Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 78 - 94, 25.10.2023


Günümüzde devletler yapay zeka araştırma ve geliştirme çalışmalarına ve yatırımlarına büyük
önem vermektedirler. Küresel alandaki rekabetten yararlanarak dünya üzerinde hakimiyet
kurmak isteyen ülkeler bu alanda yenilikleri ilk uygulayan devlet olarak üstünlük gücünü ele
geçirmek amacındadırlar.
Yapay zeka alanındaki küresel rekabette önemli bir yere sahip olan Çin 2017 yılında Ulusal
Yapay Zeka Stratejisi’ni kamuoyuna sunması ile yapay zekaya yönelik yapılan mevcut
yatırımlara resmilik kazandıran, Devlet Konseyi’nin Yapay Zeka Geliştirme Ulusal Stratejisi
belgesini yayınladı. Küresel çapta yapay zeka hakimiyeti açısından oldukça büyük öneme sahip
olan bu belge diğer devletleri de ulusal yapay zeka stratejisi oluşturma yönünde teşvik etti. Aynı
zamanda Çin’in ülke genelinde bu alanda hızlı yaşanan bilimsel araştırma ve geliştirmeler ile
eğitimin yapay zeka alanındaki yenilikler bakımından önemini vurgulayan bir nitelik de
taşımaktadır. Ayrıca bu süreç, Çin’de eğitimde yapay zeka teknolojileri deney ve çalışmalarının
yoğunluk kazanması, yatırım ölçeklerinin oldukça büyük oluşu, eğitimde üst seviye yapay zeka
teknolojilerini geliştirmesi dünyadaki eğitimsel yapay zeka gelişimindeki güç dengelerinin
yönünü değiştirmeye başladı. Şimdilerde olduğu gibi, eğitimsel yapay zekadaki gelişmelerle
küresel yönden gelecekte de ne denli değiştirip dönüştüreceğinin de işaretlerini vermektedir.
Dünya genelinde oldukça büyük etki yapan bu belge, pek çok ülke tarafından yapay zekanın
stratejik kullanımını amaçlayan “Ulusal Yapay Zeka Stratejileri”nin hazırlanmasına neden
olmuştur. Bu makalede, Çin hükümeti tarafından yayınlanan yapay zeka gelişimi için eğitim
kurumlarının ulusal ve bölgesel strateji alanlarında etkin olarak yer alan Ulusal Yapay Zeka
Stratejisi eğitimsel açıdan ele alınmaktadır. Hükümet politikalarına göre yapay zeka eğitimin
gelişimini bir analiz yoluyla tasvir ederken, PISA sınavı sonuçları ile de bağlantı kurularak
açıklanmaya çalışılmaktadır. Ayrıca Çin’deki Uluslararası Yapay Zeka Geliştirme Stratejisini
eğitimsel alanda hızla uygulamalarının ve gelişmelerine yönelik yaptırımların neler olduğu onu
bu yönde diğer ülkelerden ayıran özellikleri ortaya konulmaya çalışılmaktadır. Ayrıca Çin’deki
bu gelişimin sadece yapay zeka teknolojilerinin tasarımı değil eğitim sisteminin değişim ve
dönüşümünde etkili olan nedenler ve çözümlere ilişkin yaklaşımlara yer verilmektedir.
