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COVID-19 Pandemisi Sırasında Anti Romatizmal İlaçlara Halkın İlgisi: Türkiye’deki Google Trends Analizi, Kesitsel Çalışma

Year 2022, Volume: 12 Issue: 3, 552 - 559, 29.09.2022


Amaç: COVID-19 pandemisi sırasında halkın anti-romatizmal ilaçlara olan ilgisini, Google verilerini kullanarak araştırmak.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Nonsteroid anti-inflamatuvar ilaçlar (NSAİİ), glukokortikoidler, antigut ajanlar, konvansiyonel hastalık modifiye edici anti-romatizmal ilaçlar, immünsupresif ajanlar, interlökin (IL)1-6-17 inhibitörleri, tümör nekrozis faktör inhibitörleri gibi anti-romatizmal ilaçlarla ilgili arama terimlerini seçtik. Google Trends’te, belirlenen 78 arama sorgusu için Türkiye’de 15/03/2016 -26/12/2020 zaman aralığında ve "Tüm kategoriler" içinde arama yaptık. ‘15 Mart-4 Temmuz’ ve ‘5 Temmuz-26 Aralık’ zaman aralıklarını, önceki 4 yılın (2016-2019) aynı zaman aralıkları ile kıyasladık.
Bulgular: COVID-19 pandemisinin başlangıç dönemini, önceki 4 yıl ile karşılaştırdığımızda; 78 arama sorgusundan 15 tanesinin (Advil, Brufen, diklofenak, Cataflam, Voltaren, Dolorex, Naprosyn, Apranax, Melox, Exen, Kolşisin, hidroksiklorokin, Plaquenil, Arava, Actemra) istatistiksel anlamlı artış, 21 tanesinin anlamlı azalma gösterdiğini gözlemledik. İlerleyen dönemde ise, 78 arama sorgusundan 19 tanesinin ( ibuprofen, Brufen, Cataflam, Voltaren, Dolorex, Naprosyn, Apranax, Melox, Exen, Prednol, Dekort, Kolşisin, Kolsin, hidroksiklorokin, Plaquenil, tosilizumab, Actemra, anakinra, Kineret) istatistiksel anlamlı artış, 17 tanesinde anlamlı azalma gösterdiğini gözlemledik.
Sonuç: COVID-19 pandemisinin erken ve ilerleyen döneminde; NSAİİ grubu arama sorgularının çoğunluğunda, hidroksiklorokin ve ticari ismi Plaquenil’in, tosilizumab ve ticari ismi Actemra’nın arama hacminde istatistiksel anlamlı artış saptanmıştır. Her iki dönemde de arama hacmi azalan ilaçlar çoğunlukla immunsupresif ilaçlar ve biyolojik ajanlar kategorisindedir. Bu bulgular, halkın COVID-19 tedavisiyle ilgili bilgi edinmek istediğini ve internette araştırma yaptığını düşündürmektedir. Halkın gereksinimlerini anlamak ve gerekli bilgilendirmeleri yapmak, sürecin yönetiminde yararlı olabilir.

