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Year 2020, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 191 - 197, 18.03.2020


 Astım çocukluk çağının en sık kronik
hastalığıdır. Akut astım alevlenmeleri astım semptomlarında ve
solunum fonksiyonlarında kötüleşme ataklarıdır. Belirti ve
bulgular hafif ya da şiddetli olabilir. Hışıltı, öksürük,
göğüste sıkışma hissi, nefes darlığı, ajitasyon, konuşmakta
veya nefes almakta zorluk görülebilir. Akut alevlenmeler yakın
izlem ve astım tedavisinde etkin stratejiler gerektirir. Bu
derlemede astım alevlenmesinin güncel ilaçlarını ve onların
önemli özelliklerini tartıştık. 


  • 1. Global Inıtiative for Asthma (GINA). Revised 2018; available from Türk Toraks Derneği Astım Tanı ve Tedavi Rehberi. Astım Kötüleşmesi ve Astım Atağı 2016: 56-64.3. National Asthma Education and Prevention Program. Expert Panel Report 3: Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, 2007 NIH publication 07-4051. 4. J Garrett, S Williams, C Wong, D Holdaway. Treatment of acute asthmatic exacerbations with an increased dose of inhaled steroid. Arch Dis Child 1998;79:12–17 5. Castro-Rodrigez JA,Rodrigo GJ. Beta-agonists through metered-dose inhaler with valved holding chamber versus nebulizer for acute exacerbation of wheezing or asthma in children under 5 years of age: a systematic review with meta-analysis. J Pediatr 2004;145(2):172-7. 6. Deerojanawong J, Manuyakom W, Prapphal N, Harnruthakorn C, Sritippayawan S, Samransamruajkit. Randomized controlled trial of salbutamol aerosol therapy via metered dose inhaler-spacer vs. jet nebulizer in young children with wheezing 2005;39(5):466-72.7. Piérart F, Wildhaber JH, Vrancken I, Devadason SG, Le Souëf PN. Washing plastic spacers in household detergent reduces electrostatic charge and greatly improves delivery.Eur Respir J 1999 ;13(3):673-8.8. Griffiths B, Ducharme FM. Combined inhaled anticholinergics and short-acting beta2-agonists for initial treatment of acute asthma in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2013;8:CD000060 9. Rodrigo GJ, Castro-Rodriguez JA. Anticholinergics in the treatment of children and adults with acute asthma: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Thorax 2005;60(9):740-6.10. Kirkland SW, Vandenberghe, Voaklander B, Nikel T, Campbell S, Rowe BH. Combined inhaled beta-agonist and anticholinergic agents for emergency management in adults with asthma. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2017;11;1:CD001284 11. Vézina K, Chauhan BF, Ducharme FM. Inhaled anticholinergics and short-acting beta(2)-agonists versus short-acting beta2-agonists alone for children with acute asthma in hospital. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2014 ;31;(7):CD010283. 12. Perrin K, Wijesinghe M, Healy B, Wadsworth K, Bowditch R,Bibby S et al. Randomised controlled trial of high concentration versus titrated oxygen therapy in severe exacerbations of asthma. Thorax 2011;66(11):937-41. 13. Rowe BH, Spooner C, Ducharme FM, Bretzlaff JA, Bota GW. Early emergency department treatment of acute asthma with systemic corticosteroids. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2001;(1):CD002178. 14. Brunette MG, Lands L, Thibodeau LP. Childhood asthma: prevention of attacks with short-term corticosteroid treatment of upper respiratory tract infection. Pediatrics1988;81(5):624-9. 15. Panickar J, Lakhanpaul M, Lambert PC, Kenia P, Stephenson T, Smyth A, Grigg J.Oral prednisolone for preschool children with acute virus-induced wheezing. N Engl J Med 2009;22;360(4):329-38 16. Grant CC, Duggan AK, DeAngelis C.Independent parental administration of prednison in acute asthma: a double blind, plasebo-controlled, crossover study. Pediatrics 1995; 96(2 Pt 1):224-9. 17. Castro-Rodriguez JA, Beckhaus AA, Forno E. Efficacy of oral corticosteroids in the treatment of acute wheezing episodes in asthmatic preschoolers: Systematic review with meta-analysis. Pediatr Pulmonol 2016;51(8):868-76 18. Keeney GE, Gray MP, Morrison AK, Levas MN, Kessler EA, Hill GD, et al. Dexamethasone for acute asthma exacerbations in children: a meta-analysis. Pediatrics 2014;133:493–9.19. Rhen T, Cidlowski JA. Antiinflammatory action of glucocorticoids-new mechanisms for old drugs. N Engl J Med 2005;353:1711–23. 