Year 2021,
, 936 - 946, 31.12.2021
Büşra Karabulut Gençer
Bilge Tarçın
Ayşe Aslı Şenol
Pınar Yılmaz Atalı
Teknolojik gelişmeler, yaşam kalitesinin artması ve sağlık hizmetlerine erişimdeki kolaylıklar gibi pek çok faktör insan ömrünün uzamasını sağlamıştır. Yaşlı popülasyonda görülen artış bu grup için hayatın her alanında yapılacak düzenlemeleri kaçınılmaz hale getirmektedir. Ağız ve diş hastalıkları tüm yaş gruplarını etkilediği gibi yaşlı popülasyonu da ilgilendiren bir problem olarak karşımıza çıkmakta, gelişmekte olan geriatrik diş hekimliği ise bu popülasyon için ağız diş sağlığı ve bakımını teşvik etmeye odaklanmakla birlikte bedensel, zihinsel, ruhsal ve sosyal refah için gerekli olan ağız sağlığının korunmasına dikkat etmektedir. Yaşa rağmen ağızda kalmayı başarabilmiş diş dokularının tedavisi restoratif diş hekimliği açısından önem taşımaktadır. Diş çürükleri, fonksiyona veya alışkanlıklara bağlı ortaya çıkan diş aşınmaları ve renkleşmeler bu alanda karşımıza çıkan yaygın sorunlardır. Geriatrik hastalar için hekim koltuğunda hastayı yormayacak, var olan diş dokusunu koruyan, kanıta dayalı ve gerekiyorsa tıp doktorlarıyla iş birliği içeren tedavi seçenekleri restoratif diş tedavisi yaklaşımlarında önem arz etmektedir. Yaşlı bireylerde zamanla ortaya çıkan fizyolojik ve patolojik değişimlerin kompleks tedavilere ihtiyaç duyulacağı algısı oluşturması, diş hekimlerinin ve diş hekimliği öğrencilerinin bu gruba karşı çekingen davranmasına neden olmaktadır. Yaşlı popülasyonun genişlemesiyle restoratif diş hekimliği alanında ortaya çıkan temel tedavi prosedürü eksikliği ve bu alanda yetkin hisseden hekimlerin azlığı, özellikle eğitim aşamalarında bu meselenin daha dikkatli ele alınması gerektiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Türkiye’de artan yaşlı nüfusa daha iyi tedaviler sunabilmek adına fakültelerin müfredatlarında geriatrik hastalara tedavi yaklaşımları konusuna daha fazla yer verilmesi kaçınılmazdır.
- 1. Steves CJ, Spector TD, Jackson SH. Ageing, genes, environment and epigenetics: what twin studies tell us now, and in the future. Age Ageing 2012;41(5):581-6.
- 2. Vasto S, Scapagnini G, Bulati M, Candore G, Castiglia L, Colonna-Romano G et al. Biomarkes of aging. Front Biosci (ScholEd) 2010;2(1):392-402.
- 3. Birren J, Schaire K. Handbook of the Psychology of Aging, Third ed. San Diego California: Academic pres,Inc; 1990. p.106.
- 4. Douglass CW, Jiménez MC. Our current geriatric population demographic and oral health care utilization. Dent Clin N Am 2014;58:717-728.
- 5. Higashi T, Shekelle PG, Solomon D, Knight EL, Roth CP, Chang JT et al. Quality of health care received by older adults, Research Briefs
2004;2013:4. DOI:
- 6. Brown RL, Barrett AE. Visual impairment and quality of life among older adults: an examination of explanations for the relationship. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci 2011;66(3):364-373.
- 7. Yellowitz JA, Schneiderman MT. Elder’s oral health crisis. J Evid Base Dent Pract 2014;14:191-200.
- 8. Abrams P, Thompson LA. Physiology of aging of older adults systemic and oral health considerations. Dent Clin N Am 2014;58:729-738.
- 9. Kaufman LB, Henshaw MM, Brown BP, Calabrese JM. Oral health and interprofessional collaborative practice examples of the team approach to geriatric care. Dent Clin N Am 2016; 60(4):879-890.
