Year 2024,
Issue: 1, 23 - 32, 28.09.2024
Tekin Sancar
Mehmet Hakkı Alma
Tuz, sağlığa faydaları ve tedavi edici etkisi nedeniyle binlerce yıldır dünyanın farklı bölgelerinde farklı kültürler tarafından kullanılmaktadır. Haloterapi, halojeneratör adı verilen özel ekipmanlarla ortamlarda sağlanan kuru bir tuz terapisidir. Son yıllarda haloterapi dünya çapında giderek daha fazla insanın güvenini kazanmış ve birçok ülkede hızla yayılmaya başlamıştır. Terapiden elde edilen olumlu sonuçlar bir yıldan fazla sürmektedir. Diğer fizik tedavi yöntemleri ve farmakolojik terapi ile kombine edilebilmesi, haloterapiyi hafif ve orta dereceli bronşiyal astım, kronik obstrüktif bronşit, post-pnömoni durumları ve diğer çeşitli solunum ve cilt hastalıklarında tercih edilen bir tedavi haline getirmektedir. Haloterapinin cilt üzerindeki iyileştirici ve kozmetik etkileri bilimsel çalışmalarla doğrulanmıştır. Bu tedavinin rahat bir ortamda gerçekleştirilmesiyle birlikte oluşan önemsiz yan etkileri, hastaların psiko-duygusal durumu üzerinde de faydalı bir etkiye sahiptir. Bu araştırmanın temel amacı, solunum yolu hastalıklarının tedavisinde tamamlayıcı bir yöntem olarak haloterapinin faydalarını tartışmaktır.
Ethical Statement
Araştırma için Iğdır Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma ve Yayın Etik Kurulu’ndan 24.07.2024 tarih ve 2024/21 karar no’lu etik izin alınmıştır. Çalışmaya katılımda gönüllülük esas alınmıştır.
Supporting Institution
- Abdrakhmanova, L.M., Farkhutdinov, U.R. & Farkhutdinov, R.R. (2000). Effectiveness of halotherapy of chronic bronchitis patients. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult., (6), 21-24.
- Abdullaev, A.A., Gadzhiev, K.M. & Eiubova, A.A. (1993). The efficacy of seleotherapy in salt mines in children with bronchical asthma based on the data from immediate and late observations. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult.,5, 25–28.
- Barber, D., Malyshev, Y., Oluyadi, F., Andreev, A. & Sahni S. (2022). Halotherapy for Chronic Respiratory Disorders: From the Cave to the Clinical. Altern Ther Health Med. marzec;, 28(3), 52–56.
- Bar-Yoseph, R., Kugelman, N., Livnat, G., Gur, M., Hakim, F. & Nir, V. (2017). Halotherapy as asthma treatment inchildren: A randomized, controlled, prospective pilot study. Pediatr Pulmonol. Maj, 52(5), 580–7.
- Bobrov, L.L., Ponomarenko, G.N. & Sereda, V.P. (2000). The clinical efficacy of haloinhalation therapy in bronchial asthma patients. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult., 1, 25–29.
- Chervinskaya, A. (2012). Salt rooms and halotherapy in european Health Resorts and Spas: fashionable trend or real therapy?, Med Hydrol Balneol: Environ Aspects., 10, 235–236.
- Chervinskaya, A.V. & Zilber, N.A. (1995). Halotherapy for treatment of respiratory diseases. J. Aerosol. Med., 8, 221–232.
- Chervinskaya, A.V. (2000). The scientific validation and outlook for the practical use of halo-aerosol therapy. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult., 1, 21–24.
- Chervinskaya, A.V. (2006). Prospects of Halotherapy in Sanatorium and SPA Dermatology and Cosmetology. Kurortnye vedomosty, 3(36), 74-5.
- Chervinskaya, A.V. (2007). Halotherapy in controlled salt chamber microclimate for recovering medicine. Balneologia Polska, 2, 133–141.
