Research Article
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Year 2022, , 90 - 101, 30.12.2022



  • Abdu, S., Zhou, S., & Orji, M. (2016). Selection of a waste heat recovery system for a marine diesel engine based on exergy analysis. International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa, 25, 36–51.
  • Alvik, S., Eide, M. S., Endresen, O., Hoffmann, P., & Longva, T. (2009). Pathways to low carbon shipping- abatement potential towards 2030. Hovik, Norway.
  • Ammar, N. R. (2018). Energy efficiency and environmental analysis of the green-hydrogen fueled slow speed marine diesel engine. International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research, 6, 1–10.
  • Andreasen, J. G., Meroni, A., & Haglind, F. (2017). A comparison of organic and steam rankine cycle power systems for waste heat recovery on large ships. Energies, 10(4), Article 547.
  • Arshad, A., Ali, H. M., Habib, A., Bashir, M. A., Jabbal, M., & Yan, Y. (2019). Energy and exergy analysis of fuel cells: A review. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 9, 308–321.
  • Atelge, M. R. (2021). Kısmi Yük Ölçülerinde Dizel-Biyogaz Kullanılarak Çift Yakıtlı Dizel Motorun Enerji ve Ekserji Analizi. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 27, 334–346.
  • Baldi, F., Ahlgren, F., Nguyen, T.-V., Thern, M., & Andersson, K. (2018). Energy and exergy analysis of a cruise ship. Energies, 11(10), Article 2508.
  • Baldi, F., Johnson, H., Gabrielii, C., & Andersson, K. (2015). Energy and exergy analysis of ship energy systems– the case study of a chemical tanker. International Journal of Thermodynamics, 18(2), 82–93.
  • Bejan, A. (2006). Advanced engineering thermodynamics (3rd ed). John Wiley & Sons Inc.
  • Bejan, A., Tsatsaronis, G., & Moran, M. (1996). Thermal design and optimization (1st ed). John Wıley & Sons, Inc.
  • Bharathiraja, M., Venkatachalam, R., & Senthilmurugan, V. (2019). Performance, emission, energy and exergy analyses of gasoline fumigated DI diesel engine. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 136(1), 281–293.
  • Canakci, M., & Hosoz, M. (2006). Energy and exergy analyses of a diesel engine fuelled with various biodiesels. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 1(4), 379–394.
  • Cavalcanti, E. J. C. (2021). Energy, exergy and exergoenvironmental analyses on gas-diesel fuel marine engine used for trigeneration system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 184, Article 116211.
  • Cengel, Y. A., & Boles, M. A. (2013). Termodinamik mühendislik yaklaşımıyla (7th ed.; A. Pınarbaşı, Ed.). Palme Yayınevi. [Turkish]
  • Cengel, Y. A., Boles, M. A., & Kanoğlu, M. (2019). Thermodaynamics:An Engineering Approach (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Costa, R. C., & Sodré, J. R. (2011). Compression ratio effects on an ethanol/gasoline fuelled engine performance. Applied Thermal Engineering, 31(2–3), 278–283.
  • Du, Y., Hu, C., Yang, C., Wang, H., & Dong, W. (2022). Size optimization of heat exchanger and thermoeconomic assessment for supercritical CO2 recompression Brayton cycle applied in marine. Energy, 239, Article 122306.
  • Feng, Y., Du, Z., Shreka, M., Zhu, Y., Zhou, S., & Zhang, W. (2020). Thermodynamic analysis and performance optimization of the supercritical carbon dioxide Brayton cycle combined with the Kalina cycle for waste heat recovery from a marine low-speed diesel engine. Energy Conversion and Management, 206, Article 112483.
  • Gokalp, B. (2018). Exergy analysis and performance of a tug boat power generator using kerosene fuel blended with aspire methly ester. Fuel, 229, 180–188.
  • Gonca, G., & Ozsari, I. (2016). Exergetic performance analysis of a gas turbine with two intercoolers and two reheaters fuelled with different fuel kinds. Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineerıng Istanbul 2016 – ICAME2016, 11-13 May 2016, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Jafarmadar, S. (2013). Three-dimensional modeling and exergy analysis in Combustion Chambers of an indirect injection diesel engine. Fuel, 107, 439–447. Jafarmadar, S., & Amini Niaki, S. R. (2022). Experimental exergy analyses in a DI diesel engine fuelled with a mixture of diesel fuel and TiO2 nano-particle. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 41(1), Article e13703.
