Research Article
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Year 2023, , 33 - 42, 22.06.2023



  • Ahmad, S., Parvez, M., Khan, T. A., Siddiqui, S. A., & Khan, O. (2022). Performance comparison of solar powered cogeneration and trigeneration systems via energy and exergy analyses. International Journal of Exergy, 39(4), 395–409.
  • Akram, W., Parvez, M., & Khan, O. (2023). Parametric analysis of solar-assisted trigeneration system based on energy and exergy analyses. Journal of Thermal Engineering, 9(3), 764–775.
  • Assad, M., & Rosen, M. (2021). Design and performance optimization of renewable energy systems (1st ed.). Academic Press Elsevier.
  • Caraballo, A., Galán-Casado, S., Caballero, A., & Serena, S. (2021). Molten salts for sensible thermal energy storage: a review and an energy performance analysis. Energies, 14, Article 1197.
  • Chen. L., Huang, H., Tang, P., Yao, D., Yang, H., & Roohbakhsh, H. (2022). A combined energy system for generating electrical and thermal energies using concentrating solar system, fuel cell and organic Rankine cycle; energy and exergy assessment. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Article 2043957.
  • Collado, F. J., & Guallar, J. (2019). Quick design of regular heliostat fields for commercial solar tower power plants. Energy, 178, 115–125.
  • D’Souza, D., Montes, M. J., Romero, M., & Gonzalez- Aguilar, J. (2023). Energy and exergy analysis of microchannel central solar receivers for pressurised fluids. Applied Thermal Engineering, 219, Article 119638.
  • Georges, E., Declaye, S., Dumont, O., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (2013). Design of a small-scale organic Rankine cycle engine used in a solar power plant. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 8(1), i34–i41.
  • Habibi, H., Zoghi, M., Chitsaz, A., Javaherdeh, K., Ayazpour, M., & Bellos, E. (2020). Working fluid selection for regenerative supercritical Brayton cycle combined with bottoming ORC driven by molten salt solar power tower using energy-exergy analysis. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 39, Article 100699.
  • Haq, M. Z. (2021) Optimization of organic Rankine cycle (ORC) based waste heat recovery (WHR) system using a novel target-temperature-line approach. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 143(9), Article 092101.
  • Holman, J. P. (2012). Experimental methods for engineers (8th ed.). Tata McGraw Hill, Series in Mechanical Engineering.
  • Hussaini, Z. A., King, P., & Sansom, C. (2020). Numerical simulation and design of multi-tower concentrated solar power fields. Sustainability, 12(6), Article 2402.
  • Kerme, E., & Orfi, J. (2015). Exergy-based thermodynamic analysis of solar driven organic Rankine cycle. Journal of Thermal Engineering, 1(5), 192–202.
  • Khan, O., Yadav, A. K., Khan, M. E., & Parvez, M. (2021). Characterization of bioethanol obtained from Eichhornia Crassipes plant: Its emission and performance analysis on CI engine. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental, 43(14), 1793–1803.
  • Kumar, M. (2020). Social, economic, and environmental impacts of renewable energy resources. Wind Solar Hybrid Renewable Energy System. Intech Open.
  • Li, J. (2014). Gradual progress in the organic Rankine cycle and solar thermal power generation. In Structural optimization and experimental investigation of the organic Rankine cycle for solar thermal power generation. Springer Theses.
  • Li, Y., Teng, S., & Xi, H. (2023). 3E analyses of a cogeneration system based on compressed air energy storage system, solar collector and organic Rankine cycle. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 42, Article 102753.
  • Loni, R., Kasaeian, A., Mahian, O., Sahin, A. Z., & Wongwises, S. (2017). Exergy analysis of a solar organic Rankine cycle with square prismatic cavity receiver. International Journal of Exergy, 22(2), 103– 124.
  • Lourenco, A. B. (2023). Application of the H&S model for the advanced exergy analysis of an organic Rankine cycle. Revista Ifes Ciência, 9(1), 1–12.
  • Omar, A., Saghafifar, M., Mohammadi, K., Alashkar, A., & Gadalla, M. (2019). A review of unconventional bottoming cycles for waste heat recovery: Part II – Applications. Energy Conversion and Management, 180, 559–583.
  • Parvez, M. (2017). Steam boiler. Research Gate. Parvez, M., & Khalid, F. (2018). Thermodynamic investigation on sawdust and rice husk biomass integrated gasification for combined power and ejector cooling cycle. Current Alternative Energy, 2(1), 19–26.
  • Shah, Z. A., Zheng, Q., Mehdi, G., Malik, A., Ahmad, N., Chanido, M. B., & Waqas, M. (2020). Energy and exergy analysis of regenerative organic Rankine cycle with different organic working fluids. 2020 3rd International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies (iCoMET).
  • Singh, H., & Mishra, R. S. (2019). Solar thermal collector integrated organic Rankine cycle technology. Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research, 6(1), 45–48.
  • Varis, C., & Ozcira Ozkilic, S. (2023). In a biogas power plant from waste heat power generation system using Organic Rankine Cycle and multi-criteria optimization. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 44, Article 102729.
  • Vujanović, M., Wang, Q., Mohsen, M., Duić, N., & Yan, J. (2019). Sustainable energy technologies and environmental impacts of energy systems. Applied Energy, 256, 113919.
  • Yaglı, H., Koç, Y., & Kalay, H. (2021). Optimisation and exergy analysis of an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) used as a bottoming cycle in a cogeneration system producing steam and power. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 44, Atricle 100985.
  • Zolfagharnasab, M. H., Aghanajafi, C., Kavian, S., Heydarian, N., & Ahmadi, M. H. (2020) Novel analysis of second law and irreversibility for a solar power plant using heliostat field and molten salt. Energy Science & Engineering, 8(11), 4136–4153

