Research Article
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Year 2018, , 311 - 377, 27.04.2018


Türkiye’den Almanya’ya gerçekleşen göç, büyük
oranda göçmen işçilerin deneyimlerine odaklanılarak araştırılmıştır. Diğer
taraftan, Amerika’ya gerçekleşen Türk göçüyle ilgili kısıtlı literatürde ise
nitelikli göçmenler ve beyin göçü temel tartışma başlıklarını oluşturmuştur.
Her iki ülkeden geriye göç üzerine ise çok sınırlı sayıda çalışma vardır. Bu
makale, Almanya ve Amerika’dan geriye göç eden nitelikli göçmenlerle yarı-yapılandırılmış
görüşme tekniği ile gerçekleştirilmiş 80 görüşmenin verilerinin analizine
dayanmaktadır. Bu iki ülkeden geriye dönen nitelikli göçmenlerin hangi sebeplerle
Türkiye’ye döndükleri, döndükten sonra hangi şekillerde ve ne ölçüde Türkiye
bağlamına tekrar adapte oldukları, döndükten sonra Almanya’yla/Amerika’yla ne ölçüde
ve hangi tür bağlantılarını devam ettirdikleri, Türkiye’ye dönüşlerini kalıcı
bir dönüş olarak mı düşündükleri, tekrar göç etme isteklerinin olup olmadığı bu
makalenin temel sorularını oluşturmaktadır. Ayrıca, tüm bu boyutlar açısından
(geri dönme sebepleri, tekrar adaptasyon, Almanya/Amerika’yla bağlantılar,
tekrar göç etme isteği) bu iki ülkeden dönenlerin bir karşılaştırması
yapılmaktadır. Böylece hem Amerika ve Almanya bağlamlarının hem de geriye
döndüklerinde Türkiye bağlamının nitelikli göçmenlere ne tür koşullar sağladığı


  • Abadan-Unat, N. (2011). Turks in Europe: From Guestworker to Transnational Citizen. New York: Berghahn. Abella, M. (1999). Migration, transition and development. International Migration, Development and Integration: Towards a Comprehensive Approach içinde. Sweden: Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Adler, N. J. (1981). Re-Entry: Managing Cross-Cultural Transitions. Group and Organization Studies, 6(3), 341–56. Ahmed, F. (1993). Turks in America: The Ottoman Turk's Immigrant Experience. Greenwich, Connecticut: Columbia International. Akman, V. (2014). Factors Influencing International Student Migration: A Survey and Evaluation of Turkey’s Case. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 5 (11), 390-415. Allison, P., Davis-Berman, J., Berman, D.S. (2012). Changes in latitude, changes in attitude: Analysis of the effects of reverse culture shock – A study of students returning from youth expeditions. Leisure Studies, 31(4), 487–503. Ammassar, S., Black, R. (2001). Harnessing the potential of migration and return to promote development Applying Concepts to West Africa. (Working Paper). Geneva: International Organization for Migration. Angın, Z. (2003). Diasporas of Difference: Turkish Communities in Germany, Canada, and the United States. (Doctoral dissertation). Colorado State University, Colorado, USA. Bali, R. N. (2006). From Anatolia to the New World: The First Anatolian Immigrants to America. International Journal of Turkish Studies, 12 (1&2), 53–69. Berry, J. W. (2005). Acculturation: Living successfully in two cultures. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 29, 697-712. Berry, J.W. (1997). Immigration, acculturation and adaptation. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 46, 5–34. Boccagni, P. (2011). ‘Migrants’ social protection as a transnational process: public policies and emigrant initiative in the case of Ecuador. International Journal of Social Welfare, 20 (3), 318-325. Boyce, C. & Neale, P. (2006). Conducting in-depth interviews: A Guide for Designing and Conducting In-Depth Interviews for Evaluation Input. Massachusetts: Pathfinder. Bürgin, A., Erzene-Bürgin, D. (2013). Educated in Germany, Working in Turkey: The emigration motivations of persons of Turkish origin. German Politics, 22(4), 461-476. Carling, J. (2008). The Human Dynamics of Migrant Transnationalism. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 31 (8), 1452–77. Carlisle-Frank, P. L. (1992). The relocation experience: Analysis of factors thought to influence adjustment to transition. Psychological Reports, 70, 835-838. Cassarino, J. P. (2004). Theorising return migration: The conceptual approach to return migrants revisited. International Journal on Multicultural Societies, 6(2), 253–279. Castles, S., De Haas, H. & Miller, M. J. (2014). The Age of Migration Fifth Edition. Palgrave Macmillan. Cerase, F. P. (1974). Expectations and Reality : A Case Study of Return Migration from the United States to Southern Italy. The International Migration Review, 8 (2), 245–62. Cox, B. J. (2004). The role of communication, technology, and cultural identity in repatriation adjustment. