Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 100 - 130, 12.06.2019


dönemlerde sosyal bilimlerin bir dalı olan iktisat yazınında iki temel konu
araştırmacıların yoğun bir ilgisini çekmektedir. Bunlardan biri; İslam
ekonomisi, bir diğeri ise; kadın girişimciliğidir. Bunun temel nedenleri
arasında; İslam ekonomisinin dayandığı kaynakların günümüzde geçerli olan ve
uygulanan geleneksel ekonominin kaynaklarından tamamen farklı olması ve kadının
çalışma hayatına yapmış olduğu katkıların giderek artış göstermesidir. Yapılan
bu çalışmada, hem İslam ekonomisine göre girişimci kavramı hem de İslam
ekonomisinin kadın girişimcilere yönelik değerlendirmeleri incelenmiştir. Bu
incelemeleri yapmak için ise çalışmada, öncelikle hem geleneksel hem de İslam
ekonomisi açısından girişimci kavramı açıklanmıştır. Daha sonra çalışma, İslam
Ekonomisinde kadının rolü ele alınarak devam etmiş ve İslam ekonomisinde kadın
girişimcilerin yeri ve önemi açıklanmaya çalışılarak sonlandırılmıştır.  Ayrıca, çalışma sonunda, temel dayanağı
Kur’an ve Hadisler olan İslam ekonomisine göre; kadınların çalışma hayatında
yer almalarının ve girişimci olarak ekonomiye katkı sağlamalarının önünde
herhangi bir engelin olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Bunun yanında, kadınların
çalışma hayatında yer almalarının teşvik edildiği de ortaya çıkan bir diğer


  • Abood, N., Aboyasin, N., A., ve Ajloni, M., I., (2014), “Impact of the Entrepreneurial Attributes on Business Performance in a Sample of Jordanian Institutions”, International Journal of Professional Management Volume 9, Issue 1, pp: 1-18.
  • Ahammad, I. Ve Moudud-Ul- Huq, S., (2013), “Women Entrepreneurship Development In Bangladesh Challenges And Prospects”, Internatıonal Journal Of Innovatıve Research and Development, Vol: 2 Issue: 7, P. 41-48.
  • Ahmad, N. Ve Seymour, R., G., (2008), Defining Entrepreneurial Activity: Definitions Supporting Frameworks for Data Collection, OECD Statistics Working Paper, OECD.
  • Alam, S., S., Senik, Z., C. ve Jani, F., M., (2012), “An Exploratory Study of Women Entrepreneurs in Malaysia: Motivation and Problems”, Journal of Management Research, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp.282-297.
  • Altwaijri, A., O., (2009), “Women In Islam And Their Standing İn The Muslim Society”, Publications of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization -ISESCO- 1430AH/2009.
  • Anggadwita, G.,Ramadani ve Mulyaningsih, H., (2015), “Women Entrepreneurship in Islamic Perspective: Driver for Social Change “, International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 15(3),, (e.t. 01.12.2018).
  • Azmi, I., A., G., (2017), “Muslim Women Entrepreneurs’ Motivation In Smes: A Quantitative Study In Asia Pacific Countries”, Asian Economic and Financial Review, 2017, Vol.7(1) pp: 27-42.
  • Babak, M., v.d., (2012), “Exploring the Motivation and Barriersin Wayof Pakistani Female Entrepreneurs”, British Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science, Vol. 2, No.4, pp. 353-368.
  • Badawi A., J., (1980), “The Status Of Woman In Islam”, (e.t.07.12.2018).
  • Boulven, M., A., v.d., (2018), “Model of Islamic Social Entrepreneurship: A Study on Successful Muslim Social Entrepreneur in Malaysia”, MATEC Web Conf., Volume 150, 2018. (e.t.10.12.2018).
  • Cader, M., A. Ve Ummah, S., (2016), “Muslim Women Entrepreneurship In Srılanka- A Study Of Womenowned/Led Busınesses In Eastern Regıon”, International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, Vol. 11, Issue 2, pp.10-15.
  • Dechant, K ve Al-Lamky, A., (2005), “Toward an understanding of Arab women entrepreneurs in Bahrain and Oman”, Journal of Development Entrepreneurship, Vol.10 No.2, pp. 123-140.
  • Davis K, M., (2013), “Entrepreneurship: an Islamic Perspective”, Int. J. Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2013, pp.63-69.
  • Faizal, P. R. M., Ridhwan, A. A. M., ve Kalsom A. W., (2013), “The Entrepreneurs Characteristic from al-Quran and al-Hadis”, International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, Vol. 4, No. 4, August 2013, pp.191-196.
