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Çocuklarda İmplant Uygulamaları ve Büyüme-Gelişim Faktörü

Year 2021, , 272 - 279, 30.04.2021


Çocuk hastalarda konjenital parsiyel dişsizlik ve travmaya. bağlı diş kayıpları oldukça sık gözlenir. Birçok vaka da bu diş kayıpları çocukların. iskeletsel ve dişsel büyüme ve gelişimleri tamamlanmadan gerçekleşmektedir. Hareketli parsiyel protezler bu tür vakalarda en çok tercih edilen tedavi seçeneğidir ancak bu protezler çürük oluşumunun artmasına, periodontal komplikasyonlara ve alveoler. kemik kayıplarına neden olabilmektedir. Hareketli parsiyel protezlerin kullanımındaki bazı zorluklar. nedeniyle de aileler ve çocuk hastalar implant uygulamaları ile sabit protez kullanımına bir an önce başlamak istemektedirler. Çocuklarda ve adölasanlarda implant uygulamalarına karar vermek için en önemli faktör hastanın büyüme. gelişiminin hangi periyodunda olduğunun belirlenmesidir. İmplant uygulamalarında uygulanacak implantın lokasyonu, hastanın yaşı, cinsiyeti, hastanın iskeletsel büyüme ve gelişiminin hangi aşamasında olduğu en önemli faktörlerdir. Bazı ektodermal displazi. (ED) hastaları hariç implant uygulaması için büyüme ve gelişimin tamamlanması gerektiği önerilmektedir. Çocuk diş hekimleri olarak diş eksikliği şikayeti ile başvuran hastaların çene büyüme ve gelişimini. doğru analiz etmek ve hastalara en fonksiyonel, en estetik tedaviyi uygulayabilmek için cerrahi branşlarla koordine olarak hangi bölgelere, nasıl implantlar uygulanabileceğine karar verebilecek bilgi düzeyine sahip olmamız gerekmektedir. Çocuk hastalar da büyüme gelişim devam ettiği için implant uygulamalarından sonra implantın çene kemikleri ve periodontal doku ile olan uyumunun nasıl devam edeceği her zaman öngörülemeyebilir. Bu nedenle çocuk hastaların düzenli olarak kontrole çağırılarak, protezlerin çene büyüme ve gelişimine uyumunun ve implantların bakımını yeterince yapıp yapmadığının kontrol edilmesi implant uygulamalarının başarısında önemli bir faktördür.
Congenital partial toothlessness. and traumatic tooth loss are frequently observed in pediatric patients. In many cases, these tooth losses occur before the skeletal and dental growth and development of children are completed. Removable partial dentures are the most preferred treatment option in such cases, but these. can cause increased caries formation, periodontal complications and alveolar bone loss. Due to some difficulties in the use of removable partial dentures, families and pediatric patients. want to start using fixed implants as soon as possible with implant applications. The most important factor to decide implant applications in children and adolescents is to. determine the period of growth of the patient. In addition, in implant applications, the location of the implant to be applied, the age and gender of the patient must be evaluated. It is suggested. that growth and development should be completed for implant application, except for some patients with ectodermal dysplasia (ED). As pediatric dentists, we need to have the level of knowledge to determine which regions and how to apply implants in coordination with surgical branches in order to correctly analyze the jaw growth and development of patients presenting with dental deficiency and to apply the most functional and aesthetic treatment to patients. As growth in the pediatric patients continues, how the implant's compliance with the jaw bones and periodontal tissue will continue is not always predicted after implant applications. For this reason, it is an important. factor in the success of the implant applications by calling the pediatric patients regularly to check the compliance of the prostheses to the growth and development of the jaw and whether the implants are adequately maintained.