Supporting Institution


Project Number





  • 1) World Health Organization announces COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic [İnternet].WHO [Eri-şim tarihi: 18.09.2021]. Erişim linki:
  • 2) World Health Organization [İnternet]. WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard [Erişim tarihi: 18 Eylül 2021] Erişim linki:
  • 3) Barlow A, Landolf KM, Barlow B, Yeung SYA, Heavner JJ, Claassen CW et al. Review of Emerging Pharmacotherapy for the Treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019. Pharmacothe-rapy. 2020 May;40(5):416-437. doi: 10.1002/phar.2398. Epub 2020 May 6. PMID: 32259313; PMCID: PMC7262196.
  • 4) Mitjà O, Corbacho-Monné M, Ubals M, Tebe C, Peñafiel J, Tobias a, et al. Hydroxychloroqui-ne for Early Treatment of Adults with Mild Covid-19: A Randomized- Controlled Trial. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2020;
  • 5) WHO Solidarity Trial Consortium. Repurposed Antiviral Drugs for Covid-19 —Interim WHO Solidarity Trial Results. New England J Medicine 2020; DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2023184
  • 6) COVID-19 Rehberi Erişkin Hasta Tedavisi Rehberi 6 Eylül 2021 [İnternet]. Sağlık Bakanlığı COVID-19 Bilgilendirme Platformu [Erişim tarihi: 09.10.2021] Erişim linki:
  • 7) Raiker R, DeYoung C, Pakhchanian H, Ahmed S, Kavadichanda C, Gupta L et al. Outcomes of COVID-19 in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A multicenter research network study in the United States. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2021 Oct;51(5):1057-1066. doi: 10.1016/j.semarthrit.2021.08.010. Epub 2021 Aug 20. PMID: 34450504; PMCID: PMC8376523.
  • 8) Ejaz H, Alsrhani A, Zafar A, Javed H, Junaid K, Abdalla AE et al. COVID-19 and comorbidi-ties: Deleterious impact on infected patients. J Infect Public Health. 2020 Dec;13(12):1833-1839. doi: 10.1016/j.jiph.2020.07.014. Epub 2020 Aug 4. PMID: 32788073; PMCID: PMC7402107.
  • 9) Smolen JS, Landewé RBM, Bijlsma JWJ, Burmester GR, Dougados M, Kerschbaumer A et al. EULAR recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis with synthetic and biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs: 2019 update. Ann Rheum Dis. 2020 Jun;79(6):685-699. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-216655. Epub 2020 Jan 22. PMID: 31969328.
  • 10) Zhang M, Bai X, Cao W, Ji J, Wang L, Yang Y et al. The Influence of Corticosteroids, Immu-nosuppressants and Biologics on Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Psoriasis and Rheumatic Diseases in the Era of COVID-19: A Review of Current Evidence. Frontiers in im-munology. 2021;12, 677957.
  • 11) Alegiani SS, Crisafulli S, Rossi PG, Mancuso P, Salvarani C, Atzeni F et al. Risk of COVID-19 hospitalization and mortality in rheumatic patients treated with hydroxychloroquine or other conventional DMARDs in Italy. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2021 Apr 15:keab348. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keab348. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33856453; PMCID: PMC8083276.
  • 12) COVID-19 Rehberi Antisitokin-Antiinflamatuar Tedaviler, Koagülopati Yönetimi 7 Kasım 2020 [İnternet] Sağlık Bakanlığı COVID-19 Bilgilendirme Platformu [Erişim tarihi: 09.10.2021] Erişim linki:
  • 13) Kardeş S, Kuzu AS, Pakhchanian H, Raiker R, Karagülle M. Population-level interest in anti-rheumatic drugs in the COVID-19 era: insights from Google trends. Clin Rheumatol. 2020 doi: 10.1007/s10067-020-05490-w. PMID: 33130946
  • 14) Ginsberg J, Mohebbi MH, Patel RS, Brammer L, Smolinski MS, Brilliant L. Detecting influenza epidemics using search engine query data. Nature. 2009; 457:1012–1014.
  • 15) Google Trends [İnternet]. Trends Help. [Erişim tarihi: 20.09.2021] Erişim linki:
