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Nörojen Mesane Tanılı Çocuklarda Psikiyatrik Belirtiler

Year 2023, Volume: 17 Issue: 5, 394 - 400, 25.09.2023


Amaç: Bu çalışmada “nörojenik mesane” tanılı çocukların anksiyete ve depresyon açısından değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Yöntemler: Adana Şehir Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Çocuk Ürolojisi ve Nefroloji polikliniklerinde Mayıs 2023-Temmuz 2023 tarihleri arasında takip edilen 33 nörojen mesaneli çocuk hasta ve aynı coğrafi bölgede bulunan devlet okullarından yaş/cinsiyet olarak eşleştirilmiş 20 sağlıklı kontrol çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Tüm katılımcılardan Hastane Anksiyete ve Depresyon Ölçeği, Conners Ebeveyn Derecelendirme Ölçeği ve Turgay DSM-IV Yıkıcı Davranış Bozuklukları Derecelendirme Ölçeği'ni doldurmaları istendi.
Bulgular: Ebeveynlerin bildirdiği CPRS global skoru, hastalarda kontrollere göre daha yüksek olarak tespit edildi (p=0.012). Hastaların CPRS Hiperaktivite/Dürtüsellik ve Anksiyete alt ölçek puanları kontrollerden anlamlı olarak yüksekti. Ebeveynler tarafından bildirilen CPRS global puanı, KBH olan hastalarda olmayanlara göre daha yüksekti (p=0.033). KBH olan hastaların CPRS- Öğrenme sorunları alt ölçek puanı da olmayanlara göre daha yüksekti (p=0,023). DSM-IV Toplam puanı ve DSM-IV dikkatsizlik puanı KBH olan hastalarda olmayanlara göre daha yüksekti. Hastane Anksiyete ve Depresyon Ölçeği-çocukların bildirdiği anksiyete alt ölçeği, tekerlekli sandalye bağımlılığı olmayan hastalarda, olanlara göre daha yüksekti (p=0,002). Tekerlekli sandalye bağımlılığı olmayan hastaların CPRS-davranım bozukluğu, CPRS-Hiperaktivite/Dürtüsellik alt ölçek puanları, DSM-IV hiperaktif/dürtüsel alt ölçek puanı tekerlekli sandalye bağımlılığı olan hastalara göre daha yüksekti (p=0,016, p=0,009, p=0,043).


