Bu çalışma, Sultan II. Abdülhamid Dönemi’nde inşa edilen mektepli camiler hakkındadır. Tek mekân içinde hem ibadet hem de eğitim yapılabilecek şekilde tasarlanan bu yapıların mektepli cami olarak adlandırılması, dönemin arşiv belgelerinde geçtiği için tercih edilmiştir. Bu belgelerinden ilki H. 5 Rebîülevvel 1314 (M. 14 Ağustos 1896) tarihli olup, Ferecik Emlâk-ı Hümâyûn Şubesi’ne bağlı Lütfiye Köyü’nde inşa edilmesi kararlaştırılan mektepli cami hakkındayken, ikincisi Çorlu Emlâk-ı Hümâyûn Şubesi’ne bağlı on köyde inşa edilecek mektepli camilerle ilgili H. 11 Rebîülevvel 1318 (M. 09 Temmuz 1900) tarihli belgedir. Ana hatlarıyla kuzey-güney yönünde derinlemesine dikdörtgen planlı bu yapılar, iki katlı ön mekân ve gerisinde harim olacak şekilde bir düzene sahiptir. Yapıda iki katlı ön mekânda, alt katta son cemaat yeri, üst katta mektep ve hoca odası ile kadınlar mahfili şeklinde bir tasarım söz konusudur. Minare batı duvarında cepheye bitişik olarak inşa edilmişken, ön mekânın ikinci katındaki mektep kısmına ulaşım, minare önündeki bir merdivenle sağlanmıştır. İstanbul’daki bir örnek dışında, tespit edilebildiği kadarıyla, bu mektepli camilerin tamamı Trakya bölgesinde, özellikle muhacirlerin yerleştirildiği mevcut veya muhacirler için yeni kurulmuş köylerde inşa ettirilen eserlerdir. Bu yapıların emlâk-ı hümâyûn arazilerine ve hazine-i hassadan sağlanan gelirle, Sultan II. Abdülhamid emriyle inşa edildiği anlaşılmaktadır. Bu eserlerle ilgili diğer bir önemli husus ise bu mektepli camilerin büyük bölümüne, Sultan II. Abdülhamid tarafından kendisinden önce hüküm sürmüş padişahların isimlerinin verilmesidir. Bu çalışmada öncelikle arşiv belgesi ekinde planı da olan on köyde inşa edilmiş eserler tanıtılmış, ardından benzer özelliklere sahip diğer yapılara yer verilmiştir. Yapıların tanıtılmasını takiben, oluşan veriler değerlendirmeye tabi tutulmuş ve ulaşılan sonuçlarla birlikte ele alınmıştır.
This study is about the mosques with schools built during the reign of Sultan Abdulhamid II. It has been preferred that these structures, designed in such a way that both worship and education can be carried out in a single place, be called schcooled mosque because it is mentioned in the archival documents of the period. The first of these archive documents is the document dated 5 Rebîülevvel 1314 H. (August 14, 1896 A.D.) about the mosque with a school that was decided to be built in Lütfiye Village of Ferecik Emlâk-ı Hümâyûn Branch. The second document is H. 11 Rabi al-Awwal 1318 (M. 09 July 1900) is dated and relates to the mosques with schools to be built in ten villages affiliated to the Çorlu Emlak-ı Hümayun Branch. There is a plan of the work/works to be built in the annex of both documents. Apart from these two documents, there are many documents in the Ottoman Archive about the works that are the subject of our examination and there are visuals taken at the opening ceremonies of these mosques in the Sultan Abdulhamid II. Photography Archive. These buildings, which have a deep rectangular plan in the north-south direction, have a layout with a two-storey front space and a sanctuary behind. The building has a two-storey front space, a narthex on the lower floor, a school and teacher’s room and a private area for women on the upper floor. While the minaret was built adjacent to the facade on the western wall, access to the school section on the second floor of the front space was provided by a staircase in front of the minaret. It is understood that these structures were built on the order of Sultan Abdulhamid II with the income provided from the lands of emlak-ı hümayun and the treasury. One of the striking elements here is that, unlike the construction activities traditionally carried out through foundations, the works were built with the revenues of the treasury, whose structure was changed and strengthened. Another important point about these works is that most of the mosques with these schools were given the names of the sultans who reigned before him by Sultan Abdulhamid II. These structures, which form the backbone of the study, and most of the other structures found to have similar characteristics are works built in the Thrace region, especially in the existing villages where immigrants were settled or in newly established villages for immigrants. In addition, as far as it can be determined outside Thrace, an example built for immigrants was also found in Istanbul. In this study, first of all, the works built in ten villages, which have a plan attached to the archive document, the on-site examination and the information obtained, are discussed with documents, and then other structures with similar features are included. Following the introduction of the structures, the documents, information and data obtained from on-site observations were evaluated and discussed together with the obtained results.
Mosques with schools (Schooled Mosques) II. Abdulhamid Thrace Mosques Ottoman Architecture Late Period Architecture
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Islamic Arts, History of Architecture, Art History, Art History, Theory and Criticism (Other) |
Journal Section | RESEARCH |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 31, 2023 |
Published in Issue | Year 2023 Volume: 32 Issue: 2 |