Çin başta olmak üzere, diğer birçok ülke ulusal yapay zeka stratejisi belgelerini yayınlayarak
yapay zeka alanında gelişmeyi kalkınma amaçları arasında yerleştirmişlerdir. Türkiye’de
küresel çapta yaşanan yapay zekadaki hızlı gelişimin dışında olmamak için yapay zeka
teknolojisine yönelik 2021 yılında Ulusal Yapay Zeka Strateji’ni yayınlayarak, eğitimsel yapay
zeka teknolojisini daha fazla gelişmek zorunda kalmaktadır. Bu çalışma, Ulusal Yapay Zeka
Stratejileri kapsamında eğitimde yapay zekanın gelişimi üzerine genel bir çerçeve belirleyerek
yapay zeka teknolojisinin genel olarak küresel düzeyde ve Çin ile Türkiye ulusal yapay zeka
stratejilerinin eğitim yönünden güçlü ve zayıf yönlerini değerlendirmektedir. Ayrıca Çin’in
ulusal yapay zeka stratejisi ve eylem planında yapay zekanın eğitimsel yönünü analiz ederek
Türkiye’nin eğitimsel yönden yapay zekayı merkezi alan bir ekosistem oluşturması ve
gelişimini sağlayabilmesinde izleyeceği stratejiye yönelik öneriler sunmayı amaçlamaktadır


  • Allen, G. C., (2019). Çin’in yapay zeka stratejisini anlamak, Çin’in yapay zeka ve ulusal güvenlik konulu stratejik düşüncesine yönelik ipuçları. Yeni Amerikan Güvenlik Merkezi.
  • Arslan, K., (2020). Eğitimde yapay zeka ve uygulamaları, Batı Anadolu Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(1), 71-88.
  • Arnett, T., (2016). Teaching in the machine age: How innovation can make bad teachers good and good teachers better. Christensen Institute. Accessed: 27.08.2023.
  • Aydın, A., Sarıer, Y., Uysal, Ş., (2012). “Sosyoekonomik ve sosyokültürel değişkenler açısından pısa matematik sonuçlarının karşılaştırılması”, Eğitim ve Bilim Dergisi, 37(164), 20-30.
  • Ball, P., (2018). China’s great leap forward in science, The Observer. Accessed: 6.09.2023
  • Çalık, B. (2019, 30 Eylül). MEB okullarda "yapay zekâ" eğitimi için kolları sıvadı. Erişim adresi:, Erişim tarihi: 20.09.2023
  • CISTP (2018). Chinese ınstitute for Science and Technology Policy. China Artificial Intelligence Development report, Tsinghua University, Accessed: 8.09.2023.
  • Çoşkun, F., & Gülleroğlu, H.D., (2021), Geçmişten günümüze yapay zekanın gelişimi ve eğitim alanında kullanılması. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 1-20, Accessed 20.07.2023
  • DailyMail (2023), Google-futurist-predicts-classrooms-future-look-like-include-virtual-reality-lessons-downloadable- knowledge.html Accessed 25.09.2023.
  • Deepmind, (2023), The story of alpha go so far. alphago/ Accessed:24:09.2023.
  • Ding, J., (2018). Çin’in yapay zeka rüyasının şifresini çözmek: Çin’in yapay zekada dünyaya liderlik etme stratejisinin bağlamı, bileşenleri, yetenekleri ve sonuçları. İnsanlığın Enstitüsü Raporu. s_AI-Dream.pdf. Accessed: 6.09.2023
  • Dick, S., (2019). Artificial Intelligence, Harvard Data Science Review, 1(1),1-8. doi: 10.1162/99608f92.92fe150c
  • Dutton, T., (2018). An overview of national AL strategies. Accessed 25.09.2023
  • Gagne et al (2018). “Global Artificial Intelligence Talent Report 2018”, Element Artificial Intelligence. www. Accessed: 18.09.2023.
  • Hao, K., (2019). “China Has Started a Grand Experiment in Artificial Intelligence Education. It Could Reshape How The World Learns” MIT Technology Review. Accessed: 22.09.2023
  • Kasap, S. (2019, 26 Mayıs). MEB 'eğitimde yapay zekâ uygulamaları' için İTÜ ile el sıkıştı. Erişim adresi: 1489366, Erişim tarihi:20.09.2023.
  • Knight, W.,(2017).“China’s artificial intelligence awakening“ MIT Technology Review. Accessed:18.09.2023.
  • Kış, A., (2019). 14. Uluslararası eğitim yönetimi kongresi tam metin bildiri kitabı-2-, 4 Mayıs 2019, “Eğitimde yapay zeka”, s. 197-202.