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 28(3–4), 201–219. Dashevsky, A., DeAmicus, J., Lazerwitz, B. & Tabony, E. (1992). Americans Abroad: A Comparative Study of Emigrants from the United States. New York: Plenum Press. Elveren, A. Y. (2016). Brain Drain in Turkey: Causes and Consequences the Return Intentions of Turkish Doctoral Students in the US: Challenges, Opportunities, and Policy Recommendations in the Context of Economic Development. Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities, Ankara, Turkey. Ely, M., Anzul, M., Friedman, T., Garner, D. & Steinmetz, A. (1991). Doing Qualitative Research: Circles within Circles. London: Falmer. Fleischmann, F., Phalet, K., Klein, O. (2011). Religious Identification and Politicization in the Face of Discrimination: Support for Political Islam and Political Action among the Turkish and Moroccan Second Generation in Europe. British Journal of Social Psychology, 50(4), 628–48. Gaw, K. F. (2000). Reverse Culture Shock in Students Returning from Overseas. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 24, 83–104. Gitmez, A. S. (1983). Yurtdışına İşçi Göçü ve Geri Dönüşler. Istanbul: Alan. Glesne, C. & Peshkin, A. (1992). Becoming qualitative researchers: An introduction. White Plains, NY: Longman. Glick-Schiller, N. (1997). The Situation of Transnational Studies. International Journal of Plant Science, 158, 65–80. Glick-Schiller, N., Basch, L., Blanc-Szanton, C. (1992). Towards a Definition of Transnationalism: Introductory Remarks and Research Questions. Annuals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 645 (1), ix-xiv. Gmelch, G. (1980). Return Migration. Annual Review of Anthropology, 9: 135–59. Grabowski, J. J. (2005). Prospects and challenges: The study of early Turkish immigration to the United States. Journal of American Ethnic History, 25(1), 85-100. Guarnizo, L. E. (2003). The Economics of Transnational Living. International Migration Review, 37 (3), 666-699. Guezatta, C. (2004). Return Migration. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Services, 2 (1-2), 109-117. Güngör, N. D. (2003). Brain Drain from Turkey : An Empirical Investigation of the Determinants of Skilled Migration and Student Non-Return. (Dissertation). Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. Güngör, N. D., Tansel, A. (2008). Brain drain from Turkey: an investigation of students’ return intentions. Applied Economics, 40, 3069–3087. Güngör, N. D., Tansel, A. (2014). Brain Drain from Turkey: Return intentions of skilled migrants. International Migration, 52, 208–226. Hartmann, H. (2011). Perceptions of Everyday Interpersonal Discrimination among Young Men of Turkish Background in Cologne. International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 5 (1), 224–233. Healy, M., Perry, C. (2000). Comprehensive criteria to judge validity and reliability of qualitative research within the realism paradigm. Qualitative Market Research, 3(3), 118- 126. İçduygu, A. (2009). International Migration and Human Development in Turkey (MPRA Research Paper No.19235). UNDP. İçduygu, A., Sert, D. (2016). A Debate Over Return Migration: The Case of Turkish Guest Workers in Germany. David L. Leal & Nestor P. Rodríguez (Ed.), Migration in an Era of Restriction and Recession: Immigrants and Minorities, Politics and Policy içinde. Berlin: Springer. Isbister, J. (1996). The immigration debate: remaking America. West Hartford, Connecticut: Kumarian. Karpat, K. H. (1985). The Ottoman Emigration to America, 1860-1914. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 17 (2), 175-209. Kaya, I. (2004). Turkish‐American Immigration History and Identity Formations. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 24 (2), 295–308. King, R. (2000). Generalization from the history of return migration. B. Gnosh (Ed.), Return Migration: Journey of Hope or Despair içinde (s. 7-55). Geneva: International Organization of Migration.