20. Meyer JS, Riese J, Biondi E.Is dexamethasone an effective alternative to oral prednisone in the treatment of pediatric asthma exacerbations? Hosp Pediatr 2014;4(3):172-8021. Bravo-Soto GA, Harismendy C, Rojas P, Silva R, von Borries PI. Dexamethasone as effective as other corticosteroids for acute asthma exacerbation in children? Medwave. 2017;17:e6931 22. Chou JW, Decarie D, Dumont RJ,Ensom MH. Stability of dexamethasone in extemporaneously prepared oral suspensions. Can J Hosp Pharm 2001;54(2).23. Gibson PG, Powell H.Written action plans for asthma: an evidence-based review of the key components. Thorax 2004;59(2):94-9. 24. Ducharme FM, Lemire C, Noya FJ, Davis GM, Alos N, Leblond H, et al. Preemptive use of high-dose fluticasone for virus-induced wheezing in young children. N Engl J Med 2009;22;360(4):339-53. 25. Alangari AA, Malhis N, Mubasher M, Al-Ghamdi N, Al-Tannir M, Riaz M, et al. Asthma diagnosis and treatment - 1012. The efficacy of budesonide in the treatment of acute asthma in children: a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial. World Allergy Organ J 2013;6(Suppl 1):P12. 26. Alangari AA, Malhis N, Mubasher M, Al-Ghamdi N, Al-Tannir M, Riaz M, et al. Budesonide nebulization added to systemic prednisolone in the treatment of acute asthma in children: a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial. Chest 2014;145:772–8. 27. Upham BD, Mollen CJ, Scarfone RJ, Seiden J, Chew A, Zorc JJ. Nebulized budesonide added to standard pediatric emergency department treatment of acute asthma: a randomized, double-blind trial. Acad Emerg Med 2011;18:665–73. 28. Beckhaus AA, Riutort MC, Castro-Rodriguez JA. Inhaled versus systemic corticosteroids for acute asthma in children. A systematic review. Pediatr Pulmonol 2014;49:326–34.29. Quon BS, Fitzgerald JM, Lemière C,Shahidi N, Ducharme FM. Increased versus stable doses of inhaled corticosteroids for exacerbations of chronic asthma in adults and children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2010;12:CD007524.30. Edmonds ML, Milan SJ, Camargo CA Jr, et al. Early use of inhaled corticosteroids in the emergency department treatment of acute asthma. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012;12:CD002308.31. Edmonds ML, Milan SJ, Brenner BE, et al. Inhaled steroids for acute asthma following emergency department discharge. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012;12:CD002316.32. Indinnimeo L, Chiappini E, Miraglia del Giudice M and The Italian Panel for the management of acute asthma attack in children. Guideline on management of the acute asthma attack in children by Italian Society of Pediatrics. Italian Journal of Pediatrics 2018; 44:46 33. Zeiger RS, Mauger D, Bacharier LB, Guilbert TW, Martinez FD, Lemanske RF Jr, et al; CARE Network of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Daily or intermittent budesonide in preschool children with recurrent wheezing. N Engl J Med 2011;365(21):1990-200134. Knorr B, Franchi LM, Bisgaard H, et al. Montelukast, a leukotriene receptor antagonist, for the treatment of persistent asthma in children aged 2 to 5 years. Pediatrics 2001;108:E48.35. Ind PW, Villasante C, Shiner RJ, Pietinalho A, Böszörményi NG, Soliman S, Selroos O. Safety of formoterol by Turbuhaler® as reliever medication compared with terbutaline in moderate asthma. European Respiratory Journal 2002;20:859-6636. Watts K, Chavasse RJ. Leukotriene receptor antagonists in addition to usual care for acute asthma in adults and children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012;5:CD006100.37. Wang X, Zhou J, Zhao X, Yi X. Montelukast treatment of acute asthma exacerbations in children aged 2 to 5 years: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Pediatr Emerg Care.2018;34(3):16-164.38. Rowe BH, Bretzlaff JA, Bourdon C, Bota GW, Camargo CA Jr. Magnesium sulfate for treating exacerbations of acute asthma in the emergency department. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2000;(2):CD001490 39. FitzGerald JM. Magnesium sulfate is effective for severe acute asthma treated in the emergency department. West J Med 2000;172(2):96. 40. Gallegos-Solorzano MC, Perez-Padilla R, Hernandez-Zenteno RJ. Usefulness of inhaled magnesium sulfate in the coadjuvant management of severe asthma crisis in an emergency department. Pulm Pharmacol Ther 2010;23(5):432-7. 41. Torres S, Sticco N, Bosch JJ, Lolster T, Siaba A, Rocca Rivarola M, et al. Effectiveness of magnesium sulphate as initial treatment of acute severe asthma in children, conducted in a tertiarylevel university hospital: a randomized, controlled trial. Arch Argent Pediatr 2012;110:291–6. 