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Cardiac Hydatid Cysts Are Localized Left Ventricular Wall: A Case Report

Year 2013, , 36 - 39, 01.03.2013


Hydatid disease is a disease which is endemic in our country. Cardiac hydatid cyst is rare even in areas where the disease is endemic. Fatal complications, early diagnosis and treatment is important because it is common. Two-dimensional echocardiography, especially computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging, other important diagnostic modalities. Computed tomography and echocardiography findings in a case of left ventricular ekinokokkosiz offer with the literature.


  • Abid A, Khayati A, Zargouni N. Hydatid cyst of the heart and pericardium. International Journal of Cardiology 1991; 32: 108- 109.
  • Lanzoni AM, Barrios V, Moya JL, Epeldegui A, Celemin D, Lafuente C, Asin-Cardiel E. Dynamic left ventrıcular outfolw obstruction caused by cardiac echinococcosis. American Heart Journal 1992; 124: 1083-1085
  • Laglera S, Garcia-Enguita MA, Martinez-Guiterrez F, Guiterrez- Rodriguez A, Urieta A. A case of cardiac hydatidosis. British Journal of Anaesthesia 1997; 79: 671-673
  • Grendell JH, Mc Quarid KR, Friedman SC. Disease of the liver and biliary system. Diagnosis & Treatment in Gastroenterology; Lange 1996: chapter 38, p:514.
  • De Martini M, Nador F, Binda A, Arpesani A, Odero A, Lotto A. Myocardial hydatid cyst ruptured in to the pericardium:cross- sectional echocardiographic study and surgical treatment. European Heart Journal 1988; 9: 819-824
  • Braunwald E. Metazoal myocardial disease. Heart Disase 4th ed, Saunders,1992: chapter 43, p:1434.
  • Mottaghian H, Saidi F. Postoperative recurrence of hydatid disease. Br J Surg 1978; 65: 237-242
  • Di Bello R, Menendez H. Intracardiac rupture of hydatid cysts of the heart. Circulation 1963; 27: 366-373
  • Ameli M, Mobarhan HE, Nouraii SS: Surgical treatment of hiydatid cysts of the heart: Report of six cases. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 98:892,1989
  • Canabal EJ, Aguirre CV, Dighiero J, et al: Echinococcus disease of the left ventricle; a clinical, radiologic and electrocardiographic study. Circulation 15:520,1955.

Sol Ventrikül Duvarına Yerleşimli Kardiyak Kist Hidatik: Olgu Sunumu

Year 2013, , 36 - 39, 01.03.2013


Kist hidatik ülkemizde endemik görülen bir hastalıktır. Kardiyak kist hidatik, hastalığın endemik olduğu bölgelerde bile nadirdir. Fatal komplikasyonlarının sık olması nedeni ile erken tanısı ve tedavisi önem taşımaktadır. İki-boyutlu ekokardiyografi başta olmak üzere bilgisayarlı tomografi(BT) ve manyetik rezonans görüntüleme diğer önemli tanı yöntemleridir. Sol ventriküler ekinokokkosiz vakasının bilgisayarlı tomografi ve ekokardiografi bulgularını literatür bilgileri eşliğinde sunuyoruz.


  • Abid A, Khayati A, Zargouni N. Hydatid cyst of the heart and pericardium. International Journal of Cardiology 1991; 32: 108- 109.
  • Lanzoni AM, Barrios V, Moya JL, Epeldegui A, Celemin D, Lafuente C, Asin-Cardiel E. Dynamic left ventrıcular outfolw obstruction caused by cardiac echinococcosis. American Heart Journal 1992; 124: 1083-1085
  • Laglera S, Garcia-Enguita MA, Martinez-Guiterrez F, Guiterrez- Rodriguez A, Urieta A. A case of cardiac hydatidosis. British Journal of Anaesthesia 1997; 79: 671-673
  • Grendell JH, Mc Quarid KR, Friedman SC. Disease of the liver and biliary system. Diagnosis & Treatment in Gastroenterology; Lange 1996: chapter 38, p:514.
  • De Martini M, Nador F, Binda A, Arpesani A, Odero A, Lotto A. Myocardial hydatid cyst ruptured in to the pericardium:cross- sectional echocardiographic study and surgical treatment. European Heart Journal 1988; 9: 819-824
  • Braunwald E. Metazoal myocardial disease. Heart Disase 4th ed, Saunders,1992: chapter 43, p:1434.
  • Mottaghian H, Saidi F. Postoperative recurrence of hydatid disease. Br J Surg 1978; 65: 237-242
  • Di Bello R, Menendez H. Intracardiac rupture of hydatid cysts of the heart. Circulation 1963; 27: 366-373
  • Ameli M, Mobarhan HE, Nouraii SS: Surgical treatment of hiydatid cysts of the heart: Report of six cases. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 98:892,1989
  • Canabal EJ, Aguirre CV, Dighiero J, et al: Echinococcus disease of the left ventricle; a clinical, radiologic and electrocardiographic study. Circulation 15:520,1955.
There are 10 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Abdurrahim Çolak This is me

Uğur Kaya This is me

Azman Ateş This is me

Muhammet Hakan Taş This is me

Abdulmecit Kantarcı This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2013
Submission Date September 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2013


AMA Çolak A, Kaya U, Ateş A, Taş MH, Kantarcı A. Sol Ventrikül Duvarına Yerleşimli Kardiyak Kist Hidatik: Olgu Sunumu. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. March 2013;3(1):36-39. doi:10.5505/sakaryamj.2013.30974


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