Comparison of the Effect of Adhesive Protocols and Light Curing Units on the Repair Bond Strength of Bulk Fill Composite Resins
Year 2024,
, 299 - 302, 23.12.2024
Kübra Bilge
İrem İpek
Enes Mustafa Aşar
Background: The aim of this study is to compare the shear bond strength (SBS) after the repair of a microhybrid composite resin (CR) with three different bulk fill CRs using a 2nd and 3rd generation light-emitting diode (LED) light curing units and a universal adhesive with different application protocols.
Methods: 120 acrylic blocks, each with an open surface and a depth of 2 mm and a diameter of 6 mm, were filled with a microhybrid CR (Filtek Z250) and cured with an LED for 20 seconds. The samples were roughened for 5 seconds with a diamond fissure bur under water cooling and then subjected to 5,000 thermal cycles. A universal adhesive was applied to the prepared samples using two different protocols (total etch and self-etch), and samples were then filled with bulk fill CRs. Each bulk fill CR group was polymerized with 2nd and 3rd generation LED to form subgroups (n=10). The SBS values were recorded in MPa using a universal testing device.
Results: The highest SBS values were obtained for the X-tra Fil group in total etch mode with polymerization using 3rd generation LED, while the lowest SBS values were found for Filtek One Bulk Fill group in self-etch mode with polymerization using the 3rd generation LED. In all groups, total etch mode yielded higher SBS values compared to self-etch mode.
Conclusion: Different adhesive protocols and LCUs were found to affect the SBS values of bulk fill CRs during repair.
- 1. Chandrasekhar V, Rudrapati L, Badami V, Tummala M. Incremental techniques in direct composite restoration. J Conserv Dent. 2017;20(6):386-391.
- 2. Opdam NJ, Bronkhorst EM, Loomans BA, Huysmans M-CD. Longevity of repaired restorations: a practice based study. J Dent. 2012;40(10):829-835.
- 3. El-Safty S, Silikas N, Watts D. Creep deformation of restorative resin-composites intended for bulk-fill placement. Dent Mater. 2012;28(8):928-935.
- 4. Fronza BM, Rueggeberg FA, Braga RR, et al. Monomer conversion, microhardness, internal marginal adaptation, and shrinkage stress of bulk-fill resin composites. Dent Mater. 2015;31(12):1542-1551.
- 5. Boaro LCC, Lopes DP, de Souza ASC, et al. Clinical performance and chemical-physical properties of bulk fill composites resin—a systematic review and meta-analysis. Dent Mater. 2019;35(10): e249-e264.
- 6. Czasch P, Ilie N. In vitro comparison of mechanical properties and degree of cure of bulk fill composites. Clin Oral Investig. 2013; 17:227-235.
- 7. Owens BM, Rodriguez KH. Radiometric and spectrophotometric analysis of third generation light-emitting diode (LED) light-curing units. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2007;8(2):43-51.
- 8. Aksakalli S, Demir A, Selek M, Tasdemir S. Temperature increase during orthodontic bonding with different curing units using an infrared camera. Acta Odontol Scand. 2014;72(1):36-41.
- 9. Durey K, Santini A, Miletic V. Pulp chamber temperature rise during curing of resin-based composites with different light-curing units. Prim Dent J. 2008;(1):33-38.
- 10. Cuevas-Suárez CE, Nakanishi L, Isolan CP, Ribeiro JS, Moreira AG, Piva E. Repair bond strength of bulk-fill resin composite: Effect of different adhesive protocols. Dental Materials Journal. 2020;39(2):236-241.
- 11. Wiegand A, Stawarczyk B, Buchalla W, Tauböck TT, Özcan M, Attin T. Repair of silorane composite—Using the same substrate or a methacrylate-based composite? Dent Mater. 2012;28(3):e19-e25.
- 12. Hamano N, Chiang Y-C, Nyamaa I, et al. Effect of different surface treatments on the repair strength of a nanofilled resin-based composite. Dental materials journal. 2011;30(4):537-545.
- 13. Alex G. Universal adhesives: the next evolution in adhesive dentistry. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2015;36(1):15-26.
- 14. Akgül S, Kedici Alp C, Bala O. Repair potential of a bulk‐fill resin composite: Effect of different surface‐treatment protocols. Eur J Oral Sci. 2021;129(6): e12814.
- 15. Kim JS, Choi YH, Cho BH, et al. Effect of light‐cure time of adhesive resin on the thickness of the oxygen‐inhibited layer and the microtensile bond strength to dentin. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials: An Official Journal of the Society for Biomaterials, The Japanese Society for Biomaterials, and The Australian Society for Biomaterials and the Korean Society for Biomaterials. 2006;78(1):115-123.
- 16. Dickens SH, Cho BH. Interpretation of bond failure through conversion and residual solvent measurements and Weibull analyses of flexural and microtensile bond strengths of bonding agents. Dent Mater. 2005;21(4):354-364.