  • Filion, L.,J., (2008), Defining the Entrepreneur Complexity and Multi-Dimensional Systems Some Reflections, Rogers-J.A.-Bombardier Chair of Entrepreneurship, HEC Montreal, Working Paper: 2008-03, August 2008.
  • Grine, F., Fares, D. ve Meguellati, A., (2015), “Islamic spirituality and entrepreneurship: A case study of women entrepreneurs in Malaysia”, The Journal of Happiness ve Well-Being, V:3, No: 1, pp. 41-56. Güzel, A., (2012), “Hz. Hatice’nin Hz. Peygamber’le Evliliği, Çocukları Ve Aile Hayatı Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme”, İSTEM, Yıl:10, Sayı: 9, s. 57 -100.
  • Hamid, S., A. Ve Sa’ari, C., Z., (2011), “Reconstructing Entrepreneur’s Development Based on al-Qur’an And al-Hadith”, International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol. 2, No. 19 pp.110-116.
  • Hassan, M., K., ve Hippler, W., J., (2014), “Entrepreneurship and Islam: An Overview”, Econ Journal Watch, Volume 11, Number 2, May 2014, pp. 170-178.
  • Hammawa, Y., M., ve Hashim, N., B., (2016), “Women Entrepreneurs’ Spirituality in Business Based on Al- Quran and Sunnah: An Ethico-Metaphysical Dimension”, IOSR Journal of Business and Management, Volume 18, Issue 6 .Ver. II, pp. 37-40.
  • Hoque, J., Rahman, A. Ve Razia, S., (2014), “Women Entrepreneurship Development under Islamic Perspective- A Study on Some Selected Muslim Women Entrepreneurs of Bangladesh”, World Review of Business Research, Vol. 4. No. 3, October 2014 Issue, pp. 45 – 63.
  • Ilhaamie, A., G., A., v.d., (2014), “Challenges of Muslim Women Entrepreneurs in Malaysian SMEs”, International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 6, p. 428-433.
  • Karaman, H., v.d., (2012), Kur’an-ı Kerim ve Açıklamalı Meali, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yayınları, 86-B, 10. Baskı, Ekim 2012, Ankara.
  • Khan, M., Z., (2008), Woman in Islam, Islam International Publications Limited. Khayat, M., H., A., (2003), Woman İn Islam And Her Role In Human Development, World Health Organization Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, Community-Based Initiatives Series, WHO-EM/CBI/022/E/G.
  • Kounsar, A., (2017), “Economic Rights of Women in Islam: Some Reflections”, International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS), , V: 4, No.2, pp: 37-43.
  • Kozubikova, L., Belas, J., Bilan, Y., Bartos, P., (2015), “Personal characteristics of entrepreneurs in the context of perception and management of business risk in the SME segment, Economics and Sociology”, Vol: 8, No: 1, pp. 41-54.
  • Kozubíkova, L., Dvorsky, J., Cepel, M. ve Balcerzak, A. P. (2017), “Important Characteristics Of An Entrepreneur İn Relation To Risk Taking: Czech Republic Case Study”, Journal of International Studies, Vol: 10, No:3, pp: 220-233.
  • Mirela, B., (2018), “Innovatıon - The Characterıstıc Tool Of Entrepreneurs”, (erişim: 01.12.2018).
  • McIntosh, J., C. ve Islam, S., (2010), “Beyond the Veil: The Influence of Islam on Female Entrepreneurship in a Conservative Muslim Context”, International Management Review, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp.103-109.
  • Naır, K., R., G., ve Pandey, A., (2006), “Characteristics of Entrepreneurs: An Empirical Analysis”, The Journal of Entrepreneurship, 15, 1, pp: 47-61.
  • Naieema, A., M., (2016), “Entrepreneurship for Women in Islam: An Institutional Perspective”, Daffodil International University Journal of Business and Economics, Vol. 10, No. 2, PP. 97-10.
  • Nawaz, F., (2009), Critical Factors of Women Entrepreneurship Development in Rural Bangladesh, Bangladesh Development Research Center (BDRC), Bangladesh Development Research Working Paper Series (BDRWPS), BDRWPS 5, May 2009.
  • Nesrine, B., (2015), “An Investigation of Women Entrepreneurship: Motives and Barriers to Business Start Up in the Arab World”, Journal of Women’s Entrepreneurship and Education, No. 1-2, pp.86-104.
  • Offenhauer, P., (2005), “Women In Islamıc Socıetıes: A Selected Revıew Of Socıal Scıentıfıc Lıterature”, Library of Congress – Federal Research Division, November 2005, ( e.t.12.12.2018).
