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Tek Girişli Artrosentez İşleminin Temporomandibular Eklem Bozukluklarına Kısa Dönem Etkisi

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 64 - 70, 14.04.2017


Amaç: Artrosentez; temporomandibular eklemde ağrının,
hareket kısıtlılığının ve enflamasyonun giderilmesi
amacıyla üst eklem boşluğunun yıkanması işlemidir. Bu
çalışmanın amacı; temporomandibular eklem ağrısı ve
mandibular hareketler üzerinde başlangıç tedavisi olarak
artrosentez işleminin klinik bulgulara kısa dönem etkinliğini
Materyal-Method: Çalışmaya 18 yaş üstü 40 hasta dahil
edildi. Eklemde rahatsızlık nedeniyle başvuran hastalar,
klinik muayene ve manyetik rezonans görüntüleme ile
değerlendirildi. Artrosentez endikasyonu koyulan hastalar
çalışma grubunu oluşturdu. Artrosentez işleminden önce
mandibular hareket mesafeleri ve görsel analog skala
yardımıyla ağrı düzeyleri değerlendirildi. İşlemden bir gün ve
bir hafta sonra klinik olarak ölçümler tekrarlandı. Elde edilen
bulgular tedavi öncesi bulgularla karşılaştırılıp, istatistiksel
olarak analiz edildi.
Bulgular: Bir haftalık kontrolde, VAS ile değerlendirilen
istirahatte ve harekette temporomandibular eklem ağrısı
istatistiksel olarak anlamlı derecede azaldı ve maksimum
ağız açıklığı ortalaması 32,4 mm’den 38,78 mm’ye yükseldi
Sonuç: Başlangıç tedavisi olarak artrosentez; mandibular
hareket kısıtlılığı ve ağrıyı kısa dönemde azaltır. Akut ağrı
ve hareket kısıtlılığı olan hastalarda, semptomların içsel
düzensizliklerden kaynaklandığı teşhis edildikten sonra,
artrosentez başlangıç prosedürü olarak uygulanabilir.


