Kentsel Yıkımın Bosna ve Filistin Örnekleri Üzerinden Kentkırım Kapsamında Değerlendirilmesi
Year 2018,
Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 92 - 106, 30.04.2018
Fırat Harun Yılmaz
Ali Şahin
Kentler insanlığın gelişim sürecinin temel tanığıdır.
Kentler ayrıca gelişim sürecinin beraberinde getirdiği savaş ve çatışmaların da
temel mekânıdır. Siyasi, toplumsal ve teknolojik alanda yaşanan değişimler
çatışmalarda yeni kentsel militarizm, düşük yoğunluklu çatışma, dördüncü nesil
savaş olarak nitelendirilen şiddet formlarının ortaya çıkmasına neden
olmaktadır. 20. Yüzyılın son çeyreğinde ortaya çıkan kentkırım bu şiddet
formlarından biridir. Kenti oluşturan temel değerlere fiziki yapı üzerinden
doğrudan yapılan saldırılar kentkırımdır. Kentin bizatihi hedef olması; yapılı
çevrede gerçekleşen yıkımların sistematik ve planlı olması; yıkım sonrası
yeniden yapılanma süreci ile kentsel yaşamın kontrol altına alınması kavramı
çatışmaların meydana getirdiği ikincil zararlardan ayırmaktadır. Çalışmada
öncelikle kentkırım kavramının mevcut teorik çerçevesi ve kavrama ilişkin
yaklaşımlar ortaya konulmaktadır. Ardından Bosna ve Filistin’de yapılan kentsel
yıkımlar kentkırım kapsamında ele alınarak yıkımın sonuçları
değerlendirilmektedir. Bu bağlamda sosyal, tarihsel hafızanın yok olması başta
olmak üzere insanların kentsel çevre ile olan medeni ilişkilerine yönelik
tahribat ve kentkırımın kültür mirasına olan etkileri ele alınmaktadır.
- Abujidi, Nurhan, (2014). Urbicide in Palestine spaces of oppression and resilience (Vol. 64). New York: Routledge
- Adams, Nicholas, (1993) “Architecture as the Target”, Journal of Society of Architectural Historians 52, s. 389-390
- Appadurai, Arjun, (2003). Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of globalization (Sixth Edition). USA: University of Minnesota Press.
- B’Tselem (2004). Through No Fault of Their Own: Israel’s Punitive House Demolitions in the al-AqsaIntifada, Son Erişim Tarihi: 09.12.2017.
- B’Tselem (2016a). Reality Check: Almost Fifty Years of Occupation., Son Erişim Tarihi: 12.12.2017.
- B’Tselem (2016b). Expel and Exploit The Israeli Practice of Taking over Rural PalestinianLand,, Son Erişim Tarihi: 14.12.2017.
- Batuman, Bülent, (2002) “Kentkırım: Savaş, Kent ve Mimarlık”, Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi Bülteni, 43, s. 22-24
- Berman, Marshall, (1987). Among the Ruins. New Internationalist, Son Erişim Tarihi: 22.12.2017
- Berman, Marshall, (1996) “Falling Towers City Life After Urbicide”, Geography and Identity, s. 172-192
- Bevan, Robert, (2006). The Destruction of memory: Architecture in War. London: Reaktıon Books
- Bogdanovic, Bogdan, (1995). The City and Death. (Editör: Joanna Labon). Balkan Blues, Writing Out of Yugoslavia. USA: Northwestern University Press, 37-74
- Bogdanovic, Bogdan, (1993). The Murder of City. Son Erişim Tarihi: 16.12.2017.