- 17. Shimokawa CAK, Turbino ML, Giannini M, Braga RR, Price RB. Effect of light curing units on the polymerization of bulk fill resin-based composites. Dent Mater. 2018;34(8):1211-1221.
- 18. Lucey SM, Santini A, Roebuck EM. Degree of conversion of resin‐based materials cured with dual‐peak or single‐peak LED light‐curing units. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2015;25(2):93-102.
- 19. Kiliç V, Hürmüzlü F. Effect of light sources on bond strength of different composite resins repaired with bulk-fill composite. Odovtos Int J Dent Sci. 2021;23(1):103-115.
- 20. Szczesio-Wlodarczyk A, Polikowski A, Krasowski M, Fronczek M, Sokolowski J, Bociong K. The influence of low-molecular-weight monomers (TEGDMA, HDDMA, HEMA) on the properties of selected matrices and composites based on Bis-GMA and UDMA. Materials. 2022;15(7):2649.
- 21. Sideridou I, Tserki V, Papanastasiou G. Effect of chemical structure on degree of conversion in light-cured dimethacrylate-based dental resins. Biomaterials. 2002;23(8):1819-1829.
- 22. Sgarbi SC, Pereira SK, Martins JMH, Oliveira MAC, Mazur RF. Degree of conversion of resin composites light activated by halogen light and led analyzed by ultraviolet spectrometry. Arc Oral Res. 2010;6(3)
- 24. Rathke A, Tymina Y, Haller B. Effect of different surface treatments on the composite–composite repair bond strength. Clin Oral Investig. 2009; 13:317-323.
- 25. Wendler M, Belli R, Panzer R, Skibbe D, Petschelt A, Lohbauer U. Repair bond strength of aged resin composite after different surface and bonding treatments. Materials. 2016;9(7):547.
- 26. Irmak Ö, Çeliksöz Ö, Yılmaz B, Yaman BC. Adhesive system affects repair bond strength of resin composite. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry. 2017;51(3):25-31.
Adeziv Protokollerinin ve Işıkla Sertleştirme Ünitelerinin Bulk Fill Kompozit Rezinlerin Tamir Bağlanma Dayanımı Üzerindeki Etkisinin Karşılaştırılması
Year 2024,
, 299 - 302, 23.12.2024
Kübra Bilge
İrem İpek
Enes Mustafa Aşar
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı 2. ve 3. nesil LED ışık cihazının ve universal bir adezivin farklı uygulama protokolüyle kullanılmasının mikrohibrit bir kompozit rezinin (KR) 3 farklı bulk fill KR ile tamiri sonrası makaslama bağlanma dayanımlarını (SBS) kıyaslamaktır.
Materyal Metod: Bir yüzeyi açık ve derinliği 2 mm, çapı 6 mm olan 120 adet akrilik blok bir mikrohibrit KR olan Filtek Z250 ile dolduruldu ve LED ışık cihazı ile 20 sn ışıklandı. Hazırlanan örnekler su soğutması altında elmas fissür frez ile 5 saniye pürüzlendirildi ve 5.000 termal döngüye tabi tutuldu. Hazırlanan örneklere universal bir adeziv ajan iki farklı protokolle (total etch ve self etch) uygulandı ve gruplara uygun olacak şekilde bulk fill KR’ lerle dolduruldu. Alt grupları oluşturmak için ise her bir bulk fill KR grubu 2. ve 3. nesil LED ışık cihazları ile polimerize edildi (n=10). Örnekler universal bir test cihazında SBS testine tabi tutularak değerler MPa cinsinden kaydedildi.
Bulgular: X-tra Fil KR grubunun total etch modunda 3. nesil LED ışık cihazıyla polimerizasyonu sonrası en yüksek, Filtek One Bulk Fill KR grubunun self etch modunda 3. nesil LED ışık cihazıyla polimeriasyonu sonrası ise en düşük SBS değerleri elde edilmiştir. Bütün gruplarda total etch modunda self etch moduna kıyasla daha yüksek SBS değerleri gözlendi.
Sonuç: Farklı adeziv protokoller ve ışık cihazları bulk fill KR’ lerin tamirinde SBS değerleri üzerinde etkili bulunmuştur.
- 1. Chandrasekhar V, Rudrapati L, Badami V, Tummala M. Incremental techniques in direct composite restoration. J Conserv Dent. 2017;20(6):386-391.
- 2. Opdam NJ, Bronkhorst EM, Loomans BA, Huysmans M-CD. Longevity of repaired restorations: a practice based study. J Dent. 2012;40(10):829-835.
- 3. El-Safty S, Silikas N, Watts D. Creep deformation of restorative resin-composites intended for bulk-fill placement. Dent Mater. 2012;28(8):928-935.