  • EAU Guidelines. Edn. Presented at the EAU Annual Congress Milan 2023. ISBN 978-94-92671-19-6.
  • Stein R, Bogaert G, Dogan HS, Hoen L, Kocvara R, Nijman RJM, et al. EAU/ESPU guidelines on the management of neurogenic bladder in children and adolescent part I diagnostics and conservative treatment. Neurourol Urodyn 2020;39:45-57.
  • Hopps CV, Kropp KA. Preservation of renal function in children with myelomeningocele managed with basic newborn evaluation and close followup. J Urol 2003; 169:305.
  • Elzeneini W, Waly R, Marshall D, Bailie A. Early start of clean intermittent catheterization versus expectant management in children with spina bifida. J Pediatr Surg 2019;54:322-5.
  • DiMatteo MR, Lepper HS, Croghan TW. Depression is a risk factor for noncompliance with medical treatment: meta-analysis of the effects of anxiety and depression on patient adherence. Arch Intern Med 2000;160:2101-7.
  • von Gontard A, Baeyens D, Van Hoecke E, Warzak WJ, Bachmann C. Psychological and psychiatric issues in urinary and fecal incontinence. J Urol 2011;185:1432e6.
  • DiMatteo MR, Lepper HS, Croghan TW. Depression is a risk factor for noncompliance with medical treatment: meta-analysis of the effects of anxiety and depression on patient adherence. Arch Intern Med 2000;160:2101-7.
  • Chapter 1: Definition and classification of CKD. Kidney Int Suppl 2013; 3:19–62.
  • Schwartz GJ, Haycock GB, Edelmann CM Jr, Spitzer A. A simple estimate of glomerular filtration rate in children derived from body length and plasma creatinine. Pediatrics 1976; 58:259–63.
  • Zigmond AS, Snaith RP. The hospital anxiety and depression scale. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1983;67:361-70.
  • Costa JM., Weems CF., Pina AA, Tolin DF. Differentiating anxiety and depression in children and adolescents: a test of the Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale. Journal of Anxiety Disorders 2006; 20: 875-89.
  • Aydemir Ö, Güvenir T, Küey L, Kültür S. Validity and Reliability of Turkish Version of Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Turkish journal of psychiatry 1997;8280-7.
  • Conners’ CK. A teacher rating scale for use in drug studies with children. Am J Psychiatry 1969;126: 884-8.
  • Conners CK. Conners’ Rating Scales-Revised. Instruments For Use With Children and Adolescents. MHS, Toronto,1979.
  • Dereboy C, Senol S, Sener S, Dereboy F. Validation of the Turkish versions of the short-form Conners’ teacher and parent rating scales. Turk Psikiyatri Derg 2007 ;18:48-58.
  • Turgay A. Disruptive behavior disorders child and adolescent screening and rating scales for children, adolescents, parents and teachers. West Bloomfield (Michigan): Integrative Therapy Institute Publication; 1994.
  • Ercan ES, Amado S, Somer O. Development of a test battery for the assessment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Turk J Child Adolesc Ment Health 2001;8:132–44.
  • WHO International-Improving the Mental and Brain Health of Children and Adolescents. Available online: https://www.who. int/Activities/Improving-the-Mental-and-Brain-Health-of-Children-and-Adolescents (accessed on 16 January 2022).
  • Loevaas MES, Sund AM, Patras J, Martinsen K, Hjemdal O, Neumer SP, et al. Emotion Regulation and Its Relation to Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression in Children Aged 8–12 Years: Does Parental Gender Play a Differentiating Role? BMC Psychol 2018;6:42.
  • Bhatta S, Champion JD, Young C, Loika E. Outcomes of Depression Screening Among Adolescents Accessing School-Based Pediatric Primary Care Clinic Services. J Pediatr Nurs 2018;38:8–14.
  • Dryjańska N, Kiliś-Pstrusińska K. Depression in Children and Adolescents with Chronic Kidney Disease-Review of Available Literature. J Clin Med 2023;12:3554.
  • Kabra AT, Feustel PJ, Kogan BA. Screening for depression and anxiety in childhood neurogenic bladder dysfunction. J Pediatr Urol 2015;11:75.e1-7.
  • Lopes M, Ferraro A, Dória Filho U, Kuckzinski E, Koch VH. Quality of life of pediatric patients with lower urinary tract dysfunction and their caregivers. Pediatr Nephrol 2011;26:571-7.
  • Kogon AJ, Matheson MB, Flynn JT, Gerson AC, Warady BA, Furth SL, et al. Chronic Kidney Disease in Children (CKiD) Study Group. Depressive Symptoms in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease. J Pediatr 2016;168:164-170.e1.
  • Moreira JM, Bouissou Morais Soares CM, Teixeira AL, Simões E Silva AC, Kummer AM. Anxiety, depression, resilience and quality of life in children and adolescents with pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease. Pediatr Nephrol 2015;30:2153-62.
  • Kiliś-Pstrusińska K, Medyńska A, Adamczak P, Bałasz- Chmielewska I, Grenda R, Kluska-Jóźwiak A, et al. Anxiety in children and adolescents with chronic kidney disease—multicenter national study results. Kidney Blood Press Res 2013;37:579–87.
  • Demir MHB, Taner S, Demir HB, Taşdemir AI, Keskinoğlu A, Bulut IK, Sezer TO, Kabasakal C. Quality of Life and Psychological Well-Being in Children and Adolescents After Renal Transplantation. Transplant Proc 2023;55:1160-5.
  • Chen K, Didsbury M, van Zwieten A, Howell M, Kim S, Tong A, et al. Neurocognitive and Educational Outcomes in Children and Adolescents with CKD: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2018;13:387-97.
  • Mendley SR, Matheson MB, Shinnar S, Lande MB, Gerson AC, Butler RW, et al. Duration of chronic kidney disease reduces attention and executive function in pediatric patients. Kidney Int 2015;87:800-6.
  • Gipson DS, Hooper SR, Duquette PJ, Wetherington CE, Stellwagen KK, Jenkins TL, et al. Memory and executive functions in pediatric chronic kidney disease. Child Neuropsychol 2006;12:391-405.
  • Elorza CLC, Santos Junior AD, Celeri EHRV. Quality of life, depression and anxiety in children and adolescents with CKD and their primary caregivers. J Bras Nefrol 2023: S0101-28002023005005501.
  • Molnar-Varga M, Novak M, Szabo AJ, Kelen K, Streja E, Remport A, et al. Neurocognitive functions of pediatric kidney transplant recipients. Pediatr Nephrol 2016;31:1531-8.
  • Icard P, Hooper SR, Gipson DS, Ferris ME. Cognitive improvement in children with CKD after transplant. Pediatr Transplant 2010;14:887-90.

