Zahriye sayfalarındaki ithaf metninde Sultan Mehmed Hân (1451-1481) için hazırlanmış olduğu ifadesi bulunan yazma kitapların taraması sonunda 148 adet yazma kitap tespit edilmiştir. Bu kitapların 86’sı bugün Süleymaniye Yazma Eser Kütüphanesi’ndeki çeşitli koleksiyonlarda yer almaktadır. Kalanların 45’i Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi Kütüphanesi koleksiyonları ile yurt içindeki ve yurt dışındaki çeşitli koleksiyonlarda yer alır. Sultan II. Mehmed, kütüphanesindeki kitapları önce İstanbul’da Eski Saray’a, sonra 1460’ların ortasında tamamlanan Yeni Saray’a (bugünkü Topkapı Sarayı’na) taşıtmıştır. Ayrıca fetihten sonra şehirde çeşitli merkezlere kütüphaneler kurdurmuş ve buralara kitap vakfetmiştir. Bu kitaplar içindeki İslâm yazmalarının kataloğu, kitaplar “Eşya Kayıt Defterlerine” kaydedildikten sonra 1502-3 yılında, II. Bâyezid’in kütüphanecisi ‘Atufi tarafından mühürlenerek kaydedilmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında incelenen kitapların 4’ü hariç tamamında II. Bâyezid’in mührü tespit edilmiştir. 16-17.yüzyıllarda kurulan vakıf kütüphanelerine dağılan kitaplar Süleymaniye Külliyesi’ndeki Evvel ve Sani Medreseleri içindeki küçük medrese odalarında metal raflarla oluşturulan kütüphanede depolanmıştır. Sultan II. Mehmed ‘in vakfettiği ya da başka coğrafyalarda kendisi için yazılan ve hediye edilen kitapların dışında kendi siparişi ile hazırlanan kitapların belirgin ortak özellikleri vardır. Deri ciltlerde bezeme desen ve motifleri birbirine benzer süslemeler el aletleri ile işlenmiştir. Kareli, çizgili ipekli-pamuklu kumaş ciltlerde kullanılan çeşitli kumaşlar farklı dönemlerde tekrar tekrar kullanılmıştır. Sultan II. Mehmed’in kitapları arasında tek kâğıt ciltte kaplama için Çin kâğıdı kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmada Sultan II. Mehmed’in ithaf kaydı bulunan yazma kitapları, bu yazma kitapların bir araya getirilmesi, hazırlandıkları atölyelere dair düşünceler ve nihayetinde bugün korundukları Süleymaniye Yazma Eser Kütüphanesi koleksiyonlarındaki yerleri irdelenmiştir.
Sultan II. Mehmed (Fatih Sultan Mehmed) İslam Yazmaları 15.yüzyıl Süleymaniye Yazma Eser Kütüphanesi
The word “book,” as we use it today, refers to printed or written pages that are bound together in hardcover or paperback. Arabs use the word kitāb to refer to both a book and a letter, inscription, document, or piece of written paper. In this study, it is used to refer to manuscripts, meaning codices, which are prepared by sewing the pages and binding them between two covers. Before Sultan Mehmed II conquered Istanbul and made it the center of culture and art, the relations of other sultans, especially his father Murad II, with books and libraries began in the madrasahs during the reign of Orhan Gâzi (r. 1324-1362). Although it is not possible to talk about intensive book preparation activities or large libraries during the establishment phase of the Ottoman Empire, during the struggling periods of Osman I (r. 1302-1324) and Orhan Ghazi, cultural activities began in Iznik during the Orhan Ghazi period, and it should be noted that the first madrasah was established here. With the conquest of Edirne by Murad I. (r. 1362-1389), scientific activities began to increase, the important scholar of the period Molla Fanari (d. 1431) and the scholars who grew up in the Ottoman madrasahs began to produce works. At the end of the examining of the manuscripts, which are stated to have been prepared for Sultan Mehmed Han (r. 1444-1446, 1451-1481) in the dedication text on the frontispiece, 148 manuscripts were identified. Currently, 86 of these manuscripts are in various collections in the Süleymaniye Manuscript Library. Forty-five of the rest are in the collections of the Topkapı Palace Museum Library and in various collections in Turkey and abroad. Sultan Mehmed II transported the manuscripts in his library first to the Old Palace in Istanbul and then to the New Palace (today’s Topkapı Palace), which was completed in the mid-1460s. In addition, after the conquest, he had libraries established in various centers in the city and donated books to them. The catalouge of the Islamic manuscripts in these manuscripts was written in 1502 and 1503, after the manuscripts were recorded in the “Register of Books”. It was sealed and recorded by Bayezid’s librarian, ‘Atufi. Except for four of the manuscripts examined within the scope of the study, Bayezid II’s seal has been identified. The manuscripts that were distributed to the foundation libraries established in the 16th and 17th centuries were stored in the library created with metal shelves in the small madrasah rooms of the Evvel and Sani Madrasahs in the Süleymaniye Complex. Apart from the manuscripts that Mehmed II donated or the ones were written for him in different locations and given as gifts, the manuscripts prepared by his own order have certain common features. Decoration patterns and motifs similar to each other are tooled on the leather bindings. Various textiles used in checkered, striped silk-cotton fabric bindings were used repeatedly in different periods. Among the manuscripts of Sultan Mehmed II, Chinese paper was used to cover a single paper binding. In this study, the manuscripts with dedication records of Mehmed II, the gathering of these manuscripts, the thoughts on the workshops they were prepared and finally their place in the collections of the Süleymaniye Manuscript Library, where they are preserved today, were examined.
Sultan Mehmed II (Sultan Mehmed The Conqueror) Islamic Manuscripts 15th century Süleymaniye Manuscript Library
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Islamic Arts, Art History |
Journal Section | RESEARCH |
Authors | |
Early Pub Date | September 23, 2023 |
Publication Date | September 23, 2023 |
Published in Issue | Year 2023 Volume: 32 Issue: 1 |