- Chervinskaya, A.V., Kvetnaia, A.S., Cherniaev, A.L., Apul’tsina, I.D., Amelina, E.L., Molodtsova, V.P. & Faustova, M.E. (2002). Effect of halogen aerosol therapy on resistance parameters of the respiratory tract. Ter Arkh., 74(3), 48–52.
- Crisan-Dabija, R., Sandu, I.G., Popa, I.V., Scripcariu, D.V., Covic, A. & Burlacu, A. (2021). Halotherapy-An Ancient Natural Ally in the Management of Asthma: A Comprehensive Review. Healthcare (Basel), 9(11), 1604.
- Farkhutdinov, U.R., Abdrakhmanova, L.M. & Farkhutdinov, R.R. (2000). Effects of halotherapy on free radical oxidation in patients with chronic bronchitis. Klin Med (Mosk), 78(12), 37-40.
- Freidl, J., Huber, D., Braunschmid, H., Romodow, C., Pichler, C., Weisböck-Erdheim, R. (2020). Winter Exercise andSpeleotherapy for Allergy and Asthma: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial., J Clin Med., 9(10), E3311.
- Gelardi, M., Iannuzzi, L., Greco Miani, A., Cazzaniga, S., Naldi, L. & De Luca, C. (2013). Double-blind placebo- controlled randomized clinical trial on the efficacy of Aerosal in the treatment of sub-obstructiveadenotonsillar hypertrophy and related diseases. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol Listopad, 77(11), 1818–1824.
- Grigor’eva, N.V. (2003). Halotherapy in combined non-puncture therapy of patients with acute purulent maxillarysinusitis. Vestn Otorinolaringol, (4), 42–44.
- Grinshtein, I., Shestovitskii, V.A. & Kuligina-Maksimova, A.V. (2004). Clinical significance of cytological characteristics of bronchial inflammation in obstructive pulmonary diseases. Ter Arkh., 76(3), 36–39.
- Györik, S.A. & Brutsche, M.H. (2004). Complementary and alternative medicine for bronchial asthma: is there newevidence?, Curr Opin Pulm Med. Styczeń, 10(1), 37–43.
- Hedman, J., Hugg, T., Sandell, J. & Haahtela, T. (2006). The effect of salt chamber treatment on bronchial hyperresponsiveness in asthmatics. Allergy, 1(5), 605-610.
- Kanny, G., Surdu, O. &Boulange, M. (2019). Halothérapie et spéléothérapie: Se soigner dans les mines de sel. Hegel, 9, 26–31.
- Khan, M.A., Khoruzhenko, O.V., Vakhova, E.L., Lyan, N.A. & Radetskaya, L.I. (2015). The role of non-medicamental technologies in the rehabilitation of the children presenting with acute rhinosinusitis. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. Sierpień, 92(4), 36–40.
- Kostrzon, M., Sliwka, A., Wloch, T., Szpunar, M., Ankowska, D. & Nowobilski, R. (2019). Subterranean Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Adv Exp Med Biol., 1176, 35–46.
- Kwiatkowska, K., Partyka, O., Pajewska, M. & Czerw, A. (2021). Post Covid-19 Patients’ Rehabilitation - Potential of Using Halotherapy in the Form of Generallyaccessible Inhalatoria with Dry Salt Aerosol. ACTAPOLPHARM Grudzień, 78(6), 749–54.
- Lăzărescu, H., Simionca, I., Hoteteu, M. & Mirescu, L. (2014). Speleotherapy - modern bio-medical perspectives. J MedLife, 7 Spec No.
- Maev, E.Z. & Vinogradov, N.V. (1999). Halotherapy in the combined treatment of chronic bronchitis patients. VoenMed Zh. Czerwiec, 320(6), 34–7, 96.
- Manoharan, P. & Kaliaperumal, K. (2022). Salt and skin. International Journal of Dermatology, 61(3), 291–298.
Mazloomzadeh, S., Bakhshi, N., Ahmadiafshar, A. & Gholami, M. (2017). Effect of Salt Space on Clinical Findings andPeak Expiratory Flow in Children with Mild to Moderate Asthma: A Randomized Crossover Trial.
