Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 24 Issue: 4, 605 - 614, 01.08.2020



  • [1] M. M. Desa et al., "Silicon back contact solar cell configuration: A pathway towards higher efficiency," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 60, pp. 1516-1532, 2016.
  • [2] S. Tobbeche and M. N. Kateb, "Simulation and Optimization of Silicon Solar Cell Back Surface Field," Materials Science, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 491-496, 2015.
  • [3] A. Kaminski et al., "Aluminium BSF in silicon solar cells," Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol. 72, no. 1-4, pp. 373-379, 2002.
  • [4] M. C. Raval and S. M. Reddy, "Industrial Silicon Solar Cells," in Solar Cells: IntechOpen, 2019.
  • [5] N. Balaji, M. C. Raval, and S. Saravanan, "Review on Metallization in Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells," in Solar Cells: IntechOpen, 2019.
  • [6] H. Yin, K. Tang, J. Zhang, W. Shan, X. Huang, and X. Shen, "Bifacial n-type silicon solar cells with selective front surface field and rear emitter," Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol. 208, p. 110345, 2020.
  • [7] R. Varache, C. Leendertz, M. Gueunier-Farret, J. Haschke, D. Muñoz, and L. Korte, "Investigation of selective junctions using a newly developed tunnel current model for solar cell applications," Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol. 141, pp. 14-23, 2015.
  • [8] M. Schmidt et al., "Physical aspects of a-Si: H/c-Si hetero-junction solar cells," Thin Solid Films, vol. 515, no. 19, pp. 7475-7480, 2007.
  • [9] M. H. Vishkasougheh and B. Tunaboylu, "Simulation of high efficiency silicon solar cells with a hetero-junction microcrystalline intrinsic thin layer," Energy conversion and management, vol. 72, pp. 141-146, 2013.
  • [10] N. Dwivedi, S. Kumar, A. Bisht, K. Patel, and S. Sudhakar, "Simulation approach for optimization of device structure and thickness of HIT solar cells to achieve∼ 27% efficiency," Solar energy, vol. 88, pp. 31-41, 2013.
  • [11] T. Lauinger, J. Schmidt, A. G. Aberle, and R. Hezel, "Record low surface recombination velocities on 1 Ω cm p‐silicon using remote plasma silicon nitride passivation," Applied physics letters, vol. 68, no. 9, pp. 1232-1234, 1996.
  • [12] J. G. Fossum, "Physical operation of back-surface-field silicon solar cells," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 322-325, 1977.
  • [13] S. Riegel, S. Gloger, B. Raabe, and G. Hahn, "Comparison of the passivation quality of boron and aluminum BSF for wafers of varying thickness," in 24th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 2009, pp. 1596-1599.
  • [14] J. Szlufcik, S. Sivoththaman, J. Nlis, R. P. Mertens, and R. Van Overstraeten, "Low-cost industrial technologies of crystalline silicon solar cells," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 85, no. 5, pp. 711-730, 1997.
  • [15] L. J. Caballero, "Contact definition in industrial silicon solar cells," Solar Energy, pp. 375-398, 2010.
  • [16] F. Huster, "Aluminum-back surface field: bow investigation and elimination," in 20th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Barcelona, pp. 635-638, 2005.
  • [17] J. Murray and A. McAlister, "The Al-Si (aluminum-silicon) system," Bulletin of alloy phase diagrams, vol. 5, no. 1, p. 74, 1984.
  • [18] M. B. Djurdjević, S. Manasijević, Z. Odanović, and N. Dolić, "Calculation of liquidus temperature for aluminum and magnesium alloys applying method of equivalency," Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 2013, 2013.
  • [19] I. Cesar et al., "Industrial application of uncapped Al 2 O 3 and firing-through Al-BSF in open rear passivated solar cells," in 2011 37th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, pp. 001405-001410: IEEE, 2011.
  • [20] J. Eguren, J. Del Alamo, and A. Luque, "Optimisation of p+ doping level of n+-p-p+ bifacial bsf solar cells by ion implantation," Electronics Letters, vol. 16, no. 16, pp. 633-634, 1980.
  • [21] M. Barbes, M. Quintana, L. Verdeja, and R. Gonzalez, "Microstructures of a pressure die cast Al-8.5% Si-3.5% Cu alloy," Kovove Mater, vol. 55, pp. 89-96, 2017.
  • [22] A. Sharma and J. P. Jung, "Possibility of Al-Si Brazing Alloys for Industrial Microjoining Applications," Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 35-40, 2017.
  • [23] M. Haghshenas and J. Jamali, "Assessment of circumferential cracks in hypereutectic Al-Si clutch housings," Case Studies in Engineering Failure Analysis, vol. 8, 12/01 2016.

