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18. Yüzyılda Kuzey Karadeniz’in Ukrayna Kültür Mekânında Osmanlı Faktörü (Arkeolojik Araştırmalara Dayalı)

Year 2024, Issue: 63, 243 - 259, 23.12.2024


Makale Osmanlı devletinin kuzey bölgesindeki Ukrayna etno-kültürel alanının gelişiminin özelliklerinin analizine ayrılır. Ukrayna ve Osmanlı toplumunun bir arada yaşamasına ilişkin yeni yaklaşımlar ve değerlendirmeler önerilir. Kuzey Karadeniz bölgesindeki Ukrayna nüfusunun etno-kültürel ve sosyal yapısının, Kazak sisteminin ve Konstantinopolis Patrikhanesi ile geleneksel dini bağlarının korunması gerçekleşti.
Son on yılların arkeolojik araştırma materyalleri sorunun modern vizyonunun kaynak temeli haline geldi. Tarih yazımında ilk kez 18. yüzyılın başında Ukrayna topraklarında farklı sosyo-ekonomik modeller ve gelişme beklentileri ile iki bölgesel Ukrayna kalkınma bölgesinin oluşumu ve işleyişi sorunu gündeme gelir. Güney Ukrayna'da, özellikle Ochakiv'de, Belgorod-Dnistrovsky'de, Kinburn tükürüğünde, Herson bölgesinin Berislav bölgesinin Tyagin kalesinde, Orta Çağ ve modern zamanlara ait anıtların uzun vadeli arkeolojik araştırmaları ve sabit kazıları sonucunda bulunan önemli arkeolojik malzemelerin analizine dayanarak, sosyo-ekonomik kalkınma modeliyle öne çıkan Ukrayna nüfusunun ikinci gelişmişlik alanının Ukrayna'nın Güneyi, Aşağı Dinyeper ve geniş Karadeniz şeridi ile, olduğu iddia ediliyor.


  • A historical archaeology of the Ottoman empire: Breaking New Ground (2000), edited by Uzi Baram and Lynda Carroll, New York: Kluwer Academic/Ple-num Publishers, 272.
  • Biliaieva S., Fialko O. (2013), Ukrainian ceramics of the Akkerman fortress excavations (on the ethnical and cultural development of the South of Ukraine), New studies of the monuments of the Kozaks period in Ukraine, Issue 22, 329-335.
  • Biliaieva S. (2021), Ukrainian horizons of the Nothern Black Sea region (historical and archeological observations, Archeology and ancient history of Ukraine, Issue 1(38), p. 438-448.
  • Carswell J. (1991), Kütahya çini ve seramikleri, Hanım Müzesi Türk Çini ve Seramikleri, İstanbul, 56.
  • Dashkevych Y. (2004), Proto-Turkish orientation of the 16th-17th centuries in Ukraine and international relationships, Ukraine and Turkey: the past, present, future: proceeding of scientific works, 62.
  • Vynogrodskaya L. (2007), Ornament motives on Ukrainian relieved samples of the 16th-17th centuries, New studies of the monuments of the Kozaks period in Ukraine, Issue 9, 44.
  • Inaldzhyk H. (1998), The Ottoman empire: classic period 1300-1600, English translation by Oleksandr Halenko, Kyiv, A. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 286.
  • Elnykov M. (2001), Medieval burial ground of Mamai-Surka (on the studies of 1989-1992), Zaporizhia, 275.
  • Kresin O. (2004), The Ottoman empire: the role in the history of Ukraine, Ukraine and Turkey: the past, present, future, 196.
  • Lytvynova L. (2012), Population of the Lower Dnipro region of the 12th – the beginning of the 15th centuries, Kyiv, Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, p. 208.
  • Sapozhnykov I. (1997), Stone crosses of Step Ukraine: (18th – the first half of the 19th centuries), Odesa, Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; the Buh and Dnister expedition, 192.
  • Sereda O. (2015), Ottoman and Ukrainian step boarder region in Ottoman and Turkish sources of the 18th century, Odesa, 312.
  • Tytova O. (2011), Archeological study of Oleskivska sich of the Low Dnipro region, Local Lore Studies, Issue 2, 240-247.
  • Tytova O. (1997), Kozaks monuments of the end of the 17th – 18th centuries in Mykolaiv region, New studies of the monuments of the Kozaks period in Ukraine, Issue 6, 16.

