Research Article
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Evaluation of Clinical Symptoms and Clinical Course in Pediatric Patients with Tree Nut Allergy

Year 2022, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 42 - 48, 28.01.2022


Objective: Tree nut allergies (TNA) are an important health problem can cause severe reactions such as anaphylaxis and the frequency of improvement with age is low. This study aims to evaluate the clinical features and tolerance development of TNAs.

Material and Methods: In our study, the clinical characteristics, laboratory findings and tolerances of the patients who were followed with allergy to tree nuts between 2010-2017 in the Department of Pediatric Immunology and Allergy of Ankara Child Health and Diseases Hematology Oncology Training and Research Hospital were evaluated.

A hundred and twenty eight (73.4% male) patients were included in the study with a median age of 61 (min-max:4-209) months. Of the patients, 109(85.2%) were hazelnuts, 60(46.8%) were allergic to walnuts, 47(36.7%) were allergic to pistachios, 37(28.9) were allergic to almonds, 22(17.2%) were allergic to cashew nuts.Presenting reaction was anaphylaxis in 47 (36,7%) patients. The median value of the follow-up period was 56.3 (16.3-134.2) months. Of the 128 patients, 37(29%) have overgrown all TNAs, 9 (7%) have outgrown some of TNAs and TNAs of 70(54.6%) patients persisted. Twelve patients (9.4%) couldn’t evaluated. Forty-two percent of patients with single TNA, 31.5% of patients with multi-TNA has developed tolerance within follow-up period.

Conclusion: Tolerance development to TNA seems to be encouraging. Therefore, regular monitoring of these patients is important.


  • References 1.Bock SA, Munoz-Furlong A, Sampson HA. Further fatalities caused by anaphylactic reactions to food, 2001-2006. J Allergy Clin Immunol.2007;119(4):1016–1018.
  • 2 Stiefel G, Anagnostou K, Boyle RJ, Brathwaite N, Ewan P, Fox AT et al. BSACI guideline for the diagnosis and management of peanut and tree nut allergy. Clin Exp Allergy. 2017;47(6):719–739
  • 3.Sicherer SH, Muñoz-Furlong A, Godbold JH, Sampson H. US prevalence of self-reported peanut, tree nut, and sesame allergy: 11-year follow-up. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2010;25:1322-1326.
  • 4.Bollinger ME, Dahlquist LM, Mudd K, Sonntag C, Dillinger L, McKenna K. The impact of FA on the daily activities of children and their families. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2006; 96: 415-21
  • 5.Tamar Weinberger, Scott Sicherer. Current perspectives on tree nut allergy: a review. J Asthma Allergy.2018;11:41-51.
  • 6.Nowak-Wegrzyn A , Assa'ad AH, Bahna SL, Bock SA, Sicherer SH, Teuber SS; Adverse Reactions to Food Committee of American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Work Group report: oral food challenge testing. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2009(123):365-383.
  • 7.McWilliam V1, Koplin J, Lodge C, Tang M, Dharmage S, Allen K . Prevalence of Tree Nut Allergy: A Systematic Review .Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 2015 ;15(9):54.
  • 8.HD Şenol, BT Köksal. The Clinical Characteristics of Children with Food Allergy in Van Van Medical Journal. 2015;22(4): 266-272
  • 9.Barlık F, Güner, Ş , Barlık M , Söğüt A , Sancak R .Prevalence of food allergy in nursery and kindergarten children in Samsun. Turk Arch Ped 2013 (4); 288-93 .
  • 10.Couch C, Franxman T, Greenhawt M. Characteristics of tree nut challenges in tree nut allergic and tree nut sensitized individuals. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology 2017;118 (5):591-596.
  • 11.Cetinkaya PG, Buyuktiryaki B, Soyer O, Sahiner UM, Sekerel BE. Factors predicting anaphylaxis in children with tree nut allergies. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2019:1;40(3):180-186.
  • 12.Fleischer DM, Conover-Walker MK, Matsui EC, Wood RA . The natural history of tree nut allergy. J Allergy ClinImmunol. 2005;116(5):1087.