 King, R. (Ed.) (1986). Return Migration and Regional Economic Problems. London: Croom Helm. Kivisto, P. (2001). Theorizing Transnational Immigration: A Critical Review of Current Efforts. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 24 (4), 549–77. Köseman, Z. (2008). A General Socio-Cultural Outlook of the European and the Turkish Migration to the United States. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (3). Köşer-Akçapar, Ş. (2006). Do Brains Really Going Down the Drain? Highly Skilled Turkish Migrants in the USA and the ‘Brain Drain’ Debate in Turkey. Revue Europeenne des Migrations Internationales, 22 (3), 79-107. Köşer-Akçapar, Ş. (2009). Turkish Highly Skilled Migration to the United States: New Findings and Policy Recommendations. (MiReKoc Research Report). Istanbul: Koç University, Migration Research Program. Köşer-Akçapar, Ş. (2012). Beyond Turkey’s Borders: Long-Distance Kemalism, State Politics and the Turkish Diaspora. Diaspora Studies, 5 (2), 224–29. Köşer-Akçapar, Ş., Yurdakul, G. (2009). Turkish Identity Formation and Political Mobilization in Western Europe and North America. Turkish Studies, 10 (2), 139–47. Kurtulmuş, N. (1992). Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler Açısından Stratejik İnsan Sermayesi Kaybı: Beyin Göçü. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, 0 (37-38), 205-221. Kurtuluş, B. (1999). Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’ne Türk Beyin Göçü. İstanbul: Alfa. Levitt, P., Jaworsky, B. N. (2007). Transnational Migration Studies: Past Developments and Future Trends. Annual Review of Sociology, 33 (1), 129–56. Lincoln, Y. S., & Guba, E. (1985). Naturalistic Inquiry. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. Martin, J.N. (1984). The intercultural re-entry: Conceptualization and directions for future research. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 8, 115–134. McCracken, G. (1988). The Long Interview. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications. Mewes, R., Asbrock, F., Laskawi, J. (2015). Perceived Discrimination and Impaired Mental Health in Turkish Immigrants and Their Descendants in Germany. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 62, 42–50. Morawa, E., Erim, Y. (2014). Acculturation and depressive symptoms among Turkish immigrants in Germany. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11(9), 9503-9521. Müller, M. J., Koch, E. (2016). Perceived Discrimination in Patients With Psychiatric Disorder and Turkish Migration Background in Germany. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 204 (7), 542-546. Nyberg-Sorensen, N., Van Hear, N., Engberg-Pedersen, P. (2002). The Migration–Development Nexus Evidence and Policy Options State–of–the–Art Overview. International Migration, 40, 3–47. Olesen, H. (2002). Migration, Return, and Development: An Institutional Perspective. International Migration, 40 (5), 125–50. Öztürk, M. (2001). So far from home: Turkish Student Motivation and Access to Overseas Higher Education in the United States. (Ph.D. Dissertation). Faculty of Graduate School, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA. Paine, S. (1974). Exporting workers: the Turkish case. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
 Pazarcık, S. F. (2010). Beyin Göçü Olgusu Ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Üniversitelerinde Çalışan Türk Sosyal Bilimciler Üzerine Bir Araştırma. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Çanakkale On Sekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Çanakkale, Türkiye. Pedersen, P. B. (1994). Five stages of culture shock: Critical incidents around the world. Westport, CT: Greenwood. Piercy, K. W. (2004). Analysis of semi-structured, in-depth interview data. (Paper Presented at the Sixth International Conference on Social Science Methodology (RC33)). Amsterdam, Netherlands. Portes, A., Guarnizo, L. E., Landolt, P. (1999). The Study of Transnationalism: Pitfalls and Promise of an Emergent Research Field. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 22 (2), 217–37. Ravenstein, E. G. (1885). The Laws of Migration. Journal of the Statistical Society of London, 48(2), 167-235. Razum, O., Sahin-Hodoglugil, N. N., Polit, K. (2005). Health, Wealth or Family Ties? Why Turkish Work Migrants Return from Germany. