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Farklı adeziv primerlerin lityum disilikat cam seramik ile rezin siman arasındaki bağlanma dayanımına etkisi

Year 2020, , 406 - 412, 27.12.2020


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, farklı yüzey hazırlıkları
uygulanan IPS e.max CAD seramiklerin bağlanma dayanımı değerlerini

Gereç ve
60 adet IPS e.max CAD
seramik örnek, su soğutması altında hassas bir kesici kullanılarak elde
edildikten sonra uygulanan yüzey işlemine göre altı gruba ayrılmıştır; Kontrol
(K), Monobond Etch&Prime ile pürüzlendirme (MEP), % 5’lik hidroflorik asit
ile pürüzlendirmenin ardından Monobond Plus uygulaması (5HF + MP), % 5’lik
hidroflorik asit ile pürüzlendirmenin ardından Clearfil Ceramic Primer Plus
uygulaması (5HF + CP), % 9.5’lik hidroflorik asit ile pürüzlendirmenin ardından
Monobond Plus uygulaması (9.5HF + MP) ve % 9.5’lik hidroflorik asit ile
pürüzlendirmenin ardından Clearfil Ceramic Primer Plus uygulaması (9.5HF + CP).
Işık ile polimerize olan rezin siman (Variolink Esthetic LC), üretici firmanın
talimatlarına uygun şekilde seramik yüzeylerine uygulanıp polimerize
edilmiştir. Rezin simanın standardize olabilmesi için teflon kalıplar
kullanılmıştır. Örneklerin makaslama bağlanma dayanımları, evrensel bir test
makinesi kullanılarak ölçülmüştür. Bağlanma dayanımı verileri, tek yönlü ANOVA
ve ardından Tamhane T2 testi kullanılarak istatistiksel olarak analiz

Bulgular: ANOVA testi gruplar arasında istatistiksel olarak
anlamlı bir fark olduğunu ortaya koymuştur (P<0.001). Kontrol grubu
diğer gruplara kıyasla daha düşük bağlanma dayanımı değerleri göstermiştir. MEP
ve 5HF+MP grupları arasında istatistiksel olarak herhangi bir fark bulunmazken (P>0.05),
9.5HF+MP, 5HF+CP ve 9.5HF+CP gruplarında MEP grubundan istatistiksel olarak
daha yüksek bağlanma dayanımı değerleri elde edilmiştir (P<0.05).
Hidroflorik asit konsantrasyonunun, Monobond Plus veya Clearfil Ceramic Primer
Plus ile birlikte kullanıldığında bağlanma dayanımı üzerine etkisi
bulunmamaktadır (P>0.05).

Sonuç: Monobond Etch&Prime uygulaması, rezin siman
bağlanma dayanımını arttırmada bu çalışmada kullanılan hidroflorik asit ve
silan kombinasyonları kadar etkili olamamıştır. 


