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Mean Platelet Volume for the differential diagnosis of Familial Mediterranean Fever and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Year 2012, , 186 - 189, 01.12.2012


Objective: Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) is an hereditary, autoimmune, inflammatory disease characterized by recurrent attacks of fever and sterile polyserositis. İrritable bowel syndrome (IBS) where patients suffer from recurrent abdominal pain and change in the stool form is a functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. Differential diagnosis is important in both of these diseases which are common in our country. We aimed to search if mean platelet volume (MPV) which is reported to change in many inflammatory diseases can be used to differentiate these two conditions.Materials and methods: Thirtynine FMF, 28 IBS patients who admitted to the Gastroenterology Department of Cankiri State Hospital were enrolled to the study. Complete blood count were performed using Standard techniques in the core laboratory of our hospital. Hemoglobin, white blood cell and platelet count were measured in addition to mean platelet volume. Results: Median MPV values were 8.3 (6.7-13.1) fl in FMF patients and 8.6 (7.0-14.9) fl in IBS patients (p: 0.093).Conclusion: MPV cannot be used to differentiate IBS from FMF with the current results; however, our results are hypothesis generating and can be tested in larger trials.


  • Livneh A, Langevitz P, Zemer D, Zaks N, Kees S, Lidar T et al. Criteria fort he diagnosis of familial Mediterranean Fever. Arthritis Rheum 1997;40:1879-1885
  • Turkish FMF Study Group. Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) in Turkey: results of a nationwide multicenter study. Medicine(Baltimore)2005;84:1-11
  • Touitou I. The spectrum of Familial Mediterranean Fever muta- tions. European J of Human Genetics 2001;9:473-83
  • Lachmann HJ, Sengül B, Yavuzşen TU, Booth DR, Booth SE, Bybee A et al, Clinical and subclinical inflammation in patients with familial Mediterranean fever and in heterozygous carriers of MEFV mutations. Rheumatology 2006;45:746-750
  • Liu J, Hou X A review of the irritable bowel syndrome investi- gation on epidemiology, pathogenesis and pathophysiology in China. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2011;26 Suppl 3:88-93
  • Spiller RC. Potential biomarkers. Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 2011;40:121-39.
  • Yüksel O, Helvaci K, Başar O, Köklü S, Caner S, Helvaci N, Abayli E, Altiparmak E. An overlooked indicator of disease activity in ul- cerative colitis: mean platelet volume. Platelets 2009;20:277-81
  • Mimidis K, Papadopoulos V, Kotsianidis J, Filippou D, Spanouda- kis E, Bourikas G, Dervenis C, Kartalis G. Alterations of platelet function, number and indexes during acute pancreatitis. Pancrea- tology 2004;4:22-7
  • Tavil Y, Sen N, Yazici H, Turfan M, Hizal F, Cengel A, Abaci A. Coronary heart disease is associated with mean platelet volume in type 2 diabetic patients. Platelets 2010;21(5):368-372
  • Varol E, Akcay S, Icli A, Yucel H, Ozkan E, Erdogan D et al. Mean platelet volume in patients with p rehypertension and hyperten- sion. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc 2010;45(1):67-72,
  • Coban E, Adanir H. Platelet activation in patients with familial mediterranean fever. Platelets 2008;19;405-408)
  • Makay B, Turkyilmaz Z, Unsal E. Mean platelet volume in children with familial mediterranean fever. Clin Rheumatol 2009;28:975- 78
  • Bath PM, Butterworth RJ. Trombosit size: measurement, physi- ology and vascular disease. Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis 1996;7.157-161
  • Gasparyan AY, Ayvazyan L, Mikhailidis DP, Kitas GD. Mean plate- let volume: a link between thrombosis and inflammation? Curr Pharm Des 2011;17:47-58
  • Kisacik B, Tufan A, Kalyoncu U, Karadag O, Akdogan A, Ozturk MA, Kiraz S, Ertenli I, Calguneri M. Mean platelet volume (MPV) as an inflammatory marker in ankylosing spondylitis and rheuma- toid arthritis.Joint Bone Spine 2008;75:291-4
  • Purnak T, Efe C, Yuksel O, Beyazit Y, Ozaslan E, Altiparmak E. Mean platelet volume could be a promising biomarker to monitor dietary compliance in celiac disease.Ups J Med Sci 2011;116:208- 11
  • Dumitrascu DL. Making a Positive Diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. J Clin Gastroenterol 2011;45 Proceedings from the Pan-European Conference on Irritable Bowel Syndrome Decem- ber 10, 2010 Vienna, Austria:S82-S85.
  • Naliboff BD, Derbyshire SW, Munakata J, Berman S, Mandelkern M, Chang L, Mayer EA. Cerebral activation in patients with ir- ritable bowel syndrome and control subjects during rectosigmoid stimulation. Psysochosom med 2001;63:365-375

Ailesel Akdeniz Ateşi ve İrritabl Barsak Sendromunun ayırıcı tanısında Ortalama Platelet Hacminin rolü

