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John Gill (1797-1771) as a Hyper-Calvinist

Year 2024, , 807 - 836, 31.12.2024


Hyper-Calvinism is a slightly more advanced version of the Protestant theological approach to salvation. Hyper-Calvinism differs from traditional Calvinism in the adequacy and efficacy of Christ’s atonement. Whereas Calvinism has traditionally held that only the elect have access to Christ’s atonement, but that the sufficiency of the atonement extends to all mankind, hyper-Calvinism holds that the atonement is exclusively for the elect. Com-pared to traditional Calvinism, hyper-Calvinism places less emphasis on evangelism. This article discusses whether John Gill (1697-1771), an 18th century English Christian theologian, was a hyper-Calvinist. In 1719 Gill became minister of the Strict Baptist Church at Goat Yard Chapel, Horsley-down, a position he held for 51 years, during which he wrote important theological texts. Indeed, it is noteworthy that there are different approac-hes to describing the theology of John Gill, a strict Calvinist. While some scholars are very happy to present him as a hyper-Calvinist, there are ot-hers who take the opposite position. Therefore, this article will first discuss John Gill’s theology and then consider the possibility of identifying him as a Hyper-Calvinist.


  • Aras, Ahmet. Protestanlık Tarihinde Kalvinizm. Konya: Aybil Yayınları, 2014.
  • Calvin, John. Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion. ed. John T. McNeill. çev. Ford Lewis Battles. 2 Cilt. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1960.
  • Calvin, John. Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion. ed. John T. McNeill. çev. Ford Lewis Battle. 2 Cilt. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1960.
  • Daniel, Curt D. Hyper Calvinism and John Gill. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh, Doktora, 1983.
  • Ella, George M. “John Gill and the Charge of Hyper-Calvinism”. Baptist Quarterly 36/4 (1995), 160-177.
  • Erbaş, Ali. Hıristiyanlıkta Reform ve Protestanlık Tarihi. İstanbul: İnsan Yayın-ları, 2004.
  • Gill, John. A Body of Doctrinal Divinity, ts.
  • Gill, John. An Exposition of the Books of Prophets of the Old Testament. London: G. Keith, 1758.
  • Gill, John. An Exposition of the New Testament. 3 Cilt. London: George Keith, 1746.
  • Gill, John. Complete Body of Ptractical and Doctrinal Divinity. Philadelphia: Delaplaine and Hellings, 1810.
  • Gill, John. Sermons and Tracts. 3 Cilt. London: Brother Maon Jones, 1814.
  • Gill, John. Sermons and Tracts. 3 Cilt. London: Brother Maon Jones, 1814.
  • Gill, John. The Cause of God and Truth. London: W.H. Collingridge, 1855.
  • Gill, John. The Doctrine of Justification by the Righteousness of Christ Stated and Maintained. London: Charleston, 1792.
  • Gill, John. The Doctrine of Predestination Stated. London: George Keith, 1770.
  • Gill, John. The Doctrine of the Trinity, Stated and Vindicated. London: Aaron Ward, 1731.
  • Gill, John. “The Necessity of Good Works Unto Salvation Considered”., ts. Erişim 01 Eylül 2024
  • Hawson, Barry H. Erroneous and Schismatical Opinions. Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2001.
  • Haykin, Michael A.G. The Life and Thought of John Gill (1697-1771). Leiden & Boston: Brill, 1997.
  • McGrath, Alister E. Historical Theology. New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
  • Muller, Richard A. - Haykin, Michael A.G. “John Gill and the Reformed Tradition: A Study in the Reception of Protestant Orthodoxy in the Eighteenth Century”. The Life and Thought of John Gill (1697-1771). 51-69. Leiden & Boston: Brill, 1997.
  • Nettles, Thomas J. By His Grace and for His Glory. Michigan: Baker Book House, 1985.
  • Olgun, Hakan. Luther ve Reformu: Katolisizm’i Protesto. Ankara: Fecr Yayı-nevi, 2001.
  • Olgun, Hakan. “Protestan Ahlakiliği Sorunu ve Philip Melanchthon”. Milel ve Nihal 2/1 (2005), 115-144.
  • Olgun, Hakan. Sekülerliğin Teolojik Kurgusu. İstanbul: İz Yayıncılık, 2006.
  • Oliver, Robert W. “John Gill (1697-1771): His Life And Ministry”. The Life and Thought of John Gill (1697-1771). ed. Michael A.G. Haykin. 7-51. Le-iden & Boston: Brill, 1997.
  • Tarakçı, Muhammet. “Kalvinizmde Kader Anlayışı”. Uludağ Ü. İlahiyat Fa-kültesi Dergisi 19/2 (2010), 93-119.
  • Toon, Peter. Hyper Calvinism. London: Quinta Press, 2003.
  • Waardenburg, Jacques. “Reform”. DİA. 34/530-533. İstanbul, 2007.