  • 1. Okeson JP. Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics of the Masticatory System In: Management of Temporomandibular Disorders and Occlusion. Pendill J, ed. 7th Ed. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Health Sciences, 2014; p. 1-38. 2. Cahlin BJ, Dahlström L. No effect of glucosamine sulfate on osteoarthritis in the temporomandibular joints—a randomized, controlled, short-term study. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontology 2011; 112(6): 760-766. 3. Dym H, Israel H. Diagnosis and treatment of temporomandibular disorders. Dental Clinics of North America 2012; 56(1): 149-161. 4. Dong X, He S, Zhu L, Dong T, Pan S, Tang L, Zhu Z. The diagnostic value of high-resolution ultrasonography for the detection of anterior disc displacement of the temporomandibular joint: a meta-analysis employing the HSROC statistical model. International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2015; 44(7): 852-858. 5. Emshoff R, Jank S, Bertram S, Rudisch A, Bodner G. Disk displacement of the temporomandibular joint: sonography versus MR imaging. American Journal of Roentgenology 2002; 178(6): 1557-1562. 6. Puri P, Kambylafkas P, Kyrkanides S, Katzberg R, Tallents RH. Comparison of Doppler sonography to magnetic resonance imaging and clinical examination for disc displacement. The Angle Orthodontist 2006; 76(5): 824-829. 7. Rahal A, Poirier J, Ahmarani C. Single-puncture arthrocentesis—Introducing a new technique and a novel device. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2009; 67(8): 1771-1773. 8. Seifeldin SA, Elhayes KA. Soft versus hard occlusal splint therapy in the management of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). The Saudi dental journal 2015; 27(4): 208-214. 9. Aynalı G, Yener M. Temporomandibular Eklem Bozukluklarında Tedavi Seçenekleri. SDÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2012; 3(3): 150-154. 10. Keklik B, Yazar M, Emekli U. Arthrocentesis, Arthroscopic Assessment and Surgical Interventions. Türk Fiz Tıp Rehab Derg 2010; 56(1): 29-33. 11. De Leeuw R, Klasser GD. Temporomandibulars Disorders In: Orofacial Pain: Guidelines for Assessment, Diagnosis, and Management. De Leeuw R, ed. 4th Ed. Hanover Park: Quintessence Publishing Co, 2008; p. 129-176. 12. Vos L, Slater JH, Stegenga B. Arthrocentesis as initial treatment for temporomandibular joint arthropathy: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 2014; 42(5): 134-139. 13. Alpaslan C, Alpaslan G, Güner B. Erken dönem temporomandibuler internal düzensizliklerinde farklı tedavi yöntemlerinin etkinliklerinin karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmesi. Acta Odontologica Turcica 2000; 17(2): 7. 14. Frost DE, Kendell BD. The use of arthrocentesis for treatment of temporomandibular joint disorders. Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 1999; 57(5): 583-587. 15. Sanroman J. Closed lock (MRI fixed disc): a comparison of arthrocentesis and arthroscopy. International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2004; 33(4): 344-348. 16. Del Cura J, Zabala R, Corta I. Ultrasound-guided interventional procedures in the musculoskeletal system. Radiología (English Edition) 2010; 52(6): 525-533. 17. Tozoglu S, Al-Belasy FA, Dolwick MF. A review of techniques of lysis and lavage of the TMJ. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2011; 49(4): 302-309. 18. Wilkes CH. Internal derangements of the temporomandibular joint: Pathological variations. Archives of Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery 1989; 115(4): 469- 477. 19. Odabaş B, Arslan SG. Temporomandibular eklem anatomisi ve rahatsızlıkları. Dicle Tıp Dergisi 2008; 35(1): 77-85. 20. Manfredini D. Current Concepts on Temporomandibular Disorders. 1st Ed., Berlin: Quintessence 2010; p. 25-483. 21. Murphy MK, MacBarb RF, Wong ME, Athanasiou KA. Temporomandibular Joint Disorders: A Review of Etiology, Clinical Management, and Tissue Engineering Strategies. The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants 2013; 28(6): 393. 22. Okeson JP. History of and Examination for Temporomandibular Disorders In: Management of temporomandibular disorders and occlusion Pendill J, ed. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Health Sciences, 2014; p. 216-278. 23. Sinha VP, Pradhan H, Gupta H, Mohammad S, Singh R, Mehrotra D, Pant M, Pradhan R. Efficacy of plain radiographs, CT scan, MRI and ultra sonography in temporomandibular joint disorders. National journal of maxillofacial surgery 2012; 3(1): 2. 24. Barmeir E, Teich S, Gutmcher Z. [MRI of the temporomandibular joint -- the gold standard]. Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim (1993) 2014; 31(2): 19-27, 86. 25. Ferreira LA, Grossmann E, Januzzi E, de Paula MVQ, Carvalho ACP. Diagnosis of temporomandibular joint disorders: rational indication of imaging exams. Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology 2016; 82(3): 341-352. 26. Dupuy-Bonafé I, Picot M-C, Maldonado IL, Lachiche V, Granier I, Bonafé A. Internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint: is there still a place for ultrasound? Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology 2012; 113(6): 832-840. 27. Anastassaki A, Magnusson T. Patients referred to a specialist clinic because of suspected temporomandibular disorders: a survey of 3194 patients in respect of diagnoses, treatments, and treatment outcome. Acta odontologica scandinavica 2004; 62(4): 183-192. 28. Bush FM, Harkins SW, Harrington WG, Price DD. Analysis of gender effects on pain perception and symptom presentation in temporomandibular pain. Pain 1993; 53(1): 73-80. 29. Güler N, Yatmaz PI, Ataoglu H, Emlik D, Uçkan S. Temporomandibular internal derangement: correlation of MRI findings with clinical symptoms of pain and joint sounds in patients with bruxing behaviour. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 2003; 32(5): 304-310. 30. Humphrey SP, Lindroth JE, Carlson CR. Routine dental care in patients with temporomandibular disorders. Journal of orofacial pain 2002; 16(2): 129-134. 31. Hancı M, Karamese M, Tosun Z, Aktan TM, Duman S, Savaci N. Intra-articular platelet-rich plasma injection for the treatment of temporomandibular disorders and a comparison with arthrocentesis. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 2015; 43(1): 162-166. 32. AlZarea BK. Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) in Edentulous Patients: A Review and Proposed Classification (Dr. Bader’s Classification). Journal of clinical and diagnostic research 2015; 9(4): 6-9. 33. Mongini F. Condylar remodeling after occlusal therapy. The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 1980; 43(5): 568-577. 34. Ohnishi M. Arthroscopy and arthroscopic surgery of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Revue de stomatologie et de chirurgie maxillo-faciale 1989; 91(2): 143-150. 35. Nitzan DW. Arthrocentesis—incentives for using this minimally invasive approach for temporomandibular disorders. Oral and maxillofacial surgery clinics of North America 2006; 18(3): 311-328. 36. Nitzan DW, Dolwick MF, Martinez GA. Temporomandibular joint arthrocentesis: a simplified treatment for severe, limited mouth opening. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 1991; 49(11): 1163-1167. 37. Murakami K. Rationale of arthroscopic surgery of the temporomandibular joint. Journal of oral biology and craniofacial research 2013; 3(3): 126-134. 38. Park YH, Lee SH, Yoon HJ. An effect of combination with arthrocentesis and stabilization splint treatment on temporomandibular joint disorder patient. Journal of Korean Association of Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons 2010; 32(1): 32-36. 39. Dıraçoğlu D, Saral İB, Keklik B, Kurt H, Emekli U, Özçakar L, Karan A, Aksoy C. Arthrocentesis versus nonsurgical methods in the treatment of temporomandibular disc displacement without reduction. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology 2009; 108(1): 3-8. 40. Ghanem WA. Arthrocentesis and stabilizing splint are the treatment of choice for acute intermittent closed lock in patients with bruxism. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 2011; 39(4): 256-260. 41. Tvrdy P, Heinz P, Zapletalova J, Pink R, Michl P. Effect of combination therapy of arthrocentesis and occlusal splint on nonreducing temporomandibular joint disk displacement. Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub 2015; 159(4): 677-680. 42. Gouveia MVDC, Barbalho JCM, Pereira Junior ED, Nascimento MMDM, Vasconcelos BCDE. Effectiveness and satisfaction evaluation of patients submitted to TMJ arthrocenthesis: a case series. Brazilian oral research 2015; 29(1): 1-5. 43. Guarda-Nardini L, Ferronato G, Manfredini D. Twoneedle vs. single-needle technique for TMJ arthrocentesis plus hyaluronic acid injections: a comparative trial over a six-month follow up. International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2012; 41(4): 506-513. 44. Şentürk MF, Tüzüner-Öncül AM, Cambazoğlu M. Prospective short term comparison of outcomes after single or double puncture arthrocentesis of the temporomandibular joint. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2016; 54(1): 26-29. 45. Talaat W, Ghoneim MM, Elsholkamy M. Singleneedle arthrocentesis (Shepard cannula) vs. double-needle arthrocentesis for treating disc displacement without reduction. Cranio 2016; 13(1-7. 46. Kumar LK, Varun Menon P, Suvy M Modification of Single Puncture Parthenogenesis-A Technical Note. International Journal of Arteriolar 2015; 1(2): 27-28. 47. Brennan PA, Ilankovan V. Arthrocentesis for temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome. Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2006; 64(6): 949-951. 48. Malik AH, Shah AA. Efficacy of Temporomandibular joint arthrocentesis on mouth opening and pain in the treatment of internal derangement of TMJ—A clinical study. Journal of maxillofacial and oral surgery 2014; 13(3): 244-248. 49. Tvrdy P, Heinz P, Pink R. Arthrocentesis of the temporomandibular joint: a review. Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub 2015; 159(1): 31-34.

