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Okulların Çevresel Koşullarının Öğrenci Başarısı ve Devamsızlığı Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2022, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 18 - 24, 28.01.2022


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, elektromanyetik radyasyon, aydınlatma, gürültü, sıcaklık ve nemi ölçerek okulların kapalı fiziksel ortamlarının özellikleriyle öğrencilerin başarısı ve devamsızlığı ilişkiyi değerlendirmektir.

Gereç ve Yöntemler:
Kocaeli ili Derince bölgesindeki tüm okullar (n = 42) örneklem seçilmeden dahil edilmiş ve kesitsel araştırma tekniği uygulanmıştır. Verilerin analizi için korelasyon analizi (Spearman ve Pearson), Mann-Whitney U ve Kruskal Wallis testleri kullanılmıştır.

Okullarda elektromanyetik alan seviyesi 0.53±0.27 mG, gürültü seviyesi 57.43±7.77 dB (okul bahçesi) ve aydınlatma seviyesi 370.11±95.15 lüks olarak ölçülmüştür. Sınıf gürültü düzeyi standartlarına uyan okulların altıncı sınıflarının not ortalamaları ile uymayanlar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık tespit edilmiştir (p = 0.039). Sınıf aydınlatma düzeyi ile not ortalamaları arasında negatif yönde anlamlı bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir (sırasıyla; r -0.498 p 0,011; r -0.548 p 0.021; r -0.563 p 0.004). Okulların bina standartları puanları ile öğrencilerin devamsızlık oranları arasında negatif yönde anlamlı bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir (r -0.371 p 0.011).

Sonuç: Okullardaki kapalı mekan fiziksel çevre özellikleri ile okul başarısı arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmuştur.