- Bumin, Kürşat, (2013) Demokrasi Arayışında Kent, 2. bs., Çizgi Kitabevi, Konya
- Campbell, David, Graham, Stephen, Monk, Daniel B, (2007) “Introduction to Urbicide: The Killing of Cities?”, Theory & Event, 10(2)
- Coward, Martin, (2002) “Community as Heterogenous Ensemble: Mostar and Multiculturalism”, Alternatives, 27(1), s. 29-66
- Coward, Martin, (2007) “Urbicide Reconsidered”, Theory & Event, 10(2)
- Coward, Martin, (2008) “Urbicide in Bosnia” (Editör: Stephen Graham). Cities, war and terrorism: towards an urban geopolitics, UK: Blackwell Publishing, s.154-171
- Fregonese, Sara, (2009) “The Urbicide of Beirut? Geopolitics and the built enviroment in Lebanese civil war (1975-1976)”, Political Geography, 28(5), s. 309-318
- Goonewardena, Kanishka, Kipfer, Stefan, (2006) “Postcolonial Urbicide: New Imperialism, Global Cities and The Damned of Earth”, New Formations, 59, s. 23-34
- Goonewardena, Kanishka, Kipfer, Stefan (2007) “Colonization and the New Impearialism: On the Meaning of Urbicide Today”, Theory&Event, 10(2)
- Graham, Stephen (2002). Bulldozers and bombs: the latest Palestinian-Israeli conflict as asymmetric urbicide. Antipode, 34(4), s. 642-649
- Graham, Stephen, (2004a). Postmortem City: Towards an Urban Geopolitics. City, 8(2), s. 165-196
- Graham, Stephen, (2004b) Cities, war and terrorism: towards an urban geopolitics. UK: Blackwell Publishing
- Graham, Stephen, (2005) “Remembering Fallujah; demonising place, constructing atrocity”, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 23, s. 1-10
- Graham, Stephen, (2011a). Lessons in Urbicide (Editör: Stephen Graham). Cities Under Siege: New Military Urbanism. London Verso, s. 226-262
- Graham, Stephen, (2011b). Cities Under Siege: The New Military Urbanism. London Verso Books
- Harrowel, Elly, (2016) “Looking for the future in the rubble of Palmyra: Destruction, reconstruction and identity”, Geoforum, 69,s. 81-83
- Herscher, Andrew, (2007) “Urbicide, urbanism and urban destruction in Kosovo”, Theory and Event 10(2)
- Hewitt, Kenneth, (2009). Proving grounds of urbicide: Civil and urban perspectives on the bombing of capital cities., Son Erişim Tarihi: 30.12.2017.
- Son Erişim Tarihi: 12.01.2018
- Son Erişimi Tarihi: 25.12.2017
- Son Erişimi Tarihi: 30.12.2017
- Kalsoum, Rim (2015). Looking closely at war torn cities, what were the methods of urban fabric annihilation during the time of warfare and and how have these cities responded to the assault (Urbicide)intermsofculturalheritageprotection? Son Erişim Tarihi: 26.12. 2017
- Karasu, Mithat Arman, (2008a) “Küresel Barışa Karşı Yeni Bir Tehdit: Kentkırım (Filistin Örneği)”, 5. Uluslararası Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı Ekim 24-26 2008, Çanakkale: Çanakkale On Sekiz Mart Üniversitesi Yayınları, s. 101-109
- Karasu, Mithat Arman, (2008b) “Bir Kentin Ölümü: Kentkırım (Bosna Hersek Örneği)”, Çağdaş Yerel Yönetimler, 17(3), s. 51-64
- Keleş, Ruşen, (2012). Kentleşme Politikası, 12. bs., İmge Kitabevi, Ankara
- Keser, Ulvi, (2012) “Manevi Miras Katliamı, Bosna Hersek’te Kentkırım”, Motif Akademi Halkbilim Dergisi 2 (Balkan Özel Sayısı-II), s. 274-298
- Li, Darrly, (2006) “The Gaza Strip as Laboratory: Notes in the Wake of Disengagement”, Journal of Palestine Studies 35(2), s. 38-55
- Mendieta, Eduardo, (2007) “The Literature of Urbicide: Friedrich, Nossack, Sebald and Vonnegut”, Theory and Event 10(2)
- Misselwitz, Phillip, Weizman, Eyal (2003) Military Operations as Urban Planning, Son Erişim Tarihi: 14.12.2017.
- Mostar Architects Association (1993) “Mostar 92-Urbicide”, Spazio e Societa 16(62), s. 8-25
- Mumford, Lewis, Tarih Boyunca Kent Kökenleri Geçirdiği Dönüşümler ve Geleceği, Çev. Gürol Koca-Tamer Tosun, (2007) Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul.