  • 16) Mavragani A, Ochoa G. Google Trends in infodemiology and infoveillance: metho-dology fra-mework. JMIR Public Health Surveill. 2019;5:e13439. doi: 10.2196/13439. PMID: 31144671
  • 17) Dinamik modül [İnternet]. Türkiye İlaç ve Tıbbi Cihaz Kurumu 24/09/2021 Ruhsatlı Ürünler Lis-tesi [Erişim tarihi: 30.09.2021] Erişim linki:
  • 18) Moore N, Carleton B, Blin P, Bosco-Levy P, Droz C. Does ibuprofen worsen COVID-19? Drug Saf. 2020; 43:611–614.
  • 19) Updated: WHO Now Doesn’t Recommend Avoiding Ibuprofen For COVID-19 Symptoms.
  • 20) Twitter [İnternet]. World Health Organization (WHO) [Erişim tarihi: 02.10.2021] Erişim linki:
  • 21) Karaarslan F, Demircioğlu Güneri F, Kardeş S. Postdischarge rheumatic and musculoskeletal symptoms following hospitalization for COVID-19: prospective follow-up by phone interviews. Rheumatol Int. 2021 Jul;41(7):1263-1271. doi: 10.1007/s00296-021-04882-8. PMID: 33978818 PMCID: PMC8114015
  • 22) Huang C, Wang Y, Li X, Ren L, Zhao J, Hu Y,et al. Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China.Lancet. 2020;15;395(10223):497-506. Erratum in: Lancet. 2020;30
  • 23) Cipollaro L, Giordano L, Padulo J, Oliva F, Maffulli N. Musculoskeletal symptoms in SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) patients. J Orthop Surg Res. 2020;18;15(1):178.
  • 24) Yücesoy H, Atmaca-Aydın E. COVID-19 Pandemisi Sırasında Kas-İskelet Sistemi Belirtileri ve Rahatsızlıklarına Halkın İlgisi: Türkiye'deki Google Trends Analizi: Kesitsel Çalışma. Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci. 2021;41(3):289-97 doi: 10.5336/medsci.2021-84031
  • 25) Ekmud [İnternet]. Sağlık Bakanlığı Covid-19 Erişkin Hasta Tedavi Rehberi 9.10.2020 [Erişim tarihi: 02.10.2021] Erişim linki:
  • 26) Liu M, Caputi TL, Dredze M, Kesselheim AS, Ayers JW. Internet searches for unproven COVID-19 therapies in the United States. JAMA InternMed. 2020;180:1116–1118. jamainternmed.2020.1764
  • 27) Global Observatory on Donation and Transplantation [İnternet]. [Erişim tarihi: 02.10.2021] Eri-şim linki:
  • 28) Simsek H, Kardes S, Kilic M, Kardes E. Trends and seasonality in public interest in dental tra-uma: insights from Google Trends. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2021 Sep 26. doi: 10.1111/ipd.12926. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34569105.
  • 29) Kardeş S, Kardeş E. Seasonality of bruxism: evidence from Google Trends. Sleep Breath. 2019 Jun;23(2):695-701. doi: 10.1007/s11325-019-01787-6. Epub 2019 Feb 21. PMID: 30790220.
  • 30) Kardeş S. Seasonal variation in the internet searches for gout: an ecological study. Clin Rhe-umatol. 2019 Mar;38(3):769-775. doi: 10.1007/s10067-018-4345-2. Epub 2018 Oct 29. PMID: 30374747.
  • 31) Olson DR, Konty KJ, Paladini M, Viboud C, Simonsen L. Reassessing Google Flu Trends data for detection of seasonal and pandemic influenza: a comparative epidemiological study at three geographic scales. PLoS Comput Biol.2013; 9:e1003256. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003256
  • 32) Teng Y, Bi D, Xie G, Jin Y, Huang Y, Lin B et al. Dynamic forecasting of Zika epidemics using Google trends. PLoS One. 2017; 12:e0165085.
  • 33) Walker A, Hopkins C, Surda P. Use of Google Trends to investigate loss-of-smell-related se-arches during the COVID-19 outbreak. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2020 Jul;10(7):839-847. doi: 10.1002/alr.22580. Epub 2020 Jun 15. PMID: 32279437; PMCID: PMC7262261.
  • 34) Hu D, Lou X, Xu Z, Meng N, Xie Q, Zhang M et al. More effective strategies are required to strengthen public awareness of COVID-19: Evidence from Google Trends. J Glob Health. 2020 Jun;10(1):011003. doi: 10.7189/jogh.10.011003. PMID: 32373339; PMCID: PMC7182392.
  • 35) Stat counter [İnternet]. [Erişim tarihi: 15.09.2021]. Erişim linki:
Year 2022, Volume: 12 Issue: 3, 552 - 559, 29.09.2022