42. Egelund TA, Wassil SK, Edwards EM, et al. High-dose magnesium sulphate infusion protocol for status asthmaticus: a safety and pharmacokinetics cohort study. Intensive Care Med 2013;39:117–22. 43. Mangat HS, D’Souza GA, Jacob MS. Nebulized magnesium sulphate versus nebulized salbutamol in acute bronchial asthma: a clinical trial. Eur Respir J 1998;12:341–4.44. Mahajan P, Haritos D, Rosenberg N, et al. Comparison of nebulized magnesium plus albuterol to nebulized albuterol plus saline in children with mild to moderate asthme. J Emerg Med 2004;27:21–5. 45. Powell C, Dwan K, Milan SJ, Beasley R, Hughes R, Knopp-Sihota JA, et al. Inhaled magnesium sulfate in the treatment of acute asthma. Cochrane Databse Review 2012;12;12:CD003898. 46. Turker S, Dogru M, Yıldız F, Bozkaya Yıldız S. The effect of nebulised magnesium sulphate in the management of childhood moderate asthma exacerbations as adjuvant treatment. Allergologia et Immunopathologia 2017;45(2): 115-120. 47. Powell CV, Kolamunnage-Dona R, Lowe J, Boland A, Petrou S, Doull I, Hood K, Williamson PR; MAGNETIC study group. MAGNEsium Trial In Children (MAGNETIC): a randomised, placebo-controlled trial and economic evaluation of nebulised magnesium sulphate in acute severe asthma in children. Health Technol Assess. 2013 Oct;17(45):v-vi, 1-21648. Britisch Thorasic Society (BTS) Guideline on the management of asthma. Revised 2016. Available from British Thoracic Society, Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. “British guideline on the Management of Asthma”. Revised 2016 50. Knightly R, Milan SJ, Hughes R, Knopp-Sihota JA, Rowe BH, Normansell R, et al. Inhaled magnesium sulfate in the treatment of acute asthma. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2017 Nov 28;11:CD003898.51. Nair P, Milan SJ, Rowe BH. Addition of intravenous aminophylline to inhaled beta(2) agonists in adults with acute asthma.Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012;12;12:CD002742. 52. Mitra A, Bassler D, Goodman K, Lasserson TJ, Ducharme FM. Intravenous aminophylline for acute severe asthma in children over two years receiving inhaled bronchodilators. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2005;2:CD001276.53. Neame M, Aragon O, Fernandes RM, Sinha I. Salbutamol or aminophylline for acute severe asthma: how to choose which one, when and why? Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2015;100:215–22.54. Singhi S, Grover S, Bansal A, Chopra K. Randomised comparison of intravenous magnesium sulphate, terbutaline and aminophylline for children with acute severe asthma. Acta Paediatr 2014;103:1301–6. 55. Paediatric Formulary Comittee. BNF for children (BNFC) 2014–2015. London: Pharmaceutical Press; 2014.56. Kubo M, Odajima Y, Ishizaki T, Kanagawa S, Yamaguchi M, Nagai T. Intraindividual changes in theophylline clearance during constant aminophylline infusion in children with acute asthma. J Pediatr 1986; 108(6):1011–5. 57. Cooney L, Hawcutt D, Sinha I. The evidence for intravenous theophylline levels between 10-20mg/L in children suffering an acute exacerbation of asthma: A systematic review. PLoS One 2016,20; 11 (4):e0153877. 58. Travers AH, Milan SJ, Jones AP, Camargo CA Jr, Rowe BH. Addition of intravenous beta(2)- agonists to inhaled beta(2)- agonists for acute asthma. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012;12:CD010179. 59. National Hearth, Lung and Blood Institute. Expert Panel Report 3 (EPR-3). N Y: Guidelines for the diagnosis and Management of Asthma 2007. p. 08–4051. 60. Rodrigo GJ, Castro-Rodriguez JA. Heliox-driven β2-agonists nebulization for children and adults with acute asthma: a systematic review with metaanalysis. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2014;112:29–34. 61. Elkundi A, Bentalha A, El Koraichi A, El Kettani SE. Nebulized ketamine to avoid mechanical ventilation in a pediatric patient with severe asthmaexacerbation. Am J Emerg Med 2018;36(4):734.e3-734.e4. 62. Lim WJ, Mohammed Akram R, Carson KV, Mysore S, Labiszewski NA, Wedzicha JA et al. Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation for treatment of respiratory failure due to severe acute exacerbations of asthma.Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012;12;12:CD004360.