Kuruyemiş Alerjisi Olan Çocuklarda Klinik Bulgular ve Doğal Seyrin Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2022, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 42 - 48, 28.01.2022


Amaç: Kuruyemiş alerjileri (KA), anafilaksi gibi ağır reaksiyonlara neden olabilmeleri ve yaşla düzelme sıklıklarının az olması nedeni ile önemli bir sağlık sorunudur. Çalışmamızda kuruyemiş alerjilerinin klinik özellikleri ve tolerans gelişiminin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.

Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmamızda T.C. Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Ankara Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Hematoloji Onkoloji Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Çocuk Alerji Kliniği’nde 2010-2017 yıllarında kuruyemiş alerjisi nedeni ile izlenen hastaların klinik özellikleri, laboratuvar bulguları ve prognozu değerlendirildi.

Bulgular: Çalışmaya ortanca yaşı 2.5 yıl (min-maks: 1-17) olan yüz yirmi sekiz (%73.4 erkek) hasta alındı. Hastaların 109’unda (%85.2) fındık, 60’ında (%46.8) ceviz 47’sinde (%36.7) antep fıstığı, 37’sinde (28.9) badem, 22’sinde (%17.2) kaju fıstığı alerjisi vardı. Kırk yedi (%36.7) hastada başvuru reaksiyonu anafilaksiydi. Takip süresi ortanca 56.3 (min-maks:16.3-134.2) aydı. Yüz yirmi sekiz hastanın 37’sinde (%29) tüm KA’leri düzelmişken, 9’unda (%7) bazı KA’leri düzelmiş 70 (%54.6) hastada ise KA devam etmiştir. On iki hasta (%9.4) değerlendirilemedi. Tekli KA’li hastaların %42’si, çoklu KA’li hastaların %31.5’i takip süresi içinde tolerans geliştirmiştir.

Sonuç: Kuruyemiş alerjilerine tolerans gelişimi cesaret verici görünüyor. Bu nedenle bu hastaların düzenli takibi önemlidir.


  • References 1.Bock SA, Munoz-Furlong A, Sampson HA. Further fatalities caused by anaphylactic reactions to food, 2001-2006. J Allergy Clin Immunol.2007;119(4):1016–1018.
  • 2 Stiefel G, Anagnostou K, Boyle RJ, Brathwaite N, Ewan P, Fox AT et al. BSACI guideline for the diagnosis and management of peanut and tree nut allergy. Clin Exp Allergy. 2017;47(6):719–739
  • 3.Sicherer SH, Muñoz-Furlong A, Godbold JH, Sampson H. US prevalence of self-reported peanut, tree nut, and sesame allergy: 11-year follow-up. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2010;25:1322-1326.
  • 4.Bollinger ME, Dahlquist LM, Mudd K, Sonntag C, Dillinger L, McKenna K. The impact of FA on the daily activities of children and their families. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2006; 96: 415-21
  • 5.Tamar Weinberger, Scott Sicherer. Current perspectives on tree nut allergy: a review. J Asthma Allergy.2018;11:41-51.
  • 6.Nowak-Wegrzyn A , Assa'ad AH, Bahna SL, Bock SA, Sicherer SH, Teuber SS; Adverse Reactions to Food Committee of American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Work Group report: oral food challenge testing. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2009(123):365-383.
  • 7.McWilliam V1, Koplin J, Lodge C, Tang M, Dharmage S, Allen K . Prevalence of Tree Nut Allergy: A Systematic Review .Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 2015 ;15(9):54.
  • 8.HD Şenol, BT Köksal. The Clinical Characteristics of Children with Food Allergy in Van Van Medical Journal. 2015;22(4): 266-272
  • 9.Barlık F, Güner, Ş , Barlık M , Söğüt A , Sancak R .Prevalence of food allergy in nursery and kindergarten children in Samsun. Turk Arch Ped 2013 (4); 288-93 .
  • 10.Couch C, Franxman T, Greenhawt M. Characteristics of tree nut challenges in tree nut allergic and tree nut sensitized individuals. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology 2017;118 (5):591-596.
  • 11.Cetinkaya PG, Buyuktiryaki B, Soyer O, Sahiner UM, Sekerel BE. Factors predicting anaphylaxis in children with tree nut allergies. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2019:1;40(3):180-186.
  • 12.Fleischer DM, Conover-Walker MK, Matsui EC, Wood RA . The natural history of tree nut allergy. J Allergy ClinImmunol. 2005;116(5):1087.
There are 12 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects ​Internal Diseases