Project Number



  • 1) World Health Organization announces COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic [İnternet].WHO [Eri-şim tarihi: 18.09.2021]. Erişim linki:
  • 2) World Health Organization [İnternet]. WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard [Erişim tarihi: 18 Eylül 2021] Erişim linki:
  • 3) Barlow A, Landolf KM, Barlow B, Yeung SYA, Heavner JJ, Claassen CW et al. Review of Emerging Pharmacotherapy for the Treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019. Pharmacothe-rapy. 2020 May;40(5):416-437. doi: 10.1002/phar.2398. Epub 2020 May 6. PMID: 32259313; PMCID: PMC7262196.
  • 4) Mitjà O, Corbacho-Monné M, Ubals M, Tebe C, Peñafiel J, Tobias a, et al. Hydroxychloroqui-ne for Early Treatment of Adults with Mild Covid-19: A Randomized- Controlled Trial. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2020;
  • 5) WHO Solidarity Trial Consortium. Repurposed Antiviral Drugs for Covid-19 —Interim WHO Solidarity Trial Results. New England J Medicine 2020; DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2023184
  • 6) COVID-19 Rehberi Erişkin Hasta Tedavisi Rehberi 6 Eylül 2021 [İnternet]. Sağlık Bakanlığı COVID-19 Bilgilendirme Platformu [Erişim tarihi: 09.10.2021] Erişim linki:
  • 7) Raiker R, DeYoung C, Pakhchanian H, Ahmed S, Kavadichanda C, Gupta L et al. Outcomes of COVID-19 in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A multicenter research network study in the United States. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2021 Oct;51(5):1057-1066. doi: 10.1016/j.semarthrit.2021.08.010. Epub 2021 Aug 20. PMID: 34450504; PMCID: PMC8376523.
  • 8) Ejaz H, Alsrhani A, Zafar A, Javed H, Junaid K, Abdalla AE et al. COVID-19 and comorbidi-ties: Deleterious impact on infected patients. J Infect Public Health. 2020 Dec;13(12):1833-1839. doi: 10.1016/j.jiph.2020.07.014. Epub 2020 Aug 4. PMID: 32788073; PMCID: PMC7402107.
  • 9) Smolen JS, Landewé RBM, Bijlsma JWJ, Burmester GR, Dougados M, Kerschbaumer A et al. EULAR recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis with synthetic and biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs: 2019 update. Ann Rheum Dis. 2020 Jun;79(6):685-699. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-216655. Epub 2020 Jan 22. PMID: 31969328.
  • 10) Zhang M, Bai X, Cao W, Ji J, Wang L, Yang Y et al. The Influence of Corticosteroids, Immu-nosuppressants and Biologics on Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Psoriasis and Rheumatic Diseases in the Era of COVID-19: A Review of Current Evidence. Frontiers in im-munology. 2021;12, 677957.
  • 11) Alegiani SS, Crisafulli S, Rossi PG, Mancuso P, Salvarani C, Atzeni F et al. Risk of COVID-19 hospitalization and mortality in rheumatic patients treated with hydroxychloroquine or other conventional DMARDs in Italy. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2021 Apr 15:keab348. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keab348. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33856453; PMCID: PMC8083276.
  • 12) COVID-19 Rehberi Antisitokin-Antiinflamatuar Tedaviler, Koagülopati Yönetimi 7 Kasım 2020 [İnternet] Sağlık Bakanlığı COVID-19 Bilgilendirme Platformu [Erişim tarihi: 09.10.2021] Erişim linki:
  • 13) Kardeş S, Kuzu AS, Pakhchanian H, Raiker R, Karagülle M. Population-level interest in anti-rheumatic drugs in the COVID-19 era: insights from Google trends. Clin Rheumatol. 2020 doi: 10.1007/s10067-020-05490-w. PMID: 33130946
  • 14) Ginsberg J, Mohebbi MH, Patel RS, Brammer L, Smolinski MS, Brilliant L. Detecting influenza epidemics using search engine query data. Nature. 2009; 457:1012–1014.
  • 15) Google Trends [İnternet]. Trends Help. [Erişim tarihi: 20.09.2021] Erişim linki:
  • 16) Mavragani A, Ochoa G. Google Trends in infodemiology and infoveillance: metho-dology fra-mework. JMIR Public Health Surveill. 2019;5:e13439. doi: 10.2196/13439. PMID: 31144671
  • 17) Dinamik modül [İnternet]. Türkiye İlaç ve Tıbbi Cihaz Kurumu 24/09/2021 Ruhsatlı Ürünler Lis-tesi [Erişim tarihi: 30.09.2021] Erişim linki:
