Renklenmiş Kök Kanal Tedavili Maksiller Santral Dişin Beyazlatma Tedavisi ve Estetik Rehabilitasyonu: Olgu Sunumu
Year 2022,
Volume: 9 Issue: 4, 19 - 23, 30.12.2022
Seden Tüzel
Mine Betül Üçtaşlı
Dişlerdeki renk değişimleri, lokalizasyona (eksternal ve internal faktörler gibi) ve etiyololojiye dayanan çok faktörlü olgulardır. Hangi tip beyazlatma tedavisine ihtiyacımız olduğuna karar vermek en önemli durumdur. Kök kanal tedavisi uygulanmış dişlerdeki renk değişikliklerinin nedenleri arasında pulpa dokusu artıkları, kanal dolgu patları, irrigasyon ve pansuman materyalleri yer almaktadır. İntrakoronal beyazlatma tedavisi, devital dişlerin beyazlatılmasında etkili ve minimal invaziv bir yaklaşımdır.
Bu vaka raporunun amacı renklenmiş kök kanal tedavili sol maksiller santral kesici dişin beyazlatılması ve hastaya estetik restorasyonların sunulmasıdır.
- 1. Frysh H, Bowles WH, Baker F, Rivera-Hidalgo F, Guillen G. Effect of pH on hydrogen peroxide bleaching agents. J Esthet Dent 1995; 7: 130133.
- 2. Oktay EK. Farklı vital beyazlatma sistemlerinin diş rengi üzerine etkilerinin klinik olarak karşılaştırılması. [thesis]. Ankara: Hacettepe University; 2006.
- 3. Nathoo SA. The chemistry and mechanism of extrinsic and intrinsic discoloration. J Am Dent Assoc 1997; 128: 6S-10S.
- 4. Zantner C, Derdilopoulou F, Martus P, Kielbassa AM. Randomized clinical trial on the efficacy of 2 overthe-counter whitening systems. Quintessence Int 2006; 37: 695-706.
- 5. Dayan D, Heifferman A, Gorski M, Begleiter A. Tooth discoloration-extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Quintessence Int Dent Dig 1983;14(2):195-9.
- 6. Addy A, Moran J, Newcombe R, Warren P. The comparative tea staining potential of phenolic, chlorhexidine and ant-adhesive mouthrinses. J Clin Periodontol 1995; 22: 923– 928.
- 7. Watts A, Addy M. Tooth discolouration and staining. A review of the literature. Br Dent J 2001; 190: 309–316.
- 8. Erten H, Dişlerin Ağartılması, Alaçam. T, Endodonti:Mimtaş Yay; 2012, 947-984.
- 9. Erten H, Erol S. Renklenme nedenleri ve tedavi planlaması. Dicle Diş Hek Der 2013;14(153-60).
- 10. Howell RA. Bleaching discoloured root-filled teeth. Br Dent J 1980; 148(6): 159-162.
- 11. Carrasco LD, Guerisoli DM, Rocha MJ, Pecora JD, Froner IC. Efficacy of intracoronal bleaching techniques with different light activation sources. Int Endod J 2007; 40(3): 204- 208.
- 12. Attin T, Paque F, Ajam F, Lennon AM. Review of the current status of tooth whitening with the walking bleach technique. Int Endod J 2003; 36(5): 313-329.
- 13. Plotino G, Buono L, Grande NM, Pameijer CH, Somma F. Nonvital tooth bleaching: a review of the literature and clinical procedures. J Endod 2008;34:394-407.
- 14. Fearon J. Tooth whitening: concepts and controversies. J Ir Dent Assoc 2007; 53(3): 132- 140.
15. Baratieri LN, Ritter AV, Monteiro S, Jr., Caldeira de Andrada MA, Cardoso Vieira LC. Nonvital tooth bleaching: guidelines for the clinician. Quintessence Int 1995; 26(9): 597-608.
- 16. Nutting EB, Poe GS. Chemical bleaching of discolored endodontically treated teeth. Dent Clin North Am 1967; 655-662.
- 17. Harrington GW, Natkin E. External resorption associated with bleaching of pulpless teeth. J Endod 1979;5:344-8.
- 18. Friedman S, Rotstein I, Libfeld H, Stabholz A, Heling I. Incidence of external root resorption and esthetic results in 58 bleached pulpless teeth. Dent Traumatol 1988;4:23-6.
- 19. Gimlin DR, Schindler WG. The management of postbleaching cervical resorption. J Endod 1990;16:292-7.