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 31 (4), 719-739. Rogers, R. (1984). Return migration in comparative perspective. D. Kubat (Ed.), The Politics of Return: Proceedings from the European Conference on International Migration Return içinde. New York: Center for Migration Studies. Saatçi, M. (2003). Turkish Immigrants In The United States: Historical And Cultural Origins. (Dissertation). Graduate School of Binghamton University - State University of New York, USA. Sirkeci, İ. (2002). Revisiting the Turkish Migration to Germany after Forty Years. Siirtolaisuus-Migration, 9–20. Skrobanek, J. (2009). Perceived Discrimination, Ethnic Identity and the Re-Ethnicisation of Youth with a Turkish Ethnic Background in Germany. Journal of Ethnic & Migration Studies, 35 (4), 535–54. Smith, D. P., Bailey, A. J. (2004). Editorial Introduction: Linking Transnational Migrants and Transnationalism. Population, Space and Place, 10 (5), 357–60. Smith, J.P. & Edmonston, B. (1997). The New Americans: Economic, Demographic and Fiscal Effects of Immigration. Washington, D.C: National Academy. Stelling, J. L. (1991). Reverse culture shock and children of Lutheran missionaries. (Doctoral dissertation). United States International University, Nairobi, Kenya. Stenbacka, C. (2001). Qualitative research requires quality concepts of its own. Management Decision, 39(7), 551-555. Sunata, U. (2014). Tersine Beyin Göçünde Sosyal Ağların Rolü: Türkiyeli Mühendislerin Almanya’dan Geriye Göç Deneyim ve Algıları. Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, 17 (34), 85–96. Sussman, N. M. (2000). The Dynamic Nature of Cultural Identity Throughout Cultural Transitions: Why Home Is Not So Sweet. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 4 (4), 355–73. Sussman, N. M. (2001). Cultural transitions: Psychological preparedness, repatriation, and attributions among American managers. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 25(2), 109-123. Sussman, N. M. (2002). 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Year 2018, , 311 - 377, 27.04.2018



  • Abadan-Unat, N. (2011). Turks in Europe: From Guestworker to Transnational Citizen. New York: Berghahn. Abella, M. (1999). Migration, transition and development. International Migration, Development and Integration: Towards a Comprehensive Approach içinde. Sweden: Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Adler, N. J. (1981). Re-Entry: Managing Cross-Cultural Transitions. Group and Organization Studies, 6(3), 341–56. Ahmed, F. (1993). Turks in America: The Ottoman Turk's Immigrant Experience. Greenwich, Connecticut: Columbia International. Akman, V. (2014). Factors Influencing International Student Migration: A Survey and Evaluation of Turkey’s Case. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 5 (11), 390-415. Allison, P., Davis-Berman, J., Berman, D.S. (2012). Changes in latitude, changes in attitude: Analysis of the effects of reverse culture shock – A study of students returning from youth expeditions. Leisure Studies, 31(4), 487–503. Ammassar, S., Black, R. (2001). Harnessing the potential of migration and return to promote development Applying Concepts to West Africa. (Working Paper). Geneva: International Organization for Migration. Angın, Z. (2003). Diasporas of Difference: Turkish Communities in Germany, Canada, and the United States. (Doctoral dissertation). Colorado State University, Colorado, USA. Bali, R. N. (2006). From Anatolia to the New World: The First Anatolian Immigrants to America. International Journal of Turkish Studies, 12 (1&2), 53–69. Berry, J. W. (2005). Acculturation: Living successfully in two cultures. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 29, 697-712. Berry, J.W. (1997). Immigration, acculturation and adaptation. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 46, 5–34. Boccagni, P. (2011). ‘Migrants’ social protection as a transnational process: public policies and emigrant initiative in the case of Ecuador. International Journal of Social Welfare, 20 (3), 318-325. Boyce, C. & Neale, P. (2006). Conducting in-depth interviews: A Guide for Designing and Conducting In-Depth Interviews for Evaluation Input. Massachusetts: Pathfinder. Bürgin, A., Erzene-Bürgin, D. (2013). Educated in Germany, Working in Turkey: The emigration motivations of persons of Turkish origin. German Politics, 22(4), 461-476. Carling, J. (2008). The Human Dynamics of Migrant Transnationalism. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 31 (8), 1452–77. Carlisle-Frank, P. L. (1992). The relocation experience: Analysis of factors thought to influence adjustment to transition. Psychological Reports, 70, 835-838. Cassarino, J. P. (2004). Theorising return migration: The conceptual approach to return migrants revisited. International Journal on Multicultural Societies, 6(2), 253–279. Castles, S., De Haas, H. & Miller, M. J. (2014). The Age of Migration Fifth Edition. Palgrave Macmillan. Cerase, F. P. (1974). Expectations and Reality : A Case Study of Return Migration from the United States to Southern Italy. The International Migration Review, 8 (2), 245–62. Cox, B. J. (2004). The role of communication, technology, and cultural identity in repatriation adjustment. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 28(3–4), 201–219. Dashevsky, A., DeAmicus, J., Lazerwitz, B. & Tabony, E. (1992). Americans Abroad: A Comparative Study of Emigrants from the United States. New York: Plenum Press. Elveren, A. Y. (2016). Brain Drain in Turkey: Causes and Consequences the Return Intentions of Turkish Doctoral Students in the US: Challenges, Opportunities, and Policy Recommendations in the Context of Economic Development. Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities, Ankara, Turkey. Ely, M., Anzul, M., Friedman, T., Garner, D. & Steinmetz, A. (1991). Doing Qualitative Research: Circles within Circles. London: Falmer. Fleischmann, F., Phalet, K., Klein, O. (2011). Religious Identification and Politicization in the Face of Discrimination: Support for Political Islam and Political Action among the Turkish and Moroccan Second Generation in Europe. British Journal of Social Psychology, 50(4), 628–48. Gaw, K. F. (2000). Reverse Culture Shock in Students Returning from Overseas. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 24, 83–104. Gitmez, A. S. (1983). Yurtdışına İşçi Göçü ve Geri Dönüşler. Istanbul: Alan. Glesne, C. & Peshkin, A. (1992). Becoming qualitative researchers: An introduction. White Plains, NY: Longman. Glick-Schiller, N. (1997). The Situation of Transnational Studies. International Journal of Plant Science, 158, 65–80. Glick-Schiller, N., Basch, L., Blanc-Szanton, C. (1992). Towards a Definition of Transnationalism: Introductory Remarks and Research Questions. Annuals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 645 (1), ix-xiv. Gmelch, G. (1980). Return Migration. Annual Review of Anthropology, 9: 135–59. Grabowski, J. J. (2005). Prospects and challenges: The study of early Turkish immigration to the United States. Journal of American Ethnic History, 25(1), 85-100. Guarnizo, L. E. (2003). The Economics of Transnational Living. International Migration Review, 37 (3), 666-699. Guezatta, C. (2004). Return Migration. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Services, 2 (1-2), 109-117. Güngör, N. D. (2003). Brain Drain from Turkey : An Empirical Investigation of the Determinants of Skilled Migration and Student Non-Return. (Dissertation). Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. Güngör, N. D., Tansel, A. (2008). Brain drain from Turkey: an investigation of students’ return intentions. Applied Economics, 40, 3069–3087. Güngör, N. D., Tansel, A. (2014). Brain Drain from Turkey: Return intentions of skilled migrants. International Migration, 52, 208–226. Hartmann, H. (2011). Perceptions of Everyday Interpersonal Discrimination among Young Men of Turkish Background in Cologne. International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 5 (1), 224–233. Healy, M., Perry, C. (2000). Comprehensive criteria to judge validity and reliability of qualitative research within the realism paradigm. Qualitative Market Research, 3(3), 118- 126. İçduygu, A. (2009). International Migration and Human Development in Turkey (MPRA Research Paper No.19235). UNDP. İçduygu, A., Sert, D. (2016). A Debate Over Return Migration: The Case of Turkish Guest Workers in Germany. David L. Leal & Nestor P. Rodríguez (Ed.), Migration in an Era of Restriction and Recession: Immigrants and Minorities, Politics and Policy içinde. Berlin: Springer. Isbister, J. (1996). The immigration debate: remaking America. West Hartford, Connecticut: Kumarian. Karpat, K. H. (1985). The Ottoman Emigration to America, 1860-1914. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 17 (2), 175-209. Kaya, I. (2004). Turkish‐American Immigration History and Identity Formations. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 24 (2), 295–308. King, R. (2000). Generalization from the history of return migration. B. Gnosh (Ed.), Return Migration: Journey of Hope or Despair içinde (s. 7-55). Geneva: International Organization of Migration.