  • Knox, J., (2020). Artificial intelligence and education in China, learning, media and technology, 45(3), 298-311. Accessed:04.06.2023
  • Kulkarni, A., (2019). Artificial intelligence in education. Where Is ıt now and what ıs the future? Accessed: 22.09.2023.,
  • Laskai, L., & Toner, H., (2019). Can China grow ıts own artificial intelligence tech base ? , In artificial intelligence policy and china: Realities of state- led development, (Ed. G. Webster), 3-8. Stanford: New America Digichina Project Special Report No.1.Accessed: 13.09.2023.
  • Lehmann, T.,(2019). Artificial intelligence politics is local”.In artificial intelligence policy and China: Realities of state-led development, (Ed: G. Webster), 21-25. Stanford: New America Digichina Project Special Report No.1 . Accessed: 11.09.2023.
  • Lee, K.F., &Triolo, P., (2017). China’s artificial intelligence revolution: Understanding Beijing’s structural advantages innovation ventures report, Eurasia Group, Accessed: 11.09.2023.
  • Lİ, Q., (2018). China must overcome talent gap to fulfill artificial intelligence ambitions. Global Times. Accessed: 11.09.2023.
  • Lucas, L., (2017). Alibaba to ınvest $ 15bn in R&D labs in push to become artificial intelligence leader. Financial Times. Accessed: 07.09.2023.
  • MEPRC, (2018). Ministry of education of the people’s republic of China, Action Plan for Artificial Intelligence Innovation in Colleges and Universities. Accessed: 02.07.2023.
  • McCarthy, J., (2007). From here to human- level, Artificial Intelligence, 171(18), 1174-1182. Mirrlees, T., & Alvi, S., (2019). EdTech ınc: Selling, automating and globalizing higher education in the digital age, Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Nelson, M., (2019). Shall we take an “ Alternative Route”, or “Overtake on The Curve”?” In Artificial Intelligence Policy and China: realities of state – Led Development, (Ed: G. Webster), 9-12, Stanford: New America Digichina Project Special Report No.1, Accessed:
  • NOETG, (2015a). New oriental education and technology group overview. Accessed:
  • NOETG, (2015b). New oriental education and technology Group, Investor Relations, . Accessed: 26.06.2023
  • OECD (2019), Artificial intelligence in society, OECD Publishing, Paris, s.6.
  • OECD (2018). OECD PISA 2018 Database,, Accessed: 25.09.2023
  • OECD,(2008). Education at a glance, OECD Indicators, Accessed: 26.06.2023 iiMedia(2017). China artificial intelligence ındustry special research report,. com/ Accessed:25.09.2023
  • İşler, B., &Kılıç, M., (2021). Eğitimde yapay zeka kullanımı ve gelişimi, Yeni Medya Elektronik Dergisi, 5 (1), 1 İnce, G., (2017). İnsanlığın yapay zeka ile imtihanı, (Ed. M. Karaca). İnsanlaşan makineler ve yapay zeka içinde, s.14-17, İstanbul:
  • People’s Daily, (2018). Magic mirror system upgraded to smart classroom, Artificial intelligence helps educations industry development, People’s Daily Online- Education Channel. Accessed: 20.09.2023.
  • Poritz, J., & Rees, J.,(2017). Education ıs not an App: The future of university teaching in the Internet age. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Routhiainen, L.,(2019). How artificial intelligence and data could personalize higher education. Accessed:13.09.2023
  • Sheehan, M.,& Ma, J.D., (2019). The talent chinal : Building and stumbling blocks for China’s artificial intelligence ambitions marco polo. Accessed: 12.09.2023.
  • Selwyn, N., (2013). Education in a digital world: Global perspectives on technology and education, New York: Routledge.
  • State Council, (2017). State council notice on the new generation artificial intelligence development plan, Accessed: 05.06.2023.
  • TAL, (2017b). Tomorrow enhancing life, Educational Technology. Accessed: 04.06.2023.
  • Thompson, N., (2018). The artificial intelligence cold war that threatens us all, WIRED. Accessed: 09.08.2023.
  • Timms, M.J., (2016). Letting artificial intelligence in education out of the box: educational cobots and smart classrooms, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 26(2), 701-712.
  • Turing, A. M., (1950). Computing machinery and intelligence, Mind a Quarterly Review of Psychology and Philosophy, (pp. 433-460). Accessed: 13.09.2023.