Year 2012, , 186 - 189, 01.12.2012


Amaç: Ailesel akdeniz ateşi (AAA), tekrarlayan ateş ve başlıca plevra, periton ve sinovyanın etkilendiği poliserozit atakları ile karakterize olan otoimmün bir hastalıktır. İrritable barsak sendromu (İBS) ise gastroenteroloji pratiğinde oldukça sık rastlanan fonksiyonel bir rahatsızlık olup tekrarlayan karın ağrıları ve dışkı alışkanlıklarında değişiklikler ile seyreder. Her iki hastalık toplumumuzda sık görülmekte ve tanılarında güçlükler yaşanmaktadır. Son yayınlarda inflamatuar hastalıklarda gösterdiği değişiklik ile gündemde olan ortalama platelet hacmi (OPH) nin bu iki hastalığın ayırıcı tanısında kullanılabilirliğini araştırmayı amaçladık.Materyal-metod: Çalışmaya Çankırı Devlet Hastanesi Gastroenteroloji departmanına başvuran 39 AAA, 28 İBS hastası dahil edildi. Tüm AAA hastaları Kolşisin tedavisi almaktaydı. Tüm katılımcıların tam kan sayımı standart metodlar ile hastanemiz merkez laboratuarında yapıldı. Hemoglobin, beyaz küre, platelet sayıları ve ortalama platelet hacmi ölçüldü.Sonuç: Ortanca OPH değerleri AAA hastalarında 8.3 (6.7-13.1) fl, İBS hastalarında 8.6 (7.0-14.9) fl saptanmış; ve gruplar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark saptanamamıştır (p: 0.093).Yorum: OPH, Ailesel Akdeniz Anemisi ve İrritable Barsak Sendromu ayırıcı tanısında bugün ki veriler doğrultusunda kullanılamaz; ancak bu konuda daha geniş çaplı araştırmalara ışık tutması yönünden düşündürücüdür.


  • Livneh A, Langevitz P, Zemer D, Zaks N, Kees S, Lidar T et al. Criteria fort he diagnosis of familial Mediterranean Fever. Arthritis Rheum 1997;40:1879-1885
  • Turkish FMF Study Group. Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) in Turkey: results of a nationwide multicenter study. Medicine(Baltimore)2005;84:1-11
  • Touitou I. The spectrum of Familial Mediterranean Fever muta- tions. European J of Human Genetics 2001;9:473-83
  • Lachmann HJ, Sengül B, Yavuzşen TU, Booth DR, Booth SE, Bybee A et al, Clinical and subclinical inflammation in patients with familial Mediterranean fever and in heterozygous carriers of MEFV mutations. Rheumatology 2006;45:746-750
  • Liu J, Hou X A review of the irritable bowel syndrome investi- gation on epidemiology, pathogenesis and pathophysiology in China. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2011;26 Suppl 3:88-93
  • Spiller RC. Potential biomarkers. Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 2011;40:121-39.
  • Yüksel O, Helvaci K, Başar O, Köklü S, Caner S, Helvaci N, Abayli E, Altiparmak E. An overlooked indicator of disease activity in ul- cerative colitis: mean platelet volume. Platelets 2009;20:277-81
  • Mimidis K, Papadopoulos V, Kotsianidis J, Filippou D, Spanouda- kis E, Bourikas G, Dervenis C, Kartalis G. Alterations of platelet function, number and indexes during acute pancreatitis. Pancrea- tology 2004;4:22-7
  • Tavil Y, Sen N, Yazici H, Turfan M, Hizal F, Cengel A, Abaci A. Coronary heart disease is associated with mean platelet volume in type 2 diabetic patients. Platelets 2010;21(5):368-372
  • Varol E, Akcay S, Icli A, Yucel H, Ozkan E, Erdogan D et al. Mean platelet volume in patients with p rehypertension and hyperten- sion. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc 2010;45(1):67-72,
  • Coban E, Adanir H. Platelet activation in patients with familial mediterranean fever. Platelets 2008;19;405-408)
  • Makay B, Turkyilmaz Z, Unsal E. Mean platelet volume in children with familial mediterranean fever. Clin Rheumatol 2009;28:975- 78
  • Bath PM, Butterworth RJ. Trombosit size: measurement, physi- ology and vascular disease. Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis 1996;7.157-161
  • Gasparyan AY, Ayvazyan L, Mikhailidis DP, Kitas GD. Mean plate- let volume: a link between thrombosis and inflammation? Curr Pharm Des 2011;17:47-58
  • Kisacik B, Tufan A, Kalyoncu U, Karadag O, Akdogan A, Ozturk MA, Kiraz S, Ertenli I, Calguneri M. Mean platelet volume (MPV) as an inflammatory marker in ankylosing spondylitis and rheuma- toid arthritis.Joint Bone Spine 2008;75:291-4
  • Purnak T, Efe C, Yuksel O, Beyazit Y, Ozaslan E, Altiparmak E. Mean platelet volume could be a promising biomarker to monitor dietary compliance in celiac disease.Ups J Med Sci 2011;116:208- 11
  • Dumitrascu DL. Making a Positive Diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. J Clin Gastroenterol 2011;45 Proceedings from the Pan-European Conference on Irritable Bowel Syndrome Decem- ber 10, 2010 Vienna, Austria:S82-S85.
  • Naliboff BD, Derbyshire SW, Munakata J, Berman S, Mandelkern M, Chang L, Mayer EA. Cerebral activation in patients with ir- ritable bowel syndrome and control subjects during rectosigmoid stimulation. Psysochosom med 2001;63:365-375
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Firdevs Topal This is me

Fatih Esad Topal This is me

Sabiye Akbulut This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2012
Submission Date September 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2012


AMA Topal F, Topal FE, Akbulut S. Ailesel Akdeniz Ateşi ve İrritabl Barsak Sendromunun ayırıcı tanısında Ortalama Platelet Hacminin rolü. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. December 2012;2(4):186-189. doi:10.5505/sakaryamj.2012.41713


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