- 10. Turner MD. Hyposalivation and xerostomia: etiology, complications, and medical management. Dent Clin North Am 2016;60(2):435-43.
- 11. Chávez EM, Wong L, Subar P, Young D, Wong A. Dental care for geriatric and special needs populations. Dent Clin N Am 2018;62:245-267.
- 12. Jawad H, Hodson NA, Nixon PJ. A review of dental treatment of head and neck cancer patients, before, during and after radiotherapy. Br Dent
J 2015;218(2):65-8.
- 13. Little JW, Falace DA, Miller CS, Rhodus NL. Dental management of the medically compromised patient. 8th edition. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier; ISBN-13:978-0323080286, 2013.
- 14. An G. Normal aging of teeth. Geriatr Aging 2009;12(10):513-7.
- 15. Atsu SS, Aka S, Kucukesmen HC, Kilicarslan MA, Atakan C. Age-related changes in tooth enamel as measured by electron microscopy: implications for porcelain laminate veneers. J Prosthet Dent 2005;94:336-41.
- 16. Carvalho TS, Lussi A. Age-related morphological, histological and functional changes in teeth. J Oral Rehabil 2017;44(4):291-298.
- 17. Xu H, Zheng Q, Shao Y, Song F, Zhang L, Wang Q et al. The effects of ageing on the biomechanical properties of root dentine and fracture. J Dent 2014;42:305-311.
- 18. Sener S, Cobankara FK, Akgunlu F. Calcifications of the pulp chamber: prevalence and implicated factors. Clin Oral Investig 2009;13:209-215.
- 19. Razak PA, Richard KMJ, Thankachan RP, Abdul Hafiz KA, Kumar KN, Sameer KM. Geriatric oral health: a review article. J Int Oral Health 2014;6(6):110-116.
- 20. M.D. Turner, J.A. Ship, Dry mouth and its effects on the oral health of elderly. J Am Dent Assoc 138:15-20, 2007.
- 21. Mata C, Allen PF, Cronin M, O’Mahony D, McKenna G, Woods N. Cost-effectiveness of ART restorations in elderly adults: a randomized clinical trial. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2014;42:79-87.
- 22. Ettinger RL. Rational dental care: Part 1. Has the concept changed in 20 years? J Can Dent Assoc 2006;72:441-5.
- 23. Chen X, Clark JJ. Multidimensional risk assessment for tooth loss in a geriatric population with diverse medical and dental backgrounds. J Am Geriatr Soc 2011;59:1116-22.
- 24. Berkey B, Shay K, Holm-Pedersen P. Clinical decision-making for the elderly dental patient P. Holm-Pedersen, H. Loe (Eds.), Textbook of geriatric dentistry 2nd edition, Munksgaard, Copenhagen; 1996. p. 319-337.
- 25. Mulligan R, Vanderlinde MA. Treating the older adult dental patient: what are the issues of concern. J Calif Dent Assoc 2009;37:804-10.
- 26. Oong EM, An GK. Treatment planning considerations in older adults. Dent Clin North Am 2014;58(4):739-55.
- 27. Kaufman LB, Henshaw MM, Brown BP, Calabrese JM. Oral health and interprofessional collaborative practice examples of the team approach to geriatric care. Dent Clin North Am 2016;60(4):879-90.
- 28. Nazlıel Çelengil H, Uzun H. Medical, dental history and extraoral, intraoral and dental findings in the elderly. Turk J Geriatr 2000;3 (1):15-21.
- 29. Erbaşı S, Tüfekçioğlu O, Sahalı İ. Hypertension and the elderly. Turk J Geriatr 1999;2(2):67-70
- 30. Çakur B, Miloğlu Ö, Harorlı A. Oral health care in patients underwent chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Atatürk Üniv Dis Hek Fak Derg 2006;16(3):50-55.
- 31. Lopes GC, Vieira LC, Araujo E, Bruggmann T, Zucco J, Oliveira G. Effect of dentin age and acid etching time on dentin bonding. J Adhes Dent 2011;13:139-145.
- 32. Lia R, Loa ECM, Liub BY, Wonga MCM, Chua CH. Randomized clinical trial on arresting dental root caries through silver diammine fluoride applications in community-dwelling elders. J Dent 2016;51:15-20.
