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Year 2022, , 188 - 192, 18.03.2022


Dünya Sağlık Örgütü’nün kronik hastalık olarak kabul ettiği obezite, tüm dünyada prevalansı hızla artan önemli bir halk sağlığı sorunudur. Obezitenin hem fiziksel hem de psikolojik olumsuz etkileri bulunmaktadır. Obez bireylerin toplum tarafından damgalanmaları, ön yargı veya ayrımcılığa maruz kalmaları psikolojik sorunlar yaşamalarında büyük rol oynamaktadır. Bu derlemede obez bireylerin damgalanmaları sonucunda yaşadıkları olumsuzlukların incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır.


  • 1. Erişim tarihi:23.12.2019
  • 2. Erişim Tarihi:15 Haziran 2018.
  • 3.şim tarihi:23.12.2019
  • 4. NCD Risk Factor Collaboration. (2016). Trends in adult body-mass index in 200 countries from 1975 to 2014: a pooled analysis of 1698 population-based measurement studies with 19,2 million participants. The Lancet, 387(10026):1377-96
  • 5. Onat A, Yıldırım B, Çetinkaya A, Aksu H, Keleş İ, Uslu N, et al. (1999). Erişkinlerimizde obezite ve santral obezite göstergeleri ve ilişkileri: 1990-98'de Düşündürücü Obezite Artışı erkeklerde daha belirgin. Türk Kardiyoloji Arşivi, 27:209-17
  • 6. Sucaklı MH, Çelik M. (2015). Obezite etiyolojisi ve epidemiyolojisi. Türkiye Klinikleri J Fam Med-Special Topics, 6(3):1-6
  • 7. Ganley RM. (1989). Emotion and eating in obesity: A review of the literature. International Journal of eating disorders, 8(3):343-61
  • 8. Canetti L, Bachar E, Berry EM. (2002). Food and emotion. Behavioural processes, 60(2):157-64
  • 9. Turan Ş, Poyraz CA, Özdemir A. (2015). Tıkınırcasına yeme bozukluğu. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 7(4):419-35
  • 10. Erişim tarihi 29.02.2020
  • 11. Marcus MD, Wildes JE. (2009). Obesity: is it a mental disorder? International Journal of Eating Disorders, 42(8):739-5
  • 12. Susce MT, Villanueva N, Diaz FJ, de Leon J. (2005). Obesity and associated complications in patients with severe mental illnesses: a cross-sectional survey. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 66(2):167-73
  • 13. Lykouras L, Michopoulos J. (2011). Anxiety disorders and obesity. Psychiatrike, 22(4):30713 14. Taşkın EO. (2004). Damgalama, ayrımcılık ve ruhsal hastalık. Psikiyatri Psikoloji Psikofarmakoloji (3P) Dergisi, 12(Ek 3):5-12
  • 15. Fruh SM, Nadglowski J, Hall HR, Davis SL, Crook ED, Zlomke K. (2016). Obesity stigma and bias. J Nurse Pract, 12(7):425-432
  • 16. Ata RN, Thompson JK. (2010). Weight bias in the media: a review of recent research. Obes Facts, 3(1):41–46)
  • 17. Ward-Smith P, Peterson JA. (2016). Development of an instrument to assess nurse practitioner attitudes and beliefs about obesity. J Am Assoc Nurse Pract, 28(3):125–129
  • 18. Puhl RM, Brownell KD. (2006). Confronting and coping with weight stigma: an investigation of overweight and obese adults. Obesity, 14(10):1802–1815
  • 19. Amy NK, Aalborg A, Lyons P, Keranen L. (2006). Barriers to routine gynecological cancer screening for white and African-American obese women. Int J Obes, 30(1):147–155
  • 20. Miller DP, Spangler JG, Vitolins MZ, Davis SW, Edward H, Marion GS, Crandall SJ. (2013). Are medical students aware of their anti-obesity bias? Acad Med, 88(7):978-82
  • 21. Soto L, Armendariz-Anguiano AL, Bacardí-Gascón M, Cruz AJ. (2014). Beliefs, attitudes and phobias among Mexican medical and psychology students towards people with obesity. Nutr Hosp, 30:37-41

Weight Stigma of Obese Individuals and Its Consequences

Year 2022, , 188 - 192, 18.03.2022


Obesity, considered as a chronic disease by World Health Organisation, is a public health problem with a rapidly increasing prevalence. It has both negative physical and psychological effects. Stigmatization, bias or discrimination play major roles on the psychological problems seen in obese persons. In this review, it is aimed to examine the negativities that obese individuals experience as a result of stigmatization.