  • Jing, G., & Fan, J. (2010). Review of energy utilization technology for marine diesel engine. Diesel Engine, 6, 1–4.
  • Johnson, H. (2013). Towards understanding energy efficiency in shipping. Chalmers University of Technology. Göteborg, Sweden https://publications.lib.chalmers. se/records/fulltext/173631/173631.pdf Accessed on September 28, 2022.
  • Karakurt, A. S., Ozel, I. F., & İskenderli, S. (2021). Performance analyses and optimization of a regenerative supercritical carbon dioxide power cycle with intercooler and reheater. Seatific Journal, 1(1), 1–6.
  • Karthickeyan, V., Thiyagarajan, S., Ashok, B., Edwin Geo, V., & Azad, A. K. (2020). Experimental investigation of pomegranate oil methyl ester in ceramic coated engine at different operating condition in direct injection diesel engine with energy and exergy analysis. Energy Conversion and Management, 205, Article 112334.
  • Kaya, İ., Ust, Y., & Karakurt, A. S. (2020). Investigation of waste heat energy in a marine engine with transcritical organic rankine cycle. Journal of Thermal Engineering, 6(3), 282–296.
  • Koroglu, T. (2018). Isıl sistemlerin ileri eksergoekonomik performans analizi için ölçütler geliştirilmesi. [Doktora Tezi]. İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi. [Turkish]
  • Koroglu, T. (2021). Evaluating the cost-benefit of a waste heat recovery energy system with exergoeconomics. Journal of Empirical Economics and Social Sciences, 3(1), 43–55.
  • Kucuksahin, F. (2011). Gemi makineleri. Birsen Yayınevi.
  • Liu, C., Liu, Z., Tian, J., Han, Y., Xu, Y., & Yang, Z. (2019). Comprehensive investigation of injection parameters effect on a turbocharged diesel engine based on detailed exergy analysis. Applied Thermal Engineering, 154, 343–357.
  • Liu, Z., Liu, B., Guo, J., Xin, X., & Yang, X. (2019). Conventional and advanced exergy analysis of a novel transcritical compressed carbon dioxide energy storage system. Energy Conversion and Management, 198, Article 111807.
  • MAN Diesel&Turbo. (2014). Waste heat recovery system (WHRS) for reduction of fuel consumption, emissions and EEDI. In Copenhagen, Denmark. MAN Diesel, Augsburg, Germany.
  • Manavalla, S., Chaudhary, A., Panchal, S. H., Ismail, S., M, F., Khan, T. M. Y., … Ali, M. A. (2022). Exergy Analysis of a CI Engine Operating on Ternary Biodiesel Blends. Sustainability, 14(19). Article 123150.
  • Mito, M. T., Teamah, M. A., El-Maghlany, W. M., & Shehata, A. I. (2018). Utilizing the scavenge air cooling in improving the performance of marine diesel engine waste heat recovery systems. Energy, 142(Suppl C), 264–276.
  • Mollenhauer, K., & Tschoeke, H. (2010). Handbook of diesel engines. Springer.
  • Morsy El-Gohary, M. (2013). Overview of past, present and future marine power plants. Journal of Marine Science and Application, 12(2), 219–227.
  • Odibi, C., Babaie, M., Zare, A., Nabi, M. N., Bodisco, T. A., & Brown, R. J. (2019). Exergy analysis of a diesel engine with waste cooking biodiesel and triacetin. Energy Conversion and Management, 198, 111912.
  • Ozsari, I., & Ust, Y. (2019). Effect of varying fuel types on oxy-combustion performance. International Journal of Energy Research, 43(14), 8684–8696.
  • Pan, P., Yuan, C., Sun, Y., Yan, X., Lu, M., & Bucknall, R. (2020). Thermo-economic analysis and multi- objective optimization of S-CO2 Brayton cycle waste heat recovery system for an ocean-going 9000 TEU container ship. Energy Conversion and Management, 221, Article 113077.
  • Platell, & B, O. (1976). Progress of Saab Scania’s steam power project. SAE Technical Paper.
  • Qu, J., Feng, Y., Zhu, Y., Zhou, S., & Zhang, W. (2021). Design and thermodynamic analysis of a combined system including steam Rankine cycle, organic Rankine cycle, and power turbine for marine low- speed diesel engine waste heat recovery. Energy Conversion and Management, 245, Article 114580.