- 33. Hayesa M, Mata C, Cole M, McKenna G, Burke F, FinbarrAllen P. Risk indicators associated with root caries in independently living older adults. J Dent 2016;51:8-14.
- 34. Thomson WM. Dental caries experience in older people over time: what can the large cohort studies tell us? Br Dent J 2014;196(2):89-92.
- 35. Jablonski RY, Barber MW. Restorative dentistry for the older patient cohort. Br Dent J 2015;218:337-342.
- 36. Wierichs RJ, Kramer EJ, Meyer-Lueckel H. Risk factors for failure of class v restorations of carious cervical lesions in general dental practices. J Dent 2018;77:87-92.
- 37. Baca P, Clavero J, Baca AP, Paloma Gonza lez-Rodrıguez M, Bravo M, Valderrama MJ. Effect of chlorhexidine-thymol varnish on root caries in a geriatric population: a randomized double-blind clinical trial. J Dent 2009;37:679-685.
- 38. Urquhart O, Tampi MP, Pilcher L, Slayton RL, Araujo MWB, Fontana M et al. Nonrestorative treatments for caries: systematic review and network meta-analysis. J Dent Res 2019;98(1):14-26.
- 39. Schwendicke F, Göstemeyer G. Cost-effectiveness of root caries preventive treatments. J Dent 2017;56:58-64.
- 40. Stewardson D, Creanor S, Thornley P, Bigg T, Bromage C, Browne A et al. The survival of class v restorations in general dental practice: part 3, five-year survival. Br Dent J 2012;212(9): E14.
- 41. Zhao IS, Mei ML, Burrow MF, Lo EC, Chu CH. Prevention of secondary caries using silver diamine fluoride treatment and casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate modified glass-ionomer cement. J Dent 2017;57:38-44.
- 42. Lopes GC, Baratieri CM, Baratieri LN, Jr Monteiro S, Cardoso Vieira LC. Bonding to cervical sclerotic dentin: effect of acid etching time. J Adhes Dent 2004;6:19-23.
- 43. Roberson TM, Heymann HO, Swift EJ, Ritter AV, Pereira PNR, Türkün M. Class III, IV, and V direct composite restorations. Gürgan S. Sturdevant's Art and Science of Operative Dentistry.5th ed. Ankara: Güneş Tıp Kitabevi; 2011. p.529-565.
- 44. Ferracane JL. Resin-based composite performance: are there some things we can’t predict? Dent Mater 2013;29:51-8.
- 45. Ferracane JL. Resin composite-state of the art. Dent Mater 2011;27:29-38.
- 46. Zhang N, Melo MAS, Chen C, Liu J, Xu HHK. Development of a multifunctional adhesive system for prevention of root caries and secondary caries. Dent Mater 2015;31(9):1119-1131.
- 47. Schwendicke F, Frencken J, Innes N. Caries excavation: evolution of treating cavitated carious lesions. Monogr Oral Sci 2018;27:92-102.
- 48. Jaeggi T, Grüninger A, Lussi A. Restorative therapy of erosion. Monogr Oral Sci 20:200-14, 2006.
- 49. Muts EJ, van Pelt H, Edelhoff D, Krejci I, Cune M. Tooth wear: a systematic review of treatment options. J Prosthet Dent 2014;112(4):752-9.
- 50. Li MHM, Bernabé E. Tooth wear and quality of life among adults in the united kingdom. J Dent 2016;55:48-53.
- 51. Reston EG, Corba VD, Broliato G, Saldini BP, Stefanello Busato AL. Minimally invasive intervention in a case of a noncarious lesion and severe loss of tooth structure. Oper Dent 2012;37(3):324-328.
- 52. Escoda-Francolí J, Rodríguez-Rodríguez A, Pérez-García S, Gargallo-Albiol J, Gay-Escoda C. Dental implications in oral cancer patients. Med. Oral Patol. Oral Cir Bucal 2011;16:508-513.