  • 1. Oesterle LJ, Cronin RJ Jr, Ranly D. Mandibular implants and the growing patients. International Journal of Maxillofacial Implants 1994;9:55-62.
  • 2. Glossary of prosthodontic terms. 2005 J Prostate Dent 2005;94:1010-92.
  • 3. Shah RR, Mitra DK, Rodriguez SV, Pathare PV, Podar RS, Vijayakar HN. Implants in adolescents. Journal of Indian Society Periodontology 2013;1: 546-548.
  • 4. Jaime S Brahim. Dental imolants in children. Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America 2005;17:375-381.
  • 5. Tschernitschek H, Borchers L, Geurtsen W. Nonalloyedtitanium as a bioinert metal. a review. Quintessence International 2005;36:523-530.
  • 6. Cranin AN, Silver brand H, Sher J, Satler N. The requirements and clinical performance of dental implants. Biocompatibility of dental materials 1982;4:92-102.
  • 7. Dabas VK, Dabas U. Implants types and their uses; Introduction to Oral Implantology, 1 end, Aitbs Publishers New Delhi 2005;18-27.
  • 8. Sharma AB, Vargerik K. Using implants for the growing children. Journal of California Dental Assocciation 2006;34:719-724.
  • 9. Ülgen, M. Anomaliler, Sefalometri, Etiyoloji Büyüme ve Gelişim, Tanı. 2. Baskı. Ankara : Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi 2001;371-379.
  • 10. Behrents R. On adult craniofacial growth. Journal of Clinical Orthodontics 1986;20:842–847.
  • 11. Enlow DH, Hans MG. Essentials of Facial Growth, 2nd ed. Ann Arbor, MI; Needham Press, Inc, 2008.
  • 12. Wanga MK, Buschang PH, Behrents RG. Mandibular rotation and remodelling changes during early childhood. Angle Orthodontist 2009;79;271-275.
  • 13. Kahn DM, Shaw RB. Aging of the bony orbit: A three dimensional CT study. Aesthetic Surgery Journal 2009;28:258-264.
  • 14. Frost HM. Mechanical determinants of bone modeling, Metabolic Bone Disease and Related Research 1982;4:217-222.
  • 15. Kramer FJ, Baethge C, Tschernitschek H. Implants in children with ectodermal dysplasia: a case report and literature review. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2007;8:140-146.
  • 16. Prachar P. Vanek J. Tooth defects treated by dental implants in adolescents. Scripta Medica (Brno) 2003;76:5-8.
  • 17. Cronin RJ, Oesterele LJ, Ranley DM. Mandibular implants and the growing patients. International Journal Oral Maxillofacial Implants 1994;9:55-62.
  • 18. Moorrees CFA, Gron AM, Lebret LM, Yen PK, Frohlich FJ. Growth studies of the dentition. American Journal of Orthodontics 1999;55:600-616.
  • 19. Brahmin JS. Dental Implants in Children. Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and Clinics of North America 2005;17:375-81.
  • 20. Percinoto C, Vieiera AE, Barbieri CM, Melhado FL, Moreira KS. Use of dental implants in children: A litreature review. Quintessence International 2001;32:381-3.
  • 21. Smith RA, Vargervik K, Kearns G, Bosch C, Koumjian J. Placement of an endosseous implants in a growing child with ectodermal dysplasia. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology 1993;75:669-73.
  • 22. Brugnolo E, Mazzocco C, Cardioli G, Majzoub Z. Clinical and radiographic findings following placement of single tooth implants in young patients. Case reports. International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry 1996;16:421-33.
  • 23. Guckes AD, Mc Carthy GR, Brahmin J. Use of Endosseous implants in a 3 year old child with ectodermal dysplasia: Case report and 5 year follow up. Pediatric Dentistry 1997;19:282-5.
  • 24. Guckes AD, Brahim JS, McCarthy GR, Rudy SF, Cooper LF. Using endosseous dental implants for patient with ectodermal dysplasia. The Journal of the American Dental Association 1991;122:59-62.
  • 25. Bergendal B. Children with ectodermal dysplasia need early treatment. Special Care in Dentistry 2002; 22:212-213.
  • 26. Bradbury ET, Kay SP, Tighe C, Hewison J. Decision making by parents and children in pediatric hand surgery. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 1994;47:324-30.
  • 27. Bergendal B. When should we extract deciduous teeth and place implants in young individuals with tooth agenesis?. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2008;35:55-63.
  • 28. Tarjan I, Gabris K, Rozsa N. Early prosthetic treatment of patients with ectodermal dysplasia : A clinical report. Prosthdontic Dentistry 2005;93:419-424.
  • 29. Pigno MA, Blacman RB, Cronin RJ, Cavazos E. Prosthodontic manegement of ectodermal dysplasia : A review of the literature. Journal of Prosthodontic Dentistry 1996;76:541-545.
  • 30. Pipa VA, Lopez AME, Gonzalez GM, Martinez FM, Blanco MABF. Treatment with removable prothesis in hypohidroticectodermal dysplasia: A clinical case . Medicana Oral, Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal 2008;13:119-123.
  • 31. Bergendal B. Prosthetic habilitation of young patient with ectodermal dysplasia and oligodontia: A case reproof 20 years treatment. International Journal of Prosthodontics 2001; 14:471-479.
  • 32. Alcan T, Basa S, Kargül B. Growht analysis of a patient with ectodermal dysplasia treated with endossous implants: 6 years follow up. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2006;33:175-182.
  • 33. Kearns G, Sharma A, Perott D, Schmidt B, Kaban L, Vargervik K. Placement of endosseous implants in children and adolescents with hereditary ectodermal dysplasia. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology 1999;88:5-10.
  • 34. Kaul S, Reddy R. Prosthetic rehabilitaion of an adolescent with ectodermal dysplasia with partial anadontia: Case report, Journal of Indian Society Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry 2008;26:177-181.
Year 2021, , 272 - 279, 30.04.2021