Year 2020, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 191 - 197, 18.03.2020



  • 1. Global Inıtiative for Asthma (GINA). Revised 2018; available from Türk Toraks Derneği Astım Tanı ve Tedavi Rehberi. Astım Kötüleşmesi ve Astım Atağı 2016: 56-64.3. National Asthma Education and Prevention Program. Expert Panel Report 3: Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, 2007 NIH publication 07-4051. 4. J Garrett, S Williams, C Wong, D Holdaway. Treatment of acute asthmatic exacerbations with an increased dose of inhaled steroid. Arch Dis Child 1998;79:12–17 5. Castro-Rodrigez JA,Rodrigo GJ. Beta-agonists through metered-dose inhaler with valved holding chamber versus nebulizer for acute exacerbation of wheezing or asthma in children under 5 years of age: a systematic review with meta-analysis. J Pediatr 2004;145(2):172-7. 6. Deerojanawong J, Manuyakom W, Prapphal N, Harnruthakorn C, Sritippayawan S, Samransamruajkit. Randomized controlled trial of salbutamol aerosol therapy via metered dose inhaler-spacer vs. jet nebulizer in young children with wheezing 2005;39(5):466-72.7. Piérart F, Wildhaber JH, Vrancken I, Devadason SG, Le Souëf PN. Washing plastic spacers in household detergent reduces electrostatic charge and greatly improves delivery.Eur Respir J 1999 ;13(3):673-8.8. Griffiths B, Ducharme FM. Combined inhaled anticholinergics and short-acting beta2-agonists for initial treatment of acute asthma in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2013;8:CD000060 9. Rodrigo GJ, Castro-Rodriguez JA. Anticholinergics in the treatment of children and adults with acute asthma: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Thorax 2005;60(9):740-6.10. Kirkland SW, Vandenberghe, Voaklander B, Nikel T, Campbell S, Rowe BH. Combined inhaled beta-agonist and anticholinergic agents for emergency management in adults with asthma. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2017;11;1:CD001284 11. Vézina K, Chauhan BF, Ducharme FM. Inhaled anticholinergics and short-acting beta(2)-agonists versus short-acting beta2-agonists alone for children with acute asthma in hospital. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2014 ;31;(7):CD010283. 12. Perrin K, Wijesinghe M, Healy B, Wadsworth K, Bowditch R,Bibby S et al. Randomised controlled trial of high concentration versus titrated oxygen therapy in severe exacerbations of asthma. Thorax 2011;66(11):937-41. 13. Rowe BH, Spooner C, Ducharme FM, Bretzlaff JA, Bota GW. Early emergency department treatment of acute asthma with systemic corticosteroids. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2001;(1):CD002178. 14. Brunette MG, Lands L, Thibodeau LP. Childhood asthma: prevention of attacks with short-term corticosteroid treatment of upper respiratory tract infection. Pediatrics1988;81(5):624-9. 15. Panickar J, Lakhanpaul M, Lambert PC, Kenia P, Stephenson T, Smyth A, Grigg J.Oral prednisolone for preschool children with acute virus-induced wheezing. N Engl J Med 2009;22;360(4):329-38 16. Grant CC, Duggan AK, DeAngelis C.Independent parental administration of prednison in acute asthma: a double blind, plasebo-controlled, crossover study. Pediatrics 1995; 96(2 Pt 1):224-9. 17. Castro-Rodriguez JA, Beckhaus AA, Forno E. Efficacy of oral corticosteroids in the treatment of acute wheezing episodes in asthmatic preschoolers: Systematic review with meta-analysis. Pediatr Pulmonol 2016;51(8):868-76 18. Keeney GE, Gray MP, Morrison AK, Levas MN, Kessler EA, Hill GD, et al. Dexamethasone for acute asthma exacerbations in children: a meta-analysis. Pediatrics 2014;133:493–9.19. Rhen T, Cidlowski JA. Antiinflammatory action of glucocorticoids-new mechanisms for old drugs. N Engl J Med 2005;353:1711–23. 20. Meyer JS, Riese J, Biondi E.Is dexamethasone an effective alternative to oral prednisone in the treatment of pediatric asthma exacerbations? Hosp Pediatr 2014;4(3):172-8021. Bravo-Soto GA, Harismendy C, Rojas P, Silva R, von Borries PI. Dexamethasone as effective as other corticosteroids for acute asthma exacerbation in children? Medwave. 