- 53. Sroussi HY, Epstein JB, Bensadoun RJ, Saunders DP, Lalla RV, Migliorati CA et al. Common oral complications of head and neck cancer radiation therapy: mucositis, infections, saliva change, fibrosis, sensory dysfunctions, dental caries, periodontal disease, and osteoradionecrosis. Cancer Med 2017;6(12):2918-2931.
- 54. Yu OY, Zhao IS, Mei ML, Lo ECM, Chu CH. Caries-arresting effects of silver diamine fluoride and sodium fluoride on dentine caries lesions. J Dent 2018;78:65-71.
- 55. Marchini L, Ettinger R, Chen X, Kossioni A, Tan H, Tada S et al. Geriatric dentistry education and context in a selection of countries in 5 continents. Spec Care Dentist 2018;38(3):123-132.
- 56. MacEntee MI. The educational challenge of dental geriatrics. J Dent Educ 2010;74:13-19.
- 57. Ettinger RL, Goettsche ZS, Qian F. Curriculum content in geriatric dentistry in usa dental schools. Gerodontology 2018;35(1):11-17.
- 58.;jsessionid=TnMfpxkLk1nlc9VGxB2FSHcqVnrNymhXQ6tlffnm1nYDfSqJL4xC!-1159824127?id=33712
Year 2021,
, 936 - 946, 31.12.2021
Büşra Karabulut Gençer
Bilge Tarçın
Ayşe Aslı Şenol
Pınar Yılmaz Atalı
- 1. Steves CJ, Spector TD, Jackson SH. Ageing, genes, environment and epigenetics: what twin studies tell us now, and in the future. Age Ageing 2012;41(5):581-6.
- 2. Vasto S, Scapagnini G, Bulati M, Candore G, Castiglia L, Colonna-Romano G et al. Biomarkes of aging. Front Biosci (ScholEd) 2010;2(1):392-402.
- 3. Birren J, Schaire K. Handbook of the Psychology of Aging, Third ed. San Diego California: Academic pres,Inc; 1990. p.106.
- 4. Douglass CW, Jiménez MC. Our current geriatric population demographic and oral health care utilization. Dent Clin N Am 2014;58:717-728.
- 5. Higashi T, Shekelle PG, Solomon D, Knight EL, Roth CP, Chang JT et al. Quality of health care received by older adults, Research Briefs
2004;2013:4. DOI:
- 6. Brown RL, Barrett AE. Visual impairment and quality of life among older adults: an examination of explanations for the relationship. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci 2011;66(3):364-373.
- 7. Yellowitz JA, Schneiderman MT. Elder’s oral health crisis. J Evid Base Dent Pract 2014;14:191-200.
- 8. Abrams P, Thompson LA. Physiology of aging of older adults systemic and oral health considerations. Dent Clin N Am 2014;58:729-738.
- 9. Kaufman LB, Henshaw MM, Brown BP, Calabrese JM. Oral health and interprofessional collaborative practice examples of the team approach to geriatric care. Dent Clin N Am 2016; 60(4):879-890.
- 10. Turner MD. Hyposalivation and xerostomia: etiology, complications, and medical management. Dent Clin North Am 2016;60(2):435-43.
- 11. Chávez EM, Wong L, Subar P, Young D, Wong A. Dental care for geriatric and special needs populations. Dent Clin N Am 2018;62:245-267.
- 12. Jawad H, Hodson NA, Nixon PJ. A review of dental treatment of head and neck cancer patients, before, during and after radiotherapy. Br Dent
J 2015;218(2):65-8.
- 13. Little JW, Falace DA, Miller CS, Rhodus NL. Dental management of the medically compromised patient. 8th edition. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier; ISBN-13:978-0323080286, 2013.
- 14. An G. Normal aging of teeth. Geriatr Aging 2009;12(10):513-7.
- 15. Atsu SS, Aka S, Kucukesmen HC, Kilicarslan MA, Atakan C. Age-related changes in tooth enamel as measured by electron microscopy: implications for porcelain laminate veneers. J Prosthet Dent 2005;94:336-41.
- 16. Carvalho TS, Lussi A. Age-related morphological, histological and functional changes in teeth. J Oral Rehabil 2017;44(4):291-298.