Psychiatric Symptoms in Children with Neurogenic Bladder

Year 2023, Volume: 17 Issue: 5, 394 - 400, 25.09.2023


Background: This study aimed to evaluate children with ‘’neurogenic bladder’’ diagnosis in terms of anxiety and depression.
Methods: Thirty-three pediatric patients with NB followed in Adana City Training and Research Hospital Pediatric Urology and Nephrology outpatient clinics from May 2023 to July 2023 and 20 healthy controls who were age and sex-matched, from public schools located in the same geographic area were included in the study. All participants were requested to complete the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Conners' Parent Rating Scale and Turgay DSM-IV Disruptive Behavior Disorders Rating Scale.
Results: Global score of the CPRS reported by parents, was higher in patients than controls (p=0.012). CPRS Hyperactivity/Impulsivity and Anxiety subscale scores of the patients were significantly higher than controls. Global score of the CPRS reported by parents, was higher in patients with CKD than without (p=0.033). CPRS- Learning problems subscale of the patients with CKD was also higher than the patients without (p=0.023). DSM-IV Total score and the DSM-IV inattention score was higher in patients with CKD than without. Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale-anxiety subscale reported by children was higher in patients without wheelchair dependence than the patients with (p=0.002). CPRS-conduct disorder and CPRS-Hyperactivity/ Impulsivity subscale scores of the patients without wheelchair dependence was higher than the patient with (p=0.016, p=0.009). DSM-IV hyperactive/impulsive subscale score of the patients without wheelchair dependence was higher than the patients with (p=0.043).
Conclusion: Children with NB are at risk for physical, neurocognitive, psychosocial, and family challenges. Anxiety and depression symptoms should not be underestimated. For long-term appropriate management of such vulnerable patients psychological support is required.