Ottoman Factor in the Ukrainian Culture of the Northern Black Sea Region of the 18th Century (Based on Archeological Research)

Year 2024, Issue: 63, 243 - 259, 23.12.2024


The article deals with the analysis of specific development features of the Ukrainian ethnics and culture within the Northern area of the Ottoman state. The new approaches and evaluations of the Ukrainian and Ottoman societies co-existence are proposed. References for the current view of the issue included the materials of archeological researches of the last decades. That is the first time in history when the issue of forming and functioning of the two territorial Ukrainian habitats with different social and economic models and prospective for development on the territory of Ukraine at the beginning of the 18th century was touched.
Having analyzed the discovered immense number of archeological materials as a result of long-term archeological studies and stationary excavations of Medieval and Modern Times monuments of South Ukraine, the authors state that the second habitat of the development of the Ukrainian population, being specified by its development social and economic model, involves the South of Ukraine including Lower Dnipro river and a wide Black Sea coastline.


  • A historical archaeology of the Ottoman empire: Breaking New Ground (2000), edited by Uzi Baram and Lynda Carroll, New York: Kluwer Academic/Ple-num Publishers, 272.
  • Biliaieva S., Fialko O. (2013), Ukrainian ceramics of the Akkerman fortress excavations (on the ethnical and cultural development of the South of Ukraine), New studies of the monuments of the Kozaks period in Ukraine, Issue 22, 329-335.
  • Biliaieva S. (2021), Ukrainian horizons of the Nothern Black Sea region (historical and archeological observations, Archeology and ancient history of Ukraine, Issue 1(38), p. 438-448.
  • Carswell J. (1991), Kütahya çini ve seramikleri, Hanım Müzesi Türk Çini ve Seramikleri, İstanbul, 56.
  • Dashkevych Y. (2004), Proto-Turkish orientation of the 16th-17th centuries in Ukraine and international relationships, Ukraine and Turkey: the past, present, future: proceeding of scientific works, 62.
  • Vynogrodskaya L. (2007), Ornament motives on Ukrainian relieved samples of the 16th-17th centuries, New studies of the monuments of the Kozaks period in Ukraine, Issue 9, 44.
  • Inaldzhyk H. (1998), The Ottoman empire: classic period 1300-1600, English translation by Oleksandr Halenko, Kyiv, A. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 286.
  • Elnykov M. (2001), Medieval burial ground of Mamai-Surka (on the studies of 1989-1992), Zaporizhia, 275.
  • Kresin O. (2004), The Ottoman empire: the role in the history of Ukraine, Ukraine and Turkey: the past, present, future, 196.
  • Lytvynova L. (2012), Population of the Lower Dnipro region of the 12th – the beginning of the 15th centuries, Kyiv, Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, p. 208.
  • Sapozhnykov I. (1997), Stone crosses of Step Ukraine: (18th – the first half of the 19th centuries), Odesa, Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; the Buh and Dnister expedition, 192.
  • Sereda O. (2015), Ottoman and Ukrainian step boarder region in Ottoman and Turkish sources of the 18th century, Odesa, 312.
  • Tytova O. (2011), Archeological study of Oleskivska sich of the Low Dnipro region, Local Lore Studies, Issue 2, 240-247.
  • Tytova O. (1997), Kozaks monuments of the end of the 17th – 18th centuries in Mykolaiv region, New studies of the monuments of the Kozaks period in Ukraine, Issue 6, 16.
There are 14 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Ottoman history
Journal Section Articles

Svitlana Biliaieva 0000-0003-3113-7619

Zinaida Sviaschenko 0000-0001-5845-3115

Sergei Kutsenko

Early Pub Date December 24, 2024
Publication Date December 23, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 63


APA Biliaieva, S., Sviaschenko, Z., & Kutsenko, S. (2024). Ottoman Factor in the Ukrainian Culture of the Northern Black Sea Region of the 18th Century (Based on Archeological Research). Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi(63), 243-259.

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