  • Oukil, M., S., (2013), “Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurs in an Islamic Context”, Journal of Islamic and Human Advanced Research, Vol. 3, Issue 3, Month 2013, pp. 111-131.
  • Pahuja, A, ve Sanjeev, R., (2015), Introduction to Entrepreneurship, (e.t. 01.12.2018).
  • Peneder, M., (2009), The Meaning of Entrepreneurship: A Modular Concept, Österreıchısches Instıtut Für Wırtschaftsforschung (WİFO), Working Papers, No. 335.
  • Rameli, M., F., P., Aziz, M., R., A., Wahab K., A., and Amin, S., M., (2014), “The Characteristics of Muslimpreneurs from the view of Muslim Scholars and Academician”, International Journal of Teaching and Education, Vol. II, No. 2, pp.47-59.
  • Rhouse, S., M., (2016), “The Narratives of Islamic Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Muslim Women Entrepreneurs in Malaysia”, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 11, pp.755-774.
  • Roomi, M., A., ve Harrison, P., (2010), “Behind the Veil: Women-only Entrepreneurship Training in Pakistan”, International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, Vol: 2, Issue: 2, pp.150-172.
  • Salah K., (2018), “Entrepreneurship From An Islamic Perspective, Theoretical Framework And Research Methodology”, (e.t.30.11.2018) Sidek, F., Pavlovich, K., ve And Gibb, J., (2018), “ Entrepreneurship As Worship: A Malay Muslim Perspective”, Journal of Management and Organization, 24:5 (2018), pp. 698–710.
  • UNICEF, (2002), Women's Rıghts In Islam And Somalı Culture.
  • Yaacob, Y., ve Azmi, İ., A., G., (2012), “Entrepreneurs’ Social Responsibilities From Islamic Perspective: A Study Of Muslim Entrepreneurs In Malaysia”, 8th International Strategic Management Conference, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 58, (2012), 1131 – 1138.
  • Zhang H., ve Zhang Y., (2013), “Psychological Characteristics of Entrepreneurship of College Students in China”, Psychology, Vol.4, No.3, pp: 159-164.
  • Zeidan, S., ve Bahram S., (2010), “Women Entrepreneurship in GCC: a Framework to Address Challenges and Promote Participation in a Regional Context”, International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol. 2 No. 14, pp.100-107.


Year 2019, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 100 - 130, 12.06.2019


Recently, two main subjects in economics
literature which is a branch of social sciences attract an intense interest of
the researchers. One of these subjects is the Islamic economy and the other is
women entrepreneurship. The main reasons for this are that the resources on
which the Islamic economy is based are completely different from the current
and applied sources of the traditional economy and that the increasing
gradually contribution of women to working life. In this study, both the
concept of entrepreneur according to the Islamic economy and the evaluations of
the Islamic economy for women entrepreneurs are examined. In order to make these
investigations in this study, the concept of entrepreneur is firstly explained
in terms of both traditional and Islamic economics. Then, the study was
continued by considering the role of women in Islamic Economy and was ended by
trying to explain the place and importance of women entrepreneurs. Besides at
the end of the study,according to the Islamic economy which is the Qur'an and
the Hadith; It is determined that there are no obstacles to the participation
of women in the working life and their contribution to the economy as
entrepreneurs. In addition, Another result is that women are encouraged to take
part in working life.


  • Abood, N., Aboyasin, N., A., ve Ajloni, M., I., (2014), “Impact of the Entrepreneurial Attributes on Business Performance in a Sample of Jordanian Institutions”, International Journal of Professional Management Volume 9, Issue 1, pp: 1-18.
  • Ahammad, I. Ve Moudud-Ul- Huq, S., (2013), “Women Entrepreneurship Development In Bangladesh Challenges And Prospects”, Internatıonal Journal Of Innovatıve Research and Development, Vol: 2 Issue: 7, P. 41-48.
  • Ahmad, N. Ve Seymour, R., G., (2008), Defining Entrepreneurial Activity: Definitions Supporting Frameworks for Data Collection, OECD Statistics Working Paper, OECD.
  • Alam, S., S., Senik, Z., C. ve Jani, F., M., (2012), “An Exploratory Study of Women Entrepreneurs in Malaysia: Motivation and Problems”, Journal of Management Research, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp.282-297.
  • Altwaijri, A., O., (2009), “Women In Islam And Their Standing İn The Muslim Society”, Publications of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization -ISESCO- 1430AH/2009.