  • 18) Moore N, Carleton B, Blin P, Bosco-Levy P, Droz C. Does ibuprofen worsen COVID-19? Drug Saf. 2020; 43:611–614.
  • 19) Updated: WHO Now Doesn’t Recommend Avoiding Ibuprofen For COVID-19 Symptoms.
  • 20) Twitter [İnternet]. World Health Organization (WHO) [Erişim tarihi: 02.10.2021] Erişim linki:
  • 21) Karaarslan F, Demircioğlu Güneri F, Kardeş S. Postdischarge rheumatic and musculoskeletal symptoms following hospitalization for COVID-19: prospective follow-up by phone interviews. Rheumatol Int. 2021 Jul;41(7):1263-1271. doi: 10.1007/s00296-021-04882-8. PMID: 33978818 PMCID: PMC8114015
  • 22) Huang C, Wang Y, Li X, Ren L, Zhao J, Hu Y,et al. Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China.Lancet. 2020;15;395(10223):497-506. Erratum in: Lancet. 2020;30
  • 23) Cipollaro L, Giordano L, Padulo J, Oliva F, Maffulli N. Musculoskeletal symptoms in SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) patients. J Orthop Surg Res. 2020;18;15(1):178.
  • 24) Yücesoy H, Atmaca-Aydın E. COVID-19 Pandemisi Sırasında Kas-İskelet Sistemi Belirtileri ve Rahatsızlıklarına Halkın İlgisi: Türkiye'deki Google Trends Analizi: Kesitsel Çalışma. Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci. 2021;41(3):289-97 doi: 10.5336/medsci.2021-84031
  • 25) Ekmud [İnternet]. Sağlık Bakanlığı Covid-19 Erişkin Hasta Tedavi Rehberi 9.10.2020 [Erişim tarihi: 02.10.2021] Erişim linki:
  • 26) Liu M, Caputi TL, Dredze M, Kesselheim AS, Ayers JW. Internet searches for unproven COVID-19 therapies in the United States. JAMA InternMed. 2020;180:1116–1118. jamainternmed.2020.1764
  • 27) Global Observatory on Donation and Transplantation [İnternet]. [Erişim tarihi: 02.10.2021] Eri-şim linki:
  • 28) Simsek H, Kardes S, Kilic M, Kardes E. Trends and seasonality in public interest in dental tra-uma: insights from Google Trends. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2021 Sep 26. doi: 10.1111/ipd.12926. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34569105.
  • 29) Kardeş S, Kardeş E. Seasonality of bruxism: evidence from Google Trends. Sleep Breath. 2019 Jun;23(2):695-701. doi: 10.1007/s11325-019-01787-6. Epub 2019 Feb 21. PMID: 30790220.
  • 30) Kardeş S. Seasonal variation in the internet searches for gout: an ecological study. Clin Rhe-umatol. 2019 Mar;38(3):769-775. doi: 10.1007/s10067-018-4345-2. Epub 2018 Oct 29. PMID: 30374747.
  • 31) Olson DR, Konty KJ, Paladini M, Viboud C, Simonsen L. Reassessing Google Flu Trends data for detection of seasonal and pandemic influenza: a comparative epidemiological study at three geographic scales. PLoS Comput Biol.2013; 9:e1003256. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003256
  • 32) Teng Y, Bi D, Xie G, Jin Y, Huang Y, Lin B et al. Dynamic forecasting of Zika epidemics using Google trends. PLoS One. 2017; 12:e0165085.
  • 33) Walker A, Hopkins C, Surda P. Use of Google Trends to investigate loss-of-smell-related se-arches during the COVID-19 outbreak. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2020 Jul;10(7):839-847. doi: 10.1002/alr.22580. Epub 2020 Jun 15. PMID: 32279437; PMCID: PMC7262261.
  • 34) Hu D, Lou X, Xu Z, Meng N, Xie Q, Zhang M et al. More effective strategies are required to strengthen public awareness of COVID-19: Evidence from Google Trends. J Glob Health. 2020 Jun;10(1):011003. doi: 10.7189/jogh.10.011003. PMID: 32373339; PMCID: PMC7182392.
  • 35) Stat counter [İnternet]. [Erişim tarihi: 15.09.2021]. Erişim linki:
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Hidayet Yücesoy 0000-0003-4738-9917

Ebru Atmaca Aydın 0000-0002-0821-4738

Fatih Karaarslan 0000-0003-1107-5887

Project Number yok
Publication Date September 29, 2022
Submission Date December 11, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 12 Issue: 3


AMA Yücesoy H, Atmaca Aydın E, Karaarslan F. COVID-19 Pandemisi Sırasında Anti Romatizmal İlaçlara Halkın İlgisi: Türkiye’deki Google Trends Analizi, Kesitsel Çalışma. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. September 2022;12(3):552-559. doi:10.31832/smj.1035088


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