- 17. Xu H, Zheng Q, Shao Y, Song F, Zhang L, Wang Q et al. The effects of ageing on the biomechanical properties of root dentine and fracture. J Dent 2014;42:305-311.
- 18. Sener S, Cobankara FK, Akgunlu F. Calcifications of the pulp chamber: prevalence and implicated factors. Clin Oral Investig 2009;13:209-215.
- 19. Razak PA, Richard KMJ, Thankachan RP, Abdul Hafiz KA, Kumar KN, Sameer KM. Geriatric oral health: a review article. J Int Oral Health 2014;6(6):110-116.
- 20. M.D. Turner, J.A. Ship, Dry mouth and its effects on the oral health of elderly. J Am Dent Assoc 138:15-20, 2007.
- 21. Mata C, Allen PF, Cronin M, O’Mahony D, McKenna G, Woods N. Cost-effectiveness of ART restorations in elderly adults: a randomized clinical trial. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2014;42:79-87.
- 22. Ettinger RL. Rational dental care: Part 1. Has the concept changed in 20 years? J Can Dent Assoc 2006;72:441-5.
- 23. Chen X, Clark JJ. Multidimensional risk assessment for tooth loss in a geriatric population with diverse medical and dental backgrounds. J Am Geriatr Soc 2011;59:1116-22.
- 24. Berkey B, Shay K, Holm-Pedersen P. Clinical decision-making for the elderly dental patient P. Holm-Pedersen, H. Loe (Eds.), Textbook of geriatric dentistry 2nd edition, Munksgaard, Copenhagen; 1996. p. 319-337.
- 25. Mulligan R, Vanderlinde MA. Treating the older adult dental patient: what are the issues of concern. J Calif Dent Assoc 2009;37:804-10.
- 26. Oong EM, An GK. Treatment planning considerations in older adults. Dent Clin North Am 2014;58(4):739-55.
- 27. Kaufman LB, Henshaw MM, Brown BP, Calabrese JM. Oral health and interprofessional collaborative practice examples of the team approach to geriatric care. Dent Clin North Am 2016;60(4):879-90.
- 28. Nazlıel Çelengil H, Uzun H. Medical, dental history and extraoral, intraoral and dental findings in the elderly. Turk J Geriatr 2000;3 (1):15-21.
- 29. Erbaşı S, Tüfekçioğlu O, Sahalı İ. Hypertension and the elderly. Turk J Geriatr 1999;2(2):67-70
- 30. Çakur B, Miloğlu Ö, Harorlı A. Oral health care in patients underwent chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Atatürk Üniv Dis Hek Fak Derg 2006;16(3):50-55.
- 31. Lopes GC, Vieira LC, Araujo E, Bruggmann T, Zucco J, Oliveira G. Effect of dentin age and acid etching time on dentin bonding. J Adhes Dent 2011;13:139-145.
- 32. Lia R, Loa ECM, Liub BY, Wonga MCM, Chua CH. Randomized clinical trial on arresting dental root caries through silver diammine fluoride applications in community-dwelling elders. J Dent 2016;51:15-20.
- 33. Hayesa M, Mata C, Cole M, McKenna G, Burke F, FinbarrAllen P. Risk indicators associated with root caries in independently living older adults. J Dent 2016;51:8-14.
- 34. Thomson WM. Dental caries experience in older people over time: what can the large cohort studies tell us? Br Dent J 2014;196(2):89-92.
- 35. Jablonski RY, Barber MW. Restorative dentistry for the older patient cohort. Br Dent J 2015;218:337-342.
- 36. Wierichs RJ, Kramer EJ, Meyer-Lueckel H. Risk factors for failure of class v restorations of carious cervical lesions in general dental practices. J Dent 2018;77:87-92.
- 37. Baca P, Clavero J, Baca AP, Paloma Gonza lez-Rodrıguez M, Bravo M, Valderrama MJ. Effect of chlorhexidine-thymol varnish on root caries in a geriatric population: a randomized double-blind clinical trial. J Dent 2009;37:679-685.
- 38. Urquhart O, Tampi MP, Pilcher L, Slayton RL, Araujo MWB, Fontana M et al. Nonrestorative treatments for caries: systematic review and network meta-analysis. J Dent Res 2019;98(1):14-26.