  • Güler Ç. Environmental Health (with connections to Environment and Ecology). 1st Edition, Anka-ra, Yazıt Publishing, 2012.
  • Gündüz S, Albayrak HM. Where Are We in School Health? (Okul Sağlığında Neredeyiz ?) Ankara Medical Journal .2014; 14 (1): 29-33.
  • WHO (2004). Physical School Enviroment An Essential Component of Health Promoting School,The World Health Organization’s İnformantion Series on School Health Document Series 2. [Online] Website: [accessed 18 September 2020]
  • American Academy of Pediatrics. Committee on School Health, School Health Policy and Practice, Fifth Edition, 1993.
  • Earthman GI, Lemasters L. The Impact of School Buildings on Student Achievement and Behavior. PEB Exch. 2012;(30):11–15.
  • Turunen M, Toyinbo O, Putus T, Nevalainen A, Shaughnessy R, Haverinen-Shaughnessy U. Indoor environmental quality in school buildings, and the health and wellbeing of students. Int. J. Hyg. Envi-ron. Health 2014;217(7):733–739.
  • Gilavand A, Hosseinpour M. Investigating the Impact of Lighting Educational Spaces Painted on Learning and Educational Achievement of Elementary Students in Ahvaz, Southwest of Iran. Int. J. Pediatr. 2016;4(2):1387–1396.
  • Clark C, Paunovic K. WHO environmental noise guidelines for the european region: A systematic review on environmental noise and cognition. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018;15(2). doi:10.3390/ijerph15020285.
  • Hansen EK, Nielsen SML, Georgieva D, Schledermann KM. The Impact of Dynamic Lighting in Classrooms. A Review on Methods. In: Brooks A,Brooks E, Vidakis N. (eds) Springer,2018.
  • Porras-Salazar JA, Wyon DP, Piderit-Moreno B, Contreras-Espinoza S, Wargocki P. Reducing classroom temperature in a tropical climate improved the thermal comfort and the performance of elementary school pupils. Indoor Air 2018;28(6):892–904.
  • Kokate P, Mishra A, Lokhande S, Bodhe G. Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field (ELF-EMF) and childhood leukemia near transmission lines: a review. Advanced Electromagnetics. 2016;5(1):30-40.
  • Tuncer M, Bal S, Özsüt A, Köse N. Evaluation of The Learning Environments of Secondary Edu-cation Institutions In Terms Of Various Variables. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences. Ortaöğretim Kurumları Öğrenme Ortamlarının Çeşitli Değişkenler Açısından Değerlendirilmesi. Ga-ziantep Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi.2012;11(1): 85-101.
  • Bakır B, Babayiğit MA, Tekbaş ÖF, Oğur R, Kılıç A, Ulus S. Evaluation of some physical ha-zards which may affect health in primary schools.Turkish archives of pediatrics. 2014; 49: 217-23.
  • Şahin K, Şahin A, Bağcı HR. Noise pollution at some schools Sinop city and its surroundings .Studies of the Ottoman Domain.2014; 4:20-31.
  • Kılıçarslan DD. Optimizing the fenestration of typical Turkİsh school building with respect to daylight and thermal performance. Mıddle East Technıcal Unıversıty, Buıldıng science in architectu-re, The Degree Of Master Of Science In,2013.
  • Turkish Standard 9518. Primary Schools-Physical Settlement-General Rules, Ankara 2000. Türk Standartı.9518.İlköğretim Okulları-Fizik Yerleşim-Genel Kurallar, Ankara 2000.
  • Turkish Standard 12014. Environmental Health Schools, Ankara,1996. Türk Standardı 12014.Çevre Sağlığı Okullar, Ankara 1996.
  • Microwave News (July/August 1995).A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation. [Online] Website: [accessed 20 September 2020]
  • Regulation amending some articles of the regulation on the assessment and management of envi-ronmental noise (Official Gazette 27.04.2011 / 27917). Çevresel Gürültünün Değerlendirilmesi ve Yönetimi Yönetmeliğinin Bazı Maddelerinde Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Yönetmelik (RG 27.04.2011/27917)
  • World Health Organization (1999). Guidelines for community noise. [Online] Website: [accessed 20 September 2020]
  • Licht. Wissen (02/2014). Good Lighting for a Better Learning Environment. [Online] Website: .[accessed 20 September 2020]
  • Pulay AS. Awareness Of Daylighting On Student Learning In An Educational Facility, Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska. For the Degree of Master of Science,2010.
  • ASHRAE-52, STANDART 52- Enviromental conditions for human occupancy The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers Inc.;1999.
  • Baker L, Bernstein H. The Impact of School Buildings on Student Health and Performance. The center for Green School (2012). [Online] Website: [accessed 25 September 2020]
  • Toksoy M. Indoor air quality and management in schools: today's practice, 12. National Plant engineering Congress 8-11 April, 2015. Toksoy M. Okullarda iç hava kalitesi ve yönetimi: günümüz pratiği, 12. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi 8-11 Nisan, 2015.
  • UNICEF (2009). The Child-Friendly Schools Manual. [Online] Website: [acces-sed 25 September 2020]
  • Heath GA, Mendell MJ. Do Indoor Environments In Schools Influence Student Performance? A Review Of The Literature. Orlando, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Berkeley, CA, USA. January 2002. [Online] Website: [acces-sed 25 September 2020]
  • Bakó-Biró ZS, Kochhar N, Clements-Croome DJ, Awbi HB, Williams M.Ventilation Rates in Schools and Learning Performance. Proceedings of Clima 2007 WellBeing Indoors. [Online] Website: [accessed 7 October 2020]
  • Shaughnessy RJ. A Preliminary Study on the Association Between Ventilation Rates in Classro-oms and Student Performance. Indoor Air.2006; 16:465-468.
  • Pujol S, Levain JP, Houot H, Petit R, Berthillier M, Defrance J et al. Association between ambi-ent noise exposure and school performance of children living in an urban area: A cross-sectional po-pulation-based study. J. Urban Heal. 2014;91(2):256–271.
  • Papanikolaou M, Skenteris N PS. Effect of external classroom noise on schoolchildren’s reading and mathematics performance: correlation of noise levels and gender. Int J Adolesc Med Heal. 2015;27(1):25-9.
  • Kazansamaz ZT. Lighting as Component of Indoor Environment Comfort in Schools, 12. National Plant Engineering Congress 8-11 April 2015 / İzmir. Kazanasmaz ZT. Okullarda İç Çevre Konfor Bileşeni Olarak Aydınlatma,12. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği kongresi 8-11 Nisan 2015/İzmir.
  • Heschong Mahone Group (2002).Windows and Classrooms: A Study of Student Performance and the Indoor Environment. [Online] Website: [accessed 7 October 2020]
  • Samani SA. The Impact of Indoor Lighting on Students Learning Performance in Learning Envi-ronments : A knowledge internalization perspective. Int. J. Bus. Soc. Sci. 2012;3(24):127–136.
  • Teli D, Jentsch MF, James PAB, AbuBakr SB. Field study on thermal comfort in a UK primary school. Proceedings of 7th Windsor Conference: The changing context of comfort in an unpredictable world Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, UK, 12-15 April 2012.
  • Haverinen-Shaughnessy, U, Turunen, M, Metsämuuronen, J, et al. Health and Academic Perfor-mance of Sixth Grade Students and Indoor Environmental Quality in Finnish Elementary Schools. British Journal of Educational Research.2012; 2:42–58.