  • 1. Erişim tarihi:23.12.2019
  • 2. Erişim Tarihi:15 Haziran 2018.
  • 3.şim tarihi:23.12.2019
  • 4. NCD Risk Factor Collaboration. (2016). Trends in adult body-mass index in 200 countries from 1975 to 2014: a pooled analysis of 1698 population-based measurement studies with 19,2 million participants. The Lancet, 387(10026):1377-96
  • 5. Onat A, Yıldırım B, Çetinkaya A, Aksu H, Keleş İ, Uslu N, et al. (1999). Erişkinlerimizde obezite ve santral obezite göstergeleri ve ilişkileri: 1990-98'de Düşündürücü Obezite Artışı erkeklerde daha belirgin. Türk Kardiyoloji Arşivi, 27:209-17
  • 6. Sucaklı MH, Çelik M. (2015). Obezite etiyolojisi ve epidemiyolojisi. Türkiye Klinikleri J Fam Med-Special Topics, 6(3):1-6
  • 7. Ganley RM. (1989). Emotion and eating in obesity: A review of the literature. International Journal of eating disorders, 8(3):343-61
  • 8. Canetti L, Bachar E, Berry EM. (2002). Food and emotion. Behavioural processes, 60(2):157-64
  • 9. Turan Ş, Poyraz CA, Özdemir A. (2015). Tıkınırcasına yeme bozukluğu. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 7(4):419-35
  • 10. Erişim tarihi 29.02.2020
  • 11. Marcus MD, Wildes JE. (2009). Obesity: is it a mental disorder? International Journal of Eating Disorders, 42(8):739-5
  • 12. Susce MT, Villanueva N, Diaz FJ, de Leon J. (2005). Obesity and associated complications in patients with severe mental illnesses: a cross-sectional survey. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 66(2):167-73
  • 13. Lykouras L, Michopoulos J. (2011). Anxiety disorders and obesity. Psychiatrike, 22(4):30713 14. Taşkın EO. (2004). Damgalama, ayrımcılık ve ruhsal hastalık. Psikiyatri Psikoloji Psikofarmakoloji (3P) Dergisi, 12(Ek 3):5-12
  • 15. Fruh SM, Nadglowski J, Hall HR, Davis SL, Crook ED, Zlomke K. (2016). Obesity stigma and bias. J Nurse Pract, 12(7):425-432
  • 16. Ata RN, Thompson JK. (2010). Weight bias in the media: a review of recent research. Obes Facts, 3(1):41–46)
  • 17. Ward-Smith P, Peterson JA. (2016). Development of an instrument to assess nurse practitioner attitudes and beliefs about obesity. J Am Assoc Nurse Pract, 28(3):125–129
  • 18. Puhl RM, Brownell KD. (2006). Confronting and coping with weight stigma: an investigation of overweight and obese adults. Obesity, 14(10):1802–1815
  • 19. Amy NK, Aalborg A, Lyons P, Keranen L. (2006). Barriers to routine gynecological cancer screening for white and African-American obese women. Int J Obes, 30(1):147–155
  • 20. Miller DP, Spangler JG, Vitolins MZ, Davis SW, Edward H, Marion GS, Crandall SJ. (2013). Are medical students aware of their anti-obesity bias? Acad Med, 88(7):978-82
  • 21. Soto L, Armendariz-Anguiano AL, Bacardí-Gascón M, Cruz AJ. (2014). Beliefs, attitudes and phobias among Mexican medical and psychology students towards people with obesity. Nutr Hosp, 30:37-41
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Gürkan Muratdağı 0000-0002-9629-3973

Fırat Karadeniz 0000-0003-4478-863X

Publication Date March 18, 2022
Submission Date January 15, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


AMA Muratdağı G, Karadeniz F. OBEZ BİREYLERİN DAMGALANMASI VE SONUÇLARI. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. March 2022;12(1):188-192. doi:10.31832/smj.1058198


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