- 39. Schwendicke F, Göstemeyer G. Cost-effectiveness of root caries preventive treatments. J Dent 2017;56:58-64.
- 40. Stewardson D, Creanor S, Thornley P, Bigg T, Bromage C, Browne A et al. The survival of class v restorations in general dental practice: part 3, five-year survival. Br Dent J 2012;212(9): E14.
- 41. Zhao IS, Mei ML, Burrow MF, Lo EC, Chu CH. Prevention of secondary caries using silver diamine fluoride treatment and casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate modified glass-ionomer cement. J Dent 2017;57:38-44.
- 42. Lopes GC, Baratieri CM, Baratieri LN, Jr Monteiro S, Cardoso Vieira LC. Bonding to cervical sclerotic dentin: effect of acid etching time. J Adhes Dent 2004;6:19-23.
- 43. Roberson TM, Heymann HO, Swift EJ, Ritter AV, Pereira PNR, Türkün M. Class III, IV, and V direct composite restorations. Gürgan S. Sturdevant's Art and Science of Operative Dentistry.5th ed. Ankara: Güneş Tıp Kitabevi; 2011. p.529-565.
- 44. Ferracane JL. Resin-based composite performance: are there some things we can’t predict? Dent Mater 2013;29:51-8.
- 45. Ferracane JL. Resin composite-state of the art. Dent Mater 2011;27:29-38.
- 46. Zhang N, Melo MAS, Chen C, Liu J, Xu HHK. Development of a multifunctional adhesive system for prevention of root caries and secondary caries. Dent Mater 2015;31(9):1119-1131.
- 47. Schwendicke F, Frencken J, Innes N. Caries excavation: evolution of treating cavitated carious lesions. Monogr Oral Sci 2018;27:92-102.
- 48. Jaeggi T, Grüninger A, Lussi A. Restorative therapy of erosion. Monogr Oral Sci 20:200-14, 2006.
- 49. Muts EJ, van Pelt H, Edelhoff D, Krejci I, Cune M. Tooth wear: a systematic review of treatment options. J Prosthet Dent 2014;112(4):752-9.
- 50. Li MHM, Bernabé E. Tooth wear and quality of life among adults in the united kingdom. J Dent 2016;55:48-53.
- 51. Reston EG, Corba VD, Broliato G, Saldini BP, Stefanello Busato AL. Minimally invasive intervention in a case of a noncarious lesion and severe loss of tooth structure. Oper Dent 2012;37(3):324-328.
- 52. Escoda-Francolí J, Rodríguez-Rodríguez A, Pérez-García S, Gargallo-Albiol J, Gay-Escoda C. Dental implications in oral cancer patients. Med. Oral Patol. Oral Cir Bucal 2011;16:508-513.
- 53. Sroussi HY, Epstein JB, Bensadoun RJ, Saunders DP, Lalla RV, Migliorati CA et al. Common oral complications of head and neck cancer radiation therapy: mucositis, infections, saliva change, fibrosis, sensory dysfunctions, dental caries, periodontal disease, and osteoradionecrosis. Cancer Med 2017;6(12):2918-2931.
- 54. Yu OY, Zhao IS, Mei ML, Lo ECM, Chu CH. Caries-arresting effects of silver diamine fluoride and sodium fluoride on dentine caries lesions. J Dent 2018;78:65-71.
- 55. Marchini L, Ettinger R, Chen X, Kossioni A, Tan H, Tada S et al. Geriatric dentistry education and context in a selection of countries in 5 continents. Spec Care Dentist 2018;38(3):123-132.
- 56. MacEntee MI. The educational challenge of dental geriatrics. J Dent Educ 2010;74:13-19.
- 57. Ettinger RL, Goettsche ZS, Qian F. Curriculum content in geriatric dentistry in usa dental schools. Gerodontology 2018;35(1):11-17.
- 58.;jsessionid=TnMfpxkLk1nlc9VGxB2FSHcqVnrNymhXQ6tlffnm1nYDfSqJL4xC!-1159824127?id=33712