  • Ramos Da Costa, Y. J., Barbosa De Lima, A. G., Bezerra Filho, C. R., & De Araujo Lima, L. (2012). Energetic and exergetic analyses of a dual-fuel diesel engine. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(7), 4651–4660.
  • Rangasamy, M., Duraisamy, G., & Govindan, N. (2020). A comprehensive parametric, energy and exergy analysis for oxygenated biofuels based dual-fuel combustion in an automotive light duty diesel engine. Fuel, 277, Article 118167.
  • Rankine, W. J. M., & Tait, P. G. (1881). Miscellaneous scientific papers. W. J. Millar (Ed.), Charles Griffin and Company.
  • Sanli, B. G., & Uludamar, E. (2020). Energy and exergy analysis of a diesel engine fuelled with diesel and biodiesel fuels at various engine speeds. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 42(11), 1299–1313.
  • Sarıkoç, S., Örs, İ., & Ünalan, S. (2020). An experimental study on energy-exergy analysis and sustainability index in a diesel engine with direct injection diesel- biodiesel-butanol fuel blends. Fuel, 268, Article 117321.
  • Singh, D. V., & Pedersen, E. (2016). A review of waste heat recovery technologies for maritime applications. En- ergy Conversion and Management, 111(X), 315–328.
  • Sonntag, R. E., & Borgnakke, C. (2013). Fundamentals of Thermodynamics (8 ed. L. Ratts, Ed.). Don Fowley.
  • Szargut, J. (1980). International progress in second law analysis. Energy, 5(8–9), 709–718.
  • Taylor, D. A. (1996). Introduction to marine engineering (2nd ed). Elsevier.
  • Verschoor, M. J. E., & Brouwer, E. P. (1995). Description of the SMR cycle, which combines fluid elements of steam and organic Rankine cycles. Energy, 20(4), 295–303.
  • Wang, P., Tang, X., Shi, L., Ni, X., Hu, Z., & Deng, K. (2021). Experimental investigation of the influences of Miller cycle combined with EGR on performance, energy and exergy characteristics of a four-stroke marine regulated two-stage turbocharged diesel engine. Fuel, 300, Article 120940.
  • Wu, Q., Xie, X., Wang, Y., & Roskilly, T. (2018). Effect of carbon coated aluminum nanoparticles as additive to biodiesel-diesel blends on performance and emission characteristics of diesel engine. Applied Energy, 221, 597–604.
  • Yamin, J. A., Sheet, E. A. E., & Hdaib, I. (2018). Exergy analysis of biodiesel fueled direct injection CI engines. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, 40(11), 1351–1358.
  • Yao, Z. M., Qian, Z. Q., Li, R., & Hu, E. (2019). Energy efficiency analysis of marine high-powered medium-speed diesel engine base on energy balance and exergy. Energy, 176, 991–1006.
  • Zapata-Mina, J., Restrepo, A., Romero, C., & Quintero, H. (2020). Exergy analysis of a diesel engine converted to spark ignition operating with diesel, ethanol, and gasoline/ethanol blends. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 42, Article 100803.
  • Zhu, S., Ma, Z., Zhang, K., & Deng, K. (2020a). Energy and exergy analysis of a novel steam injected turbocompounding system applied on the marine two-stroke diesel engine. Energy Conversion and Management, 221, Article 113207.
  • Zhu, S., Ma, Z., Zhang, K., & Deng, K. (2020b). Energy and exergy analysis of the combined cycle power plant recovering waste heat from the marine two-stroke engine under design and off-design conditions. Energy, 210, Article 118558.

A literature survey on exergy analyses of marine diesel engine and power systems

Year 2022, , 90 - 101, 30.12.2022


The oil crisis in the world has led countries to seek an alternative fuel that can replace fossil fuels. In addition, the fact that global warming, which is one of the most important problems for the world, has reached significant levels, has led to an increase in studies on greenhouse gas emissions and the efficient use of energy. Every effort to increase efficiency contributes to both environmental and economic improvements. Considering this situation, the study was compiled by examining the studies on energy and exergy analysis related to diesel engines and marine diesel power systems in the literature. As a result of the study, it has been seen that the use of different fuel types contributes significantly to the decrease in environmental emissions as well as the increase in efficiency in diesel engines. In addition, it is thought that there are few studies in the literature on ship diesel engines, and with the increase in the studies to be done on this subject, there may be important references to both companies engaged in maritime transport and studies that will conduct research on this subject.


