Case Report
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Impulse Control Problems Following Bariatric Surgery and Extrapyramidal Adverse Effects with Fluoxetine: A Case Report

Year 2024, , 119 - 123, 31.03.2024


Although bariatric surgery is an effective method used in the treatment of obesity today, many psychiatric difficulties are detected when patients are evaluated biopsychosocially during the pre-and postoperative periods. Especially when surgery is used in patients with eating disorders, different addiction problems and impulse control disorders may arise afterward. We present a clinical case of a patient with increased obsessive-compulsive symptoms, various impulsive control problems, and bulimia nervosa starting after bariatric surgery. Another feature that made this case interesting was the extrapyramidal adverse effects that occurred after fluoxetine treatment used for her psychiatric treatment. Our aim, thus, was to contribute to the literature by discussing psychiatric problems evolving after bariatric surgery and the rare adverse effect of fluoxetine.

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We thank the patient for agreeing to the patient’s clinical history being published in this paper.


  • 1. Colquitt JL, Pickett K, Loveman E, Frampton GK. Surgery for weight loss in adults. Cochrane Db Syst Rev. 2014(8).
  • 2. Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD. Psychosocial concerns following bariatric surgery: current status. Curr Obes Rep. 2019;8(1):1-9.
  • 3. Mitchell JE, Müller A, Meany G, Sondag C. Bariatric Surgery and Substance Use Disorders, Eating Disorders, and Other Impulse Control Disorders. In: Brewerton TD, Dennis AB (eds.), Eating Disorders, Addictions and Substance Use Disorders: Springer; 2014. p.163-176.
  • 4. Steffen KJ, Engel SG, Wonderlich JA, Pollert GA, Sondag C. Alcohol and other addictive disorders following bariatric surgery: prevalence, risk factors and possible etiologies. Eur Eat Disord Rev. 2015;23(6):442-450.
  • 5. Georgiadou E, Gruner-Labitzke K, Köhler H, de Zwaan M, Müller A. Cognitive function and nonfood-related impulsivity in post-bariatric surgery patients. Front Psychol. 2014;5:1502.
  • 6. Vaswani M, Linda FK, Ramesh S. Role of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in psychiatric disorders: a comprehensive review. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2003;27(1):85-102.
  • 7. Allsbrook M, Fries BE, Szafara KL, Regal RE. Do SSRI Antidepressants Increase The Risk of Extrapyramidal Side Effects In Patients Taking Antipsychotics? Pharm Ther. 2016;41(2):115.
  • 8. Stahl SM. Essential psychopharmacology: Neuroscientific basis and practical applications: Cambridge University press, 2000.
  • 9. Madhusoodanan S, Alexeenko L, Sanders R, Brenner R. Extrapyramidal symptoms associated with antidepressants—a review of the literature and an analysis of spontaneous reports. , 22, 3 2010;22(3):148-156.
  • 10. Coulter DM, Pillans PI. Fluoxetine and extrapyramidal side effects. Am J Psychiatry 1995;152(1):122-125.
  • 11. Rossi A, Barraco A, Donda P. Fluoxetine: a review on evidence based medicine. Ann Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2004;3(1):1-8.
  • 12. Bloch MR, Elliott M, Thompson H, Koran LM. Fluoxetine in pathologic skin-picking: open-label and double-blind results. Psychosomatics. 2001;42(4):314-319.
  • 13. Vandel P, Bonin B, Leveque E, Sechter D, Bizouard P. Tricyclic antidepressant-induced extrapyramidal side effects. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 1997;7(3):207-212.
  • 14. Gony M, Lapeyre–Mestre M, Montastruc J-L, Centers FNoRP. Risk of serious extrapyramidal symptoms in patients with Parkinson's disease receiving antidepressant drugs: a pharmacoepidemiologic study comparing serotonin reuptake inhibitors and other antidepressant drugs. Clin Neuropharmacol. 2003;26(3):142-145.
  • 15. Dutta B, Saha A, Nagesh I. Extrapyramidal symptoms after Fluoxetine. Med J Armed Forces India. 2015;71(Suppl 1):S99.
  • 16. Caley CF. Extrapyramidal reactions and the selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors. Ann Pharmacother. 1997;31(12):1481-1489.
  • 17. Hamilton MS, Opler LA. Akathisia, suicidality, and fluoxetine. J Clin Psychiatry. 1992;53(11):401-406.
  • 18. Gill HS, DeVane CL, Risch SC. Extrapyramidal symptoms associated with cyclic antidepressant treatment: a review of the literature and consolidating hypotheses. J Clin Pychopharmacol. 1997;17(5):377-389.
  • 19. Smith DG, Robbins TW. The neurobiological underpinnings of obesity and binge eating: a rationale for adopting the food addiction model. Biol Psychiatry. 2013;73(9):804-810.
  • 20. Nakanishi S, Hikida T, Yawata S. Distinct dopaminergic control of the direct and indirect pathways in reward-based and avoidance learning behaviors. Neuroscience. 2014;282:49-59.
  • 21. Kessler RM, Hutson PH, Herman BK, Potenza MN. The neurobiological basis of binge-eating disorder. Neurosci Biobehav. Rev. 2016;63:223-238.
  • 22. Volkow ND, Wise RA, Baler R. The dopamine motive system: implications for drug and food addiction. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2017;18(12):741-752.
  • 23. Davis C. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: associations with overeating and obesity. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2010;12(5):389-395.
  • 24. Riva G, Cárdenas-López G, Duran X, Torres-Villalobos GM, Gaggioli A. Virtual reality in the treatment of body image disturbances after bariatric surgery: a clinical case. In: Wiederhold B, Riva G (eds.), Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine 2012. IOS; 2012. p.278.