  • 1. Kelly JR, Benetti P. Ceramic materials in dentistry: historical evolution and current practice. Aust Dent J 2011; 56:84–96.
  • 2. Lauvahutanon S, Takahashi H, Shiozawa M. Mechanical properties of composite resin blocks for CAD/CAM. Dent Mater J 2014; 33(5):705-10.
  • 3. El-Damanhoury HM, Gaintantzopoulou MD. Self-etching ceramic primer versus hydrofluoric acid etching: Etching efficacy and bonding performance. J Prosthodont Res. 2018; 62(1):75-83.
  • 4. Aboushelib MN, Sleem D. Microtensile bond strength of lithium disilicate ceramics to resin adhesives. J Adhes Dent 2014; 16(6):547–52.
  • 5. Elsaka SE. Bond strength of novel CAD/CAM restorative materials to self-adhesive resin cement: The effect of surface treatments. J Adhes Dent 2014; 16(6):531–40.
  • 6. Giordano R. Materials for chairside CAD/CAM–produced restorations. J Am Dent Assoc 2006; 137:14S–21S.
  • 7. Nguyen JF, Ruse D, Phan AC, Sadoun MJ. High-temperature-pressure polymerized resin-infiltrated ceramic networks. J Dent Res 2014; 93(1):62–7.
  • 8. Pieger S, Salman A, Bidra AS. Clinical outcomes of lithium disilicate single crowns and partial fixed dental prostheses: A systematic review. J Prosthet Dent 2014; 112(1):22-30.
  • 9. Barutcigil K, Barutcigil Ç, Kul E, Özarslan MM, Buyukkaplan US. Effect of different surface treatments on bond strength of resin cement to a CAD/CAM restorative material. J Prosthodont 2019; 28(1):71-8.
  • 10. Guimarães HAB, Cardoso PC, Decurcio RA, Monteiro LJE, de Almeida LN, Martins WF, et al. Simplified surface treatments for ceramic cementation: use of universal adhesive and self-etching ceramic primer. Int J Biomater 2018; 31:2598073.
  • 11. Sorensen JA, Kang SK, Avera SP. Porcelain-composite interface microleakage with various porcelain surface treatments. Dent Mater 1991; 7(2):118-23.12. Blatz MB, Sadan A, Kern M. Resin-ceramic bonding: A review of the literature. J Prosthet Dent 2003; 89(3):268-74.
  • 13. Al-Harthi AA, Aljoudi MH, Almaliki MN, El-Banna KA. Laboratory study of micro-shear bond strength of two resin cements to leucite ceramics using different ceramic primers. J Contemp Dent Pract 2018; 19(8):918-24.
  • 14. Dejak B, Mlotkowski A. Three-dimensional finite element analysis of strength and adhesion of composite resin versus ceramic inlays in molars. J Prosthet Dent 2008; 99(2):131–40.
  • 15. Lung CY, Matinlinna JP. Aspects of silane coupling agents and surface conditioning in dentistry: An overview. Dent. Mater 2012;28(5):467–77.
  • 16. Chen C, Trindade FZ, de Jager N, Kleverlaan CJ, Feilzer AJ. Fracture resistance of a CAD/CAM resin nano ceramic (RNC) and a CAD ceramic at different thicknesses. Dent Mater 2014; 30(9):954-62.
  • 17. Hikita K, Van Meerbeek B, De Munck J, Ikeda T, Van Landuyt K, Maida T,et al. Bonding effectiveness of adhesive luting agents to enamel and dentine. Dent Mater 2007; 23(1):71-80.
  • 18. Ozcan M, Allahbeickaraghi A, Dündar M. Possible hazardous effects of hydrofluoric acid and recommendations for treatment approach: A review. Clin Oral Investig 2012; 16(1):15-23.
  • 19. Siqueira FS, Alessi RS, Cardenas AF, Kose C, Souza Pinto SC, Bandeca MC. New single-bottle ceramic primer: 6-month case report and laboratory performance. J Contemp Dent Pract 2016; 17(12):1033-39.
  • 20. Yavuz T, Eraslan O. The effect of silane applied to glass ceramics on surface structure and bonding strength at different temperatures. J Adv Prosthodont 2016; 8(2):75-84.
  • 21. Matinlinna JP, Lung CYK, Tsoi JKH. Silane adhesion mechanism in dental applications and surface treatments: A review. Dent Mater 2018; 34(1):13-28.
  • 22. Kalavacharla V, Lawson N, Ramp L, Burgess J. Influence of etching protocol and silane treatment with a universal adhesive on lithium disilicate bond strength. Oper Dent 2014; 40(4):372–8.
  • 23. Veríssimo AH, Moura DMD, Tribst JPM, Araújo AMM, Leite FPP, Souza ROAE. Effect of hydrofluoric acid concentration and etching time on resin-bond strength to different glass ceramics. Braz Oral Res 2019;33:e041.
  • 24. Prochnow C, Venturini AB, Grasel R, Gundel A, Bottino MC, Valandro LF. Adhesion to a lithium disilicate glass ceramic etched with hydrofluoric acid at distinct concentrations. Braz Dent J 2018; 29(5):492-9.
  • 25. Wille S, Lehmann F, Kern M. Durability of resin bonding to lithium disilicate and zirconia ceramic using a self-etching primer. J Adhes Dent 2017; 19(6):491-6.
  • 26. Murillo-Gomez F, Palma-Dibb RG, De Goes MF. Effect of acid etching on tridimensional microstructure of etchable CAD/CAM materials. Dent Mater 2018; 34(6):944-55.
  • 27. Bailey LF, Bennett RJ. DICOR surface treatments for enhanced bonding. J Dent Res 1988; 67(6):925-31. 28. Russell DA, Meiers JC. Shear bond strength of resin composite to Dicor treated with 4-META Int J Prosthodont 1994; 7(1):7-12.
  • 29. Bertolini JC. Hydrofluoric acid: A review of toxicity. J Emerg Med 1992; 10(2):163–8.
  • 30. Román-Rodríguez JL, Perez-Barquero JA, Gonzalez-Angulo E, Fons-Font A, Bustos-Salvador JL. Bonding to silicate ceramics: Conventional technique compared with a simplified technique. J Clin Exp Dent 2017; 9(3):e384-e386.
  • 31. Murillo-Gómez F, De Goes MF. Bonding effectiveness of tooth-colored materials to resin cement provided by self-etching silane primer after short- and long-term storage. J Prosthet Dent 2019; 121(4):713.e1-713.e8.
  • 32. Siqueira FSF, Campos VS, Wendlinger M, Muso RAC, Gomes JC, Reis A, et al. Effect of self-etching primer associated to hydrofluoric acid or silane on bonding to lithium disilicate. Braz Dent J 2019; 30(2):171-8.
  • 33. Prado M, Prochnow C, Marchionatti AME, Baldissara P, Valandro LF, Wandscher VF. Ceramic surface treatment with a single-component primer: Resin adhesion to glass ceramics. J Adhes Dent 2018; 20(2):99-105.
  • 34. Lopes GC, Perdigão J, Baptista D, Ballarin A. Does a self-etching ceramic primer ımprove bonding to lithium disilicate ceramics? Bond strengths and FESEM analyses. Oper Dent 2019; 44(2):210-8.
  • 35. Strasser T, Preis V, Behr M, Rosentritt M. Roughness, surface energy, and superficial damages of CAD/CAM materials after surface treatment. Clin Oral Investig 2018; 22(8):2787-97.
Year 2020, , 406 - 412, 27.12.2020



