Research Article
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Year 2025, Issue: 101, 65 - 78, 24.03.2025


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu tarafından 2021 yılında yapılmış olan Yaşam Memnuniyeti Araştırması’nın mikro veri setinden yararlanarak Değişen yayılımlı sıralı lojistik regresyon modeli ile bireylerin kendi geleceklerinden umutlu olma düzeylerini etkileyen faktörleri belirlemektir. Model sonuçları incelendiğinde yaş, cinsiyet, eğitim düzeyi, çalışma durumu/sektör, mutluluk düzeyi, yaşamından memnuniyet düzeyi, sağlığından memnuniyet düzeyi ve gelir düzeyi değişkenlerinin anlamlı olduğu görülmektedir. Çalışmaya göre erkeklerin kadınlara göre kendi geleceklerinden umutlu/çok umutlu olma olasılıkları daha fazladır. Çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre, bireylerin umutlarını artırmayı hedefleyen politikaların ortaya konulması ve ülkenin ekonomik ve sosyal olarak gelişmesini sağlayacak, özellikle de bireylerin kendilerine olan inançlarını artıracak stratejilerin geliştirilmesi önemlidir.


Kıymetli Hocam, Doktora tez danışmanım Prof. Dr. Ömer ALKAN’a teşekkürlerimi sunuyorum.


  • Alarcon, G., Bowling, N., & Khazon, S. (2013). Great expectations: a meta-analytic examination of optimism and hope. Personality and Individual Differences, 54(7), 821-827.
  • Alkan, Ö. (2017). Türkiye’de gençlerin tütün kullanımında cinsiyet farklılıklarının araştırılması. Bağımlılık Dergisi,18(2), 35-45.
  • Alkan, Ö., Oktay, E., Ünver, Ş., & Gerni, E. (2020). Determination of factors affecting the financial literacy of university students in eastern anatolia using ordered regression models. Asian Economic and Financial Review, 10(5), 536-546.
  • Alkan, Ö., Özar, Ş. & Ünver, Ş. (2021). Economic violence against women: A case in Turkey. PLoS ONE, 16(3): e0248630, 1-23.
  • Alkan, Ö., & Ünver, Ş. (2020). Determinants of domestic physical violence against women in Turkey. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 8(6), 55-67.
  • Alkan, Ö., & Kavalcı, K. (2023). Gender differences in happiness during covid-19 pandemic: Evidence from türkiye. Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 13(3), 55-67.
  • Arı, E. (2016). Bireylerin umut düzeyleri ile gelecek hakkındaki düşünceleri arasındaki ilişkinin multinominal lojistik regresyon analizi ile incelenmesi. Dumlupınar University Journal of Social Sciences, (47), 184-194.
  • Arulappan, J., Pandarakutty, S., & Valsaraj, B. (2021). Predictors of nurse’s happiness: a systematic review. Front Nurs, 8(4), 313-326.
  • Atilla, G., & Yıldırım, G. (2023). The effect of hope on life satisfaction and positive future expectation. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Univ J Econ Administrative Sci Fac.,10(1), 341-359.
  • Bailey, T., Eng, W., Frisch, M., & Snyder, C. (2007). Hope and optimism as related to life satisfaction. J Posit Psychol., 2(3), 168-175.
  • Barnett, M. D. (2014). Future orientation and health among older adults: The importance of hope. Educational Gerontology, 40(10), 745-755.
  • Berendes, D., Keefe, F., Somers, T., Kothadia, S. P., & Cheavens, J. (2010). Hope in the context of lung cancer: relationships of hope to symptoms and psychological distress. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 40(2), 174-182.
  • Candan, K., & Yalçın, A. F. (2018). Ergenlerin sosyal duygusal öğrenme becerilerinin sosyal ilişki unsurları ve umut düzeyi ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi. OPUS International Journal of Society Researches, 9(16), 319-348.
  • Chang, E., & DeSimone, S. (2001). The influence of hope on appraisals, coping, and dysphoria: A test of hope theory. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 20(2), 117-129.