Short Term Effects of Single Puncture Arthrocentesis Procedure in Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 64 - 70, 14.04.2017


Objective: Arthrocentesis is an irrigation procedure of upper

joint space to eliminate inflammation, and joint movement

restriction. The aim of this study is to present the short term

clinical effects of single puncture arthrocentesis as initial

treatment with regard to temporomandibular joint pain and

mandibular movement.

Material-Method: This study has been conducted on 40

patients over the age of 18. The patients who were attended

with the complaint of temporomandibular joint disorder has

been evaluated with clinical and magnetic resonance imaging

findings. The patients that was decided arthrocentesis

indication included in the study. Before the arthrocentesis the

mandibular movement measurements has been performed and

pain has been evaluated with visual anlogue scale. Clinical

follow up has been performed one day and one week after

the procedure by repeating the measurements. The clinical

findings between before and after the procedure has been

evaluted and statistically analised.

Results: After one week, the temporomandibular joint

pain (mm VAS at rest, and mm VAS during movement)

had decreased rapidly and maximum mouth opening (mm

interincisor distance) had improved from 32.4 mm to 38.78

mm (p=0.001).

Conclusions: Arthrocentesis as initial treatment reduces pain

and restrict of mandibular movement more rapidly. In patients

with acute pain and limitation of mandibular movement,

arthrocentesis may be performed as the initial procedure

after symptoms are diagnosed as originating from internal

derangements in temporomandibular joint.