  • Abdu, S., Zhou, S., & Orji, M. (2016). Selection of a waste heat recovery system for a marine diesel engine based on exergy analysis. International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa, 25, 36–51.
  • Alvik, S., Eide, M. S., Endresen, O., Hoffmann, P., & Longva, T. (2009). Pathways to low carbon shipping- abatement potential towards 2030. Hovik, Norway.
  • Ammar, N. R. (2018). Energy efficiency and environmental analysis of the green-hydrogen fueled slow speed marine diesel engine. International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research, 6, 1–10.
  • Andreasen, J. G., Meroni, A., & Haglind, F. (2017). A comparison of organic and steam rankine cycle power systems for waste heat recovery on large ships. Energies, 10(4), Article 547.
  • Arshad, A., Ali, H. M., Habib, A., Bashir, M. A., Jabbal, M., & Yan, Y. (2019). Energy and exergy analysis of fuel cells: A review. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 9, 308–321.
  • Atelge, M. R. (2021). Kısmi Yük Ölçülerinde Dizel-Biyogaz Kullanılarak Çift Yakıtlı Dizel Motorun Enerji ve Ekserji Analizi. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 27, 334–346.
  • Baldi, F., Ahlgren, F., Nguyen, T.-V., Thern, M., & Andersson, K. (2018). Energy and exergy analysis of a cruise ship. Energies, 11(10), Article 2508.
  • Baldi, F., Johnson, H., Gabrielii, C., & Andersson, K. (2015). Energy and exergy analysis of ship energy systems– the case study of a chemical tanker. International Journal of Thermodynamics, 18(2), 82–93.
  • Bejan, A. (2006). Advanced engineering thermodynamics (3rd ed). John Wiley & Sons Inc.
  • Bejan, A., Tsatsaronis, G., & Moran, M. (1996). Thermal design and optimization (1st ed). John Wıley & Sons, Inc.
  • Bharathiraja, M., Venkatachalam, R., & Senthilmurugan, V. (2019). Performance, emission, energy and exergy analyses of gasoline fumigated DI diesel engine. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 136(1), 281–293.
  • Canakci, M., & Hosoz, M. (2006). Energy and exergy analyses of a diesel engine fuelled with various biodiesels. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 1(4), 379–394.
  • Cavalcanti, E. J. C. (2021). Energy, exergy and exergoenvironmental analyses on gas-diesel fuel marine engine used for trigeneration system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 184, Article 116211.
  • Cengel, Y. A., & Boles, M. A. (2013). Termodinamik mühendislik yaklaşımıyla (7th ed.; A. Pınarbaşı, Ed.). Palme Yayınevi. [Turkish]
  • Cengel, Y. A., Boles, M. A., & Kanoğlu, M. (2019). Thermodaynamics:An Engineering Approach (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Costa, R. C., & Sodré, J. R. (2011). Compression ratio effects on an ethanol/gasoline fuelled engine performance. Applied Thermal Engineering, 31(2–3), 278–283.
  • Du, Y., Hu, C., Yang, C., Wang, H., & Dong, W. (2022). Size optimization of heat exchanger and thermoeconomic assessment for supercritical CO2 recompression Brayton cycle applied in marine. Energy, 239, Article 122306.
  • Feng, Y., Du, Z., Shreka, M., Zhu, Y., Zhou, S., & Zhang, W. (2020). Thermodynamic analysis and performance optimization of the supercritical carbon dioxide Brayton cycle combined with the Kalina cycle for waste heat recovery from a marine low-speed diesel engine. Energy Conversion and Management, 206, Article 112483.
  • Gokalp, B. (2018). Exergy analysis and performance of a tug boat power generator using kerosene fuel blended with aspire methly ester. Fuel, 229, 180–188.
