification Technology. 57, 161–169, 2007.[9] King P, N Rakesh, S. Beenalahari, Y.P. Kumar, Prasad, VSRK. “Removal of lead from aqueous solution using Syzygium cumini L.: equilibrium and kinetic studies”, Journal of Hazardous Materials. 142,340–347, 2007.[10] Huang YH, CL. Hsueh, HP. Cheng, LC. Su, Chen CY. “Thermodynamics and kinetics of adsorption of Cu(II) onto waste iron oxide”, Journal of Hazardous Materials. 144,406–411, 2007.[11] Al-Asheh S, N. Abdel-Jasou Barat, F. “Packed bed sorption of copper using spent animal bones: factorial experimental design, desorption and column regeneration”, Advances in Environmental Research. 6, 221–227, 2002.[12] Naushad M. “Surfactant assisted nano-composite cation exchanger: Development, characterization and applications for the removal of toxic Pb 2+ from aqueous medium”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 235, 100–108, 2014.[13] NaushadM, Z.A. A.,Othman Islam M. “Adsorption of Cd 2+ ion using a new composite cation-exchanger polyaniline Sn(IV) silicate: Adsorption kinetics and thermodynamic studies”, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology,10,567–578, 2013.[14] Bhattacharyya KG. . Gupta, SS. “Adsorption of a few heavy metals on natural and modified kaolinite and montmorillonite: A review”, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 140, 114–131, 2008.[15] Puanngam M, Unob F. “Preparation and use of chemically modified MCM-41 and silica gel as selective adsorbents for Hg(II) ions,” Journal of Hazardous Materials. 154, 578–587, 2008.[16] Jiang MQ, XY. Jin XQ. Lu Chen ZL. “Adsorption of Pb(II), Cd(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) onto natural kaolinite clay,”Desalination 252, 33–39, 2010.[17] Kadiverlu K, K Thamaraiselvi, Namasivayam C. “Removal of heavy metals from industrial wastewaters by adsorption onto activated carbon prepared from an agricultural solid waste”, Bioresource Technology 76-1, 63-65, 2001.[18] Sandau E, Sandau P, Pulz O. “Heavy metal sorption by microalgae.” Acta Biotechnology 16, 227–235, 1996.[19] Yang D, J. Debing G. Huili Z. Lianbi Xiaosong, Y. “Biosorption of aquatic cadmium(II) by unmodified rice straw”, Bioresource Technology. 114, 20–25, 2012.[20] Davis TA, Volesky B, Vieira RHSF. “Sargassum seaweed as biosorbent for heavy metals” Water Research 34-17, 4270-4278, 2000. [21] Demir A, Arisoy M. “Biological and chemical removal of Cr(VI) from waste water: cost and benefit analysis”, Journal of Hazardous Materials 147, 275-280, 2007.[22] Esposito A, Pagnanelli F, Lodi A, Solisio C Vegliö F. “Biosorption of heavy metals by Sphaerotilus natans: an equilibrium study at different pH and tobacco dust biomass concentrations”. Hydrometallurgy, 60, 129-141, 2001.[23] Ajmal M, RAK. Rao JA. Anwar Ahmad R. “Adsorption studies on rice husk: removal and recovery of Cd(II) from wastewater”Bioresource Technology 86, 147–149, 2003 .[24] Al-Asheh S, Duvnjak, Z.“Binary metal sorption by pine bark: study of equilibria and mechanisms”, Separation Science and Technology 33 (9), 1303–1329, 1998.[25] Reddy DHK , DKV. Ramana K. Seshaiah Reddy, AVR. “Biosorption of Ni(II) from aqueous phase by Moringa oleifera bark, a low cost biosorbent”, Desalination 268, 150–157, 2011.[26] Bulut Y, Tez Z. “Removal of heavy metal from aqueous solution by sawdust adsorption”, Journal of Environmental Sciences 19 (2), 160–166, 2007.[27] Kumar PS, S. Ramalingam S.D. Kirupha A. Murugesan T. Vidhyadevi Sivanesan S. “Adsorption behavior of nickel(II) onto cashew nut shell: Equilibrium, thermodynamics, kinetics, mechanism and process design”, Chemical Engineering Journal 167, 122–131, 2011.[28] Chubar N, JR. Carvalho Correia MJN., “Cork biomass as a biosorbent for Cu(II), Zn(II) and Ni(II),” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 230, 57–65, , 2004.[29] Thevannan A, R. Mungroo, Niu CH. “Biosorption of nickel with barley straw”, Bioresource Technology. 101, 1180–1776, 2010.[30] Srivastava S, A. Singh Sharma A. “Studies on the uptake lead and zinc by lignin obtained from black licor—a paper industry waste material“Environmental Technology 15, 353–361, 1994.[31] World Health Organization (WHO), Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality, World Health Organization, Geneva,..595, . 2006.[32] Gutha Y, VS. Munagapati M. Naushad & Abburi K. “Removal of Ni(II) from aqueous solution by Lycopersicum esculentum (Tomato) leaf powder as a low-cost biosorbent” Desalination and Water Treatment 54, 200–2081, 2015. [33] Babel S, Kurniawan TA. “Low-cost adsorbents for heavy metalsuptake from contaminated water: a review” Journal of Hazardous Materials, B-97, 219-243, 2002.[34] Brown PA, Gül SA, Ailen SJ. “Metal removal from wastewaterusing peat.” Water Research 34-16, 3907-3916, 2000.[35] Pagnanelli F, Trifoni M, Beolchini F, Esposito A, Toro L, VeglioF. “Equilibrium biosorption studies in single and multi-metal systems,” Process Biochemistry, 37, 115–124, 2001.[36] Sheth KN, Soni V., “Comparative study of removal of Cr (VI) with PAC, GAC and adsorbent prepared from tobacco stems”, Journal of Industrial Pollution Control 20, 45–52, 2004.[37] Pehlivan E, BH Yanik G. Ahmetli Pehlivan M. “Equilibrium isotherm studies for the uptake of cadmium and lead ions onto sugar beet pulp”, Bioresource Technology 99, 3520–3527, 2008.[38] Areco MM, Hanela S, Duran J, Afonso M.S. “Biosorption of Cu(II), Zn(II), Cd(II) and Pb(II) by dead biomasses of green alga Ulva lactuca and the development of a sustainable matrix for adsorption implementation”, Journal of Hazardous Materials 213– 214, 123– 132, 2012.[39] Gökalp F. “A Study on Piperine, Active Compound of Black Pepper”, APJES IV-III, 29-32, 2016.[40] GökalpF. “A study on the chemical properties of eugenol and eugenol acetate, clove essential oils,” Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences 34 (3 407-414, . ), 2016.[41] Matis KA, Zouboulis AI, Grigoriadou AA. Lazaridis, NK. Ekateriniadou L.V. “Metalsorption-flotation. Application to cadmium removal” Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 45, 569- 573, 1996.[42] WuT, Wang G, Dong FZQ, Ren Q. Wang J, Qiu J. “Surface-treated carbon electrodes with modified potential of zero charge for capacitive deionization”,Water Research 93, 30-37, 2016.[43] Cheng Y, Yang C, He H, Zeng G, Zhao K, Yan Z. “Biosorption of Pb(II) Ions from Aqueous Solutions by Waste Biomass from Biotrickling Filters: Kinetics, Isotherms, and Thermodynamics,” Journal of Environmental Engineering, Eng142(9) 1—1, 2016.[44] Setyono DS. “Functionalized paper—A readily accessible adsorbent for removal ofdissolved heavy metal salts and nanoparticles from water, Valiyaveettil,” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 302; 120–128, 2016.[45] Li W, L. Zhang J. Peng N. Li S. Zhang, Guo S. “Tobacco stems as a low cost adsorbent for the removal of Pb(II) from wastewater: Equilibrium and kinetic studies” Industrial Crops and Products 28, 294–302, 2008.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Chemical Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Faik Gökalp 0000-0003-4363-3839