  • 1. Okeson JP. Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics of the Masticatory System In: Management of Temporomandibular Disorders and Occlusion. Pendill J, ed. 7th Ed. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Health Sciences, 2014; p. 1-38. 2. Cahlin BJ, Dahlström L. No effect of glucosamine sulfate on osteoarthritis in the temporomandibular joints—a randomized, controlled, short-term study. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontology 2011; 112(6): 760-766. 3. Dym H, Israel H. Diagnosis and treatment of temporomandibular disorders. Dental Clinics of North America 2012; 56(1): 149-161. 4. Dong X, He S, Zhu L, Dong T, Pan S, Tang L, Zhu Z. The diagnostic value of high-resolution ultrasonography for the detection of anterior disc displacement of the temporomandibular joint: a meta-analysis employing the HSROC statistical model. International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2015; 44(7): 852-858. 5. Emshoff R, Jank S, Bertram S, Rudisch A, Bodner G. Disk displacement of the temporomandibular joint: sonography versus MR imaging. American Journal of Roentgenology 2002; 178(6): 1557-1562. 6. Puri P, Kambylafkas P, Kyrkanides S, Katzberg R, Tallents RH. Comparison of Doppler sonography to magnetic resonance imaging and clinical examination for disc displacement. The Angle Orthodontist 2006; 76(5): 824-829. 7. Rahal A, Poirier J, Ahmarani C. Single-puncture arthrocentesis—Introducing a new technique and a novel device. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2009; 67(8): 1771-1773. 8. Seifeldin SA, Elhayes KA. Soft versus hard occlusal splint therapy in the management of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). The Saudi dental journal 2015; 27(4): 208-214. 9. Aynalı G, Yener M. Temporomandibular Eklem Bozukluklarında Tedavi Seçenekleri. SDÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2012; 3(3): 150-154. 10. Keklik B, Yazar M, Emekli U. Arthrocentesis, Arthroscopic Assessment and Surgical Interventions. Türk Fiz Tıp Rehab Derg 2010; 56(1): 29-33. 11. De Leeuw R, Klasser GD. Temporomandibulars Disorders In: Orofacial Pain: Guidelines for Assessment, Diagnosis, and Management. De Leeuw R, ed. 4th Ed. Hanover Park: Quintessence Publishing Co, 2008; p. 129-176. 12. Vos L, Slater JH, Stegenga B. Arthrocentesis as initial treatment for temporomandibular joint arthropathy: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 2014; 42(5): 134-139. 13. Alpaslan C, Alpaslan G, Güner B. Erken dönem temporomandibuler internal düzensizliklerinde farklı tedavi yöntemlerinin etkinliklerinin karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmesi. Acta Odontologica Turcica 2000; 17(2): 7. 14. Frost DE, Kendell BD. The use of arthrocentesis for treatment of temporomandibular joint disorders. Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 1999; 57(5): 583-587. 15. Sanroman J. Closed lock (MRI fixed disc): a comparison of arthrocentesis and arthroscopy. International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2004; 33(4): 344-348. 16. Del Cura J, Zabala R, Corta I. Ultrasound-guided interventional procedures in the musculoskeletal system. Radiología (English Edition) 2010; 52(6): 525-533. 17. Tozoglu S, Al-Belasy FA, Dolwick MF. A review of techniques of lysis and lavage of the TMJ. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2011; 49(4): 302-309. 18. Wilkes CH. Internal derangements of the temporomandibular joint: Pathological variations. Archives of Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery 1989; 115(4): 469- 477. 19. Odabaş B, Arslan SG. Temporomandibular eklem anatomisi ve rahatsızlıkları. Dicle Tıp Dergisi 2008; 35(1): 77-85. 20. Manfredini D. Current Concepts on Temporomandibular Disorders. 1st Ed., Berlin: Quintessence 2010; p. 25-483. 21. Murphy MK, MacBarb RF, Wong ME, Athanasiou KA. Temporomandibular Joint Disorders: A Review of Etiology, Clinical Management, and Tissue Engineering Strategies. The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants 2013; 28(6): 393. 22. Okeson JP. History of and Examination for Temporomandibular Disorders In: Management of temporomandibular disorders and occlusion Pendill J, ed. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Health Sciences, 2014; p. 216-278. 23. Sinha VP, Pradhan H, Gupta H, Mohammad S, Singh R, Mehrotra D, Pant M, Pradhan R. Efficacy of plain radiographs, CT scan, MRI and ultra sonography in temporomandibular joint disorders. National journal of maxillofacial surgery 2012; 3(1): 2. 24. Barmeir E, Teich S, Gutmcher Z. [MRI of the temporomandibular joint -- the gold standard]. Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim (1993) 2014; 31(2): 19-27, 86. 25. Ferreira LA, Grossmann E, Januzzi E, de Paula MVQ, Carvalho ACP. Diagnosis of temporomandibular joint disorders: rational indication of imaging exams. Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology 2016; 82(3): 341-352. 26. Dupuy-Bonafé I, Picot M-C, Maldonado IL, Lachiche V, Granier I, Bonafé A. Internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint: is there still a place for ultrasound? Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology 2012; 113(6): 832-840. 27. Anastassaki A, Magnusson T. Patients referred to a specialist clinic because of suspected temporomandibular disorders: a survey of 3194 patients in respect of diagnoses, treatments, and treatment outcome. Acta odontologica scandinavica 2004; 62(4): 183-192. 