  • EAU Guidelines. Edn. Presented at the EAU Annual Congress Milan 2023. ISBN 978-94-92671-19-6.
  • Stein R, Bogaert G, Dogan HS, Hoen L, Kocvara R, Nijman RJM, et al. EAU/ESPU guidelines on the management of neurogenic bladder in children and adolescent part I diagnostics and conservative treatment. Neurourol Urodyn 2020;39:45-57.
  • Hopps CV, Kropp KA. Preservation of renal function in children with myelomeningocele managed with basic newborn evaluation and close followup. J Urol 2003; 169:305.
  • Elzeneini W, Waly R, Marshall D, Bailie A. Early start of clean intermittent catheterization versus expectant management in children with spina bifida. J Pediatr Surg 2019;54:322-5.
  • DiMatteo MR, Lepper HS, Croghan TW. Depression is a risk factor for noncompliance with medical treatment: meta-analysis of the effects of anxiety and depression on patient adherence. Arch Intern Med 2000;160:2101-7.
  • von Gontard A, Baeyens D, Van Hoecke E, Warzak WJ, Bachmann C. Psychological and psychiatric issues in urinary and fecal incontinence. J Urol 2011;185:1432e6.
  • DiMatteo MR, Lepper HS, Croghan TW. Depression is a risk factor for noncompliance with medical treatment: meta-analysis of the effects of anxiety and depression on patient adherence. Arch Intern Med 2000;160:2101-7.
  • Chapter 1: Definition and classification of CKD. Kidney Int Suppl 2013; 3:19–62.
  • Schwartz GJ, Haycock GB, Edelmann CM Jr, Spitzer A. A simple estimate of glomerular filtration rate in children derived from body length and plasma creatinine. Pediatrics 1976; 58:259–63.
  • Zigmond AS, Snaith RP. The hospital anxiety and depression scale. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1983;67:361-70.
  • Costa JM., Weems CF., Pina AA, Tolin DF. Differentiating anxiety and depression in children and adolescents: a test of the Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale. Journal of Anxiety Disorders 2006; 20: 875-89.
  • Aydemir Ö, Güvenir T, Küey L, Kültür S. Validity and Reliability of Turkish Version of Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Turkish journal of psychiatry 1997;8280-7.
  • Conners’ CK. A teacher rating scale for use in drug studies with children. Am J Psychiatry 1969;126: 884-8.
  • Conners CK. Conners’ Rating Scales-Revised. Instruments For Use With Children and Adolescents. MHS, Toronto,1979.
  • Dereboy C, Senol S, Sener S, Dereboy F. Validation of the Turkish versions of the short-form Conners’ teacher and parent rating scales. Turk Psikiyatri Derg 2007 ;18:48-58.
  • Turgay A. Disruptive behavior disorders child and adolescent screening and rating scales for children, adolescents, parents and teachers. West Bloomfield (Michigan): Integrative Therapy Institute Publication; 1994.
  • Ercan ES, Amado S, Somer O. Development of a test battery for the assessment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Turk J Child Adolesc Ment Health 2001;8:132–44.
  • WHO International-Improving the Mental and Brain Health of Children and Adolescents. Available online: https://www.who. int/Activities/Improving-the-Mental-and-Brain-Health-of-Children-and-Adolescents (accessed on 16 January 2022).
  • Loevaas MES, Sund AM, Patras J, Martinsen K, Hjemdal O, Neumer SP, et al. Emotion Regulation and Its Relation to Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression in Children Aged 8–12 Years: Does Parental Gender Play a Differentiating Role? BMC Psychol 2018;6:42.
  • Bhatta S, Champion JD, Young C, Loika E. Outcomes of Depression Screening Among Adolescents Accessing School-Based Pediatric Primary Care Clinic Services. J Pediatr Nurs 2018;38:8–14.
  • Dryjańska N, Kiliś-Pstrusińska K. Depression in Children and Adolescents with Chronic Kidney Disease-Review of Available Literature. J Clin Med 2023;12:3554.
  • Kabra AT, Feustel PJ, Kogan BA. Screening for depression and anxiety in childhood neurogenic bladder dysfunction. J Pediatr Urol 2015;11:75.e1-7.
  • Lopes M, Ferraro A, Dória Filho U, Kuckzinski E, Koch VH. Quality of life of pediatric patients with lower urinary tract dysfunction and their caregivers. Pediatr Nephrol 2011;26:571-7.
  • Kogon AJ, Matheson MB, Flynn JT, Gerson AC, Warady BA, Furth SL, et al. Chronic Kidney Disease in Children (CKiD) Study Group. Depressive Symptoms in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease. J Pediatr 2016;168:164-170.e1.
  • Moreira JM, Bouissou Morais Soares CM, Teixeira AL, Simões E Silva AC, Kummer AM. Anxiety, depression, resilience and quality of life in children and adolescents with pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease. Pediatr Nephrol 2015;30:2153-62.
  • Kiliś-Pstrusińska K, Medyńska A, Adamczak P, Bałasz- Chmielewska I, Grenda R, Kluska-Jóźwiak A, et al. Anxiety in children and adolescents with chronic kidney disease—multicenter national study results. Kidney Blood Press Res 2013;37:579–87.
  • Demir MHB, Taner S, Demir HB, Taşdemir AI, Keskinoğlu A, Bulut IK, Sezer TO, Kabasakal C. Quality of Life and Psychological Well-Being in Children and Adolescents After Renal Transplantation. Transplant Proc 2023;55:1160-5.
  • Chen K, Didsbury M, van Zwieten A, Howell M, Kim S, Tong A, et al. Neurocognitive and Educational Outcomes in Children and Adolescents with CKD: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2018;13:387-97.
  • Mendley SR, Matheson MB, Shinnar S, Lande MB, Gerson AC, Butler RW, et al. Duration of chronic kidney disease reduces attention and executive function in pediatric patients. Kidney Int 2015;87:800-6.
  • Gipson DS, Hooper SR, Duquette PJ, Wetherington CE, Stellwagen KK, Jenkins TL, et al. Memory and executive functions in pediatric chronic kidney disease. Child Neuropsychol 2006;12:391-405.
  • Elorza CLC, Santos Junior AD, Celeri EHRV. Quality of life, depression and anxiety in children and adolescents with CKD and their primary caregivers. J Bras Nefrol 2023: S0101-28002023005005501.
  • Molnar-Varga M, Novak M, Szabo AJ, Kelen K, Streja E, Remport A, et al. Neurocognitive functions of pediatric kidney transplant recipients. Pediatr Nephrol 2016;31:1531-8.
  • Icard P, Hooper SR, Gipson DS, Ferris ME. Cognitive improvement in children with CKD after transplant. Pediatr Transplant 2010;14:887-90.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences (Other)