  • Clark, A., & Oswald, A. (1994). Unhappiness and unemployment. Econ J (London), 104(424), 648-659.
  • Clark, A., & Oswald, A. (1996). Satisfaction and comparison income. J Public Econ, 61(3), 359-381.
  • Deaton, A. (2008). Income, health, and well-being around the world: Evidence from the Gallup World Poll. J Econ Perspect., 22(2), 53-72.
  • Dursun, B., & Cesur, R. (2016). Transforming lives: The impact of compulsory schooling on hope and happiness. J Popul Econ, 29(1), 911-956.
  • Ediz, Ç., & Kartal, S. (2023). Examination of social support, burnout, and hopelessnesslevels perceived by mothers with children in need of special education in terms of sociodemographic characteristics: a cross-sectional study from a rural region of turkey. World women studies journal, 8(1), 107-119.
  • Feldman, D. B., Rand, K. L., & Kahle-Wrobleski, K. (2009). Hope and goal attainment: Testing a basic prediction of hope theory. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 28(4), 479-497.
  • Feldman, D., & Snyder, C. (2005). Hope and the meaningful life: theoretical and empirical associations between goal-directed thinking and life meaning. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 24(3), 401-421.
  • Ferguson, S. J., Taylor, A. J., & McMahon, C. (2017). Hope for the future and avoidance of the present:Associations with well-being in older adults. J Happiness Stud, 18(5), 1485–1506.
  • Gallagher, M. W., & Lopez, S. J. (2009). Positive expectancies and mental health: Identifying the unique contributions of hope and optimism. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 4(6), 548-556.
  • Graham, C. (2011). Does more money make you happier? why so much debate? Appl Res Qual Life, 6(3), 219-239.
  • Hu H, W. C., & Lan Y, W. X. (2022). Nurses’ turnover intention, hope and career identity: The mediating role of job satisfaction. BMC Nursing, 21(43), 1-15.
  • Hutchinson, A., O’Leary, P. J., Squire, J., & Hope, K. (2014). Child protection in islamic contexts: identifying cultural and religious appropriate mechanisms and processes using a roundtable methodology. Child Abuse Review, 24(6), 395-408.
  • Irving, L., Snyder, C., Cheavens, J., Gravel, L., Hanke, J., Hilberg, P., & Nelson, N. (2004). The relationships between hope and outcomes at the pretreatment, beginning, and later phases of psychotherapy. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 14(4), 419-443.
  • Keele, L., & Park, D. K. (2006). Difficult choices: An evaluation of heterogeneous choice models. Working Paper.
  • Kemer, G., & Atik, G. (2005). Kırsal ve il merkezinde yaşayan lise öğrencilerinin umut düzeylerinin aileden algılanan sosyal destek düzeyine göre karşılaştırılması. Journal of Educational Sciences, 21(21), 161-168.
  • Kortte, K., Stevenson, J., Hosey, M., Castillo, R., & Wegener, S. (2012). Hope predicts positive functional role outcomes in acute rehabilitation populations. Rehabilitation Psychology, 57(3), 248-255.
  • Lareson, D., & Yohani, S. (2009). Hope lives in the heart: refugee and immigrant children’s perceptions of hope and hope-engendering sources during early years of adjustment. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 43(4), 246-264.
  • Lopez, S. J., Snyder, C. R., & Pedrotti, J. T. (2003). Hope: Many definitions, many measures. In S. J. Lopez. S. J. (Eds.), Positive psychological assessment: A handbook of models and measures (pp. 91-106). American Psychological Association.
  • Magaletta, P., & Oliver, J. (1999). The hope construct, will and ways: their relations with self-efficacy,optimism, and general well-being. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 55(5), 539-551.;2-g
  • Mahamid, F., & Berte, D. Z. (2020). Happiness, sadness, and hope for the future in narratives of palestinian refugee children. International Journal of Mental Health and Addictio, 18, 1638-1651.