  • 1. Kelly JR, Benetti P. Ceramic materials in dentistry: historical evolution and current practice. Aust Dent J 2011; 56:84–96.
  • 2. Lauvahutanon S, Takahashi H, Shiozawa M. Mechanical properties of composite resin blocks for CAD/CAM. Dent Mater J 2014; 33(5):705-10.
  • 3. El-Damanhoury HM, Gaintantzopoulou MD. Self-etching ceramic primer versus hydrofluoric acid etching: Etching efficacy and bonding performance. J Prosthodont Res. 2018; 62(1):75-83.
  • 4. Aboushelib MN, Sleem D. Microtensile bond strength of lithium disilicate ceramics to resin adhesives. J Adhes Dent 2014; 16(6):547–52.
  • 5. Elsaka SE. Bond strength of novel CAD/CAM restorative materials to self-adhesive resin cement: The effect of surface treatments. J Adhes Dent 2014; 16(6):531–40.
  • 6. Giordano R. Materials for chairside CAD/CAM–produced restorations. J Am Dent Assoc 2006; 137:14S–21S.
  • 7. Nguyen JF, Ruse D, Phan AC, Sadoun MJ. High-temperature-pressure polymerized resin-infiltrated ceramic networks. J Dent Res 2014; 93(1):62–7.
  • 8. Pieger S, Salman A, Bidra AS. Clinical outcomes of lithium disilicate single crowns and partial fixed dental prostheses: A systematic review. J Prosthet Dent 2014; 112(1):22-30.
  • 9. Barutcigil K, Barutcigil Ç, Kul E, Özarslan MM, Buyukkaplan US. Effect of different surface treatments on bond strength of resin cement to a CAD/CAM restorative material. J Prosthodont 2019; 28(1):71-8.
  • 10. Guimarães HAB, Cardoso PC, Decurcio RA, Monteiro LJE, de Almeida LN, Martins WF, et al. Simplified surface treatments for ceramic cementation: use of universal adhesive and self-etching ceramic primer. Int J Biomater 2018; 31:2598073.
  • 11. Sorensen JA, Kang SK, Avera SP. Porcelain-composite interface microleakage with various porcelain surface treatments. Dent Mater 1991; 7(2):118-23.12. Blatz MB, Sadan A, Kern M. Resin-ceramic bonding: A review of the literature. J Prosthet Dent 2003; 89(3):268-74.
  • 13. Al-Harthi AA, Aljoudi MH, Almaliki MN, El-Banna KA. Laboratory study of micro-shear bond strength of two resin cements to leucite ceramics using different ceramic primers. J Contemp Dent Pract 2018; 19(8):918-24.
  • 14. Dejak B, Mlotkowski A. Three-dimensional finite element analysis of strength and adhesion of composite resin versus ceramic inlays in molars. J Prosthet Dent 2008; 99(2):131–40.
  • 15. Lung CY, Matinlinna JP. Aspects of silane coupling agents and surface conditioning in dentistry: An overview. Dent. Mater 2012;28(5):467–77.
  • 16. Chen C, Trindade FZ, de Jager N, Kleverlaan CJ, Feilzer AJ. Fracture resistance of a CAD/CAM resin nano ceramic (RNC) and a CAD ceramic at different thicknesses. Dent Mater 2014; 30(9):954-62.
  • 17. Hikita K, Van Meerbeek B, De Munck J, Ikeda T, Van Landuyt K, Maida T,et al. Bonding effectiveness of adhesive luting agents to enamel and dentine. Dent Mater 2007; 23(1):71-80.
  • 18. Ozcan M, Allahbeickaraghi A, Dündar M. Possible hazardous effects of hydrofluoric acid and recommendations for treatment approach: A review. Clin Oral Investig 2012; 16(1):15-23.
  • 19. Siqueira FS, Alessi RS, Cardenas AF, Kose C, Souza Pinto SC, Bandeca MC. New single-bottle ceramic primer: 6-month case report and laboratory performance. J Contemp Dent Pract 2016; 17(12):1033-39.
  • 20. Yavuz T, Eraslan O. The effect of silane applied to glass ceramics on surface structure and bonding strength at different temperatures. J Adv Prosthodont 2016; 8(2):75-84.
