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Son Dönem Böbrek Yetmezliğinde Volüm Yükü ve Diüretik Kullanımı

Year 2019, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 169 - 174, 20.03.2019


Kronik böbrek yetmezliği
morbidite ve mortalitenin önemli nedenlerinden biridir. Son dönem kronik böbrek
yetmezliği tedavisinde hemodiyaliz önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Kronik böbrek
yetmezliği olan hastalarda idrar çıkışı yeterince olmaması nedeniyle vücuttaki
fazla volüm yükü, öncelikle diüretik grubu ilaçlar olmak üzere medikal tedavi
ile sağlanmaktadır. Medikal tedavi ile idrar çıkışında artış sağlanamadığında
hemodiyaliz yöntemi kullanılmaktadır. Bu olgumuzda son dönem kronik böbrek yetmezliği
tanılı, bir aydır, haftada iki gün dört saat hemodiyalize girmekte olan ve
furosemid kullanan hasta, hemodiyalizden çıkmak istemesi sebebiyle nefroloji
polikliniğine başvurdu. İdrar çıkışı olmayan ve laboratuvar değerlerinde
bozukluk olan hasta furosemid kesilerek ve hemodiyaliz yapılmadan takip edildi.
Takiplerde laboratuvar değerlerinde gerileme ve idrar çıkışında artma olan
hasta, bu şekilde takip edildi ve sonrasında taburcu edildi. Bu vakada kronik
böbrek yetmezliği hastalarında hemodiyaliz ve diüretik kullanımının önemini


  • 1. Kazi TG, Jalbani N, Kazi N, Jamali MK, Arain MB, Afridi HI et al. Evaluation of Toxic Metals in Blood and Urine Samples of Chronic Renal Failure Patients, before and after Dialysis. Renal Failure 2008; 30:737-745.
  • 2. Lee SH, Huang JW, Hung KY, Leu LJ, Kan Y. Trace metals abnormalities in hemodialysis patients relationship with medication. Artificial Organs 2000; 24:841-844.
  • 3. Seymen P, Seymen HO, Özdemir A, Belce A, Gümüştaş K, Türkmen F ve ark. Cuprophan ve polisülfon dializörlerinin oksidan/antioksidan dengesi üzerine etkileri. Cerrahpaşa J Med 2000; 31:74-81.
  • 4. Hoenich NA, Levin NW. (2003). Can technology solve the clinical problem of dry weight. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 18 (4):647–650.
  • 5. Toprak O, Cirit M. Investigating the volume status before contrast nephropathy studies. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2005 Feb; 20(2):464;
  • 6. Turk Neph Dial Transpl 2016; 25 (Ek / Suppl 1): 1-10
  • 7. Cervelli MJ, Russ GR: Principles of drug therapy, dosing, and prescribing in chronic kidney disease and renal replacement therapy. In: Johnson RJ, Feehally J, Floege J (eds), Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders, 2015; 29:884- 904

Volume Load and Diuretic Use in The End Stage Kidney Disease

Year 2019, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 169 - 174, 20.03.2019


Chronic renal failure is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality. End-stage chronic renal failure is important hemodialysis has an important place. Because of the insufficient urine output in patients with chronic renal insufficiency, excess volume load in the body is provided by medical treatment, primarily diuretic group drugs. If there is no increase in urine output with medical treatment, hemodialysis treatment is used. In this case, the patient was diagnosed with chronic renal failure and was on hemodialysis for two days and four hours a week for one month. The patient used furosemide and used to the nephrology polyclinic because of the desire to get out of hemodialysis. Patient with no urine output and laboratory abnormalities were followed up with furosemide and without hemodialysis. The patient with a decrease in laboratory results and an increase in urine output was followed in this way and then discharged. In this case, we emphasized the importance of hemodialysis and diuretic use in patients with chronic renal failure.


  • 1. Kazi TG, Jalbani N, Kazi N, Jamali MK, Arain MB, Afridi HI et al. Evaluation of Toxic Metals in Blood and Urine Samples of Chronic Renal Failure Patients, before and after Dialysis. Renal Failure 2008; 30:737-745.
  • 2. Lee SH, Huang JW, Hung KY, Leu LJ, Kan Y. Trace metals abnormalities in hemodialysis patients relationship with medication. Artificial Organs 2000; 24:841-844.
  • 3. Seymen P, Seymen HO, Özdemir A, Belce A, Gümüştaş K, Türkmen F ve ark. Cuprophan ve polisülfon dializörlerinin oksidan/antioksidan dengesi üzerine etkileri. Cerrahpaşa J Med 2000; 31:74-81.
  • 4. Hoenich NA, Levin NW. (2003). Can technology solve the clinical problem of dry weight. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 18 (4):647–650.
  • 5. Toprak O, Cirit M. Investigating the volume status before contrast nephropathy studies. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2005 Feb; 20(2):464;
  • 6. Turk Neph Dial Transpl 2016; 25 (Ek / Suppl 1): 1-10
  • 7. Cervelli MJ, Russ GR: Principles of drug therapy, dosing, and prescribing in chronic kidney disease and renal replacement therapy. In: Johnson RJ, Feehally J, Floege J (eds), Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders, 2015; 29:884- 904
There are 7 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Mehmet Nur Kaya

Ömer Toprak

Uğur Ergün

Publication Date March 20, 2019
Submission Date May 31, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


AMA Kaya MN, Toprak Ö, Ergün U. Son Dönem Böbrek Yetmezliğinde Volüm Yükü ve Diüretik Kullanımı. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. March 2019;9(1):169-174. doi:10.31832/smj.429223


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