Optimization of Back-Surface Field for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells and Estimating the Firing Temperature depending on the Amount of Printed Aluminum

Year 2020, Volume: 24 Issue: 4, 605 - 614, 01.08.2020


Optimization of the back surface field (BSF) for crystalline silicon solar cells was carried out by Afors-Het simulation software. Thickness and doping concentration parameters were optimized and electrical parameters of solar cells both with BSF and non-BSF were analyzed. The optimum BSF thickness and doping concentration for the crystalline silicon solar cell were determined as 7 µm and 1x1019 cm-3, respectively. A special attention was given to the estimation of peak firing temperature considering the printing amount of aluminum paste in order to form an optimal BSF by the calculations using Al-Si binary phase diagram. It was concluded that the temperature of up to 950oC should be established if an amount of 3 mg/cm2 printed aluminum was used to achieve BSF thickness of 7 µm, where 775 oC would be enough when the amount of aluminum is 8 mg/cm2.


  • [1] M. M. Desa et al., "Silicon back contact solar cell configuration: A pathway towards higher efficiency," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 60, pp. 1516-1532, 2016.
  • [2] S. Tobbeche and M. N. Kateb, "Simulation and Optimization of Silicon Solar Cell Back Surface Field," Materials Science, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 491-496, 2015.
  • [3] A. Kaminski et al., "Aluminium BSF in silicon solar cells," Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol. 72, no. 1-4, pp. 373-379, 2002.
  • [4] M. C. Raval and S. M. Reddy, "Industrial Silicon Solar Cells," in Solar Cells: IntechOpen, 2019.
  • [5] N. Balaji, M. C. Raval, and S. Saravanan, "Review on Metallization in Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells," in Solar Cells: IntechOpen, 2019.
  • [6] H. Yin, K. Tang, J. Zhang, W. Shan, X. Huang, and X. Shen, "Bifacial n-type silicon solar cells with selective front surface field and rear emitter," Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol. 208, p. 110345, 2020.
  • [7] R. Varache, C. Leendertz, M. Gueunier-Farret, J. Haschke, D. Muñoz, and L. Korte, "Investigation of selective junctions using a newly developed tunnel current model for solar cell applications," Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol. 141, pp. 14-23, 2015.
  • [8] M. Schmidt et al., "Physical aspects of a-Si: H/c-Si hetero-junction solar cells," Thin Solid Films, vol. 515, no. 19, pp. 7475-7480, 2007.
  • [9] M. H. Vishkasougheh and B. Tunaboylu, "Simulation of high efficiency silicon solar cells with a hetero-junction microcrystalline intrinsic thin layer," Energy conversion and management, vol. 72, pp. 141-146, 2013.
  • [10] N. Dwivedi, S. Kumar, A. Bisht, K. Patel, and S. Sudhakar, "Simulation approach for optimization of device structure and thickness of HIT solar cells to achieve∼ 27% efficiency," Solar energy, vol. 88, pp. 31-41, 2013.
  • [11] T. Lauinger, J. Schmidt, A. G. Aberle, and R. Hezel, "Record low surface recombination velocities on 1 Ω cm p‐silicon using remote plasma silicon nitride passivation," Applied physics letters, vol. 68, no. 9, pp. 1232-1234, 1996.
  • [12] J. G. Fossum, "Physical operation of back-surface-field silicon solar cells," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 322-325, 1977.
  • [13] S. Riegel, S. Gloger, B. Raabe, and G. Hahn, "Comparison of the passivation quality of boron and aluminum BSF for wafers of varying thickness," in 24th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 2009, pp. 1596-1599.
  • [14] J. Szlufcik, S. Sivoththaman, J. Nlis, R. P. Mertens, and R. Van Overstraeten, "Low-cost industrial technologies of crystalline silicon solar cells," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 85, no. 5, pp. 711-730, 1997.
  • [15] L. J. Caballero, "Contact definition in industrial silicon solar cells," Solar Energy, pp. 375-398, 2010.
  • [16] F. Huster, "Aluminum-back surface field: bow investigation and elimination," in 20th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Barcelona, pp. 635-638, 2005.
  • [17] J. Murray and A. McAlister, "The Al-Si (aluminum-silicon) system," Bulletin of alloy phase diagrams, vol. 5, no. 1, p. 74, 1984.
  • [18] M. B. Djurdjević, S. Manasijević, Z. Odanović, and N. Dolić, "Calculation of liquidus temperature for aluminum and magnesium alloys applying method of equivalency," Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 2013, 2013.
  • [19] I. Cesar et al., "Industrial application of uncapped Al 2 O 3 and firing-through Al-BSF in open rear passivated solar cells," in 2011 37th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, pp. 001405-001410: IEEE, 2011.
  • [20] J. Eguren, J. Del Alamo, and A. Luque, "Optimisation of p+ doping level of n+-p-p+ bifacial bsf solar cells by ion implantation," Electronics Letters, vol. 16, no. 16, pp. 633-634, 1980.
  • [21] M. Barbes, M. Quintana, L. Verdeja, and R. Gonzalez, "Microstructures of a pressure die cast Al-8.5% Si-3.5% Cu alloy," Kovove Mater, vol. 55, pp. 89-96, 2017.
  • [22] A. Sharma and J. P. Jung, "Possibility of Al-Si Brazing Alloys for Industrial Microjoining Applications," Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 35-40, 2017.
  • [23] M. Haghshenas and J. Jamali, "Assessment of circumferential cracks in hypereutectic Al-Si clutch housings," Case Studies in Engineering Failure Analysis, vol. 8, 12/01 2016.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Electrical Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