- Ramadan, Adam, (2009) “Destroying Nahr-el Bared: Sovereignty and urbicide in the space of exception”, Political Geography, 28, s. 153-163
- Riedlmayer, Andras J., (1995) “Killing Memory: The Targeting of Bosnia’s Cultural” heritage”Testimony presented at a hearing of the commision on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Washington: US Government Printing Office
- Riedlmayer, Andras J., (2002) “Destruction of Cultural Heritage in Bosnia Herzegovina 1992-1996: A post-war Survey of Selected Municipalities”, Bosnia Herzegovina Cultural Heritage Report, Cambridge Publication
- Routledge, Paul, (2010) “Cities, Justice and Conflict”, Urban Studies, 47(6), s. 1165-1177
- Salmon, Chrıstıan, (2006) “Filistin’e Uzaktan ve Yakından Bakmak Buldozer Savaşı”, (Çeviren: Oktay Etiman), Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi Bülteni, 43, s. 32-37.
- Shaw, Martin, (2004) New wars of the city: ‘‘urbicide’’ and ‘‘genocide’’. (Editör: Stephen Graham). Cities Under Siege: New Military Urbanism. London: Verso Books, s. 141-154
- Sımmons, Cynthıa, (2001) “Urbicide and the myth of Sarajevo” Partisan Review, 68(4), s. 624-630 ,
- Torsti, Pılvı, (2004) “History Culture and Banal Nationalism in post-war Bosnia”, Southeast European Politics, 5(2), s. 142-157
- Tuastad, Dag, (2003) “Neo-orientalism and new barbarism thesis; aspects of symbolic violence in the Middle East conflict (s)”, Third World Quarterly, 24(4), s. 591-59
- Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi (1998). Uluslararası Ceza Divanı Roma Statüsü., Son Erişim Tarihi: 30.03.2017.
- United Nations (1948). Convention on Prevention and Punishment of the CrimeofGenocide, Son Erişim Tarihi: 30.12.2017.
- Watson, Iaın, (2013) “(Re) Constructing a World City: Urbicide in Global Korea”, Globalizations, 10(2), s. 309-325
- Weizman, Eyal, (2007) Hollow Land Israel’s Architecture of Occupation. London: Verso Books
- Weizmann, Eyal, (2008) Strategic Points, Flexible Lines, Tense Surfaces and Political Volumes: Ariel Sharon and the Geometry of Occupation. (Editör: Stephen Graham). Cities war and terrorism: towards an urban geopolitics. John Wiley & Sons, s.172-192
- Zaprianov, Dobromir, (2012) Is the destruction of Urban Structures a Form of Violence., Son Erişim Tarihi: 10.12.2017.
The Evaluation of Urbicide Within The Context of Urban Destruction via Bosnia and Palestine Cases
Year 2018,
Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 92 - 106, 30.04.2018
Fırat Harun Yılmaz
Ali Şahin
Urban areas are the basic witnesses of development
process of humanity. As well as, urban areas are the fundamental places of wars
and conflicts derived from this progress. Political, social and technological
changes bring about the new forms of violence named as new urban militarism,
fourth generation war, low-intensity conflict. Urbicide which appeared at the
last quarter of 20th century is one of this form of violence. Urbicide is
attacking urban values via built environment. Urbicide differs from the
collateral damage with following characteristics; urban area in intself is the
target, destruction of built environment is systematic and deliberate; urban
life is get under control with restruction after destruction process. In this
study initialy theoritical concept and certain approaches of urbicide are addressed.
Afterwards the urban destructions in Bosnia and Palestine and consequences of
destructions are evalauted within the concept of urbicide. In this context
-destructions of social-historical memory being in the first place- devastation
of people's certain relations towards urban environment and the effects of
urbicide upon cultural heritage are discussed.
- Abujidi, Nurhan, (2014). Urbicide in Palestine spaces of oppression and resilience (Vol. 64). New York: Routledge
- Adams, Nicholas, (1993) “Architecture as the Target”, Journal of Society of Architectural Historians 52, s. 389-390
- Appadurai, Arjun, (2003). Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of globalization (Sixth Edition). USA: University of Minnesota Press.
- B’Tselem (2004). Through No Fault of Their Own: Israel’s Punitive House Demolitions in the al-AqsaIntifada, Son Erişim Tarihi: 09.12.2017.