Bariyatrik Cerrahi Sonrası Dürtü Kontrol Problemleri ve Fluoksetin Tedavisiyle Ekstrapiramidal Yan Etki Gelişen Bir Olgu Sunumu

Year 2024, , 119 - 123, 31.03.2024


Bariatrik cerrahi günümüzde obezite tedavisinde kullanılan etkili bir yöntem olmakla birlikte hastaların operasyon öncesi ve sonrası süreci biyopsikososyal açıdan değerlendirildiğinde birçok psikiyatrik zorluğu da beraberinde getirebilmektedir. Özellikle yeme bozukluğu tanısı olan obez hastalarda uygulanan bu cerrahi işlem sonrasında farklı bağımlılıklar ya da dürtü bozuklukları gelişebilmektedir. Sunacağımız olguda kişi geçirdiği bariyatrik cerrahi sonrası çeşitli impulsif davranış problemleri geliştirmiştir. Bu olguyu ilginç kılan bir diğer özellik ise hastada gelişen impuls problemlerin tedavisinde uygulanan fluoksetin tedavisi sonrası ortaya çıkan ekstrapiramidal yan etkilerdir. Bu olguda bariyatrik cerrahi sonrasında gelişen psikiyatrik problemler ve nadir görülen bir ilaç yan etkisi tartışılarak literatüre katkı sağlanması hedeflenmiştir.