Publication Date February 1, 2020
Submission Date November 28, 2018
Acceptance Date October 17, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 24 Issue: 1


APA Gökalp, F. (2020). A theoretical overview of heavy metal treatment with agricultural wastes. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 24(1), 98-103.
AMA Gökalp F. A theoretical overview of heavy metal treatment with agricultural wastes. SAUJS. February 2020;24(1):98-103. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.489231
Chicago Gökalp, Faik. “A Theoretical Overview of Heavy Metal Treatment With Agricultural Wastes”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 24, no. 1 (February 2020): 98-103.
EndNote Gökalp F (February 1, 2020) A theoretical overview of heavy metal treatment with agricultural wastes. Sakarya University Journal of Science 24 1 98–103.
IEEE F. Gökalp, “A theoretical overview of heavy metal treatment with agricultural wastes”, SAUJS, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 98–103, 2020, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.489231.
ISNAD Gökalp, Faik. “A Theoretical Overview of Heavy Metal Treatment With Agricultural Wastes”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 24/1 (February 2020), 98-103.
JAMA Gökalp F. A theoretical overview of heavy metal treatment with agricultural wastes. SAUJS. 2020;24:98–103.
MLA Gökalp, Faik. “A Theoretical Overview of Heavy Metal Treatment With Agricultural Wastes”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 24, no. 1, 2020, pp. 98-103, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.489231.
Vancouver Gökalp F. A theoretical overview of heavy metal treatment with agricultural wastes. SAUJS. 2020;24(1):98-103.


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