Gunay Ekberli 0000-0002-0021-5998

Sevgin Taner 0000-0003-1578-789X

Serkan Gunes 0000-0002-8247-2145

Early Pub Date September 18, 2023
Publication Date September 25, 2023
Submission Date August 12, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 17 Issue: 5


APA Ekberli, G., Taner, S., & Gunes, S. (2023). Psychiatric Symptoms in Children with Neurogenic Bladder. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, 17(5), 394-400.
AMA Ekberli G, Taner S, Gunes S. Psychiatric Symptoms in Children with Neurogenic Bladder. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. September 2023;17(5):394-400. doi:10.12956/tchd.1341856
Chicago Ekberli, Gunay, Sevgin Taner, and Serkan Gunes. “Psychiatric Symptoms in Children With Neurogenic Bladder”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 17, no. 5 (September 2023): 394-400.
EndNote Ekberli G, Taner S, Gunes S (September 1, 2023) Psychiatric Symptoms in Children with Neurogenic Bladder. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 17 5 394–400.
IEEE G. Ekberli, S. Taner, and S. Gunes, “Psychiatric Symptoms in Children with Neurogenic Bladder”, Turkish J Pediatr Dis, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 394–400, 2023, doi: 10.12956/tchd.1341856.
ISNAD Ekberli, Gunay et al. “Psychiatric Symptoms in Children With Neurogenic Bladder”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 17/5 (September 2023), 394-400.
JAMA Ekberli G, Taner S, Gunes S. Psychiatric Symptoms in Children with Neurogenic Bladder. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2023;17:394–400.
MLA Ekberli, Gunay et al. “Psychiatric Symptoms in Children With Neurogenic Bladder”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, vol. 17, no. 5, 2023, pp. 394-00, doi:10.12956/tchd.1341856.
Vancouver Ekberli G, Taner S, Gunes S. Psychiatric Symptoms in Children with Neurogenic Bladder. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2023;17(5):394-400.

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