The Effect of Environmental Conditions of Schools on Student Success and Absenteeism

Year 2022, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 18 - 24, 28.01.2022


Objective: The purpose of this study is to reveal the characteristics of indoor physical environments of schools by means of measuring electromagnetic radiation, lighting, noise, temperature, and humidity and to evaluate the relationship between the physical characteristics with the success of students and absence.

Material and Methods:
All schools in the Derince region of the city of Kocaeli (n=42) have been included in the survey without selection of a sample and the cross-sectional type of research technique has been employed. For the analysis of the data, correlation analysis (Spearman and Pearson), Mann-Whitney U, and Kruskal Wallis tests have been used.

In schools, the electromagnetic field level was measured as 0.53±0.27 mG, the noise level was 57.43±7.77 dB (schoolyard), and the lighting level was 370.11±95.15 luxury. There has been a statistically significant difference detected between the grade point averages of the sixth grades of the schools that comply with the standards of classroom noise level and those that do not (p=0.039). A negatively significant correlation between the classroom lighting level and grade point averages has been detected (respectively; r -0.498 p 0.011; r -0.548 p 0.021; r -0.563 p 0.004). A negatively significant correlation between the building standards points of the schools and the rate of absence of the students has been detected (r -0.371 p 0.011).

A significant relationship between the indoor physical environment characteristics in schools and the school success has been found.