  • Gonca, G., & Ozsari, I. (2016). Exergetic performance analysis of a gas turbine with two intercoolers and two reheaters fuelled with different fuel kinds. Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineerıng Istanbul 2016 – ICAME2016, 11-13 May 2016, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Jafarmadar, S. (2013). Three-dimensional modeling and exergy analysis in Combustion Chambers of an indirect injection diesel engine. Fuel, 107, 439–447. Jafarmadar, S., & Amini Niaki, S. R. (2022). Experimental exergy analyses in a DI diesel engine fuelled with a mixture of diesel fuel and TiO2 nano-particle. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 41(1), Article e13703.
  • Jing, G., & Fan, J. (2010). Review of energy utilization technology for marine diesel engine. Diesel Engine, 6, 1–4.
  • Johnson, H. (2013). Towards understanding energy efficiency in shipping. Chalmers University of Technology. Göteborg, Sweden https://publications.lib.chalmers. se/records/fulltext/173631/173631.pdf Accessed on September 28, 2022.
  • Karakurt, A. S., Ozel, I. F., & İskenderli, S. (2021). Performance analyses and optimization of a regenerative supercritical carbon dioxide power cycle with intercooler and reheater. Seatific Journal, 1(1), 1–6.
  • Karthickeyan, V., Thiyagarajan, S., Ashok, B., Edwin Geo, V., & Azad, A. K. (2020). Experimental investigation of pomegranate oil methyl ester in ceramic coated engine at different operating condition in direct injection diesel engine with energy and exergy analysis. Energy Conversion and Management, 205, Article 112334.
  • Kaya, İ., Ust, Y., & Karakurt, A. S. (2020). Investigation of waste heat energy in a marine engine with transcritical organic rankine cycle. Journal of Thermal Engineering, 6(3), 282–296.
  • Koroglu, T. (2018). Isıl sistemlerin ileri eksergoekonomik performans analizi için ölçütler geliştirilmesi. [Doktora Tezi]. İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi. [Turkish]
  • Koroglu, T. (2021). Evaluating the cost-benefit of a waste heat recovery energy system with exergoeconomics. Journal of Empirical Economics and Social Sciences, 3(1), 43–55.
  • Kucuksahin, F. (2011). Gemi makineleri. Birsen Yayınevi.
  • Liu, C., Liu, Z., Tian, J., Han, Y., Xu, Y., & Yang, Z. (2019). Comprehensive investigation of injection parameters effect on a turbocharged diesel engine based on detailed exergy analysis. Applied Thermal Engineering, 154, 343–357.
  • Liu, Z., Liu, B., Guo, J., Xin, X., & Yang, X. (2019). Conventional and advanced exergy analysis of a novel transcritical compressed carbon dioxide energy storage system. Energy Conversion and Management, 198, Article 111807.
  • MAN Diesel&Turbo. (2014). Waste heat recovery system (WHRS) for reduction of fuel consumption, emissions and EEDI. In Copenhagen, Denmark. MAN Diesel, Augsburg, Germany.
  • Manavalla, S., Chaudhary, A., Panchal, S. H., Ismail, S., M, F., Khan, T. M. Y., … Ali, M. A. (2022). Exergy Analysis of a CI Engine Operating on Ternary Biodiesel Blends. Sustainability, 14(19). Article 123150.
  • Mito, M. T., Teamah, M. A., El-Maghlany, W. M., & Shehata, A. I. (2018). Utilizing the scavenge air cooling in improving the performance of marine diesel engine waste heat recovery systems. Energy, 142(Suppl C), 264–276.
  • Mollenhauer, K., & Tschoeke, H. (2010). Handbook of diesel engines. Springer.
  • Morsy El-Gohary, M. (2013). Overview of past, present and future marine power plants. Journal of Marine Science and Application, 12(2), 219–227.
  • Odibi, C., Babaie, M., Zare, A., Nabi, M. N., Bodisco, T. A., & Brown, R. J. (2019). Exergy analysis of a diesel engine with waste cooking biodiesel and triacetin. Energy Conversion and Management, 198, 111912.
  • Ozsari, I., & Ust, Y. (2019). Effect of varying fuel types on oxy-combustion performance. International Journal of Energy Research, 43(14), 8684–8696.
  • Pan, P., Yuan, C., Sun, Y., Yan, X., Lu, M., & Bucknall, R. (2020). Thermo-economic analysis and multi- objective optimization of S-CO2 Brayton cycle waste heat recovery system for an ocean-going 9000 TEU container ship. Energy Conversion and Management, 221, Article 113077.
  • Platell, & B, O. (1976). Progress of Saab Scania’s steam power project. SAE Technical Paper.