2017;17:e6931 22. Chou JW, Decarie D, Dumont RJ,Ensom MH. Stability of dexamethasone in extemporaneously prepared oral suspensions. Can J Hosp Pharm 2001;54(2).23. Gibson PG, Powell H.Written action plans for asthma: an evidence-based review of the key components. Thorax 2004;59(2):94-9. 24. Ducharme FM, Lemire C, Noya FJ, Davis GM, Alos N, Leblond H, et al. Preemptive use of high-dose fluticasone for virus-induced wheezing in young children. N Engl J Med 2009;22;360(4):339-53. 25. Alangari AA, Malhis N, Mubasher M, Al-Ghamdi N, Al-Tannir M, Riaz M, et al. Asthma diagnosis and treatment - 1012. The efficacy of budesonide in the treatment of acute asthma in children: a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial. World Allergy Organ J 2013;6(Suppl 1):P12. 26. Alangari AA, Malhis N, Mubasher M, Al-Ghamdi N, Al-Tannir M, Riaz M, et al. Budesonide nebulization added to systemic prednisolone in the treatment of acute asthma in children: a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial. Chest 2014;145:772–8. 27. Upham BD, Mollen CJ, Scarfone RJ, Seiden J, Chew A, Zorc JJ. Nebulized budesonide added to standard pediatric emergency department treatment of acute asthma: a randomized, double-blind trial. Acad Emerg Med 2011;18:665–73. 28. Beckhaus AA, Riutort MC, Castro-Rodriguez JA. Inhaled versus systemic corticosteroids for acute asthma in children. A systematic review. Pediatr Pulmonol 2014;49:326–34.29. Quon BS, Fitzgerald JM, Lemière C,Shahidi N, Ducharme FM. Increased versus stable doses of inhaled corticosteroids for exacerbations of chronic asthma in adults and children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2010;12:CD007524.30. Edmonds ML, Milan SJ, Camargo CA Jr, et al. Early use of inhaled corticosteroids in the emergency department treatment of acute asthma. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012;12:CD002308.31. Edmonds ML, Milan SJ, Brenner BE, et al. Inhaled steroids for acute asthma following emergency department discharge. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012;12:CD002316.32. Indinnimeo L, Chiappini E, Miraglia del Giudice M and The Italian Panel for the management of acute asthma attack in children. Guideline on management of the acute asthma attack in children by Italian Society of Pediatrics. Italian Journal of Pediatrics 2018; 44:46 33. Zeiger RS, Mauger D, Bacharier LB, Guilbert TW, Martinez FD, Lemanske RF Jr, et al; CARE Network of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Daily or intermittent budesonide in preschool children with recurrent wheezing. N Engl J Med 2011;365(21):1990-200134. Knorr B, Franchi LM, Bisgaard H, et al. Montelukast, a leukotriene receptor antagonist, for the treatment of persistent asthma in children aged 2 to 5 years. Pediatrics 2001;108:E48.35. Ind PW, Villasante C, Shiner RJ, Pietinalho A, Böszörményi NG, Soliman S, Selroos O. Safety of formoterol by Turbuhaler® as reliever medication compared with terbutaline in moderate asthma. European Respiratory Journal 2002;20:859-6636. Watts K, Chavasse RJ. Leukotriene receptor antagonists in addition to usual care for acute asthma in adults and children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012;5:CD006100.37. Wang X, Zhou J, Zhao X, Yi X. Montelukast treatment of acute asthma exacerbations in children aged 2 to 5 years: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Pediatr Emerg Care.2018;34(3):16-164.38. Rowe BH, Bretzlaff JA, Bourdon C, Bota GW, Camargo CA Jr. Magnesium sulfate for treating exacerbations of acute asthma in the emergency department. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2000;(2):CD001490 39. FitzGerald JM. Magnesium sulfate is effective for severe acute asthma treated in the emergency department. West J Med 2000;172(2):96. 40. Gallegos-Solorzano MC, Perez-Padilla R, Hernandez-Zenteno RJ. Usefulness of inhaled magnesium sulfate in the coadjuvant management of severe asthma crisis in an emergency department. Pulm Pharmacol Ther 2010;23(5):432-7. 