Ezgi Hasbek This is me 0000-0002-0113-1761

İlknur Külhaş Çelik 0000-0003-3812-9654

Emine Dibek Mısırlıoğlu 0000-0002-3241-2005

Ersoy Civelek 0000-0002-1780-4801

Tayfur Ginis This is me 0000-0003-1939-3951

Murat Capanoglu This is me 0000-0001-5864-9054

Can Naci Kocabaş 0000-0001-8859-7187

Muge Toyran 0000-0002-2490-0551

Publication Date January 28, 2022
Submission Date December 21, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 16 Issue: 1


APA Hasbek, E., Külhaş Çelik, İ., Dibek Mısırlıoğlu, E., Civelek, E., et al. (2022). Evaluation of Clinical Symptoms and Clinical Course in Pediatric Patients with Tree Nut Allergy. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, 16(1), 42-48.
AMA Hasbek E, Külhaş Çelik İ, Dibek Mısırlıoğlu E, Civelek E, Ginis T, Capanoglu M, Kocabaş CN, Toyran M. Evaluation of Clinical Symptoms and Clinical Course in Pediatric Patients with Tree Nut Allergy. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. January 2022;16(1):42-48. doi:10.12956/tchd.840929
Chicago Hasbek, Ezgi, İlknur Külhaş Çelik, Emine Dibek Mısırlıoğlu, Ersoy Civelek, Tayfur Ginis, Murat Capanoglu, Can Naci Kocabaş, and Muge Toyran. “Evaluation of Clinical Symptoms and Clinical Course in Pediatric Patients With Tree Nut Allergy”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 16, no. 1 (January 2022): 42-48.
EndNote Hasbek E, Külhaş Çelik İ, Dibek Mısırlıoğlu E, Civelek E, Ginis T, Capanoglu M, Kocabaş CN, Toyran M (January 1, 2022) Evaluation of Clinical Symptoms and Clinical Course in Pediatric Patients with Tree Nut Allergy. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 16 1 42–48.
IEEE E. Hasbek, İ. Külhaş Çelik, E. Dibek Mısırlıoğlu, E. Civelek, T. Ginis, M. Capanoglu, C. N. Kocabaş, and M. Toyran, “Evaluation of Clinical Symptoms and Clinical Course in Pediatric Patients with Tree Nut Allergy”, Turkish J Pediatr Dis, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 42–48, 2022, doi: 10.12956/tchd.840929.
ISNAD Hasbek, Ezgi et al. “Evaluation of Clinical Symptoms and Clinical Course in Pediatric Patients With Tree Nut Allergy”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 16/1 (January 2022), 42-48.
JAMA Hasbek E, Külhaş Çelik İ, Dibek Mısırlıoğlu E, Civelek E, Ginis T, Capanoglu M, Kocabaş CN, Toyran M. Evaluation of Clinical Symptoms and Clinical Course in Pediatric Patients with Tree Nut Allergy. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2022;16:42–48.
MLA Hasbek, Ezgi et al. “Evaluation of Clinical Symptoms and Clinical Course in Pediatric Patients With Tree Nut Allergy”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, vol. 16, no. 1, 2022, pp. 42-48, doi:10.12956/tchd.840929.
Vancouver Hasbek E, Külhaş Çelik İ, Dibek Mısırlıoğlu E, Civelek E, Ginis T, Capanoglu M, Kocabaş CN, Toyran M. Evaluation of Clinical Symptoms and Clinical Course in Pediatric Patients with Tree Nut Allergy. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2022;16(1):42-8.

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