  • McCullagh, P., & Nelder, J. A. (1989). Generalized linear models. Chapman and Hal.
  • Moraitou, D., Kolovou, C., Papasozomenou, C., & Paschoula, C. (2006). Hope and adaptation to old age: their relationship with individual-demographic factors. Social Indicators Research, 76, 71-93.
  • Ong, A. D., Edwards, L. M., & Bergeman, C. S. (2006). Hope as a source of resilience in later adulthood. Personality and Individual Differences, 41(7), 1263-1273.
  • Özer, B. U., & Tezer, E. (2008). Umut ve olumlu-olumsuz duygular arasındaki ilişkiler. Journal of Buca Faculty of Education, (23), 81-86.
  • Pierewan, A., & Tampubolon, G. (2015). Happiness and health in Europe: a multivariate multilevel model. Appl Res Qual Life., 10(2), 237-252.
  • Pleeging, E., Burger, M., & Exel, J. v. (2021). The relations between hope and subjective well-being: a literature overview and empirical analysis. Appl Res Qual Life , 16(3), 1019-1041.
  • Ross, C., Masters, R., & Hummer, R. (2012). Education and the gender gaps in health and mortality. Demography, 49(4), 1157–1183.
  • Sarı, S. V., & Şahin, M. (2013). Lise son sınıf öğrencilerinin mesleğe karar verme öz-yeterliliklerini yordamada umut ve kontrol odağının rolü. Kastamonu Education Journal, 21(1), 97-110.
  • Sariçam, H. (2015). Life satisfaction: Testing a structural equation model based on authenticity and subjective happiness. Pol Psychol Bull., 46(2), 278-284.
  • Snyder, C. R. (2002). Hope theory: Rainbows in the mind. Psychological Inquiry, 13(4), 249-275.
  • Subramanian, S., & Kawachi, I. K. (2005). Covariation in the socioeconomic determinants of self rated health and happiness: a multivariate multilevel analysis of individuals and communities in the USA. J Epidemiology Community Health, 59(8), 664-669.
  • Tarhan S., & Bacanlı. H. (2015). Adaptation of dispositional hope scale into Turkish: validity and reliability study. J Happiness Well-Being, 5(1), 1-14.
  • Toker, Ç. D., Toker, B., & Polat, B. (2022). Cross sectional data analysis of young people's hope levels in Turkey. International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences, XII (1), 325-340.
  • TUİK. (2021). Yaşam Memnuniyeti Araştırması Mikro Veri Seti. Retrieved from
  • Ünver, Ş., & Alkan, Ö. (2021). Determinants of e-commerce use at different educational levels: empirical evidence from Turkey. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 12(3), 40-49.
  • Ünver, Ş., & Alkan, Ö. (2022). Experienced problems with online shopping: The case of Turkey. Toros University FEASS Journal of Social Sciences Special Issue on 2nd International Symposium of Sustainable Logistics “Circular Economy”, 87-96.
  • Ünver, Ş. (2023). Türkiye’de hanehalklarının bölgelere göre yoksulluk düzeyini etkileyen faktörlerin sıralı modellerle incelenmesi (Tez No.788800) [Doktora tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi]. Yükseköğretim Kurulu Ulusal Tez Merkezi.
  • Ünver, Ş. (2024). Investigation of factors affecting tobacco and e-cigarette use in Turkey. Journal of Substance Use, 30(1), 181–188.
  • Verdugo, L., Freire, T., & Sánchez-Sandoval, Y. (2018). Understanding the connections between self-perceptions and future expectations: A study with spanish and portuguese early adolescents. Revista de Psicodidáctico, 23(1), 39-47.
  • Yanık, D., & Ediz, Ç. (2024). Determination of nurses’ happiness,hope, future expectations, and the factors influencing them: a descriptive study that can guide policy development to prevent nurse migration. BMC Nursing, 23(204), 1-9.
  • Yohani, S. (2010). Nurturing hope in refugee children during early years of post-war adjustment. Children and Youth Services Review, 32(6), 865–873.