41. Torres S, Sticco N, Bosch JJ, Lolster T, Siaba A, Rocca Rivarola M, et al. Effectiveness of magnesium sulphate as initial treatment of acute severe asthma in children, conducted in a tertiarylevel university hospital: a randomized, controlled trial. Arch Argent Pediatr 2012;110:291–6. 42. Egelund TA, Wassil SK, Edwards EM, et al. High-dose magnesium sulphate infusion protocol for status asthmaticus: a safety and pharmacokinetics cohort study. Intensive Care Med 2013;39:117–22. 43. Mangat HS, D’Souza GA, Jacob MS. Nebulized magnesium sulphate versus nebulized salbutamol in acute bronchial asthma: a clinical trial. Eur Respir J 1998;12:341–4.44. Mahajan P, Haritos D, Rosenberg N, et al. Comparison of nebulized magnesium plus albuterol to nebulized albuterol plus saline in children with mild to moderate asthme. J Emerg Med 2004;27:21–5. 45. Powell C, Dwan K, Milan SJ, Beasley R, Hughes R, Knopp-Sihota JA, et al. Inhaled magnesium sulfate in the treatment of acute asthma. Cochrane Databse Review 2012;12;12:CD003898. 46. Turker S, Dogru M, Yıldız F, Bozkaya Yıldız S. The effect of nebulised magnesium sulphate in the management of childhood moderate asthma exacerbations as adjuvant treatment. Allergologia et Immunopathologia 2017;45(2): 115-120. 47. Powell CV, Kolamunnage-Dona R, Lowe J, Boland A, Petrou S, Doull I, Hood K, Williamson PR; MAGNETIC study group. MAGNEsium Trial In Children (MAGNETIC): a randomised, placebo-controlled trial and economic evaluation of nebulised magnesium sulphate in acute severe asthma in children. Health Technol Assess. 2013 Oct;17(45):v-vi, 1-21648. Britisch Thorasic Society (BTS) Guideline on the management of asthma. Revised 2016. Available from British Thoracic Society, Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. “British guideline on the Management of Asthma”. Revised 2016 50. Knightly R, Milan SJ, Hughes R, Knopp-Sihota JA, Rowe BH, Normansell R, et al. Inhaled magnesium sulfate in the treatment of acute asthma. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2017 Nov 28;11:CD003898.51. Nair P, Milan SJ, Rowe BH. Addition of intravenous aminophylline to inhaled beta(2) agonists in adults with acute asthma.Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012;12;12:CD002742. 52. Mitra A, Bassler D, Goodman K, Lasserson TJ, Ducharme FM. Intravenous aminophylline for acute severe asthma in children over two years receiving inhaled bronchodilators. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2005;2:CD001276.53. Neame M, Aragon O, Fernandes RM, Sinha I. Salbutamol or aminophylline for acute severe asthma: how to choose which one, when and why? Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2015;100:215–22.54. Singhi S, Grover S, Bansal A, Chopra K. Randomised comparison of intravenous magnesium sulphate, terbutaline and aminophylline for children with acute severe asthma. Acta Paediatr 2014;103:1301–6. 55. Paediatric Formulary Comittee. BNF for children (BNFC) 2014–2015. London: Pharmaceutical Press; 2014.56. Kubo M, Odajima Y, Ishizaki T, Kanagawa S, Yamaguchi M, Nagai T. Intraindividual changes in theophylline clearance during constant aminophylline infusion in children with acute asthma. J Pediatr 1986; 108(6):1011–5. 57. Cooney L, Hawcutt D, Sinha I. The evidence for intravenous theophylline levels between 10-20mg/L in children suffering an acute exacerbation of asthma: A systematic review. PLoS One 2016,20; 11 (4):e0153877. 58. Travers AH, Milan SJ, Jones AP, Camargo CA Jr, Rowe BH. Addition of intravenous beta(2)- agonists to inhaled beta(2)- agonists for acute asthma. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012;12:CD010179. 59. National Hearth, Lung and Blood Institute. Expert Panel Report 3 (EPR-3). N Y: Guidelines for the diagnosis and Management of Asthma 2007. p. 08–4051. 60. Rodrigo GJ, Castro-Rodriguez JA. Heliox-driven β2-agonists nebulization for children and adults with acute asthma: a systematic review with metaanalysis. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2014;112:29–34. 61. Elkundi A, Bentalha A, El Koraichi A, El Kettani SE. Nebulized ketamine to avoid mechanical ventilation in a pediatric patient with severe asthmaexacerbation. Am J Emerg Med 2018;36(4):734.e3-734.e4. 62. Lim WJ, Mohammed Akram R, Carson KV, Mysore S, Labiszewski NA, Wedzicha JA et al. Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation for treatment of respiratory failure due to severe acute exacerbations of asthma.Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012;12;12:CD004360.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects ​Internal Diseases