  • 1. Oesterle LJ, Cronin RJ Jr, Ranly D. Mandibular implants and the growing patients. International Journal of Maxillofacial Implants 1994;9:55-62.
  • 2. Glossary of prosthodontic terms. 2005 J Prostate Dent 2005;94:1010-92.
  • 3. Shah RR, Mitra DK, Rodriguez SV, Pathare PV, Podar RS, Vijayakar HN. Implants in adolescents. Journal of Indian Society Periodontology 2013;1: 546-548.
  • 4. Jaime S Brahim. Dental imolants in children. Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America 2005;17:375-381.
  • 5. Tschernitschek H, Borchers L, Geurtsen W. Nonalloyedtitanium as a bioinert metal. a review. Quintessence International 2005;36:523-530.
  • 6. Cranin AN, Silver brand H, Sher J, Satler N. The requirements and clinical performance of dental implants. Biocompatibility of dental materials 1982;4:92-102.
  • 7. Dabas VK, Dabas U. Implants types and their uses; Introduction to Oral Implantology, 1 end, Aitbs Publishers New Delhi 2005;18-27.
  • 8. Sharma AB, Vargerik K. Using implants for the growing children. Journal of California Dental Assocciation 2006;34:719-724.
  • 9. Ülgen, M. Anomaliler, Sefalometri, Etiyoloji Büyüme ve Gelişim, Tanı. 2. Baskı. Ankara : Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi 2001;371-379.
  • 10. Behrents R. On adult craniofacial growth. Journal of Clinical Orthodontics 1986;20:842–847.
  • 11. Enlow DH, Hans MG. Essentials of Facial Growth, 2nd ed. Ann Arbor, MI; Needham Press, Inc, 2008.
  • 12. Wanga MK, Buschang PH, Behrents RG. Mandibular rotation and remodelling changes during early childhood. Angle Orthodontist 2009;79;271-275.
  • 13. Kahn DM, Shaw RB. Aging of the bony orbit: A three dimensional CT study. Aesthetic Surgery Journal 2009;28:258-264.
  • 14. Frost HM. Mechanical determinants of bone modeling, Metabolic Bone Disease and Related Research 1982;4:217-222.
  • 15. Kramer FJ, Baethge C, Tschernitschek H. Implants in children with ectodermal dysplasia: a case report and literature review. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2007;8:140-146.
  • 16. Prachar P. Vanek J. Tooth defects treated by dental implants in adolescents. Scripta Medica (Brno) 2003;76:5-8.
  • 17. Cronin RJ, Oesterele LJ, Ranley DM. Mandibular implants and the growing patients. International Journal Oral Maxillofacial Implants 1994;9:55-62.
  • 18. Moorrees CFA, Gron AM, Lebret LM, Yen PK, Frohlich FJ. Growth studies of the dentition. American Journal of Orthodontics 1999;55:600-616.
  • 19. Brahmin JS. Dental Implants in Children. Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and Clinics of North America 2005;17:375-81.
  • 20. Percinoto C, Vieiera AE, Barbieri CM, Melhado FL, Moreira KS. Use of dental implants in children: A litreature review. Quintessence International 2001;32:381-3.
  • 21. Smith RA, Vargervik K, Kearns G, Bosch C, Koumjian J. Placement of an endosseous implants in a growing child with ectodermal dysplasia. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology 1993;75:669-73.
