Research Article
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The Evaluation of Effect of Jet Grout Columns to the Settlements in Soils with Numerical Methods

Year 2024, Volume: 28 Issue: 6, 1132 - 1145, 31.12.2024


Increasing population bring together the need for construction on weak soils. At this point, soil improvement methods gain importance in which the problematic properties of soils aimed to enhance. Among these, jet grout columns are widely applied method and have advantages such as increasing the bearing capacity, reducing settlements and the risk of liquefaction. In this paper, jet grout columns utilized to reduce settlements in weak soil layers and the effect of several parameters on settlement examined. The analyzes, performed with Plaxis 2D and Plaxis 3D. The jet grouts are modeled with both single columns and composite region by changing jet grout length, diameter and spacing. To assess the soft clay effect, columns were socketed into different clay layers. The results proved that improvement with jet grout reduces the settlements, but the change in diameter, length and spacing affects the results at different rates. Through 3D analysis, up to 22% reductions in settlements obtained in case where the longest columns were assigned at the lowest spacings. The most effective factor was found as spacing rather than diameter. The increase in diameter after a certain value led to lower the performance due to the group effect. In case of the composite region, 3D and 2D analyzes converge very much, so it would be practical to perform 2D analysis for the composites. However, the ones modelled with single columns predicted more settlement and remained on the safe side. Additionally, jet grout columns performed better than in weak soils.


  • S. Sert, E. Arslan, P. Ocakbaşı, E. Ekinci, Z. Garip, A. Özocak, E. Bol, C. P. Ndepete, “Stabilization of Expansive Clays with Basalt Fibers and Prediction of Strength by Machine Learning,” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, vol. 49, pp. 13651-13670, 2024.
  • E. Arslan, I. Develioglu, H. F. Pulat, “The effect of curing time and freeze-thaw cycles on the undrained shear strength of lime-stabilized alluvial soils,” Revista de la construcción, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 348-367, 2023.
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  • A. Önalp, A. Özocak, E. Bol, S. Sert, E. Arslan, N. Ural, “An Investigation into Dynamic Behaviour of Reconstituted and Undisturbed Fine-grained Soil during Triaxial and Simple Shear,” Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, vol. 22, pp. 5599-5618, 2024.
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  • A. Arjmand, J. Mamaghanian, “Numerical study on the effect of increasing diameter of jet grouting columns in sand lenses in clay layers,” in Thirteenth International Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2023.
  • G. N. Karahan, O. Sivrikaya, “Designing singular jet grouting column for sandy soils,” Environmal Earth Sciences, vol. 77, no. 448, 2018.
Year 2024, Volume: 28 Issue: 6, 1132 - 1145, 31.12.2024