28. Bush FM, Harkins SW, Harrington WG, Price DD. Analysis of gender effects on pain perception and symptom presentation in temporomandibular pain. Pain 1993; 53(1): 73-80. 29. Güler N, Yatmaz PI, Ataoglu H, Emlik D, Uçkan S. Temporomandibular internal derangement: correlation of MRI findings with clinical symptoms of pain and joint sounds in patients with bruxing behaviour. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 2003; 32(5): 304-310. 30. Humphrey SP, Lindroth JE, Carlson CR. Routine dental care in patients with temporomandibular disorders. Journal of orofacial pain 2002; 16(2): 129-134. 31. Hancı M, Karamese M, Tosun Z, Aktan TM, Duman S, Savaci N. Intra-articular platelet-rich plasma injection for the treatment of temporomandibular disorders and a comparison with arthrocentesis. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 2015; 43(1): 162-166. 32. AlZarea BK. Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) in Edentulous Patients: A Review and Proposed Classification (Dr. Bader’s Classification). Journal of clinical and diagnostic research 2015; 9(4): 6-9. 33. Mongini F. Condylar remodeling after occlusal therapy. The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 1980; 43(5): 568-577. 34. Ohnishi M. Arthroscopy and arthroscopic surgery of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Revue de stomatologie et de chirurgie maxillo-faciale 1989; 91(2): 143-150. 35. Nitzan DW. Arthrocentesis—incentives for using this minimally invasive approach for temporomandibular disorders. Oral and maxillofacial surgery clinics of North America 2006; 18(3): 311-328. 36. Nitzan DW, Dolwick MF, Martinez GA. Temporomandibular joint arthrocentesis: a simplified treatment for severe, limited mouth opening. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 1991; 49(11): 1163-1167. 37. Murakami K. Rationale of arthroscopic surgery of the temporomandibular joint. Journal of oral biology and craniofacial research 2013; 3(3): 126-134. 38. Park YH, Lee SH, Yoon HJ. An effect of combination with arthrocentesis and stabilization splint treatment on temporomandibular joint disorder patient. Journal of Korean Association of Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons 2010; 32(1): 32-36. 39. Dıraçoğlu D, Saral İB, Keklik B, Kurt H, Emekli U, Özçakar L, Karan A, Aksoy C. Arthrocentesis versus nonsurgical methods in the treatment of temporomandibular disc displacement without reduction. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology 2009; 108(1): 3-8. 40. Ghanem WA. Arthrocentesis and stabilizing splint are the treatment of choice for acute intermittent closed lock in patients with bruxism. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 2011; 39(4): 256-260. 41. Tvrdy P, Heinz P, Zapletalova J, Pink R, Michl P. Effect of combination therapy of arthrocentesis and occlusal splint on nonreducing temporomandibular joint disk displacement. Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub 2015; 159(4): 677-680. 42. Gouveia MVDC, Barbalho JCM, Pereira Junior ED, Nascimento MMDM, Vasconcelos BCDE. Effectiveness and satisfaction evaluation of patients submitted to TMJ arthrocenthesis: a case series. Brazilian oral research 2015; 29(1): 1-5. 43. Guarda-Nardini L, Ferronato G, Manfredini D. Twoneedle vs. single-needle technique for TMJ arthrocentesis plus hyaluronic acid injections: a comparative trial over a six-month follow up. International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2012; 41(4): 506-513. 44. Şentürk MF, Tüzüner-Öncül AM, Cambazoğlu M. Prospective short term comparison of outcomes after single or double puncture arthrocentesis of the temporomandibular joint. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2016; 54(1): 26-29. 45. Talaat W, Ghoneim MM, Elsholkamy M. Singleneedle arthrocentesis (Shepard cannula) vs. double-needle arthrocentesis for treating disc displacement without reduction. Cranio 2016; 13(1-7. 46. Kumar LK, Varun Menon P, Suvy M Modification of Single Puncture Parthenogenesis-A Technical Note. International Journal of Arteriolar 2015; 1(2): 27-28. 47. Brennan PA, Ilankovan V. Arthrocentesis for temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome. Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2006; 64(6): 949-951. 48. Malik AH, Shah AA. Efficacy of Temporomandibular joint arthrocentesis on mouth opening and pain in the treatment of internal derangement of TMJ—A clinical study. Journal of maxillofacial and oral surgery 2014; 13(3): 244-248. 49. Tvrdy P, Heinz P, Pink R. Arthrocentesis of the temporomandibular joint: a review. Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub 2015; 159(1): 31-34.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Elif Bilgir

Derya Yıldırım Bu kişi benim

Mehmet F. Şentürk Bu kişi benim

Hikmet Orhan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 14 Nisan 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Nisan 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Bilgir E, Yıldırım D, Şentürk MF, Orhan H. Tek Girişli Artrosentez İşleminin Temporomandibular Eklem Bozukluklarına Kısa Dönem Etkisi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2017;8(1):64-70.

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