- 20. Torneck C, Titley K, Smith D, Adibfar A. The influence of time of hydrogen peroxide exposure on the adhesion of composite resin to bleached bovine enamel. J Endod 1990;16:123-8.
- 21. Ruse N, Smith D, Torneck C, Titley K. Preliminary surface analysis of etched, bleached, and normal bovine enamel. J Dent Res 1990;69:1610-3.
- 22. Kehoe JC. pH reversal following in vitro bleaching of pulpless teeth. J Endod 1987;13:6-9.
Year 2022,
Volume: 9 Issue: 4, 19 - 23, 30.12.2022
Seden Tüzel
Mine Betül Üçtaşlı
- 1. Frysh H, Bowles WH, Baker F, Rivera-Hidalgo F, Guillen G. Effect of pH on hydrogen peroxide bleaching agents. J Esthet Dent 1995; 7: 130133.
- 2. Oktay EK. Farklı vital beyazlatma sistemlerinin diş rengi üzerine etkilerinin klinik olarak karşılaştırılması. [thesis]. Ankara: Hacettepe University; 2006.
- 3. Nathoo SA. The chemistry and mechanism of extrinsic and intrinsic discoloration. J Am Dent Assoc 1997; 128: 6S-10S.
- 4. Zantner C, Derdilopoulou F, Martus P, Kielbassa AM. Randomized clinical trial on the efficacy of 2 overthe-counter whitening systems. Quintessence Int 2006; 37: 695-706.
- 5. Dayan D, Heifferman A, Gorski M, Begleiter A. Tooth discoloration-extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Quintessence Int Dent Dig 1983;14(2):195-9.
- 6. Addy A, Moran J, Newcombe R, Warren P. The comparative tea staining potential of phenolic, chlorhexidine and ant-adhesive mouthrinses. J Clin Periodontol 1995; 22: 923– 928.
- 7. Watts A, Addy M. Tooth discolouration and staining. A review of the literature. Br Dent J 2001; 190: 309–316.
- 8. Erten H, Dişlerin Ağartılması, Alaçam. T, Endodonti:Mimtaş Yay; 2012, 947-984.
- 9. Erten H, Erol S. Renklenme nedenleri ve tedavi planlaması. Dicle Diş Hek Der 2013;14(153-60).
- 10. Howell RA. Bleaching discoloured root-filled teeth. Br Dent J 1980; 148(6): 159-162.
- 11. Carrasco LD, Guerisoli DM, Rocha MJ, Pecora JD, Froner IC. Efficacy of intracoronal bleaching techniques with different light activation sources. Int Endod J 2007; 40(3): 204- 208.
- 12. Attin T, Paque F, Ajam F, Lennon AM. Review of the current status of tooth whitening with the walking bleach technique. Int Endod J 2003; 36(5): 313-329.
- 13. Plotino G, Buono L, Grande NM, Pameijer CH, Somma F. Nonvital tooth bleaching: a review of the literature and clinical procedures. J Endod 2008;34:394-407.
- 14. Fearon J. Tooth whitening: concepts and controversies. J Ir Dent Assoc 2007; 53(3): 132- 140.
15. Baratieri LN, Ritter AV, Monteiro S, Jr., Caldeira de Andrada MA, Cardoso Vieira LC. Nonvital tooth bleaching: guidelines for the clinician. Quintessence Int 1995; 26(9): 597-608.
- 16. Nutting EB, Poe GS. Chemical bleaching of discolored endodontically treated teeth. Dent Clin North Am 1967; 655-662.
- 17. Harrington GW, Natkin E. External resorption associated with bleaching of pulpless teeth. J Endod 1979;5:344-8.
- 18. Friedman S, Rotstein I, Libfeld H, Stabholz A, Heling I. Incidence of external root resorption and esthetic results in 58 bleached pulpless teeth. Dent Traumatol 1988;4:23-6.
- 19. Gimlin DR, Schindler WG. The management of postbleaching cervical resorption. J Endod 1990;16:292-7.
- 20. Torneck C, Titley K, Smith D, Adibfar A. The influence of time of hydrogen peroxide exposure on the adhesion of composite resin to bleached bovine enamel. J Endod 1990;16:123-8.
- 21. Ruse N, Smith D, Torneck C, Titley K. Preliminary surface analysis of etched, bleached, and normal bovine enamel. J Dent Res 1990;69:1610-3.
- 22. Kehoe JC. pH reversal following in vitro bleaching of pulpless teeth. J Endod 1987;13:6-9.