Bir Hiper-Kalvinist Olarak John Gill

Year 2024, , 807 - 836, 31.12.2024


Hiper-Kalvinizm, Protestan teolojisinin kurtuluş ile ilgili yaklaşımının biraz daha ileri versiyonudur. Hiper-Kalvinizm, Mesih’in kefaretinin yeterli-liği ve etkinliği açısından geleneksel Kalvinizm’den ayrılır. Kalvinizm gele-neksel olarak yalnızca seçilmişlerin Mesih’in kefaretine erişebileceğini ancak kefaretin yeterliliğinin tüm insanlığa uzandığını savunurken, Hiper-Kalvinizm kefaretin yalnızca seçilmişlere özgü olduğu görüşünü benimser. Ayrıca, geleneksel Kalvinizm ile karşılaştırıldığında Hiper-Kalvinizm’de evanjelizme daha nadir vurgu yapıldığı görülür. Bu makalede 18. Yüzyıl İngiliz Hristiyan teologlarından John Gill (1697-1771)’in bir Hiper-Kalvinist olup olmadığı tartışılmaktadır. 1719’da Horsleydown’da bulunan Goat Yard Chapel’deki Strict Baptist kilisesinin papazı olan Gill, uzun bir süre (51 yıl) bu görevini devam ettirmiş ve bu süre zarfında önemli teolojik metinler ka-leme almıştır. Sıkı bir Kalvinist olan John Gill’in teolojisi tasvir edilirken fark-lı yaklaşımların olduğu dikkatleri çekmektedir. Bazı araştırmacılar çok rahat bir biçimde onu bir Hiper-Kalvinist olarak sunarken, bir diğer kesim ise bu-nun karşısında durmaktadır. Bu sebeple, makalede öncelikle John Gill’in teolojisi ele alınacak ve akabinde onu bir Hiper-Kalvinist olarak tanımlama-nın imkânı üzerinde durulacaktır.


  • Aras, Ahmet. Protestanlık Tarihinde Kalvinizm. Konya: Aybil Yayınları, 2014.
  • Calvin, John. Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion. ed. John T. McNeill. çev. Ford Lewis Battles. 2 Cilt. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1960.
  • Calvin, John. Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion. ed. John T. McNeill. çev. Ford Lewis Battle. 2 Cilt. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1960.
  • Daniel, Curt D. Hyper Calvinism and John Gill. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh, Doktora, 1983.
  • Ella, George M. “John Gill and the Charge of Hyper-Calvinism”. Baptist Quarterly 36/4 (1995), 160-177.
  • Erbaş, Ali. Hıristiyanlıkta Reform ve Protestanlık Tarihi. İstanbul: İnsan Yayın-ları, 2004.
  • Gill, John. A Body of Doctrinal Divinity, ts.
  • Gill, John. An Exposition of the Books of Prophets of the Old Testament. London: G. Keith, 1758.
  • Gill, John. An Exposition of the New Testament. 3 Cilt. London: George Keith, 1746.
  • Gill, John. Complete Body of Ptractical and Doctrinal Divinity. Philadelphia: Delaplaine and Hellings, 1810.
  • Gill, John. Sermons and Tracts. 3 Cilt. London: Brother Maon Jones, 1814.
  • Gill, John. Sermons and Tracts. 3 Cilt. London: Brother Maon Jones, 1814.
  • Gill, John. The Cause of God and Truth. London: W.H. Collingridge, 1855.
  • Gill, John. The Doctrine of Justification by the Righteousness of Christ Stated and Maintained. London: Charleston, 1792.
  • Gill, John. The Doctrine of Predestination Stated. London: George Keith, 1770.
  • Gill, John. The Doctrine of the Trinity, Stated and Vindicated. London: Aaron Ward, 1731.
  • Gill, John. “The Necessity of Good Works Unto Salvation Considered”., ts. Erişim 01 Eylül 2024
  • Hawson, Barry H. Erroneous and Schismatical Opinions. Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2001.
  • Haykin, Michael A.G. The Life and Thought of John Gill (1697-1771). Leiden & Boston: Brill, 1997.
  • McGrath, Alister E. Historical Theology. New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
  • Muller, Richard A. - Haykin, Michael A.G. “John Gill and the Reformed Tradition: A Study in the Reception of Protestant Orthodoxy in the Eighteenth Century”. The Life and Thought of John Gill (1697-1771). 51-69. Leiden & Boston: Brill, 1997.
  • Nettles, Thomas J. By His Grace and for His Glory. Michigan: Baker Book House, 1985.
  • Olgun, Hakan. Luther ve Reformu: Katolisizm’i Protesto. Ankara: Fecr Yayı-nevi, 2001.
  • Olgun, Hakan. “Protestan Ahlakiliği Sorunu ve Philip Melanchthon”. Milel ve Nihal 2/1 (2005), 115-144.
  • Olgun, Hakan. Sekülerliğin Teolojik Kurgusu. İstanbul: İz Yayıncılık, 2006.
  • Oliver, Robert W. “John Gill (1697-1771): His Life And Ministry”. The Life and Thought of John Gill (1697-1771). ed. Michael A.G. Haykin. 7-51. Le-iden & Boston: Brill, 1997.
  • Tarakçı, Muhammet. “Kalvinizmde Kader Anlayışı”. Uludağ Ü. İlahiyat Fa-kültesi Dergisi 19/2 (2010), 93-119.
  • Toon, Peter. Hyper Calvinism. London: Quinta Press, 2003.
  • Waardenburg, Jacques. “Reform”. DİA. 34/530-533. İstanbul, 2007.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects History of Religion
Journal Section Articles

Talha Fortacı 0000-0002-6539-9302

Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date September 12, 2024
Acceptance Date November 12, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


ISNAD Fortacı, Talha. “Bir Hiper-Kalvinist Olarak John Gill”. Tasavvur / Tekirdağ İlahiyat Dergisi 10/2 (December 2024), 807-836.

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