İzole Bir Dental Klinikte Ultrasonik Skaler Kullanımı Sonrası Oluşan Aerosol Kontaminasyonunun Gözlenmesi
Year 2020,
, 373 - 378, 27.12.2020
Sefa Aydındoğan
Zafer Sayın
İsmail Marakoğlu
Giriş: Dental tedaviler sırasında önemli miktarda mikrobiyal aerosol ortaya çıkmaktadır. Aerosoller diş hekimi, dental personel ve hasta arasında enfeksiyonun yayılımında önemli yer tutmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı ultrasonik skaler kullanımına bağlı oluşan total bakteriyel aerosol kontaminasyonlarının farklı zaman aralıklarında değerlendirilmesidir.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Kliniğimize rutin periodontal tedavi için başvuran benzer ağız içi kondisyonlara sahip hastaların başlangıç periodontal tedavisi, izole bir tedavi odasında ultrasonik skaler kullanılarak yapıldı. Tedavi öncesi, tedavi hemen sonrası ve tedavi sonrası 2 saate kadar 15dk aralıklarla hava örnekleri alındı. Hava örneklemesi, aktif hava örnekleme cihazı kullanılarak yapıldı (Biomerieux Air İdeal, France). Total bakteriyel konsantrasyonun belirlenmesi amacıyla PCA (Plate Count Agar) besiyeri kullanıldı. 37 °C’de 48 saat inkübasyon sonrası CFU (colony forming ünit) sayımı yapıldı.
Bulgular: Tedavi sonrasında, öncesine göre aerosol kontaminasyonunun istatistiksel olarak anlamlı şekilde yüksek olduğu görüldü (230,429 ± 60,458 CFU/m3 - 780,143 ± 130,979 CFU/m3) (p<0,05). Kontaminasyonun tedavi hemen sonrasında pik değerlerine ulaştığı ve saçılan aerosollerin 60 dk’ya kadar ortamda kaldığı sonrasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olarak azalmaya başladığı görüldü (p<0,05). Tedaviden 75, 90 ve 120 dk sonrasında alınan hava örnekleriyle tedavi öncesi alınan örnekler arasında fark olmadığı görüldü.
Sonuç: Periodontal tedaviler sırasında önemli oranda aerosol kontaminasyonu oluşmakta ve ortamda uzun süre varlığını devam ettirmektedir. Bu durum aerosolle bulaşa sahip hastalıkların çapraz enfeksiyonunda önemli bir yer tutmaktadır.
Supporting Institution
Selçuk Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü
Project Number
İstatistik analizlerin yapılması ve değerlendirilmesindeki yardımları için Doç. Dr. Mustafa Agah TEKİNDAL’a, proje desteği için Selçuk Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü (BAP-18102042)’ne teşekkür ederiz.
- 1. Van der Weijden G, Timmerman M. A systematic review on the clinical efficacy of subgingival debridement in the treatment of chronic periodontitis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2002;29:55-71.
- 2. Oda S, Nitta H, Setoguchi T, Izumi Y, Ishikawa I. Current concepts and advances in manual and power‐driven instrumentation. Periodontology 2000. 2004;36(1):45-58.
- 3. Tunkel J, Heinecke A, Flemmig TF. A systematic review of efficacy of machine‐driven and manual subgingival debridement in the treatment of chronic periodontitis. Journal of clinical periodontology. 2002;29:72-81.
- 4. Timmerman M, Menso L, Steinfort J, Van Winkelhoff A, Van Der Weijden G. Atmospheric contamination during ultrasonic scaling. Journal of clinical periodontology. 2004;31(6):458-62.
- 5. Grenier D. Quantitative analysis of bacterial aerosols in two different dental clinic environments. Appl Environ Microbiol. 1995;61(8):3165-8.
- 6. Harrel SK, Barnes JB, Rivera‐Hidalgo F. Reduction of aerosols produced by ultrasonic sealers. Journal of periodontology. 1996;67(1):28-32.