IranJAllergy Asthma Immunol Czerwiec, 16(3), 198–204.
- Opriţa, B., Pandrea, C., Dinu, B. & Aignătoaie, B. (2010). Saltmed – the therapy with sodium chloride dry aerosols. Therapeutics, Pharmacology and Clinical Toxicology, 14(3), 201-204.
- Roslaia, N.A., Likhacheva, E.I. & Shchekoldin, P.I. (2001). Efficacy of therapeutic use of ultrasound and sinusoidal modulated currents combed with halotherapy in patient with occupational toxic-dust bronchitis. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult., 1, 26-27.
- Salt Therapy Association (2024). Types of Salt Therapy. https://www.salttherapyassociation.org/about-salt-therapy/types-of-salt-therapy/ (Erişim Tarihi: 25.07.2024).
- Sandell, J., Hedman, J., Saarinen, K., Haahtela, T. (2013). Salt chamber treatment is ineffective in treating eosinophilic inflammation in asthma. Allergy, 68(1), 125–127.
- Sandu, I., Canache, M., Sandu, A.V., Chirazi, M., Mihaescu, T. & Checherita, L.E. (2015). The influence of NaCl aerosols on weight and height development of children. Environ Monit Assess. Luty, 187(2), 15.
- Sandu, I., Canache, M., Vasilache, V. & Sandu, I.G. (2011). The effects of salt solutions on the health of human subjects. Present Environ Sustain, 5(2), 67–88.
- Sandu, I., Poruciuc, A., Alexianu, M., Curca, R.G. & Weller, O. (2010). Salt and Human Health: Science, Archaeology, Ancient Texts and Traditional Practices of Eastern Romania. Mankind Quart., 50, 225–256.
- Sevostyanova, E.V., Nikolaev, Y.A., Bogdankevich, N.V., Lusheva, V.G., Markova, E.N. & Dolgova, N.A. (2016). Non-drugrehabilitation of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease concurrent with hypertension. Ter Arkh., 88(8), 19–24.
- Shah, R. & Greenberger, P.A. (2012). Unproved and controversial methods and theories in allergy-immunology. Allergy Asthma Proc., 33, 100–102.
- Sokolova, M.I., Ivanova, N.A. & Shabalov, N.P. (2007). Optimal therapy of children with bronchical astma AT Pyatigorsk Spa. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult., (3), 8–12.
- Stribu, C., Stribu, C. & Sandu, I. (2012). Impact assessment of saline aerosols on exercise capacity of athletes. Procedia Soc Behav Sci., 46, 4141–4145.
- Vladeva, E. & Panajotova, L. (2018). Halotherapy – Benefits And Risks. Scripta Scientifica Salutis Publicae, 4, Medical University of Varna.
- Vladeva, E.P. & Ovcharova, L.P. (2018). Halotherapy - benefits and risks. Scripta Scientifica Salutis Publicae, 4(0), 22–26.
Year 2024,
Issue: 1, 23 - 32, 28.09.2024
Tekin Sancar
Mehmet Hakkı Alma
- Abdrakhmanova, L.M., Farkhutdinov, U.R. & Farkhutdinov, R.R. (2000). Effectiveness of halotherapy of chronic bronchitis patients. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult., (6), 21-24.
- Abdullaev, A.A., Gadzhiev, K.M. & Eiubova, A.A. (1993). The efficacy of seleotherapy in salt mines in children with bronchical asthma based on the data from immediate and late observations. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult.,5, 25–28.
- Barber, D., Malyshev, Y., Oluyadi, F., Andreev, A. & Sahni S. (2022). Halotherapy for Chronic Respiratory Disorders: From the Cave to the Clinical. Altern Ther Health Med. marzec;, 28(3), 52–56.
- Bar-Yoseph, R., Kugelman, N., Livnat, G., Gur, M., Hakim, F. & Nir, V. (2017). Halotherapy as asthma treatment inchildren: A randomized, controlled, prospective pilot study. Pediatr Pulmonol. Maj, 52(5), 580–7.