  • Türkiye Ulusal Yapay zeka stratejisi 2021-2025, Erişim Tarihi:01.07.2023. Xu, W., (2018). China’s new oriental unveils artificial intelligence-related education ınitiatives, YiCai Global. Accessed: 12.09.2023.
  • Xu, D., & He, L., & Zhao, W., (2018). The current situation of artificial intelligence education in domestic universities: It is imperative to establish a first-level discipline and strengthen the ıntegration of production and education, The Paper. Accessed: 18.09.2023.
  • Webster, G., R. Creemers, Triolo, P., &Kania, E., (2017). China’s plan to “lead” in artificial intelligence: purpose, prospects and problems. New America. Accessed: 10.09.2023.


Year 2023, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 78 - 94, 25.10.2023


Today, states attach great importance to artificial intelligence research and development studies
and investments. Countries that want to dominate the world by taking advantage of global
competition aim to gain superiority by being the first state to implement innovations in this
China, which has an essential place in the worldwide competition in artificial intelligence,
presented its National Artificial Intelligence Strategy to the public in 2017 and published the
State Council's National Artificial Intelligence Development Strategy document, which
formalised the current investments in artificial intelligence. This document, which is of great
importance for global artificial intelligence dominance, encouraged other states to create a
national artificial intelligence strategy. At the same time, it also emphasises the importance of
China's rapid scientific research and development in this field and the importance of education
in innovations in artificial intelligence. In addition, this process, the intensification of
experiments and studies on artificial intelligence technologies in education in China, the large
investment scales, and the development of high-level artificial intelligence technologies in
education began to change the direction of the balance of power in the development of
educational artificial intelligence in the world. As it is now, it also shows how much the
developments in academic artificial intelligence will change and transform globally. This
document, which has had a significant impact worldwide, has led to the preparation of "National
Artificial Intelligence Strategies" aimed at the strategic use of artificial intelligence by many
countries. In this article, the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy, which is actively involved
in educational institutions' national and regional strategy areas for developing artificial
intelligence published by the Chinese government, is discussed from an academic perspective.
While depicting the development of artificial intelligence education according to government
policies through analysis, it is also tried to be explained by connecting with the PISA exam
results. Moreover, it tries to reveal the rapid implementation of the International Artificial
Intelligence Development Strategy in China in the educational field and the sanctions for its
development, which distinguishes it from other countries. In addition, approaches regarding the
reasons and solutions that are effective in the change and transformation of the education
system, not only in the design of artificial intelligence technologies, of this development in
China are included.
Many other countries, especially China, have published national artificial intelligence strategy
documents and placed development in artificial intelligence among their development goals.
To be included in the rapid development of artificial intelligence experienced globally, Turkey
has to further develop educational artificial intelligence technology after publishing the
National Artificial Intelligence Strategy for artificial intelligence technology in 2021. This
study determines a general framework for developing artificial intelligence in education within
the scope of National Artificial Intelligence Strategies and evaluates the strengths and
weaknesses of artificial intelligence technology at the global level and of China and Turkey's
national artificial intelligence strategies in terms of education. In addition, by analysing the
educational aspect of artificial intelligence in China's national artificial intelligence strategy and
action plan, it aims to offer suggestions for the strategy that Turkey will follow in creating and
developing an ecosystem centred on artificial intelligence in terms of education.


  • Allen, G. C., (2019). Çin’in yapay zeka stratejisini anlamak, Çin’in yapay zeka ve ulusal güvenlik konulu stratejik düşüncesine yönelik ipuçları. Yeni Amerikan Güvenlik Merkezi.
  • Arslan, K., (2020). Eğitimde yapay zeka ve uygulamaları, Batı Anadolu Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(1), 71-88.
  • Arnett, T., (2016). Teaching in the machine age: How innovation can make bad teachers good and good teachers better. Christensen Institute. Accessed: 27.08.2023.