- B’Tselem (2016a). Reality Check: Almost Fifty Years of Occupation., Son Erişim Tarihi: 12.12.2017.
- B’Tselem (2016b). Expel and Exploit The Israeli Practice of Taking over Rural PalestinianLand,, Son Erişim Tarihi: 14.12.2017.
- Batuman, Bülent, (2002) “Kentkırım: Savaş, Kent ve Mimarlık”, Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi Bülteni, 43, s. 22-24
- Berman, Marshall, (1987). Among the Ruins. New Internationalist, Son Erişim Tarihi: 22.12.2017
- Berman, Marshall, (1996) “Falling Towers City Life After Urbicide”, Geography and Identity, s. 172-192
- Bevan, Robert, (2006). The Destruction of memory: Architecture in War. London: Reaktıon Books
- Bogdanovic, Bogdan, (1995). The City and Death. (Editör: Joanna Labon). Balkan Blues, Writing Out of Yugoslavia. USA: Northwestern University Press, 37-74
- Bogdanovic, Bogdan, (1993). The Murder of City. Son Erişim Tarihi: 16.12.2017.
- Bumin, Kürşat, (2013) Demokrasi Arayışında Kent, 2. bs., Çizgi Kitabevi, Konya
- Campbell, David, Graham, Stephen, Monk, Daniel B, (2007) “Introduction to Urbicide: The Killing of Cities?”, Theory & Event, 10(2)
- Coward, Martin, (2002) “Community as Heterogenous Ensemble: Mostar and Multiculturalism”, Alternatives, 27(1), s. 29-66
- Coward, Martin, (2007) “Urbicide Reconsidered”, Theory & Event, 10(2)
- Coward, Martin, (2008) “Urbicide in Bosnia” (Editör: Stephen Graham). Cities, war and terrorism: towards an urban geopolitics, UK: Blackwell Publishing, s.154-171
- Fregonese, Sara, (2009) “The Urbicide of Beirut? Geopolitics and the built enviroment in Lebanese civil war (1975-1976)”, Political Geography, 28(5), s. 309-318
- Goonewardena, Kanishka, Kipfer, Stefan, (2006) “Postcolonial Urbicide: New Imperialism, Global Cities and The Damned of Earth”, New Formations, 59, s. 23-34
- Goonewardena, Kanishka, Kipfer, Stefan (2007) “Colonization and the New Impearialism: On the Meaning of Urbicide Today”, Theory&Event, 10(2)
- Graham, Stephen (2002). Bulldozers and bombs: the latest Palestinian-Israeli conflict as asymmetric urbicide. Antipode, 34(4), s. 642-649
- Graham, Stephen, (2004a). Postmortem City: Towards an Urban Geopolitics. City, 8(2), s. 165-196
- Graham, Stephen, (2004b) Cities, war and terrorism: towards an urban geopolitics. UK: Blackwell Publishing
- Graham, Stephen, (2005) “Remembering Fallujah; demonising place, constructing atrocity”, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 23, s. 1-10
- Graham, Stephen, (2011a). Lessons in Urbicide (Editör: Stephen Graham). Cities Under Siege: New Military Urbanism. London Verso, s. 226-262
- Graham, Stephen, (2011b). Cities Under Siege: The New Military Urbanism. London Verso Books
- Harrowel, Elly, (2016) “Looking for the future in the rubble of Palmyra: Destruction, reconstruction and identity”, Geoforum, 69,s. 81-83
- Herscher, Andrew, (2007) “Urbicide, urbanism and urban destruction in Kosovo”, Theory and Event 10(2)
- Hewitt, Kenneth, (2009). Proving grounds of urbicide: Civil and urban perspectives on the bombing of capital cities., Son Erişim Tarihi: 30.12.2017.