  • Anggadwita, G.,Ramadani ve Mulyaningsih, H., (2015), “Women Entrepreneurship in Islamic Perspective: Driver for Social Change “, International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 15(3),, (e.t. 01.12.2018).
  • Azmi, I., A., G., (2017), “Muslim Women Entrepreneurs’ Motivation In Smes: A Quantitative Study In Asia Pacific Countries”, Asian Economic and Financial Review, 2017, Vol.7(1) pp: 27-42.
  • Babak, M., v.d., (2012), “Exploring the Motivation and Barriersin Wayof Pakistani Female Entrepreneurs”, British Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science, Vol. 2, No.4, pp. 353-368.
  • Badawi A., J., (1980), “The Status Of Woman In Islam”, (e.t.07.12.2018).
  • Boulven, M., A., v.d., (2018), “Model of Islamic Social Entrepreneurship: A Study on Successful Muslim Social Entrepreneur in Malaysia”, MATEC Web Conf., Volume 150, 2018. (e.t.10.12.2018).
  • Cader, M., A. Ve Ummah, S., (2016), “Muslim Women Entrepreneurship In Srılanka- A Study Of Womenowned/Led Busınesses In Eastern Regıon”, International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, Vol. 11, Issue 2, pp.10-15.
  • Dechant, K ve Al-Lamky, A., (2005), “Toward an understanding of Arab women entrepreneurs in Bahrain and Oman”, Journal of Development Entrepreneurship, Vol.10 No.2, pp. 123-140.
  • Davis K, M., (2013), “Entrepreneurship: an Islamic Perspective”, Int. J. Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2013, pp.63-69.
  • Faizal, P. R. M., Ridhwan, A. A. M., ve Kalsom A. W., (2013), “The Entrepreneurs Characteristic from al-Quran and al-Hadis”, International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, Vol. 4, No. 4, August 2013, pp.191-196.
  • Filion, L.,J., (2008), Defining the Entrepreneur Complexity and Multi-Dimensional Systems Some Reflections, Rogers-J.A.-Bombardier Chair of Entrepreneurship, HEC Montreal, Working Paper: 2008-03, August 2008.
  • Grine, F., Fares, D. ve Meguellati, A., (2015), “Islamic spirituality and entrepreneurship: A case study of women entrepreneurs in Malaysia”, The Journal of Happiness ve Well-Being, V:3, No: 1, pp. 41-56. Güzel, A., (2012), “Hz. Hatice’nin Hz. Peygamber’le Evliliği, Çocukları Ve Aile Hayatı Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme”, İSTEM, Yıl:10, Sayı: 9, s. 57 -100.
  • Hamid, S., A. Ve Sa’ari, C., Z., (2011), “Reconstructing Entrepreneur’s Development Based on al-Qur’an And al-Hadith”, International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol. 2, No. 19 pp.110-116.
  • Hassan, M., K., ve Hippler, W., J., (2014), “Entrepreneurship and Islam: An Overview”, Econ Journal Watch, Volume 11, Number 2, May 2014, pp. 170-178.
  • Hammawa, Y., M., ve Hashim, N., B., (2016), “Women Entrepreneurs’ Spirituality in Business Based on Al- Quran and Sunnah: An Ethico-Metaphysical Dimension”, IOSR Journal of Business and Management, Volume 18, Issue 6 .Ver. II, pp. 37-40.
  • Hoque, J., Rahman, A. Ve Razia, S., (2014), “Women Entrepreneurship Development under Islamic Perspective- A Study on Some Selected Muslim Women Entrepreneurs of Bangladesh”, World Review of Business Research, Vol. 4. No. 3, October 2014 Issue, pp. 45 – 63.
  • Ilhaamie, A., G., A., v.d., (2014), “Challenges of Muslim Women Entrepreneurs in Malaysian SMEs”, International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 6, p. 428-433.
  • Karaman, H., v.d., (2012), Kur’an-ı Kerim ve Açıklamalı Meali, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yayınları, 86-B, 10. Baskı, Ekim 2012, Ankara.
  • Khan, M., Z., (2008), Woman in Islam, Islam International Publications Limited. Khayat, M., H., A., (2003), Woman İn Islam And Her Role In Human Development, World Health Organization Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, Community-Based Initiatives Series, WHO-EM/CBI/022/E/G.
  • Kounsar, A., (2017), “Economic Rights of Women in Islam: Some Reflections”, International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS), , V: 4, No.2, pp: 37-43.
  • Kozubikova, L., Belas, J., Bilan, Y., Bartos, P., (2015), “Personal characteristics of entrepreneurs in the context of perception and management of business risk in the SME segment, Economics and Sociology”, Vol: 8, No: 1, pp. 41-54.