Journal Section REVIEW

Mehtap Kılıç 0000-0003-3735-7372

Mahmut Doğru 0000-0001-9728-8028

Publication Date March 18, 2020
Submission Date February 25, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 14 Issue: 2


APA Kılıç, M., & Doğru, M. (2020). ASTIM ALEVLENMESİNDE KULLANILAN İLAÇLAR. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, 14(2), 191-197.
AMA Kılıç M, Doğru M. ASTIM ALEVLENMESİNDE KULLANILAN İLAÇLAR. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. March 2020;14(2):191-197. doi:10.12956/tchd.532015
Chicago Kılıç, Mehtap, and Mahmut Doğru. “ASTIM ALEVLENMESİNDE KULLANILAN İLAÇLAR”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 14, no. 2 (March 2020): 191-97.
EndNote Kılıç M, Doğru M (March 1, 2020) ASTIM ALEVLENMESİNDE KULLANILAN İLAÇLAR. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 14 2 191–197.
IEEE M. Kılıç and M. Doğru, “ASTIM ALEVLENMESİNDE KULLANILAN İLAÇLAR”, Turkish J Pediatr Dis, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 191–197, 2020, doi: 10.12956/tchd.532015.
ISNAD Kılıç, Mehtap - Doğru, Mahmut. “ASTIM ALEVLENMESİNDE KULLANILAN İLAÇLAR”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 14/2 (March 2020), 191-197.
JAMA Kılıç M, Doğru M. ASTIM ALEVLENMESİNDE KULLANILAN İLAÇLAR. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2020;14:191–197.
MLA Kılıç, Mehtap and Mahmut Doğru. “ASTIM ALEVLENMESİNDE KULLANILAN İLAÇLAR”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, vol. 14, no. 2, 2020, pp. 191-7, doi:10.12956/tchd.532015.
Vancouver Kılıç M, Doğru M. ASTIM ALEVLENMESİNDE KULLANILAN İLAÇLAR. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2020;14(2):191-7.

The publication language of Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease is English.

Manuscripts submitted to the Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease will go through a double-blind peer-review process. Each submission will be reviewed by at least two external, independent peer reviewers who are experts in the field, in order to ensure an unbiased evaluation process. The editorial board will invite an external and independent editor to manage the evaluation processes of manuscripts submitted by editors or by the editorial board members of the journal. The Editor in Chief is the final authority in the decision-making process for all submissions. Articles accepted for publication in the Turkish Journal of Pediatrics are put in the order of publication taking into account the acceptance dates. If the articles sent to the reviewers for evaluation are assessed as a senior for publication by the reviewers, the section editor and the editor considering all aspects (originality, high scientific quality and citation potential), it receives publication priority in addition to the articles assigned for the next issue.

The aim of the Turkish Journal of Pediatrics is to publish high-quality original research articles that will contribute to the international literature in the field of general pediatric health and diseases and its sub-branches. It also publishes editorial opinions, letters to the editor, reviews, case reports, book reviews, comments on previously published articles, meeting and conference proceedings, announcements, and biography. In addition to the field of child health and diseases, the journal also includes articles prepared in fields such as surgery, dentistry, public health, nutrition and dietetics, social services, human genetics, basic sciences, psychology, psychiatry, educational sciences, sociology and nursing, provided that they are related to this field. can be published.