Amaç: Çalışmamızda amacımız endoskopi kliniğimizde mide polip tanısı ile polipektomi yapılmış olan hastalarımızın verilerini polipin tipi, boyutu, sayısı ve histopatolojik değerlendirme sonuçlarının literatür verileri ile değerlendirilmesidir.
Gereç ve yöntem: Çalışmamızda XX hastanesi ile XX hastanesinde 2014-2019 yılları arasında yapılmış olan 9654 üst gastrointestinal sistemi endoskopisinde tespit edilen ve polipektomi yapılan 264 vakanın histopatolojik ve demografik verileri retrospektif olarak incelendi.
Bulgular: Hastalarımızdan 140 tanesi erkek 124 tanesi bayan idi. Yaş ortalaması bayanda 55.8 erkekte 54.4 idi. 185 (%70.1) olguda hiperplastik polip, 15 (%5.7) olguda fundik gland polibi, 8 (%3.0) olguda adenomatöz polip, 16 (%6.1) olguda inflamatuar polip, 18 (%6.8) olguda foveolar hiperplazi, 19 (%7.2) olguda lenfoid hiperplazi, 1 (%0.4) olguda karsinoid tm, 1 (%0.4) olguda adenokalsinom, 1 (%0.4) olguda leiomyom olarak raporlandı. Yerleşim yerlerine göre 142 (%53.8) tanesi antrumda, 73 (%27.7) tanesi korpusta, 28 (%10.6) tanesi fundusta, 20 (%7.6) tanesi kardiada, 1(%0.4) tanesi pilorde idi. Hastalarımızın %75.4 prekanseröz lezyon saptanmamıştır. 53 (%20.1) vakada metaplazi, 6 (%2.3) vakada atrofi, 5 (%1.9) vakada low grade displazi, 1 vakada ise high grade displazi saptanmıştır.
Sonuç: Mide polipleri genellikle rastlantısal olarak saptanan polipler olup en sık antrumda ve karpusta görülürler. Hiperplastik polipler en sık görülen polip türü olup helikobakter pilori ile ilişkisi kanıtlanmıştır. Çalışmamız sonuçları literatüre uygun olarak benzerlik göstermektedir.
The main objective of our study was to evaluate the data of our patients who underwent polypectomy with the diagnosis of gastric polyp in our endoscopy clinic by comparing type, size, number and histopathological evaluation results of the polyps with the literature data.
In our study, the histopathological and demographic data of 264 cases who were detected among 9654 upper gastrointestinal endoscopies and underwent polypectomy performed in XX and XX Hospitals in between the years 2014-2019 were retrospectively analyzed.
Among our patients 140 were male and 124 were female. The mean age was 55.8 in females and 54.4 in males. The results were reported as hyperplastic polyp in 185 cases (70.1%), fundic gland polyps in 15 cases (5.7%), adenomatous polyps in 8 cases (3.0%), inflammatory polyps in 16 cases (6.1%), foveolar hyperplasia in 18 cases (6.8%), lymphoid hyperplasia in 19 cases (7.2%), carcinoid tumor in 1 case (0.4%), adenocalcinoma in 1 case (0.4%) and leiomyoma in 1 case (0.4%). According to their location, 142 (53.8%) were in the antrum, 73 (27.7%) were in the corpus, 28 (10.6%) were in the fundus, 20 (7.6%) were in the cardia, and 1 (0.4%) were in the pylorus. No precancerous lesions were detected in 75.4% of our patients. Metaplasia in 53 (20.1%) cases, atrophy in 6 (2.3%) cases, low-grade dysplasia in 5 (1.9%) cases, and high-grade dysplasia in 1 case were detected.
Stomach polyps are usually incidentally detected polyps which are most commonly seen in the antrum and carpus. Hyperplastic polyps are the most common type of polyp and their relationship with helicobacter pylori has been proven. The results of our study were correspondingly similar to the findings in literature.
Primary Language | English |
Subjects | Health Care Administration |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | September 29, 2022 |
Submission Date | July 22, 2022 |
Published in Issue | Year 2022 |