  • Williams, R. (2009). Using heterogeneous choice models to compare logit and probit coefficients across groups. Sociological Methods & Research, 37 (4), 531-559.

Determining the Factors Affecting the Hopefulness Levels of İndividuals with the Heteroskedastic Ordered Logistic Regression Model

Year 2025, Issue: 101, 65 - 78, 24.03.2025


The aim of this study is to determine the factors affecting the level of hopefulness of individuals about their future using the Heteroskedastic ordered logistic regression model by using the micro data set of the Life Satisfaction Survey conducted by the Turkish Statistical Institute in 2021. When the model results are examined, it is seen that the variables of age, gender, education level, employment status/sector, happiness level, life satisfaction level, health satisfaction level and income level are significant. According to the study, men are more likely to be hopeful/very hopeful about their future than women. According to the results of the study, it is important to put forward policies that aim to increase the hopes of individuals and to develop strategies that will ensure the economic and social development of the country, and especially increase the self-belief of individuals.


  • Alarcon, G., Bowling, N., & Khazon, S. (2013). Great expectations: a meta-analytic examination of optimism and hope. Personality and Individual Differences, 54(7), 821-827.
  • Alkan, Ö. (2017). Türkiye’de gençlerin tütün kullanımında cinsiyet farklılıklarının araştırılması. Bağımlılık Dergisi,18(2), 35-45.
  • Alkan, Ö., Oktay, E., Ünver, Ş., & Gerni, E. (2020). Determination of factors affecting the financial literacy of university students in eastern anatolia using ordered regression models. Asian Economic and Financial Review, 10(5), 536-546.
  • Alkan, Ö., Özar, Ş. & Ünver, Ş. (2021). Economic violence against women: A case in Turkey. PLoS ONE, 16(3): e0248630, 1-23.
  • Alkan, Ö., & Ünver, Ş. (2020). Determinants of domestic physical violence against women in Turkey. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 8(6), 55-67.
  • Alkan, Ö., & Kavalcı, K. (2023). Gender differences in happiness during covid-19 pandemic: Evidence from türkiye. Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 13(3), 55-67.
  • Arı, E. (2016). Bireylerin umut düzeyleri ile gelecek hakkındaki düşünceleri arasındaki ilişkinin multinominal lojistik regresyon analizi ile incelenmesi. Dumlupınar University Journal of Social Sciences, (47), 184-194.
  • Arulappan, J., Pandarakutty, S., & Valsaraj, B. (2021). Predictors of nurse’s happiness: a systematic review. Front Nurs, 8(4), 313-326.
  • Atilla, G., & Yıldırım, G. (2023). The effect of hope on life satisfaction and positive future expectation. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Univ J Econ Administrative Sci Fac.,10(1), 341-359.
  • Bailey, T., Eng, W., Frisch, M., & Snyder, C. (2007). Hope and optimism as related to life satisfaction. J Posit Psychol., 2(3), 168-175.
  • Barnett, M. D. (2014). Future orientation and health among older adults: The importance of hope. Educational Gerontology, 40(10), 745-755.
  • Berendes, D., Keefe, F., Somers, T., Kothadia, S. P., & Cheavens, J. (2010). Hope in the context of lung cancer: relationships of hope to symptoms and psychological distress. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 40(2), 174-182.
  • Candan, K., & Yalçın, A. F. (2018). Ergenlerin sosyal duygusal öğrenme becerilerinin sosyal ilişki unsurları ve umut düzeyi ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi. OPUS International Journal of Society Researches, 9(16), 319-348.
  • Chang, E., & DeSimone, S. (2001). The influence of hope on appraisals, coping, and dysphoria: A test of hope theory. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 20(2), 117-129.
  • Clark, A., & Oswald, A. (1994). Unhappiness and unemployment. Econ J (London), 104(424), 648-659.
  • Clark, A., & Oswald, A. (1996). Satisfaction and comparison income. J Public Econ, 61(3), 359-381.