  • Aydın, A., Sarıer, Y., Uysal, Ş., (2012). “Sosyoekonomik ve sosyokültürel değişkenler açısından pısa matematik sonuçlarının karşılaştırılması”, Eğitim ve Bilim Dergisi, 37(164), 20-30.
  • Ball, P., (2018). China’s great leap forward in science, The Observer. Accessed: 6.09.2023
  • Çalık, B. (2019, 30 Eylül). MEB okullarda "yapay zekâ" eğitimi için kolları sıvadı. Erişim adresi:, Erişim tarihi: 20.09.2023
  • CISTP (2018). Chinese ınstitute for Science and Technology Policy. China Artificial Intelligence Development report, Tsinghua University, Accessed: 8.09.2023.
  • Çoşkun, F., & Gülleroğlu, H.D., (2021), Geçmişten günümüze yapay zekanın gelişimi ve eğitim alanında kullanılması. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 1-20, Accessed 20.07.2023
  • DailyMail (2023), Google-futurist-predicts-classrooms-future-look-like-include-virtual-reality-lessons-downloadable- knowledge.html Accessed 25.09.2023.
  • Deepmind, (2023), The story of alpha go so far. alphago/ Accessed:24:09.2023.
  • Ding, J., (2018). Çin’in yapay zeka rüyasının şifresini çözmek: Çin’in yapay zekada dünyaya liderlik etme stratejisinin bağlamı, bileşenleri, yetenekleri ve sonuçları. İnsanlığın Enstitüsü Raporu. s_AI-Dream.pdf. Accessed: 6.09.2023
  • Dick, S., (2019). Artificial Intelligence, Harvard Data Science Review, 1(1),1-8. doi: 10.1162/99608f92.92fe150c
  • Dutton, T., (2018). An overview of national AL strategies. Accessed 25.09.2023
  • Gagne et al (2018). “Global Artificial Intelligence Talent Report 2018”, Element Artificial Intelligence. www. Accessed: 18.09.2023.
  • Hao, K., (2019). “China Has Started a Grand Experiment in Artificial Intelligence Education. It Could Reshape How The World Learns” MIT Technology Review. Accessed: 22.09.2023
  • Kasap, S. (2019, 26 Mayıs). MEB 'eğitimde yapay zekâ uygulamaları' için İTÜ ile el sıkıştı. Erişim adresi: 1489366, Erişim tarihi:20.09.2023.
  • Knight, W.,(2017).“China’s artificial intelligence awakening“ MIT Technology Review. Accessed:18.09.2023.
  • Kış, A., (2019). 14. Uluslararası eğitim yönetimi kongresi tam metin bildiri kitabı-2-, 4 Mayıs 2019, “Eğitimde yapay zeka”, s. 197-202.
  • Knox, J., (2020). Artificial intelligence and education in China, learning, media and technology, 45(3), 298-311. Accessed:04.06.2023
  • Kulkarni, A., (2019). Artificial intelligence in education. Where Is ıt now and what ıs the future? Accessed: 22.09.2023.,
  • Laskai, L., & Toner, H., (2019). Can China grow ıts own artificial intelligence tech base ? , In artificial intelligence policy and china: Realities of state- led development, (Ed. G. Webster), 3-8. Stanford: New America Digichina Project Special Report No.1.Accessed: 13.09.2023.
  • Lehmann, T.,(2019). Artificial intelligence politics is local”.In artificial intelligence policy and China: Realities of state-led development, (Ed: G. Webster), 21-25. Stanford: New America Digichina Project Special Report No.1 . Accessed: 11.09.2023.
  • Lee, K.F., &Triolo, P., (2017). China’s artificial intelligence revolution: Understanding Beijing’s structural advantages innovation ventures report, Eurasia Group, Accessed: 11.09.2023.
  • Lİ, Q., (2018). China must overcome talent gap to fulfill artificial intelligence ambitions. Global Times. Accessed: 11.09.2023.
  • Lucas, L., (2017). Alibaba to ınvest $ 15bn in R&D labs in push to become artificial intelligence leader. Financial Times. Accessed: 07.09.2023.
  • MEPRC, (2018). Ministry of education of the people’s republic of China, Action Plan for Artificial Intelligence Innovation in Colleges and Universities. Accessed: 02.07.2023.