İmran Kanmaz 0000-0001-8827-1590

Abdullah Üzüm 0000-0001-5324-8892

Publication Date August 1, 2020
Submission Date November 25, 2019
Acceptance Date April 26, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 24 Issue: 4


APA Kanmaz, İ., & Üzüm, A. (2020). Optimization of Back-Surface Field for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells and Estimating the Firing Temperature depending on the Amount of Printed Aluminum. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 24(4), 605-614.
AMA Kanmaz İ, Üzüm A. Optimization of Back-Surface Field for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells and Estimating the Firing Temperature depending on the Amount of Printed Aluminum. SAUJS. August 2020;24(4):605-614. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.650790
Chicago Kanmaz, İmran, and Abdullah Üzüm. “Optimization of Back-Surface Field for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells and Estimating the Firing Temperature Depending on the Amount of Printed Aluminum”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 24, no. 4 (August 2020): 605-14.
EndNote Kanmaz İ, Üzüm A (August 1, 2020) Optimization of Back-Surface Field for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells and Estimating the Firing Temperature depending on the Amount of Printed Aluminum. Sakarya University Journal of Science 24 4 605–614.
IEEE İ. Kanmaz and A. Üzüm, “Optimization of Back-Surface Field for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells and Estimating the Firing Temperature depending on the Amount of Printed Aluminum”, SAUJS, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 605–614, 2020, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.650790.
ISNAD Kanmaz, İmran - Üzüm, Abdullah. “Optimization of Back-Surface Field for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells and Estimating the Firing Temperature Depending on the Amount of Printed Aluminum”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 24/4 (August 2020), 605-614.
JAMA Kanmaz İ, Üzüm A. Optimization of Back-Surface Field for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells and Estimating the Firing Temperature depending on the Amount of Printed Aluminum. SAUJS. 2020;24:605–614.
MLA Kanmaz, İmran and Abdullah Üzüm. “Optimization of Back-Surface Field for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells and Estimating the Firing Temperature Depending on the Amount of Printed Aluminum”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 24, no. 4, 2020, pp. 605-14, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.650790.
Vancouver Kanmaz İ, Üzüm A. Optimization of Back-Surface Field for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells and Estimating the Firing Temperature depending on the Amount of Printed Aluminum. SAUJS. 2020;24(4):605-14.


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