- Bobrov, L.L., Ponomarenko, G.N. & Sereda, V.P. (2000). The clinical efficacy of haloinhalation therapy in bronchial asthma patients. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult., 1, 25–29.
- Chervinskaya, A. (2012). Salt rooms and halotherapy in european Health Resorts and Spas: fashionable trend or real therapy?, Med Hydrol Balneol: Environ Aspects., 10, 235–236.
- Chervinskaya, A.V. & Zilber, N.A. (1995). Halotherapy for treatment of respiratory diseases. J. Aerosol. Med., 8, 221–232.
- Chervinskaya, A.V. (2000). The scientific validation and outlook for the practical use of halo-aerosol therapy. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult., 1, 21–24.
- Chervinskaya, A.V. (2006). Prospects of Halotherapy in Sanatorium and SPA Dermatology and Cosmetology. Kurortnye vedomosty, 3(36), 74-5.
- Chervinskaya, A.V. (2007). Halotherapy in controlled salt chamber microclimate for recovering medicine. Balneologia Polska, 2, 133–141.
- Chervinskaya, A.V., Kvetnaia, A.S., Cherniaev, A.L., Apul’tsina, I.D., Amelina, E.L., Molodtsova, V.P. & Faustova, M.E. (2002). Effect of halogen aerosol therapy on resistance parameters of the respiratory tract. Ter Arkh., 74(3), 48–52.
- Crisan-Dabija, R., Sandu, I.G., Popa, I.V., Scripcariu, D.V., Covic, A. & Burlacu, A. (2021). Halotherapy-An Ancient Natural Ally in the Management of Asthma: A Comprehensive Review. Healthcare (Basel), 9(11), 1604.
- Farkhutdinov, U.R., Abdrakhmanova, L.M. & Farkhutdinov, R.R. (2000). Effects of halotherapy on free radical oxidation in patients with chronic bronchitis. Klin Med (Mosk), 78(12), 37-40.
- Freidl, J., Huber, D., Braunschmid, H., Romodow, C., Pichler, C., Weisböck-Erdheim, R. (2020). Winter Exercise andSpeleotherapy for Allergy and Asthma: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial., J Clin Med., 9(10), E3311.
- Gelardi, M., Iannuzzi, L., Greco Miani, A., Cazzaniga, S., Naldi, L. & De Luca, C. (2013). Double-blind placebo- controlled randomized clinical trial on the efficacy of Aerosal in the treatment of sub-obstructiveadenotonsillar hypertrophy and related diseases. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol Listopad, 77(11), 1818–1824.
- Grigor’eva, N.V. (2003). Halotherapy in combined non-puncture therapy of patients with acute purulent maxillarysinusitis. Vestn Otorinolaringol, (4), 42–44.
- Grinshtein, I., Shestovitskii, V.A. & Kuligina-Maksimova, A.V. (2004). Clinical significance of cytological characteristics of bronchial inflammation in obstructive pulmonary diseases. Ter Arkh., 76(3), 36–39.
- Györik, S.A. & Brutsche, M.H. (2004). Complementary and alternative medicine for bronchial asthma: is there newevidence?, Curr Opin Pulm Med. Styczeń, 10(1), 37–43.
- Hedman, J., Hugg, T., Sandell, J. & Haahtela, T. (2006). The effect of salt chamber treatment on bronchial hyperresponsiveness in asthmatics. Allergy, 1(5), 605-610.
- Kanny, G., Surdu, O. &Boulange, M. (2019). Halothérapie et spéléothérapie: Se soigner dans les mines de sel. Hegel, 9, 26–31.
- Khan, M.A., Khoruzhenko, O.V., Vakhova, E.L., Lyan, N.A. & Radetskaya, L.I. (2015). The role of non-medicamental technologies in the rehabilitation of the children presenting with acute rhinosinusitis. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. Sierpień, 92(4), 36–40.
- Kostrzon, M., Sliwka, A., Wloch, T., Szpunar, M., Ankowska, D. & Nowobilski, R. (2019). Subterranean Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Adv Exp Med Biol., 1176, 35–46.