  • Güler Ç. Environmental Health (with connections to Environment and Ecology). 1st Edition, Anka-ra, Yazıt Publishing, 2012.
  • Gündüz S, Albayrak HM. Where Are We in School Health? (Okul Sağlığında Neredeyiz ?) Ankara Medical Journal .2014; 14 (1): 29-33.
  • WHO (2004). Physical School Enviroment An Essential Component of Health Promoting School,The World Health Organization’s İnformantion Series on School Health Document Series 2. [Online] Website: [accessed 18 September 2020]
  • American Academy of Pediatrics. Committee on School Health, School Health Policy and Practice, Fifth Edition, 1993.
  • Earthman GI, Lemasters L. The Impact of School Buildings on Student Achievement and Behavior. PEB Exch. 2012;(30):11–15.
  • Turunen M, Toyinbo O, Putus T, Nevalainen A, Shaughnessy R, Haverinen-Shaughnessy U. Indoor environmental quality in school buildings, and the health and wellbeing of students. Int. J. Hyg. Envi-ron. Health 2014;217(7):733–739.
  • Gilavand A, Hosseinpour M. Investigating the Impact of Lighting Educational Spaces Painted on Learning and Educational Achievement of Elementary Students in Ahvaz, Southwest of Iran. Int. J. Pediatr. 2016;4(2):1387–1396.
  • Clark C, Paunovic K. WHO environmental noise guidelines for the european region: A systematic review on environmental noise and cognition. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018;15(2). doi:10.3390/ijerph15020285.
  • Hansen EK, Nielsen SML, Georgieva D, Schledermann KM. The Impact of Dynamic Lighting in Classrooms. A Review on Methods. In: Brooks A,Brooks E, Vidakis N. (eds) Springer,2018.
  • Porras-Salazar JA, Wyon DP, Piderit-Moreno B, Contreras-Espinoza S, Wargocki P. Reducing classroom temperature in a tropical climate improved the thermal comfort and the performance of elementary school pupils. Indoor Air 2018;28(6):892–904.
  • Kokate P, Mishra A, Lokhande S, Bodhe G. Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field (ELF-EMF) and childhood leukemia near transmission lines: a review. Advanced Electromagnetics. 2016;5(1):30-40.
  • Tuncer M, Bal S, Özsüt A, Köse N. Evaluation of The Learning Environments of Secondary Edu-cation Institutions In Terms Of Various Variables. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences. Ortaöğretim Kurumları Öğrenme Ortamlarının Çeşitli Değişkenler Açısından Değerlendirilmesi. Ga-ziantep Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi.2012;11(1): 85-101.
  • Bakır B, Babayiğit MA, Tekbaş ÖF, Oğur R, Kılıç A, Ulus S. Evaluation of some physical ha-zards which may affect health in primary schools.Turkish archives of pediatrics. 2014; 49: 217-23.
  • Şahin K, Şahin A, Bağcı HR. Noise pollution at some schools Sinop city and its surroundings .Studies of the Ottoman Domain.2014; 4:20-31.
  • Kılıçarslan DD. Optimizing the fenestration of typical Turkİsh school building with respect to daylight and thermal performance. Mıddle East Technıcal Unıversıty, Buıldıng science in architectu-re, The Degree Of Master Of Science In,2013.
  • Turkish Standard 9518. Primary Schools-Physical Settlement-General Rules, Ankara 2000. Türk Standartı.9518.İlköğretim Okulları-Fizik Yerleşim-Genel Kurallar, Ankara 2000.
  • Turkish Standard 12014. Environmental Health Schools, Ankara,1996. Türk Standardı 12014.Çevre Sağlığı Okullar, Ankara 1996.
  • Microwave News (July/August 1995).A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation. [Online] Website: [accessed 20 September 2020]
  • Regulation amending some articles of the regulation on the assessment and management of envi-ronmental noise (Official Gazette 27.04.2011 / 27917). Çevresel Gürültünün Değerlendirilmesi ve Yönetimi Yönetmeliğinin Bazı Maddelerinde Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Yönetmelik (RG 27.04.2011/27917)
  • World Health Organization (1999). Guidelines for community noise. [Online] Website: [accessed 20 September 2020]
  • Licht. Wissen (02/2014). Good Lighting for a Better Learning Environment. [Online] Website: .[accessed 20 September 2020]
  • Pulay AS. Awareness Of Daylighting On Student Learning In An Educational Facility, Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska. For the Degree of Master of Science,2010.
  • ASHRAE-52, STANDART 52- Enviromental conditions for human occupancy The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers Inc.;1999.
  • Baker L, Bernstein H. The Impact of School Buildings on Student Health and Performance. The center for Green School (2012). [Online] Website: [accessed 25 September 2020]
  • Toksoy M. Indoor air quality and management in schools: today's practice, 12. National Plant engineering Congress 8-11 April, 2015. Toksoy M. Okullarda iç hava kalitesi ve yönetimi: günümüz pratiği, 12. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi 8-11 Nisan, 2015.
  • UNICEF (2009). The Child-Friendly Schools Manual. [Online] Website: [acces-sed 25 September 2020]
  • Heath GA, Mendell MJ. Do Indoor Environments In Schools Influence Student Performance? A Review Of The Literature. Orlando, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Berkeley, CA, USA. January 2002. [Online] Website: [acces-sed 25 September 2020]
  • Bakó-Biró ZS, Kochhar N, Clements-Croome DJ, Awbi HB, Williams M.Ventilation Rates in Schools and Learning Performance. Proceedings of Clima 2007 WellBeing Indoors. [Online] Website: [accessed 7 October 2020]
  • Shaughnessy RJ. A Preliminary Study on the Association Between Ventilation Rates in Classro-oms and Student Performance. Indoor Air.2006; 16:465-468.
  • Pujol S, Levain JP, Houot H, Petit R, Berthillier M, Defrance J et al. Association between ambi-ent noise exposure and school performance of children living in an urban area: A cross-sectional po-pulation-based study. J. Urban Heal. 2014;91(2):256–271.
  • Papanikolaou M, Skenteris N PS. Effect of external classroom noise on schoolchildren’s reading and mathematics performance: correlation of noise levels and gender. Int J Adolesc Med Heal. 2015;27(1):25-9.
  • Kazansamaz ZT. Lighting as Component of Indoor Environment Comfort in Schools, 12. National Plant Engineering Congress 8-11 April 2015 / İzmir. Kazanasmaz ZT. Okullarda İç Çevre Konfor Bileşeni Olarak Aydınlatma,12. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği kongresi 8-11 Nisan 2015/İzmir.
  • Heschong Mahone Group (2002).Windows and Classrooms: A Study of Student Performance and the Indoor Environment. [Online] Website: [accessed 7 October 2020]
  • Samani SA. The Impact of Indoor Lighting on Students Learning Performance in Learning Envi-ronments : A knowledge internalization perspective. Int. J. Bus. Soc. Sci. 2012;3(24):127–136.
  • Teli D, Jentsch MF, James PAB, AbuBakr SB. Field study on thermal comfort in a UK primary school. Proceedings of 7th Windsor Conference: The changing context of comfort in an unpredictable world Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, UK, 12-15 April 2012.
  • Haverinen-Shaughnessy, U, Turunen, M, Metsämuuronen, J, et al. Health and Academic Perfor-mance of Sixth Grade Students and Indoor Environmental Quality in Finnish Elementary Schools. British Journal of Educational Research.2012; 2:42–58.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences

Seher Palanbek Yavaş 0000-0002-8113-0477

Çiğdem Çağlayan 0000-0003-4811-7059

Publication Date January 28, 2022
Submission Date October 7, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 16 Issue: 1


APA Palanbek Yavaş, S., & Çağlayan, Ç. (2022). The Effect of Environmental Conditions of Schools on Student Success and Absenteeism. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, 16(1), 18-24.
AMA Palanbek Yavaş S, Çağlayan Ç. The Effect of Environmental Conditions of Schools on Student Success and Absenteeism. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. January 2022;16(1):18-24. doi:10.12956/tchd.807145
Chicago Palanbek Yavaş, Seher, and Çiğdem Çağlayan. “The Effect of Environmental Conditions of Schools on Student Success and Absenteeism”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 16, no. 1 (January 2022): 18-24.
EndNote Palanbek Yavaş S, Çağlayan Ç (January 1, 2022) The Effect of Environmental Conditions of Schools on Student Success and Absenteeism. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 16 1 18–24.
IEEE S. Palanbek Yavaş and Ç. Çağlayan, “The Effect of Environmental Conditions of Schools on Student Success and Absenteeism”, Turkish J Pediatr Dis, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 18–24, 2022, doi: 10.12956/tchd.807145.
ISNAD Palanbek Yavaş, Seher - Çağlayan, Çiğdem. “The Effect of Environmental Conditions of Schools on Student Success and Absenteeism”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 16/1 (January 2022), 18-24.
JAMA Palanbek Yavaş S, Çağlayan Ç. The Effect of Environmental Conditions of Schools on Student Success and Absenteeism. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2022;16:18–24.
MLA Palanbek Yavaş, Seher and Çiğdem Çağlayan. “The Effect of Environmental Conditions of Schools on Student Success and Absenteeism”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, vol. 16, no. 1, 2022, pp. 18-24, doi:10.12956/tchd.807145.
Vancouver Palanbek Yavaş S, Çağlayan Ç. The Effect of Environmental Conditions of Schools on Student Success and Absenteeism. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2022;16(1):18-24.

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