- 7. Micik RE, Miller RL, Mazzarella MA, Ryge G. Studies on dental aerobiology: I. Bacterial aerosols generated during dental procedures. Journal of dental research. 1969;48(1):49-56.
- 8. Harrel SK, Molinari J. Aerosols and splatter in dentistry: a brief review of the literature and infection control implications. The Journal of the American Dental Association. 2004;135(4):429-37.
- 9. Sotiriou M, Ferguson SF, Davey M, Wolfson JM, Demokritou P, Lawrence J, et al. Measurement of particle concentrations in a dental office. Environmental monitoring and assessment. 2008;137(1-3):351.
- 10. Miller R. Generation of airborne infection... by high speed dental equipment. The Journal of the American Society for Preventive Dentistry. 1976;6(3):14.
- 11. Willeke K, Macher J, editors. Bioaerosols: assessment and control. Cincinnati, OH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists; 1999.
- 12. Burger H. Bioaerosols: prevalence and health effects in the indoor environment. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 1990;86(5):687-701.
- 13. Harrel SK, Barnes JB, Rivera-Hidalgo F. Aerosol and splatter contamination from the operative site during ultrasonic scaling. The Journal of the American Dental Association. 1998;129(9):1241-9.
- 14. Hallier C, Williams DW, Potts AJC, Lewis MAO. A pilot study of bioaerosol reduction using an air cleaning system during dental procedures. British dental journal. 2010;209(8):E14.
- 15. Leggat PA, Kedjarune U. Bacterial aerosols in the dental clinic: a review. International Dental Journal. 2001;51(1):39-44.
- 16. Bennett A, Fulford M, Walker J, Bradshaw D, Martin M, Marsh P. Occupational health: Microbial aerosols in general dental practice. British dental journal. 2000;189(12):664.
- 17. Pasquarella C, Veronesi L, Napoli C, Castiglia P, Liguori G, Rizzetto R, et al. Microbial environmental contamination in Italian dental clinics: A multicenter study yielding recommendations for standardized sampling methods and threshold values. Science of the total environment. 2012;420:289-99.
- 18. Dutil S, Mériaux A, de Latrémoille M-C, Lazure L, Barbeau J, Duchaine C. Measurement of airborne bacteria and endotoxin generated during dental cleaning. Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene. 2008;6(2):121-30.
- 19. Pasquarella C, Pitzurra O, Savino A. The index of microbial air contamination. Journal of hospital infection. 2000;46(4):241-56.
- 20. Veena H, Mahantesha S, Joseph PA, Patil SR, Patil SH. Dissemination of aerosol and splatter during ultrasonic scaling: a pilot study. Journal of infection and public health. 2015;8(3):260-5.
- 21. Chuang C-Y, Cheng H-C, Yang S, Fang W, Hung P-C, Chuang S-Y. Investigation of the spreading characteristics of bacterial aerosol contamination during dental scaling treatment. Journal of Dental Sciences. 2014;9(3):294-6.
- 22. Al Maghlouth A, Al Yousef Y, Al Bagieh N. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of bacterial aerosols. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2004;5(4):91-100.
- 23. Gupta G, Mitra D, Ashok K, Gupta A, Soni S, Ahmed S, et al. Efficacy of preprocedural mouth rinsing in reducing aerosol contamination produced by ultrasonic scaler: a pilot study. Journal of periodontology. 2014;85(4):562-8.
Year 2020,
, 373 - 378, 27.12.2020
Sefa Aydındoğan
Zafer Sayın
İsmail Marakoğlu
Project Number
- 1. Van der Weijden G, Timmerman M. A systematic review on the clinical efficacy of subgingival debridement in the treatment of chronic periodontitis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2002;29:55-71.
- 2. Oda S, Nitta H, Setoguchi T, Izumi Y, Ishikawa I. Current concepts and advances in manual and power‐driven instrumentation. Periodontology 2000. 2004;36(1):45-58.
- 3. Tunkel J, Heinecke A, Flemmig TF. A systematic review of efficacy of machine‐driven and manual subgingival debridement in the treatment of chronic periodontitis. Journal of clinical periodontology. 2002;29:72-81.