- 4. Fronza BM, Rueggeberg FA, Braga RR, et al. Monomer conversion, microhardness, internal marginal adaptation, and shrinkage stress of bulk-fill resin composites. Dent Mater. 2015;31(12):1542-1551.
- 5. Boaro LCC, Lopes DP, de Souza ASC, et al. Clinical performance and chemical-physical properties of bulk fill composites resin—a systematic review and meta-analysis. Dent Mater. 2019;35(10): e249-e264.
- 6. Czasch P, Ilie N. In vitro comparison of mechanical properties and degree of cure of bulk fill composites. Clin Oral Investig. 2013; 17:227-235.
- 7. Owens BM, Rodriguez KH. Radiometric and spectrophotometric analysis of third generation light-emitting diode (LED) light-curing units. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2007;8(2):43-51.
- 8. Aksakalli S, Demir A, Selek M, Tasdemir S. Temperature increase during orthodontic bonding with different curing units using an infrared camera. Acta Odontol Scand. 2014;72(1):36-41.
- 9. Durey K, Santini A, Miletic V. Pulp chamber temperature rise during curing of resin-based composites with different light-curing units. Prim Dent J. 2008;(1):33-38.
- 10. Cuevas-Suárez CE, Nakanishi L, Isolan CP, Ribeiro JS, Moreira AG, Piva E. Repair bond strength of bulk-fill resin composite: Effect of different adhesive protocols. Dental Materials Journal. 2020;39(2):236-241.
- 11. Wiegand A, Stawarczyk B, Buchalla W, Tauböck TT, Özcan M, Attin T. Repair of silorane composite—Using the same substrate or a methacrylate-based composite? Dent Mater. 2012;28(3):e19-e25.
- 12. Hamano N, Chiang Y-C, Nyamaa I, et al. Effect of different surface treatments on the repair strength of a nanofilled resin-based composite. Dental materials journal. 2011;30(4):537-545.
- 13. Alex G. Universal adhesives: the next evolution in adhesive dentistry. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2015;36(1):15-26.
- 14. Akgül S, Kedici Alp C, Bala O. Repair potential of a bulk‐fill resin composite: Effect of different surface‐treatment protocols. Eur J Oral Sci. 2021;129(6): e12814.
- 15. Kim JS, Choi YH, Cho BH, et al. Effect of light‐cure time of adhesive resin on the thickness of the oxygen‐inhibited layer and the microtensile bond strength to dentin. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials: An Official Journal of the Society for Biomaterials, The Japanese Society for Biomaterials, and The Australian Society for Biomaterials and the Korean Society for Biomaterials. 2006;78(1):115-123.
- 16. Dickens SH, Cho BH. Interpretation of bond failure through conversion and residual solvent measurements and Weibull analyses of flexural and microtensile bond strengths of bonding agents. Dent Mater. 2005;21(4):354-364.
- 17. Shimokawa CAK, Turbino ML, Giannini M, Braga RR, Price RB. Effect of light curing units on the polymerization of bulk fill resin-based composites. Dent Mater. 2018;34(8):1211-1221.
- 18. Lucey SM, Santini A, Roebuck EM. Degree of conversion of resin‐based materials cured with dual‐peak or single‐peak LED light‐curing units. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2015;25(2):93-102.
- 19. Kiliç V, Hürmüzlü F. Effect of light sources on bond strength of different composite resins repaired with bulk-fill composite. Odovtos Int J Dent Sci. 2021;23(1):103-115.
- 20. Szczesio-Wlodarczyk A, Polikowski A, Krasowski M, Fronczek M, Sokolowski J, Bociong K. The influence of low-molecular-weight monomers (TEGDMA, HDDMA, HEMA) on the properties of selected matrices and composites based on Bis-GMA and UDMA. Materials. 2022;15(7):2649.
- 21. Sideridou I, Tserki V, Papanastasiou G. Effect of chemical structure on degree of conversion in light-cured dimethacrylate-based dental resins. Biomaterials. 2002;23(8):1819-1829.
- 22. Sgarbi SC, Pereira SK, Martins JMH, Oliveira MAC, Mazur RF. Degree of conversion of resin composites light activated by halogen light and led analyzed by ultraviolet spectrometry. Arc Oral Res. 2010;6(3)
- 24. Rathke A, Tymina Y, Haller B. Effect of different surface treatments on the composite–composite repair bond strength. Clin Oral Investig. 2009; 13:317-323.
- 25. Wendler M, Belli R, Panzer R, Skibbe D, Petschelt A, Lohbauer U. Repair bond strength of aged resin composite after different surface and bonding treatments. Materials. 2016;9(7):547.
- 26. Irmak Ö, Çeliksöz Ö, Yılmaz B, Yaman BC. Adhesive system affects repair bond strength of resin composite. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry. 2017;51(3):25-31.