Project Number



  • 1. Colquitt JL, Pickett K, Loveman E, Frampton GK. Surgery for weight loss in adults. Cochrane Db Syst Rev. 2014(8).
  • 2. Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD. Psychosocial concerns following bariatric surgery: current status. Curr Obes Rep. 2019;8(1):1-9.
  • 3. Mitchell JE, Müller A, Meany G, Sondag C. Bariatric Surgery and Substance Use Disorders, Eating Disorders, and Other Impulse Control Disorders. In: Brewerton TD, Dennis AB (eds.), Eating Disorders, Addictions and Substance Use Disorders: Springer; 2014. p.163-176.
  • 4. Steffen KJ, Engel SG, Wonderlich JA, Pollert GA, Sondag C. Alcohol and other addictive disorders following bariatric surgery: prevalence, risk factors and possible etiologies. Eur Eat Disord Rev. 2015;23(6):442-450.
  • 5. Georgiadou E, Gruner-Labitzke K, Köhler H, de Zwaan M, Müller A. Cognitive function and nonfood-related impulsivity in post-bariatric surgery patients. Front Psychol. 2014;5:1502.
  • 6. Vaswani M, Linda FK, Ramesh S. Role of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in psychiatric disorders: a comprehensive review. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2003;27(1):85-102.
  • 7. Allsbrook M, Fries BE, Szafara KL, Regal RE. Do SSRI Antidepressants Increase The Risk of Extrapyramidal Side Effects In Patients Taking Antipsychotics? Pharm Ther. 2016;41(2):115.
  • 8. Stahl SM. Essential psychopharmacology: Neuroscientific basis and practical applications: Cambridge University press, 2000.
  • 9. Madhusoodanan S, Alexeenko L, Sanders R, Brenner R. Extrapyramidal symptoms associated with antidepressants—a review of the literature and an analysis of spontaneous reports. , 22, 3 2010;22(3):148-156.
  • 10. Coulter DM, Pillans PI. Fluoxetine and extrapyramidal side effects. Am J Psychiatry 1995;152(1):122-125.
  • 11. Rossi A, Barraco A, Donda P. Fluoxetine: a review on evidence based medicine. Ann Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2004;3(1):1-8.
  • 12. Bloch MR, Elliott M, Thompson H, Koran LM. Fluoxetine in pathologic skin-picking: open-label and double-blind results. Psychosomatics. 2001;42(4):314-319.
  • 13. Vandel P, Bonin B, Leveque E, Sechter D, Bizouard P. Tricyclic antidepressant-induced extrapyramidal side effects. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 1997;7(3):207-212.
  • 14. Gony M, Lapeyre–Mestre M, Montastruc J-L, Centers FNoRP. Risk of serious extrapyramidal symptoms in patients with Parkinson's disease receiving antidepressant drugs: a pharmacoepidemiologic study comparing serotonin reuptake inhibitors and other antidepressant drugs. Clin Neuropharmacol. 2003;26(3):142-145.
  • 15. Dutta B, Saha A, Nagesh I. Extrapyramidal symptoms after Fluoxetine. Med J Armed Forces India. 2015;71(Suppl 1):S99.
  • 16. Caley CF. Extrapyramidal reactions and the selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors. Ann Pharmacother. 1997;31(12):1481-1489.
  • 17. Hamilton MS, Opler LA. Akathisia, suicidality, and fluoxetine. J Clin Psychiatry. 1992;53(11):401-406.
  • 18. Gill HS, DeVane CL, Risch SC. Extrapyramidal symptoms associated with cyclic antidepressant treatment: a review of the literature and consolidating hypotheses. J Clin Pychopharmacol. 1997;17(5):377-389.
  • 19. Smith DG, Robbins TW. The neurobiological underpinnings of obesity and binge eating: a rationale for adopting the food addiction model. Biol Psychiatry. 2013;73(9):804-810.
  • 20. Nakanishi S, Hikida T, Yawata S. Distinct dopaminergic control of the direct and indirect pathways in reward-based and avoidance learning behaviors. Neuroscience. 2014;282:49-59.
  • 21. Kessler RM, Hutson PH, Herman BK, Potenza MN. The neurobiological basis of binge-eating disorder. Neurosci Biobehav. Rev. 2016;63:223-238.
  • 22. Volkow ND, Wise RA, Baler R. The dopamine motive system: implications for drug and food addiction. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2017;18(12):741-752.
  • 23. Davis C. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: associations with overeating and obesity. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2010;12(5):389-395.
  • 24. Riva G, Cárdenas-López G, Duran X, Torres-Villalobos GM, Gaggioli A. Virtual reality in the treatment of body image disturbances after bariatric surgery: a clinical case. In: Wiederhold B, Riva G (eds.), Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine 2012. IOS; 2012. p.278.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Case Report

Kübra Sezer Katar 0000-0001-7184-7960

Ayşe Gökçen Gündoğmuş 0000-0002-1594-7542

Project Number -
Early Pub Date March 31, 2024
Publication Date March 31, 2024
Submission Date December 12, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2024


AMA Sezer Katar K, Gündoğmuş AG. Impulse Control Problems Following Bariatric Surgery and Extrapyramidal Adverse Effects with Fluoxetine: A Case Report. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. March 2024;14(1):119-123. doi:10.31832/smj.1218126


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