- 4. Timmerman M, Menso L, Steinfort J, Van Winkelhoff A, Van Der Weijden G. Atmospheric contamination during ultrasonic scaling. Journal of clinical periodontology. 2004;31(6):458-62.
- 5. Grenier D. Quantitative analysis of bacterial aerosols in two different dental clinic environments. Appl Environ Microbiol. 1995;61(8):3165-8.
- 6. Harrel SK, Barnes JB, Rivera‐Hidalgo F. Reduction of aerosols produced by ultrasonic sealers. Journal of periodontology. 1996;67(1):28-32.
- 7. Micik RE, Miller RL, Mazzarella MA, Ryge G. Studies on dental aerobiology: I. Bacterial aerosols generated during dental procedures. Journal of dental research. 1969;48(1):49-56.
- 8. Harrel SK, Molinari J. Aerosols and splatter in dentistry: a brief review of the literature and infection control implications. The Journal of the American Dental Association. 2004;135(4):429-37.
- 9. Sotiriou M, Ferguson SF, Davey M, Wolfson JM, Demokritou P, Lawrence J, et al. Measurement of particle concentrations in a dental office. Environmental monitoring and assessment. 2008;137(1-3):351.
- 10. Miller R. Generation of airborne infection... by high speed dental equipment. The Journal of the American Society for Preventive Dentistry. 1976;6(3):14.
- 11. Willeke K, Macher J, editors. Bioaerosols: assessment and control. Cincinnati, OH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists; 1999.
- 12. Burger H. Bioaerosols: prevalence and health effects in the indoor environment. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 1990;86(5):687-701.
- 13. Harrel SK, Barnes JB, Rivera-Hidalgo F. Aerosol and splatter contamination from the operative site during ultrasonic scaling. The Journal of the American Dental Association. 1998;129(9):1241-9.
- 14. Hallier C, Williams DW, Potts AJC, Lewis MAO. A pilot study of bioaerosol reduction using an air cleaning system during dental procedures. British dental journal. 2010;209(8):E14.
- 15. Leggat PA, Kedjarune U. Bacterial aerosols in the dental clinic: a review. International Dental Journal. 2001;51(1):39-44.
- 16. Bennett A, Fulford M, Walker J, Bradshaw D, Martin M, Marsh P. Occupational health: Microbial aerosols in general dental practice. British dental journal. 2000;189(12):664.
- 17. Pasquarella C, Veronesi L, Napoli C, Castiglia P, Liguori G, Rizzetto R, et al. Microbial environmental contamination in Italian dental clinics: A multicenter study yielding recommendations for standardized sampling methods and threshold values. Science of the total environment. 2012;420:289-99.
- 18. Dutil S, Mériaux A, de Latrémoille M-C, Lazure L, Barbeau J, Duchaine C. Measurement of airborne bacteria and endotoxin generated during dental cleaning. Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene. 2008;6(2):121-30.
- 19. Pasquarella C, Pitzurra O, Savino A. The index of microbial air contamination. Journal of hospital infection. 2000;46(4):241-56.
- 20. Veena H, Mahantesha S, Joseph PA, Patil SR, Patil SH. Dissemination of aerosol and splatter during ultrasonic scaling: a pilot study. Journal of infection and public health. 2015;8(3):260-5.
- 21. Chuang C-Y, Cheng H-C, Yang S, Fang W, Hung P-C, Chuang S-Y. Investigation of the spreading characteristics of bacterial aerosol contamination during dental scaling treatment. Journal of Dental Sciences. 2014;9(3):294-6.
- 22. Al Maghlouth A, Al Yousef Y, Al Bagieh N. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of bacterial aerosols. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2004;5(4):91-100.
- 23. Gupta G, Mitra D, Ashok K, Gupta A, Soni S, Ahmed S, et al. Efficacy of preprocedural mouth rinsing in reducing aerosol contamination produced by ultrasonic scaler: a pilot study. Journal of periodontology. 2014;85(4):562-8.