First and second law assessment of a solar tower power plant for electrical power production and error analysis

Year 2023, , 33 - 42, 22.06.2023


The primary objective of this study is to investigate the solar-powered combined-cycles system in order to convert the available solar energy to its truest potential and generate electrical power. This combined-cycles system consists of solar power tower, steam turbine cycle, and organic Rankine cycle. The study focused on recovering the waste heat which is obtained from the exit of a steam turbine and uses it to operate the Rankine cycle by using the refrigerants, R-113, R-11, and R-1233zd. The analysis also predetermines the effects of solar irradiance for a mass flow rate of molten salt and steam, turbine inlet pressure, and turbine inlet temperature on first and second law efficiencies in the combined-cycles system. The novel concept of uncertainty analysis is also introduced in this work in order to provide accurate result with precision and removing all errors, which is found out to be 3.81 % that is in the desired range. The results also show that as the direct normal irradiation (DNI) increases from (600 W/m2 to 1000 W/m2), first law efficiency is obtained in the range of (32.31% to 37.99%) and second law from (24.14 % to 25.51 %) after employing the organic Rankine cycle (ORC) system. Further, the result indicates that maximum exergy destruction that occurs in the central receiver is around 42%, heliostat is 31%, the steam generator is 10%, a heat exchanger is 3.6%, etc.


