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The Usage of Temporoparietal Fascial Flap for Severe Traumatic Auricle Laceration Repair

Year 2013, , 154 - 156, 01.09.2013


This report outlines the successful use of the temporoparietal fascial flap (TPFF) for primary reconstruction of a severely lacerated auricle. The TPFF was chosen in order to increase the vascularization and subsequent success of the procedure. For reconstruction of the head and neck region, particularly the auricular region, the TPFF presents a reliable and straightforward option with a high potential for success. We therefore suggest that Otolaryngologists and Head and Neck Surgeons keep this technique in mind when planning a surgical course of action.


  • Moore EJ. Temporoparietal Fascia Flap. 2009. http://emedicine. Accessed: October 15, 2011.
  • Brown WJ. Extraordinary case of horse bite: the external ear completely bitten off and successfully replaced. Lancet. 1898;1:1533.
  • Brent B, Byrd HS. Secondary ear reconstruction with cartilage grafts covered by axial, random, and free flaps of temporoparietal fascia.Plast Reconstr Surg. Aug 1983;72(2):141-52.
  • Cheney ML, Varvares MA, Nadol JB Jr. The temporoparietal fascial flap in head and neck reconstruction. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. Jun 1993;119(6):618-23.
  • David SK, Cheney ML. An anatomic study of the temporoparietal fascial flap. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1995;121:1153- 1156
  • Rose EH , Norris MS. The versatile temporoparietal fascial flap adaptability to a variety of composite defects. Plast Reconst Surg. 1990; 85:224-232
  • Panje WR, MOrris MR. The temporoparietal fascia flap in head and neck reconstruction. Ear Nose Throat J. 1991;70:311-317.

The Usage of Temporoparietal Fascial Flap for Severe Traumatic Auricle Laceration Repair

Year 2013, , 154 - 156, 01.09.2013


This report outlines the successful use of the temporoparietal fascial flap (TPFF) for primary reconstruction of a severely lacerated auricle. The TPFF was chosen in order to increase the vascularization and subsequent success of the procedure. For reconstruction of the head and neck region, particularly the auricular region, the TPFF presents a reliable and straightforward option with a high potential for success. We therefore suggest that Otolaryngologists and Head and Neck Surgeons keep this technique in mind when planning a surgical course of action.


  • Moore EJ. Temporoparietal Fascia Flap. 2009. http://emedicine. Accessed: October 15, 2011.
  • Brown WJ. Extraordinary case of horse bite: the external ear completely bitten off and successfully replaced. Lancet. 1898;1:1533.
  • Brent B, Byrd HS. Secondary ear reconstruction with cartilage grafts covered by axial, random, and free flaps of temporoparietal fascia.Plast Reconstr Surg. Aug 1983;72(2):141-52.
  • Cheney ML, Varvares MA, Nadol JB Jr. The temporoparietal fascial flap in head and neck reconstruction. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. Jun 1993;119(6):618-23.
  • David SK, Cheney ML. An anatomic study of the temporoparietal fascial flap. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1995;121:1153- 1156
  • Rose EH , Norris MS. The versatile temporoparietal fascial flap adaptability to a variety of composite defects. Plast Reconst Surg. 1990; 85:224-232
  • Panje WR, MOrris MR. The temporoparietal fascia flap in head and neck reconstruction. Ear Nose Throat J. 1991;70:311-317.
There are 7 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Gürkan Kayabaşoğlu This is me

Alpen Nacar This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2013
Submission Date September 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2013


AMA Kayabaşoğlu G, Nacar A. The Usage of Temporoparietal Fascial Flap for Severe Traumatic Auricle Laceration Repair. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. September 2013;3(3):154-156. doi:10.5505/sakaryamj.2013.17363


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