 King, R. (Ed.) (1986). Return Migration and Regional Economic Problems. London: Croom Helm. Kivisto, P. (2001). Theorizing Transnational Immigration: A Critical Review of Current Efforts. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 24 (4), 549–77. Köseman, Z. (2008). A General Socio-Cultural Outlook of the European and the Turkish Migration to the United States. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (3). Köşer-Akçapar, Ş. (2006). Do Brains Really Going Down the Drain? Highly Skilled Turkish Migrants in the USA and the ‘Brain Drain’ Debate in Turkey. Revue Europeenne des Migrations Internationales, 22 (3), 79-107. Köşer-Akçapar, Ş. (2009). Turkish Highly Skilled Migration to the United States: New Findings and Policy Recommendations. (MiReKoc Research Report). Istanbul: Koç University, Migration Research Program. Köşer-Akçapar, Ş. (2012). Beyond Turkey’s Borders: Long-Distance Kemalism, State Politics and the Turkish Diaspora. Diaspora Studies, 5 (2), 224–29. Köşer-Akçapar, Ş., Yurdakul, G. (2009). Turkish Identity Formation and Political Mobilization in Western Europe and North America. Turkish Studies, 10 (2), 139–47. Kurtulmuş, N. (1992). Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler Açısından Stratejik İnsan Sermayesi Kaybı: Beyin Göçü. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, 0 (37-38), 205-221. Kurtuluş, B. (1999). Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’ne Türk Beyin Göçü. İstanbul: Alfa. Levitt, P., Jaworsky, B. N. (2007). Transnational Migration Studies: Past Developments and Future Trends. Annual Review of Sociology, 33 (1), 129–56. Lincoln, Y. S., & Guba, E. (1985). Naturalistic Inquiry. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. Martin, J.N. (1984). The intercultural re-entry: Conceptualization and directions for future research. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 8, 115–134. McCracken, G. (1988). The Long Interview. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications. Mewes, R., Asbrock, F., Laskawi, J. (2015). Perceived Discrimination and Impaired Mental Health in Turkish Immigrants and Their Descendants in Germany. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 62, 42–50. Morawa, E., Erim, Y. (2014). Acculturation and depressive symptoms among Turkish immigrants in Germany. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11(9), 9503-9521. Müller, M. J., Koch, E. (2016). Perceived Discrimination in Patients With Psychiatric Disorder and Turkish Migration Background in Germany. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 204 (7), 542-546. Nyberg-Sorensen, N., Van Hear, N., Engberg-Pedersen, P. (2002). The Migration–Development Nexus Evidence and Policy Options State–of–the–Art Overview. International Migration, 40, 3–47. Olesen, H. (2002). Migration, Return, and Development: An Institutional Perspective. International Migration, 40 (5), 125–50. Öztürk, M. (2001). So far from home: Turkish Student Motivation and Access to Overseas Higher Education in the United States. (Ph.D. Dissertation). Faculty of Graduate School, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA. Paine, S. (1974). Exporting workers: the Turkish case. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
 Pazarcık, S. F. (2010). Beyin Göçü Olgusu Ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Üniversitelerinde Çalışan Türk Sosyal Bilimciler Üzerine Bir Araştırma. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Çanakkale On Sekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Çanakkale, Türkiye. Pedersen, P. B. (1994). Five stages of culture shock: Critical incidents around the world. Westport, CT: Greenwood. Piercy, K. W. (2004). Analysis of semi-structured, in-depth interview data. (Paper Presented at the Sixth International Conference on Social Science Methodology (RC33)). Amsterdam, Netherlands. Portes, A., Guarnizo, L. E., Landolt, P. (1999). The Study of Transnationalism: Pitfalls and Promise of an Emergent Research Field. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 22 (2), 217–37. Ravenstein, E. G. (1885). The Laws of Migration. Journal of the Statistical Society of London, 48(2), 167-235. Razum, O., Sahin-Hodoglugil, N. N., Polit, K. (2005). Health, Wealth or Family Ties? Why Turkish Work Migrants Return from Germany. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 31 (4), 719-739. Rogers, R. (1984). Return migration in comparative perspective. D. Kubat (Ed.), The Politics of Return: Proceedings from the European Conference on International Migration Return içinde. New York: Center for Migration Studies. Saatçi, M. (2003). Turkish Immigrants In The United States: Historical And Cultural Origins. (Dissertation). Graduate School of Binghamton University - State University of New York, USA. Sirkeci, İ. (2002). Revisiting the Turkish Migration to Germany after Forty Years. Siirtolaisuus-Migration, 9–20. Skrobanek, J. (2009). Perceived Discrimination, Ethnic Identity and the Re-Ethnicisation of Youth with a Turkish Ethnic Background in Germany. Journal of Ethnic & Migration Studies, 35 (4), 535–54. Smith, D. P., Bailey, A. J. (2004). Editorial Introduction: Linking Transnational Migrants and Transnationalism. Population, Space and Place, 10 (5), 357–60. Smith, J.P. & Edmonston, B. (1997). 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Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Meltem Yılmaz-şener

Gonca Türgen

Publication Date April 27, 2018
Submission Date November 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018



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Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi / Journal of Sociological Research