  • Deaton, A. (2008). Income, health, and well-being around the world: Evidence from the Gallup World Poll. J Econ Perspect., 22(2), 53-72.
  • Dursun, B., & Cesur, R. (2016). Transforming lives: The impact of compulsory schooling on hope and happiness. J Popul Econ, 29(1), 911-956.
  • Ediz, Ç., & Kartal, S. (2023). Examination of social support, burnout, and hopelessnesslevels perceived by mothers with children in need of special education in terms of sociodemographic characteristics: a cross-sectional study from a rural region of turkey. World women studies journal, 8(1), 107-119.
  • Feldman, D. B., Rand, K. L., & Kahle-Wrobleski, K. (2009). Hope and goal attainment: Testing a basic prediction of hope theory. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 28(4), 479-497.
  • Feldman, D., & Snyder, C. (2005). Hope and the meaningful life: theoretical and empirical associations between goal-directed thinking and life meaning. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 24(3), 401-421.
  • Ferguson, S. J., Taylor, A. J., & McMahon, C. (2017). Hope for the future and avoidance of the present:Associations with well-being in older adults. J Happiness Stud, 18(5), 1485–1506.
  • Gallagher, M. W., & Lopez, S. J. (2009). Positive expectancies and mental health: Identifying the unique contributions of hope and optimism. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 4(6), 548-556.
  • Graham, C. (2011). Does more money make you happier? why so much debate? Appl Res Qual Life, 6(3), 219-239.
  • Hu H, W. C., & Lan Y, W. X. (2022). Nurses’ turnover intention, hope and career identity: The mediating role of job satisfaction. BMC Nursing, 21(43), 1-15.
  • Hutchinson, A., O’Leary, P. J., Squire, J., & Hope, K. (2014). Child protection in islamic contexts: identifying cultural and religious appropriate mechanisms and processes using a roundtable methodology. Child Abuse Review, 24(6), 395-408.
  • Irving, L., Snyder, C., Cheavens, J., Gravel, L., Hanke, J., Hilberg, P., & Nelson, N. (2004). The relationships between hope and outcomes at the pretreatment, beginning, and later phases of psychotherapy. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 14(4), 419-443.
  • Keele, L., & Park, D. K. (2006). Difficult choices: An evaluation of heterogeneous choice models. Working Paper.
  • Kemer, G., & Atik, G. (2005). Kırsal ve il merkezinde yaşayan lise öğrencilerinin umut düzeylerinin aileden algılanan sosyal destek düzeyine göre karşılaştırılması. Journal of Educational Sciences, 21(21), 161-168.
  • Kortte, K., Stevenson, J., Hosey, M., Castillo, R., & Wegener, S. (2012). Hope predicts positive functional role outcomes in acute rehabilitation populations. Rehabilitation Psychology, 57(3), 248-255.
  • Lareson, D., & Yohani, S. (2009). Hope lives in the heart: refugee and immigrant children’s perceptions of hope and hope-engendering sources during early years of adjustment. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 43(4), 246-264.
  • Lopez, S. J., Snyder, C. R., & Pedrotti, J. T. (2003). Hope: Many definitions, many measures. In S. J. Lopez. S. J. (Eds.), Positive psychological assessment: A handbook of models and measures (pp. 91-106). American Psychological Association.
  • Magaletta, P., & Oliver, J. (1999). The hope construct, will and ways: their relations with self-efficacy,optimism, and general well-being. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 55(5), 539-551.;2-g
  • Mahamid, F., & Berte, D. Z. (2020). Happiness, sadness, and hope for the future in narratives of palestinian refugee children. International Journal of Mental Health and Addictio, 18, 1638-1651.
  • McCullagh, P., & Nelder, J. A. (1989). Generalized linear models. Chapman and Hal.
  • Moraitou, D., Kolovou, C., Papasozomenou, C., & Paschoula, C. (2006). Hope and adaptation to old age: their relationship with individual-demographic factors. Social Indicators Research, 76, 71-93.