  • McCarthy, J., (2007). From here to human- level, Artificial Intelligence, 171(18), 1174-1182. Mirrlees, T., & Alvi, S., (2019). EdTech ınc: Selling, automating and globalizing higher education in the digital age, Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Nelson, M., (2019). Shall we take an “ Alternative Route”, or “Overtake on The Curve”?” In Artificial Intelligence Policy and China: realities of state – Led Development, (Ed: G. Webster), 9-12, Stanford: New America Digichina Project Special Report No.1, Accessed:
  • NOETG, (2015a). New oriental education and technology group overview. Accessed:
  • NOETG, (2015b). New oriental education and technology Group, Investor Relations, . Accessed: 26.06.2023
  • OECD (2019), Artificial intelligence in society, OECD Publishing, Paris, s.6.
  • OECD (2018). OECD PISA 2018 Database,, Accessed: 25.09.2023
  • OECD,(2008). Education at a glance, OECD Indicators, Accessed: 26.06.2023 iiMedia(2017). China artificial intelligence ındustry special research report,. com/ Accessed:25.09.2023
  • İşler, B., &Kılıç, M., (2021). Eğitimde yapay zeka kullanımı ve gelişimi, Yeni Medya Elektronik Dergisi, 5 (1), 1 İnce, G., (2017). İnsanlığın yapay zeka ile imtihanı, (Ed. M. Karaca). İnsanlaşan makineler ve yapay zeka içinde, s.14-17, İstanbul:
  • People’s Daily, (2018). Magic mirror system upgraded to smart classroom, Artificial intelligence helps educations industry development, People’s Daily Online- Education Channel. Accessed: 20.09.2023.
  • Poritz, J., & Rees, J.,(2017). Education ıs not an App: The future of university teaching in the Internet age. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Routhiainen, L.,(2019). How artificial intelligence and data could personalize higher education. Accessed:13.09.2023
  • Sheehan, M.,& Ma, J.D., (2019). The talent chinal : Building and stumbling blocks for China’s artificial intelligence ambitions marco polo. Accessed: 12.09.2023.
  • Selwyn, N., (2013). Education in a digital world: Global perspectives on technology and education, New York: Routledge.
  • State Council, (2017). State council notice on the new generation artificial intelligence development plan, Accessed: 05.06.2023.
  • TAL, (2017b). Tomorrow enhancing life, Educational Technology. Accessed: 04.06.2023.
  • Thompson, N., (2018). The artificial intelligence cold war that threatens us all, WIRED. Accessed: 09.08.2023.
  • Timms, M.J., (2016). Letting artificial intelligence in education out of the box: educational cobots and smart classrooms, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 26(2), 701-712.
  • Turing, A. M., (1950). Computing machinery and intelligence, Mind a Quarterly Review of Psychology and Philosophy, (pp. 433-460). Accessed: 13.09.2023.
  • Türkiye Ulusal Yapay zeka stratejisi 2021-2025, Erişim Tarihi:01.07.2023. Xu, W., (2018). China’s new oriental unveils artificial intelligence-related education ınitiatives, YiCai Global. Accessed: 12.09.2023.
  • Xu, D., & He, L., & Zhao, W., (2018). The current situation of artificial intelligence education in domestic universities: It is imperative to establish a first-level discipline and strengthen the ıntegration of production and education, The Paper. Accessed: 18.09.2023.
  • Webster, G., R. Creemers, Triolo, P., &Kania, E., (2017). China’s plan to “lead” in artificial intelligence: purpose, prospects and problems. New America. Accessed: 10.09.2023.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Public Administration
Journal Section Research Articles

Bediha Şahin 0000-0003-0645-6431

Publication Date October 25, 2023
Submission Date October 17, 2023
Acceptance Date October 20, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Şahin, B. (2023). EDUCATIONAL ASPECT OF NATIONAL ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE STRATEGIES: EXAMPLE OF CHINA AND TÜRKİYE. Scientific Journal of Finance and Financial Law Studies, 3(2), 78-94.