  • Kozubíkova, L., Dvorsky, J., Cepel, M. ve Balcerzak, A. P. (2017), “Important Characteristics Of An Entrepreneur İn Relation To Risk Taking: Czech Republic Case Study”, Journal of International Studies, Vol: 10, No:3, pp: 220-233.
  • Mirela, B., (2018), “Innovatıon - The Characterıstıc Tool Of Entrepreneurs”, (erişim: 01.12.2018).
  • McIntosh, J., C. ve Islam, S., (2010), “Beyond the Veil: The Influence of Islam on Female Entrepreneurship in a Conservative Muslim Context”, International Management Review, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp.103-109.
  • Naır, K., R., G., ve Pandey, A., (2006), “Characteristics of Entrepreneurs: An Empirical Analysis”, The Journal of Entrepreneurship, 15, 1, pp: 47-61.
  • Naieema, A., M., (2016), “Entrepreneurship for Women in Islam: An Institutional Perspective”, Daffodil International University Journal of Business and Economics, Vol. 10, No. 2, PP. 97-10.
  • Nawaz, F., (2009), Critical Factors of Women Entrepreneurship Development in Rural Bangladesh, Bangladesh Development Research Center (BDRC), Bangladesh Development Research Working Paper Series (BDRWPS), BDRWPS 5, May 2009.
  • Nesrine, B., (2015), “An Investigation of Women Entrepreneurship: Motives and Barriers to Business Start Up in the Arab World”, Journal of Women’s Entrepreneurship and Education, No. 1-2, pp.86-104.
  • Offenhauer, P., (2005), “Women In Islamıc Socıetıes: A Selected Revıew Of Socıal Scıentıfıc Lıterature”, Library of Congress – Federal Research Division, November 2005, ( e.t.12.12.2018).
  • Oukil, M., S., (2013), “Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurs in an Islamic Context”, Journal of Islamic and Human Advanced Research, Vol. 3, Issue 3, Month 2013, pp. 111-131.
  • Pahuja, A, ve Sanjeev, R., (2015), Introduction to Entrepreneurship, (e.t. 01.12.2018).
  • Peneder, M., (2009), The Meaning of Entrepreneurship: A Modular Concept, Österreıchısches Instıtut Für Wırtschaftsforschung (WİFO), Working Papers, No. 335.
  • Rameli, M., F., P., Aziz, M., R., A., Wahab K., A., and Amin, S., M., (2014), “The Characteristics of Muslimpreneurs from the view of Muslim Scholars and Academician”, International Journal of Teaching and Education, Vol. II, No. 2, pp.47-59.
  • Rhouse, S., M., (2016), “The Narratives of Islamic Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Muslim Women Entrepreneurs in Malaysia”, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 11, pp.755-774.
  • Roomi, M., A., ve Harrison, P., (2010), “Behind the Veil: Women-only Entrepreneurship Training in Pakistan”, International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, Vol: 2, Issue: 2, pp.150-172.
  • Salah K., (2018), “Entrepreneurship From An Islamic Perspective, Theoretical Framework And Research Methodology”, (e.t.30.11.2018) Sidek, F., Pavlovich, K., ve And Gibb, J., (2018), “ Entrepreneurship As Worship: A Malay Muslim Perspective”, Journal of Management and Organization, 24:5 (2018), pp. 698–710.
  • UNICEF, (2002), Women's Rıghts In Islam And Somalı Culture.
  • Yaacob, Y., ve Azmi, İ., A., G., (2012), “Entrepreneurs’ Social Responsibilities From Islamic Perspective: A Study Of Muslim Entrepreneurs In Malaysia”, 8th International Strategic Management Conference, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 58, (2012), 1131 – 1138.
  • Zhang H., ve Zhang Y., (2013), “Psychological Characteristics of Entrepreneurship of College Students in China”, Psychology, Vol.4, No.3, pp: 159-164.
  • Zeidan, S., ve Bahram S., (2010), “Women Entrepreneurship in GCC: a Framework to Address Challenges and Promote Participation in a Regional Context”, International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol. 2 No. 14, pp.100-107.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Articles

Nihat Altuntepe

Publication Date June 12, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Altuntepe, N. (2019). İSLAM EKONOMİSİNDE KADIN GİRİŞİMCİLİĞİNİN YERİ VE ÖNEMİ: TEORİK BİR YAKLAŞIM. Sakarya Üniversitesi İktisat Dergisi, 8(2), 100-130.