  • Ong, A. D., Edwards, L. M., & Bergeman, C. S. (2006). Hope as a source of resilience in later adulthood. Personality and Individual Differences, 41(7), 1263-1273.
  • Özer, B. U., & Tezer, E. (2008). Umut ve olumlu-olumsuz duygular arasındaki ilişkiler. Journal of Buca Faculty of Education, (23), 81-86.
  • Pierewan, A., & Tampubolon, G. (2015). Happiness and health in Europe: a multivariate multilevel model. Appl Res Qual Life., 10(2), 237-252.
  • Pleeging, E., Burger, M., & Exel, J. v. (2021). The relations between hope and subjective well-being: a literature overview and empirical analysis. Appl Res Qual Life , 16(3), 1019-1041.
  • Ross, C., Masters, R., & Hummer, R. (2012). Education and the gender gaps in health and mortality. Demography, 49(4), 1157–1183.
  • Sarı, S. V., & Şahin, M. (2013). Lise son sınıf öğrencilerinin mesleğe karar verme öz-yeterliliklerini yordamada umut ve kontrol odağının rolü. Kastamonu Education Journal, 21(1), 97-110.
  • Sariçam, H. (2015). Life satisfaction: Testing a structural equation model based on authenticity and subjective happiness. Pol Psychol Bull., 46(2), 278-284.
  • Snyder, C. R. (2002). Hope theory: Rainbows in the mind. Psychological Inquiry, 13(4), 249-275.
  • Subramanian, S., & Kawachi, I. K. (2005). Covariation in the socioeconomic determinants of self rated health and happiness: a multivariate multilevel analysis of individuals and communities in the USA. J Epidemiology Community Health, 59(8), 664-669.
  • Tarhan S., & Bacanlı. H. (2015). Adaptation of dispositional hope scale into Turkish: validity and reliability study. J Happiness Well-Being, 5(1), 1-14.
  • Toker, Ç. D., Toker, B., & Polat, B. (2022). Cross sectional data analysis of young people's hope levels in Turkey. International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences, XII (1), 325-340.
  • TUİK. (2021). Yaşam Memnuniyeti Araştırması Mikro Veri Seti. Retrieved from
  • Ünver, Ş., & Alkan, Ö. (2021). Determinants of e-commerce use at different educational levels: empirical evidence from Turkey. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 12(3), 40-49.
  • Ünver, Ş., & Alkan, Ö. (2022). Experienced problems with online shopping: The case of Turkey. Toros University FEASS Journal of Social Sciences Special Issue on 2nd International Symposium of Sustainable Logistics “Circular Economy”, 87-96.
  • Ünver, Ş. (2023). Türkiye’de hanehalklarının bölgelere göre yoksulluk düzeyini etkileyen faktörlerin sıralı modellerle incelenmesi (Tez No.788800) [Doktora tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi]. Yükseköğretim Kurulu Ulusal Tez Merkezi.
  • Ünver, Ş. (2024). Investigation of factors affecting tobacco and e-cigarette use in Turkey. Journal of Substance Use, 30(1), 181–188.
  • Verdugo, L., Freire, T., & Sánchez-Sandoval, Y. (2018). Understanding the connections between self-perceptions and future expectations: A study with spanish and portuguese early adolescents. Revista de Psicodidáctico, 23(1), 39-47.
  • Yanık, D., & Ediz, Ç. (2024). Determination of nurses’ happiness,hope, future expectations, and the factors influencing them: a descriptive study that can guide policy development to prevent nurse migration. BMC Nursing, 23(204), 1-9.
  • Yohani, S. (2010). Nurturing hope in refugee children during early years of post-war adjustment. Children and Youth Services Review, 32(6), 865–873.
  • Williams, R. (2009). Using heterogeneous choice models to compare logit and probit coefficients across groups. Sociological Methods & Research, 37 (4), 531-559.
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Econometrics (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Şeyda Ünver 0000-0002-2310-4545

Early Pub Date February 1, 2025
Publication Date March 24, 2025
Submission Date September 14, 2024
Acceptance Date January 4, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Issue: 101