  • 22. Brugnolo E, Mazzocco C, Cardioli G, Majzoub Z. Clinical and radiographic findings following placement of single tooth implants in young patients. Case reports. International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry 1996;16:421-33.
  • 23. Guckes AD, Mc Carthy GR, Brahmin J. Use of Endosseous implants in a 3 year old child with ectodermal dysplasia: Case report and 5 year follow up. Pediatric Dentistry 1997;19:282-5.
  • 24. Guckes AD, Brahim JS, McCarthy GR, Rudy SF, Cooper LF. Using endosseous dental implants for patient with ectodermal dysplasia. The Journal of the American Dental Association 1991;122:59-62.
  • 25. Bergendal B. Children with ectodermal dysplasia need early treatment. Special Care in Dentistry 2002; 22:212-213.
  • 26. Bradbury ET, Kay SP, Tighe C, Hewison J. Decision making by parents and children in pediatric hand surgery. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 1994;47:324-30.
  • 27. Bergendal B. When should we extract deciduous teeth and place implants in young individuals with tooth agenesis?. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2008;35:55-63.
  • 28. Tarjan I, Gabris K, Rozsa N. Early prosthetic treatment of patients with ectodermal dysplasia : A clinical report. Prosthdontic Dentistry 2005;93:419-424.
  • 29. Pigno MA, Blacman RB, Cronin RJ, Cavazos E. Prosthodontic manegement of ectodermal dysplasia : A review of the literature. Journal of Prosthodontic Dentistry 1996;76:541-545.
  • 30. Pipa VA, Lopez AME, Gonzalez GM, Martinez FM, Blanco MABF. Treatment with removable prothesis in hypohidroticectodermal dysplasia: A clinical case . Medicana Oral, Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal 2008;13:119-123.
  • 31. Bergendal B. Prosthetic habilitation of young patient with ectodermal dysplasia and oligodontia: A case reproof 20 years treatment. International Journal of Prosthodontics 2001; 14:471-479.
  • 32. Alcan T, Basa S, Kargül B. Growht analysis of a patient with ectodermal dysplasia treated with endossous implants: 6 years follow up. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2006;33:175-182.
  • 33. Kearns G, Sharma A, Perott D, Schmidt B, Kaban L, Vargervik K. Placement of endosseous implants in children and adolescents with hereditary ectodermal dysplasia. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology 1999;88:5-10.
  • 34. Kaul S, Reddy R. Prosthetic rehabilitaion of an adolescent with ectodermal dysplasia with partial anadontia: Case report, Journal of Indian Society Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry 2008;26:177-181.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Review

Emre Bakır

Nurhan Oztas

Publication Date April 30, 2021
Submission Date February 21, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021


Vancouver Bakır E, Oztas N. Çocuklarda İmplant Uygulamaları ve Büyüme-Gelişim Faktörü. Selcuk Dent J. 2021;8(1):272-9.