  • 21. Matinlinna JP, Lung CYK, Tsoi JKH. Silane adhesion mechanism in dental applications and surface treatments: A review. Dent Mater 2018; 34(1):13-28.
  • 22. Kalavacharla V, Lawson N, Ramp L, Burgess J. Influence of etching protocol and silane treatment with a universal adhesive on lithium disilicate bond strength. Oper Dent 2014; 40(4):372–8.
  • 23. Veríssimo AH, Moura DMD, Tribst JPM, Araújo AMM, Leite FPP, Souza ROAE. Effect of hydrofluoric acid concentration and etching time on resin-bond strength to different glass ceramics. Braz Oral Res 2019;33:e041.
  • 24. Prochnow C, Venturini AB, Grasel R, Gundel A, Bottino MC, Valandro LF. Adhesion to a lithium disilicate glass ceramic etched with hydrofluoric acid at distinct concentrations. Braz Dent J 2018; 29(5):492-9.
  • 25. Wille S, Lehmann F, Kern M. Durability of resin bonding to lithium disilicate and zirconia ceramic using a self-etching primer. J Adhes Dent 2017; 19(6):491-6.
  • 26. Murillo-Gomez F, Palma-Dibb RG, De Goes MF. Effect of acid etching on tridimensional microstructure of etchable CAD/CAM materials. Dent Mater 2018; 34(6):944-55.
  • 27. Bailey LF, Bennett RJ. DICOR surface treatments for enhanced bonding. J Dent Res 1988; 67(6):925-31. 28. Russell DA, Meiers JC. Shear bond strength of resin composite to Dicor treated with 4-META Int J Prosthodont 1994; 7(1):7-12.
  • 29. Bertolini JC. Hydrofluoric acid: A review of toxicity. J Emerg Med 1992; 10(2):163–8.
  • 30. Román-Rodríguez JL, Perez-Barquero JA, Gonzalez-Angulo E, Fons-Font A, Bustos-Salvador JL. Bonding to silicate ceramics: Conventional technique compared with a simplified technique. J Clin Exp Dent 2017; 9(3):e384-e386.
  • 31. Murillo-Gómez F, De Goes MF. Bonding effectiveness of tooth-colored materials to resin cement provided by self-etching silane primer after short- and long-term storage. J Prosthet Dent 2019; 121(4):713.e1-713.e8.
  • 32. Siqueira FSF, Campos VS, Wendlinger M, Muso RAC, Gomes JC, Reis A, et al. Effect of self-etching primer associated to hydrofluoric acid or silane on bonding to lithium disilicate. Braz Dent J 2019; 30(2):171-8.
  • 33. Prado M, Prochnow C, Marchionatti AME, Baldissara P, Valandro LF, Wandscher VF. Ceramic surface treatment with a single-component primer: Resin adhesion to glass ceramics. J Adhes Dent 2018; 20(2):99-105.
  • 34. Lopes GC, Perdigão J, Baptista D, Ballarin A. Does a self-etching ceramic primer ımprove bonding to lithium disilicate ceramics? Bond strengths and FESEM analyses. Oper Dent 2019; 44(2):210-8.
  • 35. Strasser T, Preis V, Behr M, Rosentritt M. Roughness, surface energy, and superficial damages of CAD/CAM materials after surface treatment. Clin Oral Investig 2018; 22(8):2787-97.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Research

Mustafa Borga Dönmez 0000-0002-3094-7487

Aras Canberk Erdoğan This is me 0000-0001-7974-7489

Yener Okutan This is me 0000-0002-7188-4929

Münir Tolga Yücel 0000-0003-1266-6523

Publication Date December 27, 2020
Submission Date November 15, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020


Vancouver Dönmez MB, Erdoğan AC, Okutan Y, Yücel MT. Farklı adeziv primerlerin lityum disilikat cam seramik ile rezin siman arasındaki bağlanma dayanımına etkisi. Selcuk Dent J. 2020;7(3):406-12.