  • Ahmad, S., Parvez, M., Khan, T. A., Siddiqui, S. A., & Khan, O. (2022). Performance comparison of solar powered cogeneration and trigeneration systems via energy and exergy analyses. International Journal of Exergy, 39(4), 395–409.
  • Akram, W., Parvez, M., & Khan, O. (2023). Parametric analysis of solar-assisted trigeneration system based on energy and exergy analyses. Journal of Thermal Engineering, 9(3), 764–775.
  • Assad, M., & Rosen, M. (2021). Design and performance optimization of renewable energy systems (1st ed.). Academic Press Elsevier.
  • Caraballo, A., Galán-Casado, S., Caballero, A., & Serena, S. (2021). Molten salts for sensible thermal energy storage: a review and an energy performance analysis. Energies, 14, Article 1197.
  • Chen. L., Huang, H., Tang, P., Yao, D., Yang, H., & Roohbakhsh, H. (2022). A combined energy system for generating electrical and thermal energies using concentrating solar system, fuel cell and organic Rankine cycle; energy and exergy assessment. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Article 2043957.
  • Collado, F. J., & Guallar, J. (2019). Quick design of regular heliostat fields for commercial solar tower power plants. Energy, 178, 115–125.
  • D’Souza, D., Montes, M. J., Romero, M., & Gonzalez- Aguilar, J. (2023). Energy and exergy analysis of microchannel central solar receivers for pressurised fluids. Applied Thermal Engineering, 219, Article 119638.
  • Georges, E., Declaye, S., Dumont, O., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (2013). Design of a small-scale organic Rankine cycle engine used in a solar power plant. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 8(1), i34–i41.
  • Habibi, H., Zoghi, M., Chitsaz, A., Javaherdeh, K., Ayazpour, M., & Bellos, E. (2020). Working fluid selection for regenerative supercritical Brayton cycle combined with bottoming ORC driven by molten salt solar power tower using energy-exergy analysis. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 39, Article 100699.
  • Haq, M. Z. (2021) Optimization of organic Rankine cycle (ORC) based waste heat recovery (WHR) system using a novel target-temperature-line approach. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 143(9), Article 092101.
  • Holman, J. P. (2012). Experimental methods for engineers (8th ed.). Tata McGraw Hill, Series in Mechanical Engineering.
  • Hussaini, Z. A., King, P., & Sansom, C. (2020). Numerical simulation and design of multi-tower concentrated solar power fields. Sustainability, 12(6), Article 2402.
  • Kerme, E., & Orfi, J. (2015). Exergy-based thermodynamic analysis of solar driven organic Rankine cycle. Journal of Thermal Engineering, 1(5), 192–202.
  • Khan, O., Yadav, A. K., Khan, M. E., & Parvez, M. (2021). Characterization of bioethanol obtained from Eichhornia Crassipes plant: Its emission and performance analysis on CI engine. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental, 43(14), 1793–1803.
  • Kumar, M. (2020). Social, economic, and environmental impacts of renewable energy resources. Wind Solar Hybrid Renewable Energy System. Intech Open.
  • Li, J. (2014). Gradual progress in the organic Rankine cycle and solar thermal power generation. In Structural optimization and experimental investigation of the organic Rankine cycle for solar thermal power generation. Springer Theses.
  • Li, Y., Teng, S., & Xi, H. (2023). 3E analyses of a cogeneration system based on compressed air energy storage system, solar collector and organic Rankine cycle. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 42, Article 102753.
  • Loni, R., Kasaeian, A., Mahian, O., Sahin, A. Z., & Wongwises, S. (2017). Exergy analysis of a solar organic Rankine cycle with square prismatic cavity receiver. International Journal of Exergy, 22(2), 103– 124.
  • Lourenco, A. B. (2023). Application of the H&S model for the advanced exergy analysis of an organic Rankine cycle. Revista Ifes Ciência, 9(1), 1–12.
  • Omar, A., Saghafifar, M., Mohammadi, K., Alashkar, A., & Gadalla, M. (2019). A review of unconventional bottoming cycles for waste heat recovery: Part II – Applications. Energy Conversion and Management, 180, 559–583.
  • Parvez, M. (2017). Steam boiler. Research Gate. Parvez, M., & Khalid, F. (2018). Thermodynamic investigation on sawdust and rice husk biomass integrated gasification for combined power and ejector cooling cycle. Current Alternative Energy, 2(1), 19–26.
  • Shah, Z. A., Zheng, Q., Mehdi, G., Malik, A., Ahmad, N., Chanido, M. B., & Waqas, M. (2020). Energy and exergy analysis of regenerative organic Rankine cycle with different organic working fluids. 2020 3rd International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies (iCoMET).
  • Singh, H., & Mishra, R. S. (2019). Solar thermal collector integrated organic Rankine cycle technology. Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research, 6(1), 45–48.
  • Varis, C., & Ozcira Ozkilic, S. (2023). In a biogas power plant from waste heat power generation system using Organic Rankine Cycle and multi-criteria optimization. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 44, Article 102729.
  • Vujanović, M., Wang, Q., Mohsen, M., Duić, N., & Yan, J. (2019). Sustainable energy technologies and environmental impacts of energy systems. Applied Energy, 256, 113919.
  • Yaglı, H., Koç, Y., & Kalay, H. (2021). Optimisation and exergy analysis of an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) used as a bottoming cycle in a cogeneration system producing steam and power. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 44, Atricle 100985.
  • Zolfagharnasab, M. H., Aghanajafi, C., Kavian, S., Heydarian, N., & Ahmadi, M. H. (2020) Novel analysis of second law and irreversibility for a solar power plant using heliostat field and molten salt. Energy Science & Engineering, 8(11), 4136–4153
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Energy Systems Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Mohd Parvez 0000-0001-7976-7105

Syed Mohammed Mahmood This is me 0009-0008-0021-4291

Osaman Khan This is me 0000-0002-8094-7573

Publication Date June 22, 2023
Submission Date March 20, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Parvez, M., Mahmood, S. M., & Khan, O. (2023). First and second law assessment of a solar tower power plant for electrical power production and error analysis. Seatific Journal, 3(1), 33-42.

Seatific Journal

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