  • Qu, J., Feng, Y., Zhu, Y., Zhou, S., & Zhang, W. (2021). Design and thermodynamic analysis of a combined system including steam Rankine cycle, organic Rankine cycle, and power turbine for marine low- speed diesel engine waste heat recovery. Energy Conversion and Management, 245, Article 114580.
  • Ramos Da Costa, Y. J., Barbosa De Lima, A. G., Bezerra Filho, C. R., & De Araujo Lima, L. (2012). Energetic and exergetic analyses of a dual-fuel diesel engine. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(7), 4651–4660.
  • Rangasamy, M., Duraisamy, G., & Govindan, N. (2020). A comprehensive parametric, energy and exergy analysis for oxygenated biofuels based dual-fuel combustion in an automotive light duty diesel engine. Fuel, 277, Article 118167.
  • Rankine, W. J. M., & Tait, P. G. (1881). Miscellaneous scientific papers. W. J. Millar (Ed.), Charles Griffin and Company.
  • Sanli, B. G., & Uludamar, E. (2020). Energy and exergy analysis of a diesel engine fuelled with diesel and biodiesel fuels at various engine speeds. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 42(11), 1299–1313.
  • Sarıkoç, S., Örs, İ., & Ünalan, S. (2020). An experimental study on energy-exergy analysis and sustainability index in a diesel engine with direct injection diesel- biodiesel-butanol fuel blends. Fuel, 268, Article 117321.
  • Singh, D. V., & Pedersen, E. (2016). A review of waste heat recovery technologies for maritime applications. En- ergy Conversion and Management, 111(X), 315–328.
  • Sonntag, R. E., & Borgnakke, C. (2013). Fundamentals of Thermodynamics (8 ed. L. Ratts, Ed.). Don Fowley.
  • Szargut, J. (1980). International progress in second law analysis. Energy, 5(8–9), 709–718.
  • Taylor, D. A. (1996). Introduction to marine engineering (2nd ed). Elsevier.
  • Verschoor, M. J. E., & Brouwer, E. P. (1995). Description of the SMR cycle, which combines fluid elements of steam and organic Rankine cycles. Energy, 20(4), 295–303.
  • Wang, P., Tang, X., Shi, L., Ni, X., Hu, Z., & Deng, K. (2021). Experimental investigation of the influences of Miller cycle combined with EGR on performance, energy and exergy characteristics of a four-stroke marine regulated two-stage turbocharged diesel engine. Fuel, 300, Article 120940.
  • Wu, Q., Xie, X., Wang, Y., & Roskilly, T. (2018). Effect of carbon coated aluminum nanoparticles as additive to biodiesel-diesel blends on performance and emission characteristics of diesel engine. Applied Energy, 221, 597–604.
  • Yamin, J. A., Sheet, E. A. E., & Hdaib, I. (2018). Exergy analysis of biodiesel fueled direct injection CI engines. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, 40(11), 1351–1358.
  • Yao, Z. M., Qian, Z. Q., Li, R., & Hu, E. (2019). Energy efficiency analysis of marine high-powered medium-speed diesel engine base on energy balance and exergy. Energy, 176, 991–1006.
  • Zapata-Mina, J., Restrepo, A., Romero, C., & Quintero, H. (2020). Exergy analysis of a diesel engine converted to spark ignition operating with diesel, ethanol, and gasoline/ethanol blends. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 42, Article 100803.
  • Zhu, S., Ma, Z., Zhang, K., & Deng, K. (2020a). Energy and exergy analysis of a novel steam injected turbocompounding system applied on the marine two-stroke diesel engine. Energy Conversion and Management, 221, Article 113207.
  • Zhu, S., Ma, Z., Zhang, K., & Deng, K. (2020b). Energy and exergy analysis of the combined cycle power plant recovering waste heat from the marine two-stroke engine under design and off-design conditions. Energy, 210, Article 118558.
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics, Maritime Engineering (Other), Energy Systems Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Reviews

Burhan Furkan Göksel 0000-0003-1297-9888

Turgay Köroğlu 0000-0001-9109-9066

Publication Date December 30, 2022
Submission Date August 12, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Göksel, B. F., & Köroğlu, T. (2022). A literature survey on exergy analyses of marine diesel engine and power systems. Seatific Journal, 2(2), 90-101.