- Kwiatkowska, K., Partyka, O., Pajewska, M. & Czerw, A. (2021). Post Covid-19 Patients’ Rehabilitation - Potential of Using Halotherapy in the Form of Generallyaccessible Inhalatoria with Dry Salt Aerosol. ACTAPOLPHARM Grudzień, 78(6), 749–54.
- Lăzărescu, H., Simionca, I., Hoteteu, M. & Mirescu, L. (2014). Speleotherapy - modern bio-medical perspectives. J MedLife, 7 Spec No.
- Maev, E.Z. & Vinogradov, N.V. (1999). Halotherapy in the combined treatment of chronic bronchitis patients. VoenMed Zh. Czerwiec, 320(6), 34–7, 96.
- Manoharan, P. & Kaliaperumal, K. (2022). Salt and skin. International Journal of Dermatology, 61(3), 291–298.
Mazloomzadeh, S., Bakhshi, N., Ahmadiafshar, A. & Gholami, M. (2017). Effect of Salt Space on Clinical Findings andPeak Expiratory Flow in Children with Mild to Moderate Asthma: A Randomized Crossover Trial.
IranJAllergy Asthma Immunol Czerwiec, 16(3), 198–204.
- Opriţa, B., Pandrea, C., Dinu, B. & Aignătoaie, B. (2010). Saltmed – the therapy with sodium chloride dry aerosols. Therapeutics, Pharmacology and Clinical Toxicology, 14(3), 201-204.
- Roslaia, N.A., Likhacheva, E.I. & Shchekoldin, P.I. (2001). Efficacy of therapeutic use of ultrasound and sinusoidal modulated currents combed with halotherapy in patient with occupational toxic-dust bronchitis. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult., 1, 26-27.
- Salt Therapy Association (2024). Types of Salt Therapy. https://www.salttherapyassociation.org/about-salt-therapy/types-of-salt-therapy/ (Erişim Tarihi: 25.07.2024).
- Sandell, J., Hedman, J., Saarinen, K., Haahtela, T. (2013). Salt chamber treatment is ineffective in treating eosinophilic inflammation in asthma. Allergy, 68(1), 125–127.
- Sandu, I., Canache, M., Sandu, A.V., Chirazi, M., Mihaescu, T. & Checherita, L.E. (2015). The influence of NaCl aerosols on weight and height development of children. Environ Monit Assess. Luty, 187(2), 15.
- Sandu, I., Canache, M., Vasilache, V. & Sandu, I.G. (2011). The effects of salt solutions on the health of human subjects. Present Environ Sustain, 5(2), 67–88.
- Sandu, I., Poruciuc, A., Alexianu, M., Curca, R.G. & Weller, O. (2010). Salt and Human Health: Science, Archaeology, Ancient Texts and Traditional Practices of Eastern Romania. Mankind Quart., 50, 225–256.
- Sevostyanova, E.V., Nikolaev, Y.A., Bogdankevich, N.V., Lusheva, V.G., Markova, E.N. & Dolgova, N.A. (2016). Non-drugrehabilitation of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease concurrent with hypertension. Ter Arkh., 88(8), 19–24.
- Shah, R. & Greenberger, P.A. (2012). Unproved and controversial methods and theories in allergy-immunology. Allergy Asthma Proc., 33, 100–102.
- Sokolova, M.I., Ivanova, N.A. & Shabalov, N.P. (2007). Optimal therapy of children with bronchical astma AT Pyatigorsk Spa. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult., (3), 8–12.
- Stribu, C., Stribu, C. & Sandu, I. (2012). Impact assessment of saline aerosols on exercise capacity of athletes. Procedia Soc Behav Sci., 46, 4141–4145.
- Vladeva, E. & Panajotova, L. (2018). Halotherapy – Benefits And Risks. Scripta Scientifica Salutis Publicae, 4, Medical University of Varna.
- Vladeva, E.P. & Ovcharova, L.P. (2018). Halotherapy - benefits and risks. Scripta Scientifica Salutis Publicae, 4(0), 22–26.