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Linear Lichen Planus, A Report of Two Cases

Year 2013, , 40 - 43, 01.03.2013


Linear lichen planus (LLP) is one of the rare variants of lichen planus characterized by linear distributed, pruritic, purple, lichenoid papules. Although linear lesions may be appear after the trauma (Koebner phenomenon), they have been reported zosteriform on the healed herpes infection area as the Wolf isotopic response. However, lesions appear spontaneously, and usually localize unilaterally, and Blaschkoid or zosteriform in LLP.We describe here two cases of eruptive linear lichen planus with review of the literature because of the rarity of this disease.


  • Abid A, Khayati A, Zargouni N. Hydatid cyst of the heart and pericardium. International Journal of Cardiology 1991; 32: 108- 109.
  • Lanzoni AM, Barrios V, Moya JL, Epeldegui A, Celemin D, Lafuente C, Asin-Cardiel E. Dynamic left ventrıcular outfolw obstruction caused by cardiac echinococcosis. American Heart Journal 1992; 124: 1083-1085
  • Laglera S, Garcia-Enguita MA, Martinez-Guiterrez F, Guiterrez- Rodriguez A, Urieta A. A case of cardiac hydatidosis. British Journal of Anaesthesia 1997; 79: 671-673
  • Grendell JH, Mc Quarid KR, Friedman SC. Disease of the liver and biliary system. Diagnosis & Treatment in Gastroenterology; Lange 1996: chapter 38, p:514.
  • De Martini M, Nador F, Binda A, Arpesani A, Odero A, Lotto A. Myocardial hydatid cyst ruptured in to the pericardium:cross- sectional echocardiographic study and surgical treatment. European Heart Journal 1988; 9: 819-824
  • Braunwald E. Metazoal myocardial disease. Heart Disase 4th ed, Saunders,1992: chapter 43, p:1434.
  • Mottaghian H, Saidi F. Postoperative recurrence of hydatid disease. Br J Surg 1978; 65: 237-242
  • Di Bello R, Menendez H. Intracardiac rupture of hydatid cysts of the heart. Circulation 1963; 27: 366-373
  • Ameli M, Mobarhan HE, Nouraii SS: Surgical treatment of hiydatid cysts of the heart: Report of six cases. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 98:892,1989
  • Canabal EJ, Aguirre CV, Dighiero J, et al: Echinococcus disease of the left ventricle; a clinical, radiologic and electrocardiographic study. Circulation 15:520,1955.

Lineer Liken Planus, İki Olgu Sunumu

Year 2013, , 40 - 43, 01.03.2013


Lineer liken planus (LLP), liken planusun lineer dizilmiş, kaşıntılı, likenoid görünümlü, violese renkli papüller ile karakterize nadir bir varyantıdır. Liken planusta lineer lezyonlar, yaygın erupsiyonların bir parçası olarak travma sonrası (Köbner fenomeni) görülebileceği gibi, Wolf'un izotopik yanıtı olarak geçirilmiş herpes enfeksiyonunun üzerinde zosteriform şekilde de bildirilmiştir. Ancak, LLP'ta lezyonlar spontan olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır ve genellikle Blaschko çizgilerine uygun ya da zosteriform şekilde, tek taraflı yerleşmektedir.Burada LLP'lu iki olguyu nadir görülmesi nedeniyle literatür eşliğinde sunmayı uygun bulduk.


  • Abid A, Khayati A, Zargouni N. Hydatid cyst of the heart and pericardium. International Journal of Cardiology 1991; 32: 108- 109.
  • Lanzoni AM, Barrios V, Moya JL, Epeldegui A, Celemin D, Lafuente C, Asin-Cardiel E. Dynamic left ventrıcular outfolw obstruction caused by cardiac echinococcosis. American Heart Journal 1992; 124: 1083-1085
  • Laglera S, Garcia-Enguita MA, Martinez-Guiterrez F, Guiterrez- Rodriguez A, Urieta A. A case of cardiac hydatidosis. British Journal of Anaesthesia 1997; 79: 671-673
  • Grendell JH, Mc Quarid KR, Friedman SC. Disease of the liver and biliary system. Diagnosis & Treatment in Gastroenterology; Lange 1996: chapter 38, p:514.
  • De Martini M, Nador F, Binda A, Arpesani A, Odero A, Lotto A. Myocardial hydatid cyst ruptured in to the pericardium:cross- sectional echocardiographic study and surgical treatment. European Heart Journal 1988; 9: 819-824
  • Braunwald E. Metazoal myocardial disease. Heart Disase 4th ed, Saunders,1992: chapter 43, p:1434.
  • Mottaghian H, Saidi F. Postoperative recurrence of hydatid disease. Br J Surg 1978; 65: 237-242
  • Di Bello R, Menendez H. Intracardiac rupture of hydatid cysts of the heart. Circulation 1963; 27: 366-373
  • Ameli M, Mobarhan HE, Nouraii SS: Surgical treatment of hiydatid cysts of the heart: Report of six cases. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 98:892,1989
  • Canabal EJ, Aguirre CV, Dighiero J, et al: Echinococcus disease of the left ventricle; a clinical, radiologic and electrocardiographic study. Circulation 15:520,1955.
There are 10 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Berna Kılıç This is me

Ülker Karagece Yalçın This is me

Ahmet Tuğrul Eruyar This is me

Elmas Özgün This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2013
Submission Date September 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2013


AMA Kılıç B, Yalçın ÜK, Eruyar AT, Özgün E. Lineer Liken Planus, İki Olgu Sunumu. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. March 2013;3(1):40-43. doi:10.5505/sakaryamj.2013.60252


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