  • S. Sert, E. Arslan, P. Ocakbaşı, E. Ekinci, Z. Garip, A. Özocak, E. Bol, C. P. Ndepete, “Stabilization of Expansive Clays with Basalt Fibers and Prediction of Strength by Machine Learning,” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, vol. 49, pp. 13651-13670, 2024.
  • E. Arslan, I. Develioglu, H. F. Pulat, “The effect of curing time and freeze-thaw cycles on the undrained shear strength of lime-stabilized alluvial soils,” Revista de la construcción, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 348-367, 2023.
  • R. D. Holtz, J. Q. Shang, D. T. Bergado, “Soil Improvement,” Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Handbook, pp. 429-462, 2001.
  • E. Arslan, E. Ekinci, Z. Garip, F. Küçük, S. Sert, “A sustainable solution for soil improvement: a decision tree model combined with metaheuristic optimizations for fiber reinforced clays,” Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2024.
  • Ö. Şimşek, E. Korkut, “Ground improvement works with jet injection,” in National Infrastructure Congress Proceedings Book, pp. 973–983, 2014 (in Turkish).
  • G. Mısır, “Soil Improvement and Displacement Estimation with Jet Grout Method: Case Analysis,” European Journal of Science and Technology, no. 18, pp. 290–299, 2020 (in Turkish).
  • H. T. Durgunoglu, H. F. Kulac, K. Oruc, R. Yıldız, “A Case History of Ground Treatment with Jet Grouting against Liquefaction, for a Cigarette Factory in Turkey,” in Grouting and Ground Treatment, Reston, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 452–463, 2003.
  • K. Maeda, “Jet Grouting: Technology, Design and Control,” Boca Raton, CRC Press, 2006.
  • T. Ayvaz, M. E. İçöz, “Research on optimum jet hole spacing in jet grouting applications,” Chamber of Civil Engineers 63rd Anniversary National Congress, 2016 (in Turkish).
  • E. Sönmez, “An investigation on the contribution of jet grout strutting to thestability of deep retaining systems by finite element method,” M. Sc. Dissertation, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences of Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir, Türkiye, 2010.
  • H. M. Algin, “Optimised design of jet-grouted rafts subjected to nonuniform vertical loading,” KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 494–508, 2018.
  • Ç. Horoz, İ. Hakkı, I. Tonyali, “Geotechnical Properties of Haliç Dredging Material, Cement and Foam Mixture,” in in Fifteenth National Congress on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 2014 (in Turkish).
  • E. Arslan, D. Kayaturk, M. R. Durmus, I. Bagca, T. Imamoglu, S. Sert, “The Role of Utilizing Load in Different Cases While Numerical Modeling of Multi-story Buildings on Alluvial Stratum: A Comparison Study,” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, vol. 49, pp. 13845-13860, 2024.
  • E. Bol, “The Geotechnical Properties of Adapazari Soils,” Ph. D. Dissertation, Graduate School of Sakarya University, Adapazari, Türkiye, 2003 (in Turkish).
  • A. Önalp, A. Özocak, E. Bol, S. Sert, E. Arslan, N. Ural, “An Investigation into Dynamic Behaviour of Reconstituted and Undisturbed Fine-grained Soil during Triaxial and Simple Shear,” Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, vol. 22, pp. 5599-5618, 2024.
  • Turkish Standards Institute (TSE), “TS 1900-1/T1, Methods of testing soils for civil engineering purposes in the laboratory-Part 1: Determination of physical properties,” Ankara, Türkiye, 2006.
  • Turkish Standards Institute (TSE), “TS 1900-2/T2, Methods of testing soils for civil engineering purposes in the laboratory-Part 2: Determination of mechanical properties,” Ankara, Türkiye, 2006.
  • Turkish Standards Institute (TSE), “TS 1500, Classification of soil for civil engineering purposes,” Ankara, Türkiye, 2000.
  • Bentley Advancing Infrastructure, “PLAXIS 3D,” V22.01, 2022.
  • A. O. Erol, Z. Bayram, Jet Injection Method: First Edition. Ankara: Yüksel Proje Publications, 2014 (in Turkish).
  • V. Racansky, R. Thurner, C. Kummerer, “Design of a deep building pit with numerical and limit equilibrium methods,” in Numerical methods in Geotechnical Engineering, pp. 431–436, 2006.
  • R. B. J. Brinkgreve, “Numerical modelling of foundations: recent developments,” Geo-Frontiers, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 483–492, 2005.
  • A. Arjmand, J. Mamaghanian, “Numerical study on the effect of increasing diameter of jet grouting columns in sand lenses in clay layers,” in Thirteenth International Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2023.
  • G. N. Karahan, O. Sivrikaya, “Designing singular jet grouting column for sandy soils,” Environmal Earth Sciences, vol. 77, no. 448, 2018.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Civil Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

İrem Düzen 0000-0001-8301-4851

Aşkın Özocak 0000-0003-1102-1424

Sedat Sert 0000-0002-4114-6132

Ertan Bol 0000-0002-3903-0384

Eylem Arslan 0000-0002-9053-1061

Early Pub Date November 13, 2024
Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date May 24, 2023
Acceptance Date October 21, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 28 Issue: 6


APA Düzen, İ., Özocak, A., Sert, S., Bol, E., et al. (2024). The Evaluation of Effect of Jet Grout Columns to the Settlements in Soils with Numerical Methods. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 28(6), 1132-1145.
AMA Düzen İ, Özocak A, Sert S, Bol E, Arslan E. The Evaluation of Effect of Jet Grout Columns to the Settlements in Soils with Numerical Methods. SAUJS. December 2024;28(6):1132-1145. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.1301976
Chicago Düzen, İrem, Aşkın Özocak, Sedat Sert, Ertan Bol, and Eylem Arslan. “The Evaluation of Effect of Jet Grout Columns to the Settlements in Soils With Numerical Methods”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 28, no. 6 (December 2024): 1132-45.
EndNote Düzen İ, Özocak A, Sert S, Bol E, Arslan E (December 1, 2024) The Evaluation of Effect of Jet Grout Columns to the Settlements in Soils with Numerical Methods. Sakarya University Journal of Science 28 6 1132–1145.
IEEE İ. Düzen, A. Özocak, S. Sert, E. Bol, and E. Arslan, “The Evaluation of Effect of Jet Grout Columns to the Settlements in Soils with Numerical Methods”, SAUJS, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 1132–1145, 2024, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.1301976.
ISNAD Düzen, İrem et al. “The Evaluation of Effect of Jet Grout Columns to the Settlements in Soils With Numerical Methods”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 28/6 (December 2024), 1132-1145.
JAMA Düzen İ, Özocak A, Sert S, Bol E, Arslan E. The Evaluation of Effect of Jet Grout Columns to the Settlements in Soils with Numerical Methods. SAUJS. 2024;28:1132–1145.
MLA Düzen, İrem et al. “The Evaluation of Effect of Jet Grout Columns to the Settlements in Soils With Numerical Methods”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 28, no. 6, 2024, pp. 1132-45, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.1301976.
Vancouver Düzen İ, Özocak A, Sert S, Bol E, Arslan E. The Evaluation of Effect of Jet Grout Columns to the Settlements in Soils with Numerical Methods. SAUJS. 2024;28(6):1132-45.


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