- Son Erişim Tarihi: 12.01.2018
- Son Erişimi Tarihi: 25.12.2017
- Son Erişimi Tarihi: 30.12.2017
- Kalsoum, Rim (2015). Looking closely at war torn cities, what were the methods of urban fabric annihilation during the time of warfare and and how have these cities responded to the assault (Urbicide)intermsofculturalheritageprotection? Son Erişim Tarihi: 26.12. 2017
- Karasu, Mithat Arman, (2008a) “Küresel Barışa Karşı Yeni Bir Tehdit: Kentkırım (Filistin Örneği)”, 5. Uluslararası Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı Ekim 24-26 2008, Çanakkale: Çanakkale On Sekiz Mart Üniversitesi Yayınları, s. 101-109
- Karasu, Mithat Arman, (2008b) “Bir Kentin Ölümü: Kentkırım (Bosna Hersek Örneği)”, Çağdaş Yerel Yönetimler, 17(3), s. 51-64
- Keleş, Ruşen, (2012). Kentleşme Politikası, 12. bs., İmge Kitabevi, Ankara
- Keser, Ulvi, (2012) “Manevi Miras Katliamı, Bosna Hersek’te Kentkırım”, Motif Akademi Halkbilim Dergisi 2 (Balkan Özel Sayısı-II), s. 274-298
- Li, Darrly, (2006) “The Gaza Strip as Laboratory: Notes in the Wake of Disengagement”, Journal of Palestine Studies 35(2), s. 38-55
- Mendieta, Eduardo, (2007) “The Literature of Urbicide: Friedrich, Nossack, Sebald and Vonnegut”, Theory and Event 10(2)
- Misselwitz, Phillip, Weizman, Eyal (2003) Military Operations as Urban Planning, Son Erişim Tarihi: 14.12.2017.
- Mostar Architects Association (1993) “Mostar 92-Urbicide”, Spazio e Societa 16(62), s. 8-25
- Mumford, Lewis, Tarih Boyunca Kent Kökenleri Geçirdiği Dönüşümler ve Geleceği, Çev. Gürol Koca-Tamer Tosun, (2007) Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul.
- Ramadan, Adam, (2009) “Destroying Nahr-el Bared: Sovereignty and urbicide in the space of exception”, Political Geography, 28, s. 153-163
- Riedlmayer, Andras J., (1995) “Killing Memory: The Targeting of Bosnia’s Cultural” heritage”Testimony presented at a hearing of the commision on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Washington: US Government Printing Office
- Riedlmayer, Andras J., (2002) “Destruction of Cultural Heritage in Bosnia Herzegovina 1992-1996: A post-war Survey of Selected Municipalities”, Bosnia Herzegovina Cultural Heritage Report, Cambridge Publication
- Routledge, Paul, (2010) “Cities, Justice and Conflict”, Urban Studies, 47(6), s. 1165-1177
- Salmon, Chrıstıan, (2006) “Filistin’e Uzaktan ve Yakından Bakmak Buldozer Savaşı”, (Çeviren: Oktay Etiman), Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi Bülteni, 43, s. 32-37.
- Shaw, Martin, (2004) New wars of the city: ‘‘urbicide’’ and ‘‘genocide’’. (Editör: Stephen Graham). Cities Under Siege: New Military Urbanism. London: Verso Books, s. 141-154
- Sımmons, Cynthıa, (2001) “Urbicide and the myth of Sarajevo” Partisan Review, 68(4), s. 624-630 ,
- Torsti, Pılvı, (2004) “History Culture and Banal Nationalism in post-war Bosnia”, Southeast European Politics, 5(2), s. 142-157
- Tuastad, Dag, (2003) “Neo-orientalism and new barbarism thesis; aspects of symbolic violence in the Middle East conflict (s)”, Third World Quarterly, 24(4), s. 591-59
- Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi (1998). Uluslararası Ceza Divanı Roma Statüsü., Son Erişim Tarihi: 30.03.2017.
- United Nations (1948). Convention on Prevention and Punishment of the CrimeofGenocide, Son Erişim Tarihi: 30.12.2017.
- Watson, Iaın, (2013) “(Re) Constructing a World City: Urbicide in Global Korea”, Globalizations, 10(2), s. 309-325
- Weizman, Eyal, (2007) Hollow Land Israel’s Architecture of Occupation. London: Verso Books
- Weizmann, Eyal, (2008) Strategic Points, Flexible Lines, Tense Surfaces and Political Volumes: Ariel Sharon and the Geometry of Occupation. (Editör: Stephen Graham). Cities war and terrorism: towards an urban geopolitics. John Wiley & Sons, s.172-192
- Zaprianov, Dobromir, (2012) Is the destruction of Urban Structures a Form of Violence., Son Erişim Tarihi: 10.12.2017.